Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 383: Shameless

The battle between Li Daozong and Li Muru gradually fell into a confrontation phase, while in another venue, Mei Yinxue was completely passively beaten in the face of the former master Qiu Bing'e.

She is deliberately tolerating, but Qiu Bing'e took this opportunity to elevate the chill of Taixu Bingshujue to an extreme state.

Not only the whole person is integrated with the snow and ice, but also the whole field is covered by heavy snow.

At the edge of the field, several masters who maintained safety shot in succession, covering the leaking of the cold and cold air with an overwhelming radon to avoid affecting other competition sites and hurting the crowds watching the battle.

I looked at it from a distance. The battlefield where the second woman was was already like the optimistic jade pillars cast by ice and snow. Only a white one could be seen, where there was the slightest shadow.

The eight masters of virtual reality who were responsible for the seal in the outside, everyone covered with frost, and the uncontrollable body shivered.

In this case, these people will not be able to persist for a long time. After the ceremonial team of the Wulin Conference found the leaders of the four major forces to discuss for a moment, they each sent a master of fire and anger, and performed fire skills one by one behind the eight masters. Law, to help eight people expel the cold, which stabilized some dangerous seal shields.

"Master, the third move."

Xi Meiyinxue's cold and indifferent voice came out from the competition field. Ye Qingxuan's ladies were relieved.

Tang Rou clapped his hands in excitement and cheered, "Have you heard? Did you hear? Sister Yin Xue's voice has not changed, then Qiu Bing'e can't take Sister Yin Xue!"

"Calm down, Calm down." Meng Yuanzhang calmed down and smiled. "My brother and sister haven't won yet, how can you follow ... oh!"

Before Xun Meng's six words were finished, Tang Rou was knocked out by a trembling, squatting on a chair, holding his head.

"Oh, nonsense. Of course my sister won." Tang Rou shook his fist, proud of his face.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's won, it's won." Meng Yuanzhen looked at Ye Qingxuan with a wry smile, and said, "I'm a sibling, she's a sister, and I don't know where to talk about it ..."

Xie Yeqingxuan smiled, and turned to Mei Yinxue's contest again without blinking.

Speaking, I still underestimated Qiu Bing'e's ice and snow power.

I do n’t know what he said, how much can Yinxue master and how much can he do?

If you want to bloom in the middle of winter, it is extremely difficult to control such power.

At the moment when my heart was stunned, I heard a sigh of sighing in the competition field where Mei Yinxue was located. "Master, the apprentice has already made three moves, and then I don't blame me for it."

The voice did not fall, a faint plumeria swayed suddenly in the heavy snow.

Mei Xuxun snow three points in vain, but snow loses plum.

Even if the snow and ice are flying and the cold wind is crying, it still cannot cover the faint plumeria.

For a moment, the world's heroes were surprised.

The sound of babble is endless, and the world has never seen such wonderful work. There is no attribute, no power, only fragrance?

The scent of Ling Ling came from the nose, refreshing and refreshing.

I was just a few breaths, and within the world that had been completely covered by snow and ice, suddenly a faint red ...

The red spots were gradually enlarged.

The plum blossoms are in full bloom, and the snow and ice are melting.

梅 Since the plum blossoms appeared, the entire battlefield space seemed to freeze.

Howling wind stops, snow lives.

Two faint figures gradually appeared in the space where the snow and plum blossomed together.

Tong Mei Yinxue looked indifferent, but Qiu Bing'e looked horrified.

She never thought that the former beauty apprentice, who was the first beauty in Wulin who almost died in her hands, could control the breath to such a terrible degree.

There are only a few scattered radon condensates in the space, which are like the most important points occupied by a person on a chessboard, or a number of important acupuncture points that have been clicked by a human body. The icy air is hard to move in this space.

A branch of plum blossoms kept blooming. Qiu Bing'e not only couldn't control the atmosphere of snow and ice, but finally couldn't even guarantee his own position, and gradually fell into a siege.

Sword formation!

Mei Yinxue used the power of eternal Changchun to exhibit the Beidou Qixing array taught by Ye Qingxuan.

点 A little bit everywhere, just right.

Qiu completely sealed Qiu Bing'e in the sword array.

I yelled.

Qiu Bing'e was unwilling to lose, desperately condensing the only remaining qi, stabbed towards Mei Yinxue with a sword.

Countless wailing sounded together.

Among the heroes in the world, the characters who can see the height are slightly helpless to Qiu Bing'e's move.

This generation of experts who almost sat on the throne of Sushang Palace, can withdraw from it.

I was defeated by her discarded apprentice, and even if she was shameless, there was no place for her in this arena.


Qiu Bing'e's body flew halfway, and the sword in the center was broken.

A red line appeared on her forehead, and blood dripped like beads.

Mei Yinxue held "Ningyu Han", looked indifferent, stood quietly, and fell in the sky with snow and plum blossoms.

The scent of wind extinguishes the fragrance.

"This is impossible, this is impossible!"

Qiu Bing'e couldn't accept the fact in front of her, holding a half-sword, don't rush towards Mei Yinxue.

Purr, purr ...

People are moving.

Ceremonial masters at the Wu Wulin Convention came to power one after another, blocking Qiu Bing's attacks.

"The competition is over, the victory and defeat have been divided. Qiu Xiaxia, please cherish it." The ceremonial officer shouted loudly, hoping that Qiu Bing'e could stop.

Qiu Bing'e spreads his hair, blood flows between his foreheads, and he screams, "I don't care, I don't care. I am the lord of Sushang Palace, she is a rebel traitor, how can she win and how can she be allowed to win. You quickly declare that this contest is invalid! "

Qiu Bing'e has completely disregarded the image.

She only knows that she can lose and she can lose, but she can't lose to anyone who is driven out of the division by herself!

"Women Qiu, please take care of yourself!" The ceremony officer issued another warning.

"Get away!" Qiu Bing'e shot suddenly, and Qiu Bing'e shot a court official in front of him several feet away, frozen in ice and snow.

"Stop! Hurry up!" You Long helped a series of masters stop drinking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ stop her! "The other ceremony officers flew forward.

"Qiu Bing'e, you come back to me!" Li Daotian also fluttered, looking dull.

The shouting of everyone could not stop Qiu Bing'e's move.

As Qi Fei leaped into the body, Qiu Bing'e yelled, "Slut, you think you can humiliate me with the support of adulterers! Can't do it!"


在 At this moment, a crisp slap fan fell on Qiu Bing'e's cheek, making her look straight at the person in front of her.

Wu Mei Yinxue slowly retracted her palm and said coldly, "I let you do three things. You are no longer my master. If you dare to scold my husband again, I will cut your tongue."


Oh ha ha ha!

Qiu Bing'e fell into a dull laugh.

It turned out that the other party just kept it.

I have beaten myself without doing my best ...

算 What do you think?

He was completely overwhelmed by an abandon.

I am just a joke, a joke in martial arts. Even after thousands of years, it is the biggest joke that has been circulating endlessly.


Qiu Bing'e trembled suddenly, his chest twitched, his eyes stared at Mei Yinxue dullly, and finally he couldn't get up, and fell to the ground and died.

I was so stupid that I was so annoyed!

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