Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 364: Huang Tiandangli

A lunatic is a natural killing machine.

The stern iron armor that completely covered the whole body, the triangular cone-shaped protruding iron spurs, and the violent explosion of radon gas ... just like a blasting howitzer, only death and ... death.


The shell hit the ground for the first time, the ground trembled, and the severe shock wave spread!

Within thirty feet, the original crowd was suddenly empty.

Within ten feet of the core, there are no more than one hundred Bailian masters, and they are so broken that there are no bones or scum;

At a distance of twenty feet, more than two hundred people were shaken on the spot, and the broken corpse was thrown out, forming a large amount of blood and rain;

Thirty feet, barely alive. Bone broken tendons are the lightest, most people have become physically disabled,

Those who can still mourn at the scene are already rare strong men. Others have already been stunned on the spot and let the blood run out ...

Fanatics struck hard, hitting more than 700 people.

All seven hundred people lost their fighting power on the spot!

This also includes a core master of the Bailian religion-"Soul Soul is too old" Chu Tianjian.

This ill-fated Chu Taiyu, who had just tortured Yu Huaizhi, never expected that the retribution would come so fast, and he became the first target of a madman who threw himself into the sand.

At this moment he was in the hands of the lunatic.

The giant steel giant grabbed his head and held him up like a hanged rat, facing many Bailian and Taiping believers.

Chu Tianjian was bathing in blood, his shirt was ragged, and the blood sprayed was red on the front and chin.

One of his pair of parting hooks was dropped on the ground and cut into two pieces, while the other was hooked on the shoulders of the crippled madman, more than an inch deep into the thick armor, but unfortunately, the thick armor was not cut, let alone injured. And the lunatic body.

At this moment, Chu Tianjian showed extreme fear in his eyes. He grasped the big hand covering the head with a madman, but he did not shake the score, and the other desperately grasped, waving at his master not far away ...

"Save ... save me, save ... me ..."

"Breaking the soul too old" Cao Tianzhi, "Following the life too old" Wen Tianliang, "Being too old" Wu Tianxiong, "Luo Song Swordsman" Yu Songqing, "Wu Dao Swordsman" Bi Yuanjing, Frost, Leng Yue, Zhang Liexian ...

A lot of evil masters were stunned, but they did not dare to move.

A look of despair appeared in Chu Tianjian's eyes, and his right hand, struggling forward, suddenly dropped.


The crazy hand covering Chu Tianjian's head squeezed tightly, as if squeezing a watermelon, the brain and blood reflected in red and white, gushing from the gap between the nails ...

The scene was silent.

Even the masters of Fengyige and Xiayang Gang were frightened and could not shake themselves.

Cruel, tyrannical ...

The wreckage was thrown away by the rampant madman, and in the rumbling sound, again walked firmly toward the enemy's densest direction.


But it happened to be Su Suyan, who happened to be near the mad fanatic, with a scream, the whole person collapsed to the ground and fainted.


The whole world returned to chaos.

Fight again.

This time, however, the wind was reversed, and the masters of Xiayang Gang and Fengyi Pavilion started chasing the two cult masters who were overwhelmed by Cangjie.

The appearance of the lunatic is really shocking.

As soon as he appeared, he completely dispelled the arrogance of the enemy.

In the face of such a great master, no matter how he goes, no one dares to intercept it.


The powerful radon exploded at the feet of the rabid fanatic, causing it to slam into a dense cult crowd like a single unloaded shell.

He didn't need to shoot at all, but the heavy armor weighing more than 10,000 kilograms and the spikes on it could knock the enemy apart. A few face down, the entire street outside the mansion has become a Shura field with corpses.


With a loud shout, the girl who flew into the mansion with Wu Xiaotian and others flew straight into Ning Huiru's arms.

It is Li Youlan, the beloved daughter of Li Muchan, the "sword god".

With a fragrant fragrance of Ling Ling, with a temperament-like beauty like Konggu Youlan, two drops of pearl-like tears flowed in her mother's arms.

"You child ..." When I saw my daughter's hand, she also raised a sword. Ning Huiru was so distressed that she wiped the tears from her eyes and said softly, "Don't you swear you won't use your sword for a lifetime? How about this time ... ... "

"My dear, the baby just vowed not to kill. Because Dad made too many sins ..." Li Youlan said, "But my brother said that the sword can be used to kill and save people ... this time, the baby To save people, to save mothers. "


Ning Huiru jumped in her heart, distantly looking to the far pillar of light that communicated with heaven and earth, and sighed, "You gave that sword to Daozong?"

"Um." Li Youlan softly said: "And the last four sentences of his father [a sword light cold photo Kyushu]."

"The sword can be used to kill or save people." Ning Huiru muttered to herself, moved to tears, "the truth that your father didn't realize in his life, finally realized in his son."


After the addition of the violent cripples and masters such as Wu Xiaotian, Wu Zhangbai, and Jinhuanzhao, the evil army who had no intention of falling in love began to retreat.

Soon after, he returned to the house.

It ’s a pity that Xiayang House and Fengyi Pavilion suffered heavy losses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The remaining hundreds of disciples reluctantly chased to the periphery of the high wall, and they were already weak. Chasing, the enemy dog ​​jumped under the wall, and it will inevitably lead to greater casualties.


Several masters of their own landed on the watchtowers on both sides of the Zhengbei gate, watching the enemy's remnants defeat slowly and slowly retreating, and finally focused on two places.

One is where Ye Qingxuan and Fu Yao fought, and the other is where Li Daozong and Jiang Yanyue played.

Xiayang House is high in the sky, the wind gathers, the thunder is endless.

Fu Yao is like a demon to cast spells, rising into the sky with yellow air, covering the entire city.

For a time, the sky was dark, and the cold wind broke through the bones.

Ye Qingxuan turned into a blue wind, constantly shuttled between the yellow world, even if Huang Tian Wuji was unable to control him in the slightest.

Although the two had a good fight, the fierce battle on the other side became more and more unfavorable to Li Daozong.

After all, there is no strength in deified realm. In the face of slightly injured Jiang Yanyue, he can still support for a moment without falling into the wind, but the addition of Huangfu Tairen and Chongsu Taoist people makes Li Daozong unsustainable.

Seeing that Li Daozong was about to fall, everyone in Ning Huiru mentioned his throat.

At this moment, the green light shone, Ye Qingxuan forced to open a charm to stop, and merged with Li Daozong ...

Crazy laughter spread through the Xiayang House in the sky.

"Cangtian is dead, Huang Tian is standing! Ye Qingxuan, Li Daozong, let you two have the power of heaven, and they will be buried under my [Huang Tian Wuji] today."

Under the gaze of the heroes, Fu Yao was sitting in danger in midair. Yu Qiuyi and Huangfu Tairen were protecting the law from the left and right. Jiang Yanyue's palms were printed on his back.

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