Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 291: Fairy Road

? Ye Qingxuan finally could not escape from facing the leader of the most mysterious sect in Middle-earth, the nominal owner of Taiping Road, Chongsu Real Man.

Since setting foot in the rivers and lakes, the master of the peace, one of the three cults, has never really appeared in the rivers and lakes, and no one can say clearly what the Chongsu real man looks like, even for his age, height, weight and weight I don't know.

There are always only his legends on the rivers and lakes, but he has no deeds. It was not until recently when he appeared that he killed the youngest generation master "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu. Only then did he really know his true strength.

Nowadays, he is standing alive in front of Ye Qingxuan's eyes, so why not let people take a closer look.

The mysterious outsider in the legend has a grand and ambitious inside ambition. The same earth yellow robe makes him wear the supreme momentum of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

There is a crown on the top of the head, and gold and silver threads on the robe of the zodiac embroidery. There are sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons, Chinese insects, algae, fire, powder rice, tadpoles, and tadpoles. There are twelve chapters to set him off An imperial spirit.

The Jade Emperor tied her waist, and the ornaments were gorgeous.

Especially the sword hanging on the waist side, the scabbard and hilt are made of gold, and the two sides of the scabbard are inlaid with a row of twelve superb gems, each of which is the size of a pearl, with different colors and different colors. The luster is bright and radiant.

This one will be sold for a long time, which will be enough for a large tens of thousands of people to eat and wear for several years.

Looking at the appearance of Chongsu's real person, it is not necessary to be innocent in his 30s. As a leader of his religion, he is really young and unbelievable.

In terms of his features, he should have been very handsome, but his unusually prominent forehead, but made his face extremely strange, like the myth and legend of Hell Yan Luo, impermanent evil spirit, and crystal white. The faint blue skin, the desire to look into the secrets of others all the time. The long and narrow sharp eyes made him have a wicked meaning that penetrated the bones, but also had a weird charm that could not be said to be attractive.

He forced Ye Qingxuan from the other end of the dense forest towards him slowly and steadily. There was a small stream in the middle, but he did not see his momentum. A driest breath had already poured over, not only did Ye Qingxuan Er People are completely shrouded, and even the stream between the two sides has dried up suddenly, as if all the water in the world was sucked up by the floating dust.

Tu Lei coughed twice and quickly said: "Be careful, it's Chongsu's real [Huang Tian Wu Da Fa]!"

"Thank you very much!" Ye Qingxuan replied, while resisting the movements, while pulling the resistance-resistant Toure, he penetrated into his body, and then threw it behind him.

For a moment, Ye Qingxuan was fully committed to the deepest realm of consciousness and tranquility, breathing lightly and vomiting, firmly locking the Qiji real person.

Under the traction of the air machine, even if Chong Su's real man had any wonderful tricks, he could not distract himself from Toure before defeating Ye Qingxuan.

A battle between peerless masters, every time a tiny detail, a little carelessness is enough to be fatal.

Chongsu's real person certainly knows this, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which made his whole cold face even a bit weird. The extremely soft voice sounded: "Ye Daoyou, today ’s poor people use this. ] Send you down to reunite with your brother! "

His voice is charming and charming, and it seems to imply a strong temptation magnetism.

However, Ye Qingxuan heard the skin goosebumps, staring at the other side without blinking, only to feel that the other person ’s breath was abnormal, this feeling was extremely uncomfortable, and the foe ’s opponent had powerful mental powers. Can affect his general sense.

Hum hum……

In a burst of cold laughter, Chongsu's real man ’s wide sleeves were windless and automatic, and two identical arms appeared on the back. They were constantly drawing funerals in the void. At the end, they sang loudly and yelled, "Zhonghuang Taiyi Anxious as the law! "


The space suddenly condensed, the wet sand at his feet suddenly turned into flying dust, floating in the mid-air, spinning continuously, and eventually formed countless dense flywheels. The hands behind Chongsu's real person formed swordsmanship. With a sound, the countless rotating flywheels flew towards Ye Qingxuan at once, better than Tangmen's most fierce hidden weapon.

what! ?

Ye Qingxuan was suddenly surprised. Although his eyes were densely covered with flywheel concealers, when he locked the flywheel with his consciousness, it was empty and he couldn't lock the flywheel at all. It was like they were no longer pure.

Seeing that many flywheels were in front of him, Ye Qingxuan stood still. Toure who was watching the battle finally couldn't help but said loudly: "What do you want? Let's not let go!"

The words did not fall, and there were hundreds or thousands of flywheels. Ye Qingxuan's body was inserted between the whistles. When Toure thought that he would see the miserable scene of flesh and blood flying, those flywheels were rattling. It turned into a dust directly in front of Ye Qingxuan's body, without any lethality.

Although Tu Lei was stunned, Ye Qingxuan also twitched his lips, and said lightly: "Chongsu is a real person, your Dafa doesn't seem to be very effective, and you have done some illusion of virtual heads and brains, can you deceive the people in the world?"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan's eyes swelled sharply, and the pale yellow crystal-like Vajra bodyguard in front of him held up his breath, and Ding Ding Ding ...

