Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 289: Disappearing

Ye Qingxuan has heard people say that some people are unlucky in their lives. They were born with a life of death. When they bought stocks, they peaked, they fell after they bought them.

Ye Qingxuan didn't believe this bad luck, but today he has to believe it.

He thought of himself, and ran all night in the dense forest, and finally found out that--

he's lost……

There is no moon at night.

Ye Qingxuan stood on the top of the tree and looked around blankly, the dark night, and the endless jungle surrounding the Buddha, which made him lose his sense of direction. In the end, he couldn't find where he came from. .

Just in the depths of a dense forest dozens of miles away, there seems to be a faint bonfire light shining out, and the other party seems to intentionally hide it, but in the dark night, coupled with Ye Qingxuan's supernatural being different from ordinary people, naturally he will The location was very clear.

Suddenly consulted a doctor.

Ye Qingxuan hurried on his way, regardless of whether the other party would mind being disturbed, and ran straight in that direction.

Yin Ying hid quietly in a dark corner of the roof. The place where her eyes looked was Wei Caidie's boudoir.

Not long ago, in the face of Wei Caidie's framing, he couldn't say anything, especially when a girl like a fairy immortal was struggling to self-destruct her reputation, and she also wanted to expose the crimes of others, which was especially credible.

In particular, it will stimulate men's desire for protection.

Therefore, Wei Yue became furious, Wei Zitong became furious, and even the angry eagle became furious ...

This **** even suspected her brother because of a woman.

However, this kind of thing seems to have precedent.

This somewhat annoyed Yinying, because before that, he absolutely did not believe that this crisis of trust would appear between his brothers, but now it seems that everything has changed.

Fortunately, the residual eagle and the blood eagle have not changed, and they never believe in themselves, claiming that there must be any misunderstanding in it ...

Seeing the intensification of the conflict, the residual eagle was about to burst out of the shameless behavior of Wei Caidie, but Yinying knew that at this time was not the time to turn his face with the Wei family, so he took the initiative to take the blame and moved away from the old house.

Everyone will be on their way tomorrow morning. Naturally, there must be an explanation in front of the Eagle King.

Taking Wei Yue as a bold man, the first thing I was afraid of was to marry my daughter to Yinying to eliminate the bad effects ...

However, from the occurrence to the end of this whole thing, Silver Eagle always has a kind of confusion in it.

Yes, not anger, not shame, but confusion ...

Wei family.

What role does it play?

What happened tonight, is it an accident, or is there a planned premeditation?


In addition, there were mysterious people spying on Zhan Yu's corpse before, which further disturbed Yin Ying's heart.

He had to figure it all out, so the first time he left the mansion, he went around in a circle and returned here to watch Wei Caidie's every move.

For the first time, Silver Eagle, as the smartest person under the Eagle King's account, can be called the Eagle King's first think tank. For the first time, I feel that I always seem to despise the enemy too much.

If everything is calculated based on the worst conclusions, unknowingly, that person's own power cultivated by him is probably beyond his imagination, especially the origin of that person-

Is it ...

He already knew that?

Thinking of the silver eagle from which the man was born, his body suddenly froze.

Except for a few people, such as the Eagle King, this secret should be known to only the Twelve Flying Eagles ...

Even the old man who was born under the account of the Eagle King, like Wei Yue, knew nothing about it.

But if he already knew it and told Wei Yue ...

What will they choose?

In Wei Caidie's boudoir, the crying and soothing sounds from earlier disappeared gradually, and everyone left the room, leaving Wei Caidie alone.

The room lights are off.

Everything seems to be working fine.

But just half an hour later, shouting--

A figure flew out of Wei Caidie's boudoir, crossed the roof, flew up to the other side of the roof, and fled into the darkness quickly ...


It was the mysterious man who spied on Zhan Yu's body before!

The Wei family indeed colluded with the enemy.

The silver eagle hummed, turned over and flew up to the roof, quickly chasing away towards the mysterious man.

The silver eagle glides through the air like a night owl, swinging over one roof after another.

Not far away, the mysterious man is always hidden in the night in front, and the familiar back makes him more and more shocked.

And this kind of curiosity from the bottom of his heart forced him to refuse to let go of the follow-up. He went all the way to an alley, and the dark shadow turned into a courtyard inside a dilapidated courtyard.

The silver eagle gave a slight meal, and it happened to be settled on the wall. What I saw in front of it was a large house abandoned for a long time.

The ground is covered with mixed weeds and fallen leaves. At the center of the wasteland, there is a house that has collapsed halfway. A figure stands proudly in the courtyard with his back to the silver eagle.

Yinying took a deep breath, jumped down the wall, looked at the other person's back indifferently, and said coldly, "You are no longer hiding, ready to see me? Copper Eagle!"

