
Almost at the same time as the exclamation sounded, the fairy dragon of the peacock's head only felt that a figure suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, his eyes were shining like moonlight, and the cool breath of water was blowing at the same time. A strong wind was approaching.

Grab people! ?

The immortal ancestor of Xianlong slightly sneered, while a trace of anger rose from the bottom of his heart, and if the peacock head was robbed by the public, his old face would not be necessary.

In the vein of the Kowloon Palace, he has always been arrogant. He never thought that someone would dare to take the peacock head in public. Only the ancestors of Xianlong responded in a hurry.

With a deep drink, the ancestors of Xianlong concentrated their energy on their hands, and every muscle fiber on the forearm swelled several times. All of them were clearly visible, and the power of the violent beast like a wild animal erupted instantly. As soon as the ground rose, I did a fancy fight with the visitors.


The whole space trembled instantly, as if broken.

The air that was blasted by radon with unmatched strength spread out suddenly. The original crowded outer courtyard was just a humming wind, and everyone flew like leaves. , Rolled straight in the corners around.

Even because the force was too strong, a wall on the west side of the courtyard was smashed by the crowds who flew continuously.

The densely packed courtyard was empty at once, thousands of people rolled down the ground, and more people piled up in the corners, and couldn't utter a humming sound for a long time.

The ancestor of the immortal dragon, who bears the brunt, exclaimed at this time. The source of the body trembling trembling endlessly, and finally with a look of horror, he was shaken back by his opponent.

Moonlight is like jade.

After the opponent slammed again, they shot again. A pair of fingers clicked like swords. The ancestor of Xianlong was trembling with strong protective breath, and immediately opened a hole under this finger. The speed of the sword finger was as usual. , Elegant and extraordinary place to lift the head of the right hand wrist to the old man.

At this time, the ancestors of Xianlong had just stepped back and their breath was not stable.


At this time, a golden light appeared next to him, and "Ill Dragon" wished Yang Yang his right hand like a knife, and the entangled cormorant gasified into a golden blade, which cut through time and space and instantly pointed at the incoming sword!

Suddenly, the golden light overflowed, and the jade was smooth and clean.

When the Buddha was condensed in time and space, everyone finally saw the shot at this moment—

There is no doubt that the only master among the crowd who can shake the Dragon King of the Kowloon Palace is the "Moon True Man" Chu Lingxu, the head of the Kunwu school.

But everyone did not expect that this gentle and gentle Taoist would suddenly take such a violent shot.

Among the crowd-like pictures, Chu Lingxue's white coat and white hair were slowly washed away in a violent radon collision, flowing like an immortal; and Zhu Yang opposite him was like shining The furnace was beaten on the anvil and splashed.

And at the point where the sword fingers and the palm knife of the two people shook each other, it was even more blazing with silver and jade.

The ancestor of the immortal dragon with a terrified face was pushed back by the fierce suffocation, and the "smiling dragon" Weng Xiaofei was shocked, and the savage suffocation resisted the impact , Failed to shoot in time.

The release of the Buddha was just a moment, and it seemed to be the end of eternity. At the moment when everyone was firmly imprinting this scene in their minds, the golden light and the moonlight went out at the same time, and then there was a soft bang.

Chu Lingxu's upper body flickered slightly, while Zhu Yang was forced to take a step back like the old ancestor of Xianlong.


This time the roar is even more than the last time.

Many masters who have been blown away in the outer courtyard have disappeared along with the surrounding walls this time. The most recent figure has also been blown out twenty feet away.

More intense fluctuations reached the outer hall.

First of all, there was a bang, the roof tiles were blown clean, and then many experts in the hall received a strong wind ...

There was a sound of exclamation all around, and the various tables and chairs in the hall were blown up. Many figures stood unstable, and even if they were angry, they were blown away from the ground.

Fortunately, this is the top group of masters in Wulin, so there is no shameful ending in the outer court.

Mr. Xuanjing from the Guangqing school, Liang Bagong from Hengshan Gate, Ban Pangruo from Wuze League and Shuai Tianfan from Sansheng Island. The four masters went out at the same time and stood in the front line in the outer hall. At the same time resisted the strongest gust of wind.

