Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 315: Next move

? Only these words can be said by Zhong Li Shangxian, and only he can say them.

Zhan Xiongfei's tired face showed a touch of pain. "I have always regarded him as my own son, and I trust him even more than my own son, but now I can't help but doubt him, because there are really things that no one else can do except him."

It is indeed a very painful thing to doubt a person who is closest to him!

Zhong Li Shangxian's face was completely expressionless and said lightly: "Xiongfei, where did your courage go that year? Just a suspicion will allow you to shoot and cut the roots! If you are hindered by many years of love, I can shoot for you, Let you no longer doubt him. "His tone was categorical, and Zhan Xiongfei understood his meaning instantly.

In this world, only dead people are not suspected.

After a long time, Zhan Xiongfei slowly said, "When I adopted him, you really opposed it and let Huangfu Jingde cut off the grass ..."

"I know he will be a scourge sooner or later!" Zhong Li Shangxian said lightly.

"But then I remember, you still have the heart to let Ling Qing's girl marry him ..."

Zhong Li Shangxian sighed quietly and said, "If you don't doubt him ... I still want him to be my son-in-law. But I know that the world's greatest responsibility rests on your shoulders, and there must be no suspicious side by your side. People exist, so do Golden Eagles, so do others ... "

While talking, his eyes drifted and fell on Wei Yue who whispered to his family in the distance ...

Zhan Xiongfei froze for a moment, and said, "Why, you even suspect Old Wei?"

Zhong Li Shangxian lamented and said, "I tried many times along the way, and he bit the Yin Ying's kid's heart attack incorrectly. He misled his daughter's intentions, but also decided that the death of Yuer could not be separated from the Yin Ying ... but then You and I still remember that thing, the fledgling kid, in order to cover you and me, was scolded half by face by the scout of Beidi Jinlangwei, that's it, no one said our whereabouts, otherwise We arrived in time, I'm afraid he could not even save his life ... How could a subordinate with such loyalty and loyalty betray us for the sake of women? "

Zhan Xiongfei stood still and paced slowly.

He had troubles and pains that could not be resolved, and he would walk around constantly.

Zhong Li Shangxian and he have known him for decades. Of course, he knows his habit. He also knows that once he has such a state of thinking, he is completely unwilling to be disturbed, and will also make final decisions and judgments.

After a long time, Zhan Xiongfei stopped and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"It's very simple," Zhong Li Shangxian said lightly, "calling Golden Eagle back!"

Calling the Golden Eagle to return and seize military power, life and death will be completely in the hands of Zhong Li Shangxian, so that the harm can be minimized. At that time, it is better to hold him in confinement than to turn his face.

If he doesn't return, he will undoubtedly betray his betrayal, and then he only needs to tell the world first that the army that originally belonged to the Eagle King will inevitably be scattered. Then when he chooses a master, he can be assassinated in the camp.

Although Zhong Li Shangxian's idea is simple, it is an absolute scheme.

Night was approaching. Someone lit a torch on a ship on the river in the distance, but at this small hilltop, everyone had been melted into the dark shadows. Only the eyes of the Eagle King were still sharp.

After a moment of stagnation, he turned abruptly and issued a brief command.

"Go and find the Golden Eagle!"

With the release of this order, it seems that no matter whether the Golden Eagle comes or not, it is destined to embark on a path of no return.

Zhong Li Shangxian's heart was loose, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But in the dark night, no one noticed that the arc of the corner of the Eagle King's mouth seemed to be pulled along with it ...

Is still the old Huotou's lamb shop all over the world.

Ye Qingxuan was surrounded by the fire, with a pot of tea on his side, a knife in his hand, and a peach branch that had just been folded down with branches and leaves, and was slowly and carefully shaved.

Serious look, like a lonely old man.

Even older than Situ Mingqing ...

Li Daozong is gone.

According to Ye Qingxuan's order, he disguised himself, and would take shots near Jiangling House, seize a few tokens of the Martial Arts Convention, and pretend to be a person.

Two other killers beside him also arrived.

The young man still looked like a dumbfounded man with a toothpick in his mouth and an endless aftertaste. Anyone who saw it knew that he was not thinking about food, but some beauty.

Yixianhong suffered a little injury, a blood stain on his chest, and almost cut him in half, but it was clear that he was still alive and still had combat effectiveness. Then his enemy was naturally dead and completely dead.

Ye Qingxuan followed the rules of this line, and did not inquire who the assassination of the two was, lest there were friends whom he knew, then he could not bear it, and killed both of them.

In order to suppress his curiosity and for the next assassination, at this time he devoted himself to cutting his sword.

A four-foot-three-inch mahogany stick becomes a four-foot-three-inch long peach sword.

The old Huo will repeat the goals and plans of the next game, and all the information that can be provided.

Ye Qingxuan turned a deaf ear to Buddha and only cared about his sword.

The blade is extremely fast, and his blade is extremely stable.

No one can see that a killer will be like an old carpenter with decades of experience, with such a pair of stable hands.

The wooden stick was gradually cut into shape, and it really was the shape of a sword.

The four-foot-three-inch peach was cut into a four-foot-two-inch sword with a sword edge and a hilt, but without a sword ...

Ye Qingxuan caressed Jian Feng, the fire was flashing on his face, with a strange expression on his face.

No one can see that is excitement? Is it sad? Still feeling?

But no one can see his state at this time, that is extremely piety.

Devotion to the sword.

The young swordsman watched Ye Qingxuan cut his sword intently, and finally couldn't help laughing, and asked, "This is your weapon? Shouldn't you really use it for the next mission?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Qingxuan replied lightly.


The sound of fine and long wood-cutting sounded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Qingxuan's small knife cut a piece of wood from peach to wood from the beginning to the end, and put the firm peach wood, but it was made of grass paper The stripped wood strip has no change in thickness, as if it was cut by a machine.

The young man suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe and couldn't help but swallowed hard.

"Good swordsmanship." A line of red, which had been silent, suddenly sighed.

The young man glanced at each other's injuries, gave a cold sneer, and taunted, "It seems ... you have more skill than me ..."

If he is better than him, how can he be hurt?

A line of red complexion was indifferent, holding up the hip flask in his hand and drank it.

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