There was a crackling of violent bones, and the mysterious man's body facing away from the silver eagle suddenly swelled by three points, reaching almost two meters in height, becoming very strong and abnormal, and the hands and feet were extremely thick, and Shi Shi shook his thick neck With a click, the copper eagle turned slowly, and a grimace with a beard on his face revealed a smile: "Second Brother, I knew I could fool Eighth Brother and Twelve Sister, but I couldn't fool you Eyes ... "

"Why?" Yin Ying's tone was cold, but his heart was struggling.

Although he had already identified the other party's identity, when it was confirmed, he still couldn't accept it ...

The copper eagle snorted quietly and said, "You know what I do ... Don't you know his identity? It is only him who inherits the great cause of the Eagle King! No, even this country should be his!"

Silver Eagle narrowed his eyes and hesitated in his heart, finally confirming that the person already knew his identity, and for this day, prepared infinite years, and finally broke out on this day!

Yinying took a deep breath and asked, "Are you trusting in him? Does the person behind you know? Or, is he involved?"

There was a cold smile on the corner of the copper eagle's mouth.

"you guess!"

The majestic body of the copper eagle flew up, almost at the same time, there was a roar around, the dilapidated wall around the courtyard, and dozens of large holes appeared at the same time, and a large bed crossbow was exposed in each large hole. .


Countless crossbow crossfires were fired like heavy rain.

Only then did the silver eagle know that the walls around it were hollow at all. This was already a trap that had been set up, and the purpose of the copper eagle appeared was to kill itself ...

The Silver Eagle turned up, resembling a nine-day Condor, hovering in a thunderstorm.

Between the landing and the landing, he had escaped the crossbow shooting range and jumped into the air ...


With an eagle cry, the huge shape of the copper eagle was like Dapeng's wings spread, and it suddenly swept across the front of the silver eagle, a sneer sneered at the corner of the mouth. The heavy place is like a copper hammer weighing more than ten thousand pounds!


The silver eagle slammed his arms on his chest, slammed his body, and made a loud noise. The copper eagle blasted into the ground from the air and smashed a huge pit.

The bronze eagle was originally the brave general next to the golden eagle under the account of the eagle king. The silver eagle was only known for its wisdom. It really did not have an absolute advantage in the face of the copper eagle hard bridge and hard horse.

The silver eagle was smashed to the bottom of the pit, and was suddenly covered by an arrow rain, straight into the deep pit surrounded by smoke.

After firing dozens of breaths in this way, the copper eagle's sneer expression finally showed a sneer, and he waved his hand, and the sound of crossbow shooting suddenly ceased.

Striding forward, the copper eagle looked into the deep pit, and there was a trace of the silver eagle.

not good……

The copper eagle had just reminded all the good guys to take precautions. Suddenly, there were screams from the overhead walls all around, and even crossbows were thrown out of the hollows. Then, the corpses were also bombarded from the walls. Come out.

The face of the copper eagle changed dramatically.

Seeing these carefully selected masters, all of them were killed in one hit. Except for a trace of blood on the throat, there were no injuries on his body, apparently he was killed by a random attack by the Silver Eagle.

Eighty-eight crossbow shooters were ambush in the hollow wall. Now, in a blink of an eye, they flew out in fifty or sixty. The remaining twenty people did not dare to stay in the mezzanine, exclaiming and shouting. Come out of the wall.


The copper eagle roared, slammed out, his hands became claws, and kept bombarding downwards in the air. A series of heavy blows were like plows of heavy artillery shells. Not only was the courtyard wall completely damaged and collapsed, but the ground was also attacked fiercely. Huge craters.

At the end, the figure flashed, and the silver eagle was again forced out of the shape by the copper eagle ...

"Want to run !?"

The copper eagle was eating like a hungry eagle, and suddenly appeared on the side of the embarrassing silver eagle, punched it, and blasted the silver eagle out again.

The silver eagle crashed numerous houses in succession, and the last half of the big house collapsed in the sound of bombing. When he barely crawled out of the ruins and rushed out, the copper eagle appeared again and said coldly: "Two Brother, have you forgotten my eagle eye technique? Within ten miles, as long as you are locked by my airframe, you will not want to escape ... "


It was another heavy punch, and the Silver Eagle flew out like a shell again, spraying blood in a volley, and was seriously injured.

This time, the silver eagle landed on the ground and tumbling one after another, but it was extremely difficult to get up.

