Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 428: Chasing strong enemies


There was a long joyful report in the main hall of Huguo Temple. Dong Tianzhi waved the wooden tube in his hands in excitement, and shouted at the river water cold across a huge sand table, despite the surprised eyes of the officials above and below: "Small obituary, great victory in Xuzhou Prefecture."

"Xuzhou's great victory?" Jiang Shuihan looked up suddenly, surprised: "But the interceptor Fuyao has the exact news?"

Dong Tianzhi smiled and nodded: "Xufu Jinyi Guardian, Fu Yao's body has been found, and she was shot dead ... At the same time, he received the news of Nighthawk and Qiye contacted him. And Qiye packed and prepared to go Yingchang House, kill Li Daotian! "

"Excellent." Jiang Shuihan finally let out a sigh of relief, and waved his hands secretly, saying, "Fuyao died, and the remaining forces of the peace road had no heads, and it was no longer possible to make waves."


Dong Tianzhi still has no words to agree with.

Jiang Shuihan suddenly trembled in his heart and asked with a low voice, "But there are still secrets?"

Dong Tianzhi nodded and said: "According to the news of Qiye, Fu Yao should have the token of the peace," Slope Moon Seven Star Sword ", but the agent of Jin Yiwei reported that Fu Yao had nothing but clothing on his body. Fuyao and other great achievements were unclaimed. The man who took the shot thought that he didn't want to take the lead, so Qiye was worried that there would be any repetitive things in it, and in peace, you should not take it lightly. "

"So it is." Jiang Shuihan nodded faintly. "Seven brother suspects who did it?"

"Three holy islands, wandering children." Dong Tianzhi replied.

"I knew that these underworld giants would not disappear like this ..." Jiang Shuihan thought for a while: "Don't speak up for the time being, order all secret agents, secretly pay attention to the Sansheng Island, especially the movement of the underworld ... the rest, etc. When investigating Li Daotian, let him flee.


At the order of Dong Tianzhi, he turned around and shouted, "Jin Yiwei's investigation of Li Datian's movements in the sky, and the various spy groups near Yingchang House reported the location ..."

"Tiger Formation, Chenliu County ..."

"Ape group, Caizhou government deployment ..."

"The three groups of bear, fox and dog, after staying in Yingtian government ..."

"Lion and Peng group two, deployed by Shouzhou government ..."


In the recent period, Jiang Shuihan felt that Jin Yiwei had a lot of affairs and limited masters, so he mobilized the seven beasts to become the most secretive action team of Jin Yiwei, each of whom trained a group of elites to investigate and hunt down hostile characters.

Li Daotian is their first goal. The main task is to cooperate with the investigation and blockade.

Jiang Shuihan watched the maidservant put one by one on the sand table one by one the Jin Yiwei special agent group, and finally said, "Let the groups in Shouzhou and Caizhou stand still, and mobilize the army and rivers and lakes. , Blocked the river, strictly inspected Li Daotian's traces, the other groups tried their best to rush to Yingchang Mansion, all obey Ye Qingxuan's dispatch and cooperate with the removal of rape. Also, our people should not do anything, and try to let the people of Wulin League clean up Li Daotian themselves. . "

From Xuzhou to Yingchang Mansion, you must pass Yingtian Mansion and Laishui.

Jiangbei has developed water transport, and the river system flowing into the Dajiang River is endless. There is a canal here that connects these rivers horizontally, and a canal from Yingtianfu to Kaifeng.

Ye Qingxuan leaned on a small boat at this time, and the paddling was two young hundred households of Jin Yiwei.

After they were all meritorious, their fathers were born and died with the older generation of generals such as the Eagle King and Dragon King.

This time, the two were able to be picked out by the Nighthawk, who was responsible for rowing Ye Qingxuan. Naturally, they also recognized and rewarded their performance on weekdays.

The two took great care of them along the way. Ye Qingxuan also appreciated the cleverness of the two, and gave them two random pointers on their martial arts, immediately letting them open, and their martial arts greatly improved.

With Ye Qingxuan's prestige on the rivers and lakes, the two young people in their early twenties, looking at Ye Qingxuan, were full of little stars.

A large number of bear children on Kunwu Mountain, Ye Qingxuan has the best way to deal with such young people.

The benefits were delivered, and the two Jinyiwei hundred households performed more desperately. Now it is known that Ye Qingxuan lying on the bow of the boat with his eyes closed, the two immediately set up a parasol and quietly rowed the boat.


When a hawk eagle landed on the bow of the ship, Wang Dong, with dark skin and thick eyebrows, picked up Ying Xin and was hesitant to wake up Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan turned over and said lightly, "Read it."

Wang Dong quickly opened the note and read: "Shouzhou military sentiment, Bai Lianjia army while riding the general northward, led the army to besiege Yangzhou government, while another elite, bypassing Jiangning government, straight into Luzhou, and Shouzhou Looking across the river. "

On the one hand, Li Hao scratched his head and wondered: "Why would such military information be given to Qiye deliberately?"

Ye Qingxuan yawned and said, "It's your Nighthawk Commander who is doing things. His vision is really spicy. At a glance, these military changes should be for Li Daotian and Fu Yao. Unfortunately, it has not yet happened. When their support is in place, Fu Yao is dead. "

Wang Dong and Li Hao looked at each other, and Wang Dong asked: "What does Qiye mean ... Bailianism directly sends troops to meet Li Daotian?"

"Can't be wrong." Ye Qingxuan stood up from the bow, stretched out, and laughed: "With the lessons from the Peace Car, facing the absolute martial force far beyond their own martial arts alliance, these white lotus elites do not want to fight. High-level military force, but with the lives of fanatical believers to win by chaos, they are still very brave. "

Thinking of those diehards in the peace, Ye Qingxuan also had headaches.

Taipingdao ruled Hebei and Central China for many years. Those diehards were harder than Fuyao's French Guards. They were incinerated with their families and claimed to wash their souls with holy fire.

In their eyes, there is only loyalty to the Holy Fire and Heavenly Master in the world. All other family members, loved ones, and lovers are not shit.

Once the Bailian religion mobilizes believers in Jiangbei, Li Daotian's cunning will inevitably escape.

Ye Qingxuan slightly squinted his eyes for a moment, and suddenly asked, "A few days ago did Li Daotian's whereabouts be found?"

"Three days ago ..."

"Three days? Who discovered it?"

"A hundred households in Yingchang House ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Qingxuan groaned for a moment, firmly said:" What is the probability that a hundred households can find Li Daotian without being found? "


Wang Dong and Li Hao looked at each other.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and said: "It may be that Li Daotian intentionally leaked his whereabouts, let us think that he would stay in Yingchang House for a while, and he has already gone straight south ... In his footsteps, at this moment I am afraid After Caizhou, facing Huai Shui ... "

"Caizhou crosses Huai Shui south, and there is Gwangju ... we rush to Gwangju?" Wang Dong asked.

"No!" Ye Qingxuan got up, looked at the sky, and said lightly, "Let's go to Luzhou."

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