The fine impact sounds endless, and countless flywheel entities smashed on the radon hood, sparking a spark.

Chongsu real man laughed and laughed at this time. "Ye Qingxuan, do you think that the power of the poor road only stops there?"

Ye Qingxuan was a little stunned in her heart, but she still didn't worry about it, and laughed softly: "The real person really gave the next surprise, but it is limited to this little trick. [Huang Tian has no great method]? In my opinion, but It's a street trick! "

Chongsu's real people congealed, but few did not continue to attack, but hehe sneered: "Ye Qingxuan, today you and I had a chance encounter, you don't have to see a life and death, as long as you give the tore to the real person, the Real people can also read that everyone is a fellow ancestor, and let you go. "

Obviously, Toure is really important to him, and Chong Su's real heart is not sure about the victory evaluation of Ye Qingxuan, so he settles for the second best, and first grasps Toure.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but look back in surprise, glanced at Toure, and smiled: "I can't think he is so important that even a real person can give up the opportunity to deal with me ... But unfortunately, even if the real person does not want to fight with me, I have The bus has reason to ask a real person for justice. "

Chongsu real man sneered slightly, turned his negative hand, and looked up at the rising direction of the Oriental Sun. He said arrogantly: "Is it faithful? Whether you are to show the feathers or toure, you must know that" human nature is evil ", faithfulness can only be used as a kind of Means, but there are always a lot of foolish people in the world who are deeply indulged in this without realizing it, resulting in lifelong damage. Looking at the past who can become a great cause, who is not a ruthless, unscrupulous and cruel man? With the intelligence and ingenuity of Ye Daoyou, he ca n’t see it Isn't this very ridiculous? Ye Daoyou is so stubborn and indestructible that he is doomed to escape today, and it is precisely the victimization of faith that is proof. "

Ye Qingxuan sneered, and said lightly: "People are unbelievable, meaningless and insignificant. Ye has a face and skin, and cannot be as thick and shameless as a real person. You demon Tao is also worthy of being called the same ancestor with me It ’s really funny. "

"Well said." The real Chong Su finally killed himself. When it comes to this, there is no need to talk nonsense anymore.

Suddenly striding a step, Chongsu real person has been pressing Ye Qingxuan's dry breath from the front and disappeared without a trace. Instead, it is a cold and bone-like air field, wrapping him tightly, and eroding and eroding his true energy. Will, like the arid desert exposed to the scorching sun, is suddenly transferred to the icy and snowy environment. Between the cold and hot changes, there is an instant void, which makes people feel terribly uncomfortable.

[Qingping Yin Qi]! ?

Unexpectedly, the opponent is also carrying more than one kind of mischief.

This made Ye Qingxuan difficult to adapt for a while. This real person has been in charge of the Taiping cult for many years, and she has really glimpsed some sort of evil meditation, and her skill attainment has reached an astonishing realm that can turn things around.

Just this point makes Ye Qingxuan quite troublesome.

At this time, Chongsu's real person relied on Ye Qingxuan's discomfort on the momentum and snorted loudly. The gorgeous and unusual sword at the waist had been sheathed and turned into a dangling point, and he poured into Ye Qingxuan like a storm. Point, terrible.

This opportunity was undoubtedly taken up by Chongsu's real person. Originally, Ye Qingxuan could retreat backwards, let the opponent fight against the sharp sword, and then counterattack. In order to protect Toure before, he should not let him be suffocated by his opponent. Injured, Ye Qingxuan placed him outside three feet behind him. If Ye Qingxuan really retreats at this time, he will ensure that the torture that has no resistance will fall into the hands of the other party again.

This is exactly the purpose of the other sword.

Ye Qingxuan knew instantly that he had no choice but to face it all the way.

Seeing that the sword tip of the other party reached three feet in front of him, a glaring violent shot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sword tip spit out a cyan sword cricket that was more than two feet long. The world-famous [Taiyin Qingping sword cricket] went directly to Ye Qingxuan In front of me.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan Qi Shen Dantian suddenly made a lion roar, 咄 ——

The huge sound waves burst out, and they were in shock with the real sword sword of Chongsu!

The figures of the two sides are condensed in mid-air. The gorgeous swords of Chongsu real people are constantly buzzing, but it is also difficult to keep abreast of them. When the Chongsu real people raise their breath again and want to break in, they are wrapped around the sword edge. The [Tain Yin Qingping Jian 罡] on the top couldn't resist first, and burst into a cyan rain.

The real Chongsu gave a cold sigh, his attack was weak, and he had to roll over and back.

The real Chong Su thought he was coming and going calmly, but he didn't expect that, just as he turned around and backed off, the huge gas field facing Ye Qingxuan suddenly turned from weak to strong, a huge vortex from the bottom of the sea, a majestic suction Infinitely growing in front of him, immediately sucking his posture, like a large net covering his whole body, and pulling him constantly towards Ye Qingxuan.

Looking at the slight sneer that overflowed from the corner of Ye Qingxuan's mouth, Chongsu real man finally burst into a cold sweat.

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