Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 370: unexpected

"Why are they doing this?" Ning Huiru frowned. "Did Li Daotian have given up his position as the leader of the Wulin Alliance?"

Everyone looked so dull that they did not answer.

Things are obvious.

Although Qi Li Daotian was a bit better than the King of Eagles in martial arts, under the wings of Fengyi Pavilion for many years, he was arrogant and unreasonable, and he has become a well-known rogue gang in Baidao.

You Long Gang, the predecessor of the Beggar Gang, gathered all the idlers all day, and made the bad behavior of bullying men and women known to everyone.

Nowadays, no matter how powerful Li Daotian is, it is difficult to command people and serve people with morality.

In this way, Li Daotian has the deepest understanding of martial arts, but the rivers and lakes have the most shallow alliance with the Kowloon Palace. In his vain attempt, the Kowloon Palace, which has not entered the rivers and lakes for many years, has the power all over the world instantly.

Sure enough, the two players on the field, although they looked very good, but they did not make any tricks. After fifteen minutes of confrontation between the two sides, Zuo Hanfeng used the old method and was quickly flung away by "flying sky" Feng Dao'an. Aside, then a palm pressed against his back.

Xu Zuohanfeng shook his head and sighed, stepping back, saying in a polite manner: "Feng Daoyou was superior and his brother lost."

看 Looking at the lively rivers and lakes around, these two men played beautifully, defeated and understood, and they were also very good-looking, and they immediately attracted applause.

The two sides of Lingyun Palace and Sansheng Island, which can be seen at a glance, are undoubtedly a headache, and they are thinking about countermeasures.

Ye Qingxuan looked away from the direction of Sansheng Island opposite. From a distance of 100 feet, Shuai Tianfan turned on the fan and looked at himself.

Don't forget the agreement between us.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, nodded immediately, Shuai Tianfan received a response, obviously relieved, and whispered in his father's ear.

"Game 1, Kowloon Palace wins!"

Next, the second-most-three Sansheng Islanders came to the challenge.

Shuai Ji desperately called an upright big man, bowed his head and asked a few words, and then waved his hand, Aung Yang flew to the stage and shouted: "Yanzhou 'Qingyan Mountain' Lu Tieniu challenged the Dragon Gang ' Purple Shirt Swordsman 'Fang Yanming!'

Ye Yexuan Xuan nodded and said, "The idea on Sansheng Island is simple. They want to hold the tokens in the hands of Youlonggang as much as possible in their hands, so as not to be rushed by the people of Kowloon Palace."

Wu Qunxiong nodded in agreement.

Su Ninghuiru said: "If so ... we may also aim at the Dragon Gang first to prevent these tokens from being used by them."

"Just the guy sent by Sansheng Island is not terribly good?" Meng Yuanzhang asked curiously: "Don't make it awkward."

The migratory dragon gang leaped to a middle-aged swordsman in a purple suit. He looked very decent, but his mouth was full of sarcasm and sneer.

Tong Qunxiong looked at the two in the field and looked at each other, obviously they were not very familiar with the two.

Yinying flipped through the information in his hand and said: "The 'Purple Shirt Swordsman' also seems to be from Yanzhou. He once killed five underworld heroes with a sword in Luodu. The reputation is not well known in the Central Plains, and the strength is said to be in the virtual realm. In the beginning ... as for the other ... "

This is the information collected by all the spy agencies in the Southern Dynasty for many years, but the Southern Dynasty really had poor control in Jizhou and Yanzhou, so the masters in these places could not fully grasp it.

On the contrary, Gui Guisheng laughed and said, "The other guy I know, Lu Tieniu, was also a good man who was registered in the North Green Forest Association at that time. He couldn't penetrate the kung fu practice, and Fang Yanming was not an opponent at all!"

"Oh?" Meng Yuan grinned and said, "The big nephew has such good eyesight that he can see that Fang Yanming is not an opponent?"

Gui Yisheng hesitated and said, "Six uncles look at me, aren't they? Hey, although it's not clear how these two men fell to the ground, but Fang Ming was chased and killed by Lu Tieniu all the way and fled from Yanzhou. When he arrived in Luodu, he turned to Li Daotian to save his life. "

"The two are hated?" Yinying asked.

"Well, there is resentment, and it's not small." Gui Yansheng replied: "This incident spread widely in the green forest of Yanzhou. Fang Yanming originally married Lu Tieniu's cousin as his wife. It ’s true that Fang Yanming suddenly killed the wife's family, but Lu Tieniu naturally refused to give up. Soon he took a group of brothers and killed the Fang family and his family. Finally, Fang Yanming Alone escaped ... "

Zhan Xiongfei said in a deep voice: "In this case, the two of them will not only fight for the tokens on behalf of the two parties, but also resolve the old grievances ... The sword has no eyes and hopes that there will be no casualties, so as not to be used by others and affect the outcome of the Wulin Conference. "

Everyone couldn't help but agree.

At this time, the two on the stage met the enemies and were extremely jealous. They each yelled to avenge their families. The ceremonial officer just shouted at the beginning, and the two screamed at the same time and rushed together.

Nothing fancy, the two fight each other as soon as they meet, each using their housekeeping skills.

Lu Tieniu, who is as rough as a bull, is good at practicing hard skills, with one move and one powerful, while Fang Yanming is superior in swordsmanship, and constantly fights back with his pace.

I was just that Lu Tieniu's kung fu was not weak. No matter how Fang Yanming stabbed, he couldn't break the opponent's defense, and at most stabbed a few white spots on the opponent.

In desperation, he could only dodge, and from time to time he attacked Lu Tieniu's eyes with a sword.

But martial arts has reached the level of returning to the realm, and even if it is clumsy, it can still produce subtle changes, otherwise it will not live today.

The two of them fought for ten minutes at a stretch, Fang Yanming's breath was slightly weaker, and the sword stabbed into the opponent's eyes a bit slower, but the opponent laughed loudly, grabbed it in the palm of his hand, and stunned, biting!

Qi Baojian is centered and broken!

Jain Lu Tieniu growled, "Fang Yanming, who is black-hearted, recently I used your blood to sacrifice my uncles and cousins!"

Peng Peng!

The powerful breath exploded like shock ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Yanming's breath was unstable, he was shocked to retreat, and he couldn't bear to throw the broken sword for a moment ...

Lu Tieniu slammed his claws, toward Fang Yanming's heart.

Seeing is the end of the open ...

"No!" At this moment, Shuai Jiju in the stands suddenly spoke to stop.

If Lu Tieniu really killed Fang Yanming, according to the rules of the General Assembly, the intentional killer not only lost his life, but also lost the game.

Wu Shuai shouted this shout, and Lu Tieniu's red eyes really showed a little hesitation.

Xun Ke was in the gap when he could not enter or retreat. Fang Yanming's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely, and only half of the remaining sword in his hand made a sharp stroke!

Hanguang passed by ...

铁 Lu ​​Tieniu felt a slight cold on his wrist, and the entire palm had flown into the air, and severe pain came along.

I screamed!

When Lu Tieniu covered his blood-sprayed broken wrist, Fang Yanming stepped forward and immediately flew out Lu Tieniu.

For a moment, the heroes were shocked.

Sahahaha ...

In the frantic laughter, Fang Yanming interrupted the sword with a shake of his hands and shouted towards Li Daotian: "Thank you for giving me a half-strength sword!"

"No matter!" Li Daotian looked at Ye Qingxuan with a grin, and said loudly: "If you want to thank, Brother Fang may wish to thank Ye Shaoxia for cutting off the grace of the sword."

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