The copper eagle laughed slowly and came slowly. The joints of his hands were rattling in the palm, and he said with a smirk: "Do you know? I have always hated you the most, and I was born with a low profile, and then went to the King of Eagles. The trust in me pointed at me, and I said bad things to the King of Eagles behind me, so that I lost my trust and ranked below you. It was you, a hypocrite, who looked after me before and after me. It was really disgusting. ... Today and today, I want you all who despise me to confess their sins in front of me! "

The copper eagle fell in a volley and fell suddenly on him, with one foot stepping on his chest and the other stepping on his stomach, like a hunter stepping on a goat with an arrow in his dark face. Gleaming with light, the corner of his mouth smiled with the conqueror.

The silver eagle spit out a blood spit, and the whole body was trampled to sink into the ground more than half a foot.

With a cruel sneer that never appeared on Copper Eagle's face, he asked with great joy: "Second Brother, everyone says you are resourceful, but at this moment, you can't even dream of it?"

Silver Eagle's face almost turned into a purple sauce, but his eyes still looked at him coldly, and said coldly: "I really did not expect that you, who have always shown loyalty, are also a villain who bears the Lord ... but I have something I never understood ... "

The copper eagle froze and asked with a smile: "I meet your last request, let's say, what's the matter?"

Silver Eagle smiled coldly and slowly said, "Let's have 12 flying eagle castles. There are so many great characters. I don't understand. Golden Eagle has a life-threatening life. Afraid of a brutal boar? "

The copper eagle stepped down on him, annoyed in his eyes, suddenly lifted his feet, and suddenly swooped down to Dan Tian.


The silver eagle's body sank to the ground again for three minutes. The silver eagle's body was shaking for a while, the muscles on his face were twisted one by one, but he gritted his teeth and never moaned.

Tongying sternly said, "What about this one? Isn't it nice to be stepped on by my feet?"

The Silver Eagle coughed continuously, and every time he coughed, he spit out blood with visceral fragments. He looked at the irritated Copper Eagle and suddenly laughed. "Boss, I always thought you were a man, but why did you get started today, but like a girl?"

The bronze eagle's face turned red, and an instant of anger erupted. In the roaring sound, the whole man rose violently, and then suddenly slammed at the body of the silver eagle with a heavy breath.

If this is down to earth, I'm afraid that Yinying will turn into a pile of meat on the spot.

But the moment the copper eagle's feet left the silver eagle, the silver eagle's mouth suddenly showed a slight smile ...

That's right.

He did it on purpose.

He deliberately angered the irritable Copper Eagle, even the previous injuries, intentionally.

Because the moment he just fell into the trap, he suddenly wanted to understand one thing, that is, all the calculations of the enemy this time seemed to be directed at himself.

The only person who fears himself is the one behind the copper eagle, the golden eagle.

If I don't die, I'm afraid that Golden Eagle will not dare to openly betray, but it will make things more difficult to end.

In this case, it is better to let the enemy kill themselves ...

Hee hee.

Ye Qingxuan seemed to have given himself a pill that Zhan Yu swallowed before!

When the copper eagle jumped up and cast its final killing move, the silver eagle grunted, swallowed the pill at the bottom of the tongue, and then slammed his hands on the ground!


Soaring smoke soared.

The silver eagle rushed out while taking advantage of the chaos.

When it came, Yinying had already seen the terrain in mid-air. Outside the courtyard south of the house, less than ten feet away, it was a small canal leading to the tributary of the Dajiang River.


The body flew in the silver eagle in the air. The vest was hit hard without accident. The whole body flew in the direction of the canal like a rag doll. This was the angry roar of the copper eagle, and more than ten branches. The sound of a crossbow breaking through the air.

Uh, uh ...

For a moment, the silver eagle that was bombarded in the air was shot into a hedgehog, and the corpse flew forward again, making a sound and falling into the canal ten feet away from the wall of the mansion.

Blood stained red water.

The copper eagle led a group of men to the side of the canal, watching the silver eagle's body drift further and further, finally sinking into the water.

"Tongye ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Are you going to catch the corpse?" A subordinate inquired.

The copper eagle sneered, and said indifferently: "No. The silver eagle has always claimed to be a general who is wrapped in horse leather. Today he will be buried in the belly of the fish. Even if he dies, he will have a reputation for fleeing, and he will lose his face. The people in the tiger group immediately retired, and the people in the dog group were cleaned here. The pigeon group was instructed to send the message to the young master, "The silver eagle has folded its wings as planned," and we will leave immediately. "

After saying a wave, the copper eagle took the lead in the night.

A large number of good hands scattered in an orderly manner, took off the warrior's clothing, and reverted to mortals of various identities.

Then, in the dwellings around the alley, a large number of men, women, old and young, sparsely pulled out, and the division of labor began to clean up the battlefield. In the end, let alone the collapsed house, the yard walls were neatly reordered.

Even this seemingly desolate mansion was relocated to the family. The tragedy before the release of the Buddha never happened.

The trail of the Silver Eagle disappeared, and completely disappeared into the rivers and lakes.


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