Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 378: Challenge

The competition session of the conference lasted for ten days in total. After three rounds of the first day of the challenge, from the second day, it was a free challenge.

Competition venues have also changed from one venue to three.

The viewing platform retreated, freeing up more space and setting up a match field.

This also guarantees that during the free challenge section, someone will intentionally control the competition time to achieve their own benefits.

A match can be scored with one stroke, and naturally it can be played for one day without distinction.

Organizers will naturally not allow this to happen.

That night, Zhan Xiongfei and other older heroes gathered together to discuss the next day's strategy and tactics, while Ye Qingxuan took Mei Yinxue to hang out on the newly opened path.

It's a rare day in life.

Ye Qingxuan has always treasured her time with Mei Yinxue.

Under the moonlight, on the island of Wolong, there will be green willows and green grass. The two will sniff the flowers from time to time and talk about interesting things from time to time.

Talking, naturally, the topic cannot be separated from the contest.

"Qing Xuan ..." Mei Yinxue said suddenly, a little yelled, "Tomorrow, I want to play a challenge."

Ye Qingxuan, who was smirking at Zheng Hua, smiled stiffly, her face bitterly: "You know I won't stop you, but I'm a little worried ..."

Mei Yinxue chuckled softly and said softly, "Rest assured, I have a certain grasp on this shot."

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan sighed and said, "Whether you win or lose, you are not allowed to come. By the way, who are you going to challenge?"

Mei Yinxue was silent for a while, Ye Qingxuan was surprised, and asked again.

"Qiu Bing'e." Mei Yinxue's last tone was cold, and the trembling three words made Ye Qingxuan also hesitated.

"Do you want to challenge your master?" Ye Qingxuan said.

"She is not my master. She taught me kung fu back then, and I already gave it back to her." Mei Yinxue's face appeared a little embarrassed. "Now, she is standing on the podium of Youlong Gang, but she is just a traitor to Shimen. . "

"Are you sure?" Ye Qingxuan's face was rare and solemn. "I can only confirm your beliefs in order to make you compete, otherwise, if you have any doubts about the past, you will undoubtedly lose this battle."

"I'm sure." Mei Yinxue's eyes had never been firmer.

Ye Qingxuan sighed lightly, plucking off a withered flower branch from one side of the flower branch, holding Mei Yinxue's tenderness, and gently placing the flower branch on her palm, softly said, "I must know that ice and snow are ruthless, everything is all Seal, only when the spring flowers bloom, can we win a world of spring. "

Mei Yinxue moved in her heart, and forever [Changchun Gong], a pale cyan sigh brushed, and the withered flower branch was instantly filled with cyan, not only the branches became full, but nodules and new shoots grew. With the formation of flowers and bones, withered, the withered flower branch will become full of flowers, full of spring.

Mei Yinxue thoughtfully, at last she smiled and nodded sweetly.

Seeing Mei Yinxue and Bingxue clever, Ye Qingxuan smiled, and there was a little concern in her heart.

Just then--

Poppy ...

A round of applause sounded, and a cold, mocking voice sounded from the side: "What a pair of fairy lovers, what a snow and ruthless heart and boundless spring. If you didn't see it in your own eyes, I thought that Brother Ye should be practicing swordsmanship at this moment. It ’s not you who enjoy the boundless spring. Huh, Ye Qingxuan, you really let me down. "

Mei Yinxue, who was tender and sweet between the eyebrows, heard her brows frown, and her mood was extremely bad.

Ye Qingxuan knew who was coming, even if he didn't look back.

The young people who can come to such a close place under their own spiritual knowledge are the only Jiang Qiubai who has just emerged and has a mysterious identity.

Turning slowly, Jiang Qiubai was in white, with a cold, snowy face, staring at himself.

The beautiful Mei Yinxue in the world has no place in his eyes.

This is a young man who incorporates mercilessly into swordsmanship. He has seven emotions and six desires, without any trace, only Kendo in his heart.

Such figures, however, are some of the style of Li Muru in the past. Even Li Daozong, who is dedicated to Kendo, seems more human in comparison.

"Brother Jiang laughed and laughed. People should have enjoyed the most beautiful things in the world for a lifetime, before they are worthy of the world. I fell in love with Yin Xue, and every smile made me open my heart. Such a beautiful thing in the world What can be disappointed? "

Jiang Qiubai sneered: "Kendo is ruthless. How can you see the avenue if you are not devoted? Ye Xiong is talented enough, but unfortunately he can't concentrate on his children's private affairs, is it a pity?"

For a while, Ye Qingxuan released the Buddha back to the moment when he talked with Li Mu about the sword, thinking about that year, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but smile, and said, "Why is Jiandao ruthless?"

"Kendo kills, it is ruthless."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and said, "Jiandao saves people, it is the love in the world."

"Kendo is the spirit of the world, and anyone who comes out will die. This is a big fierce. When entering the kendo with intention of killing, and relentless restraint to kill desire, use it to kill the sky, without snow and ice." Jiang Qiubai looked at Ye Qingxuan, especially Full of disdain, "It is the coward's hypocrite that the killer uses words to save others. It is enough to have a Li Muru in the world. Doesn't Ye Ye want to be a hypocrite?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed and said, "Junzi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When knowledge and action are united, from the inside out. Li Muru is only a hypocrite, but he is a hypocrite, but is there no real gentleman in the world? Ye Although he does n’t have the heart of being a true gentleman, he is one who speaks and acts, and thinks in his heart, he has something to do. He is very comfortable. Ye ’s kendo, even if it ’s not the way of great love, is also the way of great freedom. , So it can be better than a sword. Jiang Qiubai, your kendo is narrow. "

"Hmmm ... My kendo is wide or narrow, and my mouth is indistinguishable." Jiang Qiubai radiated a strong sense of war, and said coldly: "Ten years ago, I fought with Li Muzen and learned that His Kendo, and today I heard about your Kendo, it really makes me feel really new. How about we compete in the last game, how about going against each other? "

"Boring." Ye Qingxuan grabbed Mei Yinxue's arm and turned away without looking back.

"How about we bet on Bai Xian Ling?"

Ye Qingxuan sneered and continued to leave.

Jiang Qiu's face was cold and cold, and he yelled from the back: "I have a piece of" Hundred Sages "in my hand. No matter if you win or lose, as long as you are willing to fight with me, how will it be given to you?"

Ye Qingxuan didn't return his head and waved his hand, saying, "You can't be the master of that thing, even if I get it, your adult will come to you tomorrow to ask for it. I don't want to get in trouble."

Jiang Qiubai turned cold and turned to Mei Yinxue next to Ye Qingxuan, Yin Yin said: "Ye Qingxuan, do you believe me killed the woman next to you?"

Ye Qingxuan stiffened and stood firmly.

Mei Yinxue's face showed a bit of bitterness, and several times pulling Ye Qingxuan could not shake it.

At the first sight of the threat, Jiang Qiubai continued, "As long as you are willing to compete with me, I swear that I will not touch the hair of the woman around you, otherwise ..."

"Come on." Ye Qingxuan turned faintly, and his eyes were furious.

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