Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 367: If I return

During the First World War in Xiayang Prefecture, the Xiayang Gang suffered heavy losses.

With nearly a thousand ordinary gang members, less than half survived in the end, and the elite in the gang lost 80%, and even the deputy leader Yu Huaizhi was killed on the spot.

Wu Fengyi Pavilion is not much better.

The last batch of disciples in Xun lost another one-third. In the end, only more than 20 disciples survived and everyone was wounded. Even Su Suya and other skills were not spared.

Looking upstairs, everyone gathered in a low voice to discuss.

Wu Wuxiao sighed and said, "It's a pity I'm late, or my brother Huaizhi may be spared."

Lu Wanghai put his hands into fists and hated, "I'm struggling to smash them into thousands of pieces in order to be angry."

Ye Yexuan patted the young man's shoulder and comforted him, "All of us want to avenge Yu Fu's lord, but don't hurry."

Lu Wanghai straightened his neck and wanted to refute, but was annoyed by Lu Bailing, cursing: "Boy still has to work on his mind? The martial arts conference is about to be held. Which one can make you play?"

Lu Wanghai flushed with shame, knowing that his grandfather had said so much, but he was resentful in his heart, and he felt a long time.

Xu Ninghuiru said comfortingly: "Now we have to put aside all sorrow and hatred and calm down. Hatred must be reported, but as the Lord Lu Bang said, we must not delay the official events of the Wulin Conference."

Ye Qingxuan nodded: "Early tomorrow morning, reinforcements will arrive. Although the Xiayang Gang has suffered huge losses, fortunately, the backbone is still there. Be sure to reorganize and control the Xiayang House by this erected authority. As for the masters of the two major cults ... Hum, everyone rest assured, their heads, I, Ye Qingxuan, remembered that, once the Wulin Conference was over, they came to ask for it in person. "

With Ye Qingxuan's remarks, everyone in the Xiayang Gang finally felt a little comfort.

This river and lake, people who can be followed by Ye Qingxuan, don't expect to escape.

Xie Ye Qingxuan arranged the follow-up, especially asked the Xia Yang Gang to continue to search for the whereabouts of Ning Zhongliu. It was late, and everyone who was fighting hard day and night could finally take a good rest.

Before nine o'clock, Ning Huiru and others all went to sleep.

Ye Qingxuan, sleepless all night.

一 大 Early the next morning.

After the wind on the Dajiang River, the mist disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Thirty five-masted ships appeared south of the river.

The high-flying flag showed the identity of the Southern Dynasty and the "Longjiang Society."

When Ye was on board, Ye Qingxuan and others were pleasantly surprised. He did not expect that the "Dragon King", the chief helm of the "Longjiang Meeting", would personally greet him.

I waited until everyone entered the cabin, and it was even more frightening.

Huang Fu Taiming and Jiang Shuihan, who had rarely left the imperial court, came together to give the face of Fengyi Pavilion Ning Huiru.

Ye Qingxuan could not help but sigh.

The alliance between Wu Fengyi Pavilion and the Southern Dynasty is enough to shock the world. Although Fengyi Pavilion is not as good as in the past, the identity of the millennium transcendental faction is there, and no one can be underestimated.

The appearance of Xi Huangfu Taiming undoubtedly shows the world that the two detached martial art sects of Lingyun Palace and Fengyi Pavilion have completely stood on the side of the Southern Dynasties. I believe that the baidao sects who are still on the wait and see attitude on rivers and lakes will make wise choices.

Wu Fengyi Pavilion's support for the Southern Dynasty, even if it is only on the surface, is enough to prove the legitimacy of the Southern Dynasty.

The North Dynasty was undoubtedly in trouble.

This is good for the rivers and lakes, the people, and the court.

The two sides are destined to form an alliance.

In this regard, Jiang Shuihan is undoubtedly more experienced.

Ye Qingxuan, who had no sense of politics, chose to stay away.

Lying on the highest lookout of the ship, Ye Qingxuan watched Jiang Lu playfully chase, her consciousness was completely empty.

The sound of a broken air rang out, Shen Chuer stood quietly aside, followed Ye Qingxuan's eyes and looked at the birds in the sky, and sighed, "Brother Ye still likes this kind of life like a leisurely cloud and a wild crane. Unfortunately, things do n’t work as expected, there are always accidents that pull you in This **** river. "

"Heaven is not beautiful." Ye Qingxuan sighed.

Shen Chuer smiled slightly, looking at Ye Qingxuan's face, and asked softly: "If one day, the world is peaceful, give you a chance to choose, would you give up all this and quit the rivers and lakes?"

Ye Qingxuan took a deep look at Shen Chu'er and laughed: "This is what I want in my life. Of course I do. What are the good things about these rivers and lakes, but it is better to be free to kill and live as you want. Just The world is really peaceful, so I will yinxue with me and set aside everything and retreat to the rivers and lakes. "

"Just with sister Mei?"

"Uh ..." Ye Qingxuan smiled awkwardly.

"It's you." Shen Chu'er giggled and sighed, "I already wanted to start. Feelings, barely come. Moreover, I have already given up the idea of ​​feelings. I must first avenge my parents, and avenge the master To revenge for You. To re-establish Susang Palace, and ... uh ... I didn't think about it, giggling, it's very difficult to just avenge my family. "

Ye Qingxuan looked into Shen Chuer's eyes and said firmly: "Chuer rest assured, your enemy, Brother Ye will help you to the end."

"What if I want to kill the people at the Kowloon Palace, as well as the people who help you?"

Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment, "Not now ..."

"I can do it later?"

"Yes." Ye Qingxuan Shen said, "Even if I bear the crime of unloading and killing a donkey, I will take revenge ..."

Shen Chuer's eyes flashed, and she turned her head and smiled, "I thank you. But my Shen family's revenge should be reported by my Shen family ... Help you and Sister Mei retreat in advance."

After saying so, she fell down and jumped out of the lookout.

"Linger has arrived at Wolong Island!" Ye Qingxuan was uneasy, and chased Shen Chuer's figure and shouted, "Don't forget, you have a younger sister, you must not be arbitrary."

Giggles ...

Wu Jiao laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shen Chuer waved at him, and then got into the cabin.

Xie Ye Qingxuan lay down again, but in my heart I didn't know how to mess up.

Before arriving at Wolong Island, Huangfu Taiming and Jiang Shuihan left the fleet by boat and returned to Xiangyang House.

The alliance is a foregone conclusion.

As for how the two sides cooperate, that is the thing between them.

Ye Qingxuan abandoned everything and went to see Mei Yinxue.

Only in front of Mei Yinxue can he forget all the troubles and be completely silent.

After more than half a month, another day changed on Wolong Island.

The heavy and overlapping houses are built next to the mountains and the water. The majestic battlefield is located in the middle of Wolong Island.

Wolong Island has an excellent climate. It is located in the south of the Yangtze River, but the spring seasons are due to the river.

Only half a month later, Mei Yinxue planted a number of plum, apricot, peach and cherry blossoms around her own courtyard.

She likes the smell of these flowers.

The moment he saw Mei Yinxue, the whole world was put to rest.

The two looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

The purple jade Xiao, which was given to her lover, slowly played a fascinating tune. Ye Qingxuan lay on Mei Yinxue, closing her eyes slowly.

"In the future ... let's retreat here."

After a while, he fell asleep.

Twenty-two days later, the Wulin Conference opened.

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