Yuelang is thin, and the night is as cold as water.

Ye Yeqingxuan looked at the straight road ahead, lonely and lonely.

Kushiro is long but he is almost there.

On this night, it seems that only Situ Mingqing's mutton bubble can warm his stomach and his people.

The land in front of is vast and even the smell of flowers can be smelled here.

It is not easy for a person to go this long alone.

Ye Qingxuan sighed slightly, although getting closer and closer to the goal, even if he was proud, but only one person was left, it was sighing, could not help but sigh ...

At this moment, a sound of horseshoe came out of the woods beside the road. Shuai Tianfan was stiff, stopped slowly in the middle of the road, glanced at the opposite Yan Shisan, spread his right hand, and stretched forward.

Ye Qingxuan looked at Shuai Tianfan quietly and looked at this hand quietly, without any expression on his face.

"Bring it."

These two words are usually not very pleasant and usually not very polite, and temperament people rarely want to hear others say these two things to themselves.

But at this moment, Ye Qingxuan Fei was not angry, but heard a plea of ​​tone from the voice of Shuai Tianfan. Obviously, the other side was already anxious and was unable to face it.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "What?"

Xi Shuai Tianfan sighed helplessly and said, "Thirteen brothers don't make trouble, you know what I want!"

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "But you shouldn't come here to ask ..."

Xi Shuai Tianfan shook his head and sighed: "It seems you know the importance of that thing ... you shouldn't have seen it."

"What about it?" Ye Qingxuan frowned, "Don't you want to die?"

Shuai Tianfan waved his hands quickly and said sadly: "I have absolute true affection for the 13 brothers. I really want to make a friend with you, but this matter is very important. If Brother Yan is willing to join my Sansheng Island, no one will dare. Come offensive ... "

"What if I disagree?"

At this moment there was a sound of laughter in the forest. Several figures stepped out proudly. The current white, wearing old man with Baoyu headband, said arrogantly: "Junior, if you don't agree, the old man will have to pay Nothing, I'll show you off! "

I glanced at the arrogant old man who appeared, and the five evil-looking assailants who followed him, wearing black, white, blue, red, and yellow five-color coats, representing the five elements of the golden wood, water, fire, and soil.

He is the famous Liyang ancestor in the underworld and his five disciples, Liyang and Wugui.

I couldn't think of encountering such a group of difficult characters here, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but curse a murmur.

当然 Of course, this is not because of how powerful the ancestors of Liyang are. It is rumored recently that the ancestors of Liyang have the power to reach the top list, but even if he really entered the top list, Ye Qingxuan did not take him seriously.

The obscure reason is because Yan Qingxuan dressed in Ye Qingxuan cannot be a peerless master who easily suppressed the ancestors of Liyang. This is inconsistent with Yan Shisan's background and it is easy to cause Zhong Li Shangxian at the end of the task. Or Golden Eagle's doubt.

He was neither killed by the other party, nor could he reveal the true martial arts. It was doubted that the grasp of this strength was indeed a headache.

I think in the end, Ye Qingxuan can only help but sigh, avoiding conflict is undoubtedly the best way.


A blood-corroded secret letter was dropped at the feet of Shuai Tianfan. Ye Qingxuan shrugged and said, "I only got this thing, and it was already blood-stained. If you want it, I will return it to you."

Xi Shuai Tianfan frowned slightly, silently.

Li Yang's ancestor gave a cane and sneered: "The young island owner must not have been deceived by such conspiracies. What can a dirty book prove? How can we know that he did not deceive us with fakes? Humph, in the old man It seems that the dead are best kept secret! "

When Ye Qingxuan heard this, her heart couldn't help getting furious, and she said coldly, "Liyang, the old ghost, Yan doesn't want to be evil with you, but you don't want to bully people too much, do you really think that Yan is a mischief?"

As soon as this remark was made, the ancestor of Liyang raised his eyebrows and became furious, even the five ghosts behind him yelled and barked.

"The little beast is looking for death!"

"Dare you dare to insult your ancestor, are you tired and crooked?"

"I've chopped your skin ..."

Uh ...

I didn't need Liyang's ancestors to command, the five figures flashed before Ye Qingxuan.

Shuai Tianfan smiled helplessly immediately, and apologized, "Oh, Brother Yan, why did you say bad words? Liyang's predecessor was also kind to the next good intention, but also thought to calm down the doubts for you. Look, you are so hurting Language, how do I stay with myself? "

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help yelling at the performance of Xuan Shuai Tianfan.

The ghost of the predecessor in a yellow shirt, the gloomy voice of the predecessor, said, "Why does the owner of the little island care about such miscellaneous things, but it is an underworld killer who has never heard of it, something inaccessible. Our brother will send him on the road, lest The island owner was cheated by these scammers ... "

Xi Shuai Tianfan sighed helplessly, but Ye Qingxuan sneered slightly.

货 This product obviously killed the killer, but left an insurance for accidents. After all, he has seen Yan Shisan's swordsmanship and knows its powerful means. Once the five ghosts have no effect, there are some ways to return.

Ye Yexuan's eyes were bleak and his eyes were in contact with the eyes of the current five people. This Liyang Five Ghosts deserves to be called "ghosts", all of which are ugly and evil.

The person headed by Xun is the yellow-skinned "early ghost" who has just spoken.

水 "Water ghost ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~" in his black clothes is a giant like a bull;

The third place is the "golden ghost" in white, younger, but an earthworm-like purple scar is carved there;

四个 The fourth one is Tsing Yi's "Wood Ghost".

The last red "Fire Ghost" was thin and small, only three feet tall, and a half-sized dwarf!

Ye Yexuan Xuan was proud to be with his hands, and his wooden sword was already damaged. At this time, he did not take any weapons, faced the enemy, and said coldly: "Several people, don't mess with me, don't mess with me ..."

"Well, what are you talking about with a dead man? Let me overdo him!" I did not expect that the most hot-tempered of the five ghosts was the thin dwarf, and when the voice fell, I did not wait for the other teachers and brothers to agree With a direct punch, he punched at Ye Qingxuan.

This person not only has a quick-tempered temper, but also a fist with a punch. The screams have flickered from the sky, the fist wind has not reached the chest, and the hot energy has burned the human skin tightly, and the clothes are hot, no wonder He can get the title of "Fire Ghost".

At this moment, including the five ghosts, the ancestors of Liyang and Shuai Tianfan are all smiling, cold and disdainful expressions.

In this world, as long as you have high martial arts, you can easily get endless wealth. Only when you are extremely poor will you act as a killer for money. Where can such a person be, no matter how strong martial arts are?

This thought arose in the hearts of everyone, and just reached its peak, it was instantly hit by the next scene.

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