With the help of these four masters, the masters in the outer hall finally left a trace of face, but even so, the outer hall is already a mess.

The four masters shocked by Chu Lingxu and Zhu Yangxun wind couldn't help but look at each other, all of them could not imagine that Chu Lingxu's martial arts were so powerful that they could continue to shake two Kowloon palace dragons.

In particular, Mr. Guangqing School, who is full of envy and jealousy about Chu Lingxu, grasped Fushen's fingers and made his bones pale.

A cold humming sounded, Chu Lingxu's body turned around, and a deep footprint appeared on the slate, which was actually a transfer of the opponent's remaining strength. He stepped forward in an instant and grabbed the head of the ancestor of Xianlong again.

"Smiling Dragon" Weng Xiaofei finally shot ...

And it's a full shot!

An empty halo emerged from Weng Xiaofei's head, and the corner of his cold mouth rose slightly, and then the big mouth cracked and cracked, and the gap gradually widened, but his face had a silly smile, The mouth cracked to a huge moment, and the demon-like laughter suddenly burst from his throat ...

呱 ——

It's like hundreds of millions of frogs chirping in unison, and the angry roar of **** evil spirits!

A continuous wave of sound waves suddenly burst out from Weng Xiaofei's throat. The sound waves caused the space to continue to tremble and twist. A piece of jade pendant that wished to grow around the waist was washed away. In the encounter, in silence, the piece of jade was directly broken and crushed in the sound wave, and it was directly turned into a ball of powder, which was pushed to Chu Lingxu's chest with the sound wave.

One of Wen Runru's right hand ran across her chest!

Chu Lingxu's complexion showed a dignity never before, the jade color was fierce, and finally shook up with the sound wave ...


The humming sound of sore ears and sour teeth sounded. Chu Lingxu's body was pushed back several feet by this sound wave, and his feet plowed two deep marks on the bluestone paved ground.

The release of the Buddha was affected by the high-frequency vibration of the sound waves. At a time, the entire figure of Chu Lingxu became blurred. All the objects in contact with him also oscillated at the same time. The stone slabs at the feet were also reduced to powder and broken. Can't be broken anymore.

Everyone's face showed a stunned look of horror, and the Chu Lingxu in the moment of the Buddha's release would be as impermanent as those stone powders.

But at the moment when everyone couldn't bear to watch, the moonlight in Chu Ling's mind suddenly appeared and disappeared. By this sudden burst of power, the right hand, which was extremely oppressed, suddenly exploded, exclaiming, The group sound wave flew out.

The sound wave across the roof, a long skylight was opened silently and silently on the roof of the outer hall, and even a drop of stone powder did not fall. The roof disappeared in vain, leaving a group of stunned people in the hall. Rivers and lakes high man.

Gently rubbing his sore wrist, Chu Ling shook his head with a smile and said lightly: "Brother Weng's trick [Devil's Dragon Blow] is indeed the first sonic work in the world."

Weng Xiaofei grinned widely ~ ~ He screamed rudely: "From ancient times to the present, you are also the first person to compete against my sonic work without breaking into powdery powder ... hehe, unfortunately Ah, although your right hand seems to be intact, in fact, the meridians and bones are already torn, I'm afraid I will be in this life ... "

Before I finished speaking, I saw Chu Lingxu's right hand touching the sonic wave, showing a round of moonlight, the original red and swollen position, quickly improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, blocking Weng Xiaofei's next words.

Chu Lingxu smiled softly, looking at his ugly opponent, and asked softly, "Brother Weng, what did you just say?"

Weng Xiaofei's face was extremely ugly, staring at his opponent's wounds, saying one word at a time: "[Yuehua Liuzhao] !? Thousands of years ago, the torture of Yuchan's real man ... unexpectedly, some people even practiced it today. ... you are Chu Lingxu? The head of the Kunwu faction? "

"Good eyesight!" Chu Ling's face looked blank, her right hand stretched forward, and said coldly: "Here comes the head!"

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