Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 490: Falsehood

Ye Qingxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up at the three people who came in.

The headed man is in his early thirties, with a tall and straight shape, a tall nose, a star-like look, and a very handsome appearance. The most attractive thing is not only his gentle look that can teach women to melt, but also The dark and elegant moustache on his lips seems to always make his male-charming face with a proud smile.

This man was dressed as a Confucian student, with a folding fan in his hand.

He seems to be easy to get close to, but if he keeps an insurmountable distance with others forever.

All these combined to form his extraordinary and moving temperament.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes were completely attracted to him, until the two people behind him gave a soft humming sound, Ye Qingxuan was shocked, and found two old friends behind him.

"Snake Staff" Xing Wuwei and "Sword Demon" Beiming are invincible.

The masters of these two days are actually only worth standing behind this person. Ye Qingxuan immediately knew what he was like. The man in front of him must be the special envoy of Momen.

"How many people know Huamou?" Ye Qingxuan glanced lightly at the three of them, and turned to look at Nangong Changsheng indifferently, and asked: "Brother Nangong, don't you say you won't be disturbed here ..."

Nangong Changsheng woke up like a dream party at this time, and laughed and got up and said, "Hahaha, Huaxiong is angry. These three siblings are the VIPs who are not invited in the old days. Today, I heard Huaxiong is here. I came here specially to be a wine companion, please Rong Laoxiu introduce Hua Brother one by one ... "

"Oh? It would be extraordinary to make Brother Nangong so valued." Ye Qingxuan turned surprised, and patted the other side with a nonchalant.

"That's nature." The man who was led by the longevity of Nangong said, "This is the grandfather of the Great Wu Dynasty, the brother of the Great Wu Emperor, and a scholar of Wenyuange University, Yu Shengtan, Yu University. Taxi. "

"Oh, long and long." Ye Qingxuan moved quickly in his heart, thinking about the name of Yu Shengtan, but after searching his intestines and scraping his belly, his memory does not have such a figure.

Yu Shengtan! ?

Where did this come from?

While Ye Qingxuan was contemplating, Yu Shengtan gracefully displayed a paper fan, and said eloquently, "Hey, this is Mr. Nangong's love. Xiao Ke He Dehe can praise it. But the two behind me are the real ones on the rivers and lakes. Grand Master, absolutely superior. "

Ye Qingxuan drank a glass of wine and said ruthlessly: "Hua Mou always dislikes things in rivers and lakes, even a cat and a dog can pretend to be masters in front of me ..."


Xing Wuyou was furious immediately, the snake stick in his hand slammed, the whole painting sinked into the water, and screamed angrily: "A good self-proclaimed Jianghulang, dare to be so presumptuous in front of my 'snake stick' Xing Wuyou ... ... "

The face of Beiming Invincible is sinking like water, and said arbitrarily: "People look down on you Xing Wuyou, and naturally they will not put me in the eyes of Beiming Invincible."

It wasn't until the other party's name was published that Hua Qing, who was disguised by Ye Qingxuan, showed a hint of astonishment, but then returned to normal, and arched slightly: "It turned out to be two heavenly gods. After the imperial court, Cangjie fled, so much that he took refuge in the Demon Gate and did not dare to show up ... Hehe, see you today. It's really a rumor that can't be heard. "

"You ..." The two were so angry that they almost started.

Yu Shengtan quickly waved his hand and laughed: "Of course rumors are not credible. There are still no rumors. Mr. Hua was because he had helped the Momen to fight against the evil couple, and was wanted by the court, so he fled to Dawu ... Hehe "I want to come to China to do my wholeheartedly. How can these fairy figures offend the eagle dogs of the Da Xia court?"

Nangong Changsheng hurriedly approached the round, but Xing Wuwei and Beiming invincible Qi Qi glanced, and quickly returned back without saying a word.

"That's true," Ye Qingxuan said.

"Oh? Why dare to ask?" Yu Shengtan asked.

Ye Qingxuan replied: "Although the old man helped the couple in trouble, but the Da Xia court did not embarrass me, but the people in Wulin League wanted to ask me for an inquiry. I was too lazy to ignore them before evacuating Da Wu ..."

"Oh, I see."

"Are you disappointed?" Ye Qingxuan asked with a smile.

"Why is Mr. Hua saying this?" Yu Shengtan asked in amazement.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I didn't offend Da Xia, I had no choice, and I didn't ask for help because of the threat of Wulin League. I want to invite friends to take the next thing for Da Wu. Isn't it a little bit arrogant?"

Yu Shengtan looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm wrong?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

Nangong Changsheng laughed and said, "Of course it is wrong. Although this brother Yu Shengtan is the national concubine of Dawu and a scholar of Wenyuange University, he has always been a leisurely cloud crane and only loves to make friends on rivers and lakes. He has never been very concerned about Dawu Chaoting. "

Yu Shengtan continued: "No wonder Mr. Hua did not flirt with Yu and other people. He thought that Yu was a lobbyist for Da Wu. It was an injustice." Yu Shengtan said as he bowed to Huaying, laughing "Mr. Hua, please rest assured. Mr. Yu only respects and makes friends with him, and has no intention of using it. Mr. Hua is also asked not to be surprised."

Ye Qingxuan then came to a sudden realization, and couldn't help laughing: "So it is. It's Huamou who is neglecting. He is willing to punish himself for a cup."

Nangong Changsheng interjected quickly: "I blame me on this matter. I didn't explain it beforehand. Brother Hua was misunderstood, and I also punished myself."

Yu Shengtan laughed and said, "How can two people drink on their own? If they are punished, they will all be punished, drink!"

During the cup collision, everyone sipped with joy.

Nangong Changsheng winked at Sister Feng. After pinching Ye Qingxuan's thigh, Sister Feng stood up and said, "Since the VIPs are here, some of them are invited to take a seat. The slaves will arrange for some of them to accompany the wine beauty. . "

After speaking of the crime, he retreated.

When Yu Shengtan was seated, it really didn't mention Dawu Fenci, but when it came to talking about the wind and snow and the moon, toasting three times, the music in the cabin raised up.

A group of stunning dancers stepped into the flower hall with neat movements and graceful dancing gestures.

Not only were the guests on the boat applauding ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even the few paintings passing by with the drunk incense squeak also heard envy.

Ye Qingxuan and Yu Shengtan originally thought that they were snakes, but their ears suddenly shook a few times, his face suddenly sinking, and he unexpectedly shouted, "Nero !?"

The music stopped and everyone looked surprised.

Nangong Changsheng was at a loss, Yu Shengtan frowned: "Mr. Hua, this is ..."

The voice didn't fall, and a gauntlet voice was uploaded by a painting next to it: "Where is my friend thinking about the old name here?"

Really Nero! ?

At this moment, Yu Shengtan's face sank, and he looked up at Xing Wuyue and Bei Ming's invincible glance. Both of them comprehended, and slowly stood up.

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