Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 302: Assassinate

The young man pulled out his sword and slowly pulled it out of Du's throat, very slowly.

The angle he pierced with his sword was extremely precise. Rushing blood was not sprayed out, but was poured back into the chest and lungs ...

Du killed with difficulty trying to cough up the blood, but in the throat position, the opponent's sharp sword blocked the valve.

So blood didn't spill on him, not even on the table.

It can be seen that he is very experienced in such things. If the clothes are stained with blood, it is not easy to wash them, and the blood on the table will affect eating.

When Du's dead body fell to the ground, Situ Mingqing's large bowl of miscellaneous noodles also came out of the pot. With the sound of the body falling to the ground, the miscellaneous noodles were also thrown on the table by him.

When he turned around, he knocked twice on the counter of the shop buddy, "Work!"

The young man stood up stupidly, like a child picking up a rag doll, picking up the body of Dahan Han and going to the kitchen.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly found it difficult to swallow, and stared blankly at the mutton and mutton in front of him.

Situ Mingqing clicked on his cigarette bag and laughed: "Rest assured, our house is not a black shop selling human flesh, it is a human head ..."

The old man's laughter continued, and the cotton curtains at the entrance were rolled up again.

The two figures were blown up by the wind like snow flakes.

The same bright red cape, the same broad-edged dipper, the same body, the same height, and even the same weapons ...

Although everyone couldn't see their face, it was just the other person's outstanding merits and dazzling dressing that made his eyes straight.

"Are the merchandisers all here?" A husky voice came from under a bucket hoe.

Ye Qingxuan and others looked together.

The killer acts, and the owner of the money rarely makes a direct appearance, otherwise what is the middleman to do?

Situ Mingqing scratched the dry tobacco bag on the soles of his feet and replied, "Those who are qualified, just three of them ..."

The other person took a step forward. The face of Douyu was still wearing a face towel. With only a line of vision, he could see the fierce light like a wolf in his eyes.

The man's nose shook in the air, and he sniffed, "Dead?" Then he turned around, looking at the young man, and said in a dark voice: "You killed?"

The young man frowned and clenched his hilt.

The other was indeed looking at Situ Mingqing.

Situ Mingqing shrugged and said, "A person who comes in to eat noodles, unfortunately, the time is wrong, he entered the wrong door, but it is not so easy to go out."

Seeing that Situ Mingqing's people did not speak for a long time, he finally snorted and said, "It's a big deal. Don't go on a business trip again!"

The other mysterious man who looked at the young man looked at the young man up and down, smiled, and turned back: "Lao Huotou, if your business is not a word of mouth on the rivers and lakes, depending on these goods, I am afraid to receive Not within this big sale ... "

Lao Huotou is the name of Situ Mingqing's disguise.

As a gangster killer, Lao Huo's reputation in the circle is extremely loud.

Since he is famous, he naturally has a temper.

Facing the doubts of people, Situ Mingqing was obviously a little bit angry, smiled lightly, refilled a pot of shredded tobacco, and said in a cold voice: "My decades old reputation is not something you two can criticize, I Old Huo said, it's okay, just the three of them, look down, get out! "

"You--" The man who questioned the old man almost came forward and was stopped by another.

"Since it is your old Huo's recommendation, naturally it is fine ..."

The other person slowly took out a stack of silver tickets from his arms and handed them to Lao Huo, saying lightly: "Here is 100,000 silver tickets. Let them kill three people ..."

After that, the man shook his hands, and three famous posts were nailed to a wooden table in front of him.

The edge of the famous post is like a knife and axe, more than an inch deep.

A lone wolf-like voice sounded again, saying: "A life is one hundred thousand and two thousand. I agree to choose a goal, and we will see you in Wulingfu one week later!"

As soon as the voice fell, the curtain rolled up suddenly, and the two disappeared as the wind came again.

"Who are they?" The young man asked softly.

Situ Mingqing sipped a cigarette and sighed: "Don't inquire more ... This business is a business that doesn't have a head in it. Whether or not to take care of it, you must think carefully ..."

As he said, Situ Mingqing stepped forward, casually took out a famous post and glanced at it.

The cold-hard guy drinking in the corner alone, slowly stepped forward, took a piece directly from the desk, and said lightly: "Anyway, this is a life that is not as good as death. What is the difference between life and death?"

After speaking, go straight.

Ye Qingxuan was a little dazed, but the young man on the side looked like a curious baby, and asked, "He's a red line?" The guy who was poisoned and died soon? "Then he turned and looked Xiang Ye Qingxuan asked with a smile: "Should you be a ghost?"

Ye Qingxuan didn't answer, just looked at each other coldly.

Situ Mingqing sighed and said, "Why can't your boy's curiosity be corrected, and the most taboo thing to do in this industry is to ask the truth ..." After throwing the famous post in his hand, he sneered and said: Famous post, get out of here! "

Opening the famous post and seeing it, the young man suddenly showed a smile, quickly put the famous post in his arms, but then looked charming, rubbing his fingers at Situ Mingqing.

Situ Mingqing smiled helplessly, took out two silver tickets from his arms, threw them to the other side, and said coldly: "Old rules, nine out of thirteen return, young age, don't die on a woman's belly."

"I still feel bad for Huo!" The young man grinned, grabbed the past, and hurled at Ye Qingxuan, saying, "Xiaotai, see you in Wulingfu in a week!"

After speaking a wind, ran out.

There was no one in the store, and even the buddies went to dispose of the corpses.

"He is very young and has a lot of desire ..." Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "But in the previous one, the human heart is dead ..."

Situ Mingqing took a deep breath and slowly said, "To do this business, you face humanity the most, but if you want to live a long time, you still have a deep human nature ... Huh, but it's all chess pieces."

Ye Qingxuan slowly picked it up and opened it to look at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is only one name on it——

"White showman" Bai Zhongyun.

Ye Qingxuan took a breath of air, because he had seen this person not long ago, but he was a master of the underworld who asked for help from Sansheng Island.

Unexpectedly it was him ...

Ye Qingxuan looked at Situ Mingqing unclearly and asked, "Do you know which three people are on this post?"

Situ Mingqing shook his head and said, "I knew only one, and that's someone you can't deal with ..."

"So you gave that young man?" Ye Qingxuanyuan said strangely: "Who is it?"

Situ Mingqing sighed and said slowly: "If you do one line, you must observe the rules of the line ... You ca n’t ask, you will stop, stop, there will be trouble, there will be flaws ... still do well Your own business. ",

Having said that, Situ Mingqing went to the back kitchen and never came out. Remember the website URL, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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