"Jiang Qiubai?" A gentle voice sounded in his ear.

Jiang Qiubai sneered.

Which gangster idiot girl disciple took the initiative to find herself ...

Suddenly he looked up, but Jiang Qiu's sneer mouth sneered involuntarily, the irony of the original cold words instantly condensed deep in his throat.

女子 While the woman in front of him at this time was wearing frost, her appearance and temperament were all amazing.

Even if she was frowning at herself at this moment, but the gorgeous appearance still made him feel excited.

秋 Jiang Qiubai, who has always regarded women as playthings, felt a heartbeat for the first time.

Jiang Qiu's eyes were so clear that he stared at the beautiful woman who had not seen her for two decades and asked, "Below it is. The girl is ..."

"Shen Chuer."

Shen Chuer replied softly, then sat smilingly opposite Jiang Qiubai, calmly saying: "I heard that your swordsmanship is good. Is it the best of the younger disciples in Kowloon Palace?"

Xu Yi proudly emerged in the corner of Jiang Qiubai's mouth. Although extremely beautiful, she really coveted my fame.

At this time, Xiao Er from the store brought wine and dishes, Jiang Qiubai directly filled the glass in front of himself, gently pushed in front of Shen Chuer, and laughed: "The rivers and lakes have nothing to do. I do n’t know how the girl came here?"

Shen Chuer drank the wine glass, and stared at Jiang Qiubai's eyes with a good look, and said lightly, "Little girl wants something ..."

"Please speak." Jiang Qiubai nodded arrogantly.

Shen Chu'er swayed the wine glass in his hand, and put it together in front of Jiang Qiubai. The woman's scent with a scent of wine immediately re-plugged Jiang Qiubai's lungs, which made him flutter.

I could only hear Shen Chuer say in her extremely soft voice: "I want to borrow a thing from my brother's desk."

Jiang Qiubai smiled, and also approached Shen Chuer, almost clinging to her coquettishness, and asked, "What is it? As long as I have it, the girl can use it casually."

The two looked at each other with a smile of ambiguous smiles.

Jiang Qiubai felt that all the souls flew to the sky, and the heart blossomed, and the negative effects brought about by the defeat of Ye Qingxuan in the battle, all flew away for nine days, leaving only the praise of the power of their peach blossoms.

"Of course, Brother Jiang has it." Shen Chu'er stepped back, shyly: "That's your head."

Smile was frozen. Jiang Qiu's face was shrouded in frost.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became extremely depressing.

Chen Chuer still smiled, giggled and got up, glanced at Jiang Qiubai, and asked with a smile, "Jang Gongzi is scared? Is it a little scary for a little girl? Giggle ..."

"Hahaha ..." Jiang Qiubai immediately laughed and said, "Why, the girl is so courageous? Jiang can't make fun of it. As long as the girl has the ability, the next head can be removed at will."

"Okay." Shen Chu'er started to rise, and Lianbu walked outwards lightly. At the entrance of the corridor, he turned to Jiang Qiubai and asked charmingly, "There are many people here. Why don't Jiang Gongzi come with his slaves and let them take off Your head counts. "

秋 Jiang Qiubai drank the pot of old wine and drank it. He snapped a piece of silver and drank, "Dude, calculate."

Grandma slammed her, and chased Shen Chuer's back with great affection and rushed out of the tavern.

Looking back at the disappearance of the two, Xiaodian took a sip and scolded "dog men and women", turned around and began to clean up the chopsticks.

At this moment, everyone in the hula la tavern walked into a ticket, and everyone talked down--

"Have you heard? The master of the Kowloon Palace, who just won today, Yan Ping, the driver of the Yan Gong Exhibition, recently got a head off!"

"Well, why didn't you hear that ... it is said that people were killed in the medical hall of the conference. Now the people in the Kowloon Palace are still indulgent ..."


Xiao Er, who was packing dishes, was soft in his hand, and even the plate with the bowl fell and shattered.

That night, Wolong Island was in chaos.

The angered people of the Kowloon Palace almost angered Hai Yuanshun of the Tea Horse Gang. If not handsome and arrived in time, the two sides almost broke out.

The last leaders of the Quartet gathered, and after the consultations confirmed that they would strengthen their defense and hurriedly pushed Yan Ping's death to the gate of the demon before they came to an end.

Although the matter seems to have been suppressed, all parties have already been very alert in the subconscious, and the subsequent challenges are bound to be more difficult to control.

一 大 In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Qiubai disappeared all night, and returned to Jiulong Palace pale, and locked himself directly, no longer seeing people.

人 No one knows what happened that night, and no one knows what happened between Shen Chuer and Jiang Qiubai.

Competition continued.

After three rounds of battles yesterday, the addiction of all war watchers has been adjusted. It was already crowded early in the morning, and there were as many as 100,000 war watchers on the entire Wolong Island. In addition, the business venues and restaurants of the major gangs Fanzhuang, as well as the staff who served the martial arts masters who participated in the war, were counted inside and out, for fear that it would only reach 500,000.

The entire competition field was full.

Everyone has a lot of discussions on the candidates and highlights of today's competition. The three contest stations have huge banners on both sides. Once the review is approved, the names of the two players in the competition will be announced here.

After some discussion, the ceremonial team of the abbot contest held a huge banner of Luk Fook, each went to the stage of the contest, and hung the huge banner at the same time.



He exclaimed, and the turbulent waves sounded, almost breaking a hole in the sky.

These three contests ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Every one is enough to shock the world, and it is the focus of discussion. The enthusiasm of the world ’s heroes is almost exploding!

The first competition field, challenger Li Daozong, and challenger Li Muru;

The second contest field, challenger Mei Yinxue, and challenger Qiu Bing'e;

The third battle field, the challenger Ning Huiru, and the contestant Cheng Buyi.

The first two groups were father and son, teachers and apprentices, family conflicts and teachers' grudges. The gossips and gimmicks inside it almost shocked the audience inside and outside the venue, and became the root of everyone's confusion.

Instead, the last group is very simple. One is the current owner of Fengyi Pavilion and the other is the deputy leader of Youlonggang.

I said that the identity of the two people was detached, and it was incredible that they could take up the challenge so soon.

In particular, the appearance of Fengyi Pavilion shook the audience.

I heard that the reorganized Fengyi Pavilion was interested in aligning with its old rivals and regaining the lost status of the rivers and lakes. .

These three contests were all challenged by the Lingyun Palace, and the contestants were all from the Dragon League. The titanic meaning was extremely obvious. Before the war began, the scene was already hot.

Uh ...

A sound of drums urged the warriors of all parties to come to power.

There were many people in the crowd, six of them slowly landed on Biwutai, and each looked at their opponents. Their expressions were rich and unforgettable for a while.

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