Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 353: Back to Jiangcheng

Li Youlan is heading for Wolong Island?

what's going on……

After Su Suya's explanation, Ye Qingxuan realized that the sword **** Qianjin, who never asks about anything in the rivers and lakes, left the mountain in a hurry after leaving a letter at Yijianshanzhuang. The purpose turned out to be for Li Daozong.

The specific reason is unknown.

I did not expect this incident to involve Li Daozong again.

Ye Qingxuan was busy borrowing pigeons from Fengyi Pavilion, sending messages to all his forces, looking for Li Daozong.

He simply dealt with the funeral of Master Ding Yi, a cold-hearted old nun, who finally turned into an ashes, and concealed in a sealed altar.

Xun arranged for two monks from Fengyi Pavilion to go back to the mountain for burial. Ning Huiru found Ye Qingxuan and said directly: "Let's go."

When Zhu Wusheng and Jiang Yanyue suffered internal injuries at the same time, Ye Qingxuan protected Ning Huiru, and a group of more than ten people secretly went down the mountain overnight and went straight to the river bank city Xiayangfu.

In order to avoid the ambush in Ning Zhongli, Ning Huiru even gritted her teeth and set aside the water moon in Wonderland.

The blaze of fire and thick smoke rose into the sky, and Xiayang House, a hundred miles away, was clearly visible.

I do n’t want to come to Ningzhongliu, and the nearest Xiayang House is undoubtedly the best place for both parties to gather.

Although he is in Jiangbei, the entire martial arts is waiting for this martial arts convention, even if it was the Dragon Gang of the enemy of life and death, at this time he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and would not take the initiative to come to Ye Qingxuan's trouble.

The only thing I worry about is the two evil cults: the magic gate, Bailianism and Taipingdao.

On the Bailishan Road, Ye Qingxuan and his team made a quick part-way journey. After a few mountain beams, Xiayang House was looking away. Many disciples of Fengyi Pavilion were finally exhausted because of the continuous battles.

With so much helplessness, Ye Qingxuan had to let everyone rest for a short while, and then act again.

He sat alone on top of a giant rock, Ye Qingxuan faced with clear water, scratched his hoe, and simply added food.

Many disciples in Fengyi Pavilion are indeed women who went out, and there were even well-made dry grains in the things they carried, similar to Shaqima and cookies, with dozens of patterns.

At the suggestion of Ning Huiru, an innocent female disciple with a trace of innocence and an eighteen-year-old face walked over flushedly, took out a cake wrapped in a spar, and babbled: " Ye, Ye Shaoxia, here, here you are! "

She hadn't waited for Ye Qingxuanqian to let it go. The female disciple kept shaking her hands and left, and fled like a deer, causing many disciples of Fengyi Pavilion to laugh.

I have never seen such a shy woman. Ye Qingxuan smiled with a loss of herself, and quickly picked up the cake, but it was three pieces of peach cake. She gestured towards the female disciple who hid in the crowd, and smiled, "Thank you."

The female disciple became even more flustered and plunged directly into the arms of the same door, which made everyone laugh.

"Sister Xiao, don't you be so shy, okay?" An eyebrow girl with some pride in her eyebrows said angrily: "Well, I am also a disciple of Feng Yige. You've lost all your face. "

The little sister still wanted to quibble, but for a long time she just snorted, turned and grabbed Su Suya's arm, and whispered: "Master, you see that Sixth Master is bullying me again."

Wu Suya petted Xiaoshimei's forehead and smiled: "Why would the teacher's face be lost because of this little thing? It's like you, but it will be difficult to find your wife's house in the future."

Sahahaha ...

There were several female disciples around, and all of them were laughing and laughing. Those nuns who had gone out of the house also smiled, but they even announced the name of the Buddha.

As the only man among more than a dozen people present, Ye Qingxuan himself was a well-known young man, and he looked like a rare handsome, but for a moment, he became the object of discussion in the mouths of these women.

It is strange that Ye Qingxuan's ears are particularly sensitive. Many of the whispers in the privacy of her daughter's family also entered his ears without a word. After a while, she was already red-faced and talked privately about this group of women. The man must be bold, and finally guessed the size of some of his private objects based on the size of his nose and the length of his palm.

My obedient!

Ye Qingxuan almost ran away, even pretending that he couldn't hear these words, making him feel like sitting on a needle, thinking about his heroic generation of heroes, and finally whether to escape with the help of a urine puppet. Hu set off.

"Court, please wait!"

Before talking about Ye Qingxuan ’s most enthusiastic six sister, she suddenly said, "Please wait for a while, the disciples have some personal matters to deal with."

Ye Qingxuan frowned, and asked, "A private matter? This is a critical moment ..."

Unexpectedly, the female disciple was actually a female idiot, and when she heard it, she said directly: "A little girl needs to clean her hands, can Ye Shaoxia protect herself?"

Ye Yeqingxuan suddenly made a big red face.

Xun was surrounded by female disciples and laughed. Miaomu glanced over Ye Qingxuan's body, seeming to like to tease this young master who let Feng Yige carry a big heel.

"Go and return quickly." Ning Huiru Shen said: "Su Ya, Su Yan, you two are with Su Yao."

The three daughters gave away a gift at the same time.

He looked at Ye Qingxuan before leaving, Qi Qijiao laughed aloud.

Ye Yexuan turned embarrassingly, a look of frown.

Pu Ning Huiru smiled and said lightly: "Ye Shaoxia, the disciples under the door are rude. They are all offended by the internal door of Fengyi Pavilion, so they are somewhat offended, and hope to forgive."

"No matter ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No matter."

Xi Ye Qingxuan waved hands repeatedly and did not want to mention this topic again.

To the most prideful women in these martial arts, to be honest, Ye Qingxuan didn't take it seriously.

It wasn't worth his anger to make him almost wipe out, being ironic, ridiculous, and making fun of him. What he was most worried about now was the cult master who suddenly disappeared.

Is n’t the Bailian religion only Zhu Zhusheng and Jiang Yanyue?

Whether their purpose is the Master Dingyi of Fengyi Pavilion, or the entire Fengyi Pavilion, or for the upcoming Ningzhongliu?

No matter what the purpose is, the other party will never move only the top characters in the door.

After all, Jiangbei is still in the hands of the court. Even if the two are martial arts in the world, they should be afraid of the court's use of powerful influence and send many experts to siege the two here.

The opponent attacked Fengyi Pavilion recklessly and killed Master Dingyi. There must be some support behind him.

Is there any collusion with the Bailian religion?

Wulin meeting is about to be held, is Li Daotian really dare to run against this world?

Ye Qingxuan was in a mess, and after waiting for a while, she still could not see the return of the three women, and could not help but prepare to say a rush, but at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the dense forest not far away, but it was the young teacher and sister Su Yan in the three women .

"Protect the Lord!"

Ye Yexuan yelled loudly, and his body had turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

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