Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 362: Light if Thunder

Yu Qiuyi's sneer made Huangfu Tairenru step on the electric door, instantly rebounded and turned, glaring: "Yu Shimei, do you have an opinion?"

"How dare the young girl?" Yu Qiuyu's sarcasm was obvious on his face. "It was just the young girl who felt it and felt that Brother Kongkong has really made great progress in martial arts recently. His words are not blushing and heartbeat, and it is really powerful."

"You ..." Huangfu Tairen was furious, and almost immediately started.

Yu Qiuyu is even more glamorous, a look of how you are helpless.

As soon as the Chongsu Taoist shook the dust, he said, "Qiu Yun, how can you speak like this without paying sins to Brother Kongkong!"

Yu Qiu shook his lips slightly and remained silent.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yanyue covered his mouth and smiled, and said gracefully and softly, "You two, quarrel as soon as you meet, and you ’ve got bugs in Nujia's ears. You are all innocent. An important step for the two alliances, and those who inherited the "Yin and Yang Double Repair" in the future, should be closer to each other, and do not try to make the children's family temper. "

"Respectfully abide by the law." Huangfu Tairen forced his anger and bowed.

Yu Qiuyu was disgusted and very angry.

It turned out that Yu Qiuyi ’s identity as Fu Yao ’s daughter had long been known between the two sides, and Jiang Yanyue was able to accept Yu Qiu as an apprentice again.

Zhu Wusheng's merits of Yangshen are unparalleled in the world, and Fu Yao's yin is hard to match.

After Zhu Wusheng got Tantric [Pina Yejia Joyful Gong], with his own intelligence, he created a magical power of Yin and Yang.

The combination between him and Jiang Yanyue was actually looking for fellow initiates. As soon as the experiment was completed, Jiang Yanyue's old wounds that had accumulated for hundreds of years were cured. The union with Taipingdao was precisely to use this exercise as an opportunity to realize The ultimate goal of the two sides is to rule the river.

With a few jokes, Jiang Yanyue immediately resolved the embarrassment between Taipingdao and Bailianism.

Glanced at the red and white, Taoist-like Taoist, Jiang Yanyue chuckled and said, "Qing Lian and Bai Lian belong to the family, but unfortunately the red lotus has fallen, otherwise if the three of them join forces at this time, this is not a good day. . "

Chongsu said that the head did not return, and his eyes were stunned: "Che Huanyue has only one dog. If you don't believe me, but you have to join up with Zhuo Huifan, she lost her life. It really deserves it."

"That being said, if there is another outstanding figure like Tianshi at this time, how can you allow Ye Qingxuan to be so arrogant and free?" Jiang Yanyue said lightly.

The Chongsu Taoist heard a stab in his heart and could not bear it. He replied: "It ’s extremely true after the law. Unfortunately, Chongsu ’s martial arts skills are low, and most masters of the peace lanes are in confrontation with King Xiaoyao in Kaifeng. My uncle ’s uncle Good disciples are in retreat again ... haha, Chongsu is incompetent, and he really lacks support. "

At this moment, the standing fairy standing next to her with a purple veil suddenly interjected: "Since there is a law here, why don't I wait to work. After the law, I still have to laugh ..."

The tone was cold and dissatisfied.

Her dissatisfaction was not only directed at Jiang Yanyue, but also gave Chong Su a severe look. Annoyed that he said these weak words.

Giggle ...

Jiang Yanyue laughed for a while, turning her eyes, and looked at the imperial concubine's grandeur and Chongsu's anger and anger.

Speaking of them, the Chongsu Taoist and the three major swordsmen of Lone Star, Lengyue and Frost are all disciples of former Taipingdao who taught Yu Zhengzheng, and Fu Yao was a teacher of Yu Zhengzheng.

At the beginning, Fuyao suddenly shot, helping Zhengzhen to seize the throne, and forced his brother Fu Xiao, the underworld boy, to become a single person on the Taiping Road and over 10,000 people.

Now Yu Zhengzhen died early. Although Taiping Taoism was a Chongsu Taoist, the actual power was actually in the hands of Fu Yao. He seemed to be in harmony with his brothers and teachers, among them secretly connected.

Jiang Yanyue's simple temptations really saw the beginning.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Jiang Yanyue will no longer delay.

Clapping his hands, Huang Fu Tairen stood beside him, grasping his lips and making a sharp whistle.

More than a dozen masters of Bai Lianjiao who originally chased and blocked Ye Qingxuan and immediately surrendered the underworld masters immediately fled the team and avoided Ye Qingxuan. They only copied and attacked by themselves, focusing their attack on the direction of the mansion.

While Fu Yao changed his pursuit style before changing, he blocked Ye Qingxuan's rescue again.

Suddenly, the situation changed.

The elite masters of Fengyige and Xiayang Gang fell to the ground, either dead or injured.

Even if Fengyi Pavilion puts out several sword arrays, it also falls into a passive beating.

The surrounding high walls fell shortly after, and only one of the four watchtowers barely supported.

Lu Bailing, Wu Suya, Shen Chu'er, and others were besieged by two or three people. Ning Huiru was surrounded by five masters of virtual reality, who tried to besiege.

Wu Suya fought and retreated, and a sword obstructed the fierce offensive of Jiang Muhan, the "No Feather Arrow", and Wang Jianchuan, the "Li Jujian Swordsman."

Lu Bailing's hair must be spread out, revealing his true skill. The golden-backed machete is like a dragon, going to the sea. The power is amazing, swept and swallowed, swallowed and swallowed. It contains all the vigour and strength, and it has a long-lasting power. Silk flaws.

He braved the crazy offensives of Wen Tianliang and Lengyue Taoist who "followed his life too", barely supporting him, but when his injured grandson left his left arm and right arm, and another new injury was added, Lu Bailing gritted his teeth and tried to cover it. Suddenly falling into the extremely disadvantaged downwind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, raising your hands and throwing your feet, there is the danger of death on the spot.

But his support for so long has been enough to make him famous.

At this time, a scream screamed, shocking everyone.

Looking up, it was the enemy that sent an elite soldier into Wangjiang upstairs to kill Yu Huaizhi, who commanded the troops inside the house.

"Hook the soul too old" Chu Tianjian grabbed Yu Huaizhi's still trembling body with a hook from the soul, and picked out Wangjiang Tower to show the crowd. When the deputy helper took a breath, he hurled his head, full of fierce flames.

The cry of sorrow suddenly burst into the mansion.

Although Yu Huaizhi was a scholar, he helped the public with trust and the staff inside was very good. At this time, he died in front of the crowd, and everyone came from the scene with great sadness.

A large number of people helped to kill the red eyes, desperately killed towards the Wangjiang Tower, to avenge the deputy gang leader.

"Don't impulse, retreat to the inner house! Retreat to the inner house!"

Lu Bailing shouted with his arms raised to save his own impending collapse. The result was a little slack, and with a few wounds on his body, blood flew for a moment.

In the far end, Ye Qingxuan began to rush into a frantic attack, but Fu Yao was an easy man, but he stupidly blocked his return.

On the bell tower, Jiang Yanyue and others laughed.

Raising his hand, Jiang Yanyue smiled with an eyebrow and yelled, "You guys, the enemy is about to die, please kill the enemy with me!"

"Follow the law!"

The crowd burst into promise, and each time they threw a big slap, they would jump off the bell tower.

At this moment, a cold hum came and thundered like a thunder in everyone's ears.

At the same moment, there was a flash of thunderous light, which swept the entire clock tower in an instant ...

Desolate, cold and dazzling!

A sword, a sword with the icy light, appeared in front of everyone like a god.

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