Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 9 Chapter 494: Heavy hand grid

This thump came out, and his spirits penetrated through the whip, like a myriad of fine needles, which penetrated into the Nero's meridians, making his veins numb and humming, revealing traces directly from the poisonous smoke.

Everyone on the boat was so stunned that no one could guess that Ye Qingxuan could be the first to take the lead, and Nero suffered a secret loss between the few moves.


Nero secretly gritted his teeth, and a sudden shock, the soft whip burst suddenly in his hands, and finally prevented more needle-like vitality from entering the body.

Nero was shocked, and took a step back.

Ye Qingxuan's upper body shook slightly, and the scene actually defeated Nero's half-chip.

Nero finally discolored, knowing that the internal strength of Hua Hua is not less than himself. Although he has just taken advantage of the concentration and dispersion of radon gas, he cannot develop it anymore, or he will only fall into one side after occupying the advantage. The beating situation.

Thinking of this, Nero shouted swiftly, stepped on seven stars, his face turned blue and blue, and after a few fake movements, he rushed to the left side of Ye Qingxuan, his left hand slashed, and his palm fell seemingly ordinary. However, everyone around the audience felt that his palm strength was so powerful that the three armed forces could make it easier and more irresistible. In particular, his palm that turned blue showed that this palm contained untouchable poison, no matter who was Before, there was only a short-term escape.

In front of everyone's eyes, Hua Yan did not dare to make a hard connection, facing the falling palm to the side, and avoided this palm indiscriminately.

The corner of Nero's mouth sneered slightly, and when he saw the moment when the palm hit the air, the blue palm suddenly turned into a body that faced Hua Hua, his palm spit out, and a breath, a green smoke spewed from his palm. It just happened to completely cover Ye Qingxuan.

Hahaha ...

Nero laughed loudly. After the achievement of one palm in his left hand, blue light bloomed in the palm of his right hand, and then he shot it out of thin air. A frosty air in the space actually attacked the lotus root covered with poisonous smoke with the technique of freezing.


The sound of the frozen seal sounded, and as soon as the poisonous smoke dissipated, it immediately showed the shape of the Chinese salamander that was completely sealed in thick ice.


There was a sound of surprise at the scene.

On the sidelines, Yu Sheng stood up with a sigh, his eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but startled: "Ice silkworm venom !? The ice silkworm venom, one of Wulin's top ten poisons? This Nero turned this poison into the palm of his hand. Among them, how bad it is! "

Nero stood up with a giggling laugh and shouted, "Yes, Master Yu has good eyesight. This trick is the [Ice silkworm poison palm] after the fusion of" Ice silkworm poison "! Anyone hit this palm for a moment Within three minutes, the whole body was cold and poisoned, and even the bones were frozen into ice powder, and eventually turned into a pool of pus. "

Yu Shengtan Grotto returned to the seat with a sound, his face amazed.

At this moment, even the eternal life of Nangong is as dead as a face. I don't believe that Ye Qingxuan was so magnanimous, but he was really killed by Nero.

Huo Tingzun stood up and snorted coldly, saying: "Mr. Nero, I have not thanked Master Yu for admitting that we should be on the faculty of Taiji Hospital?"

Nero smiled suddenly, turned and waited to bow and salute. Suddenly a click came from his ears, and everyone was startled, looking at the frozen portrait.

Yu Shengtan leaned forward, almost jumped up, his eyes widened, and he stared straight at the frozen Huaren portrait.

"Not dead yet?"

Nero snorted softly, and turned and slashed towards the frozen figure.

The light of the Buddha shone, [Daci Dabei Chiba Hands] violently appeared on the top of the frozen figure, and hundreds of palm shadows were either fists, fingers, or various handprints. After repeated changes, In the end, five fingers stabbed in one place, condensing huge suffocation like a chisel, and pecked at the palm of the cleave.


Radon gas radiated, and the thick ice layer that sealed Hua's figure shattered, splashing outward with the radon gas.

Nero snorted and flew backwards, fearing that Hua Yan was chasing after him.

Ye Qingxuan once again revealed his true body, and his whole body was still only slightly flickered, and he returned to a posture as stable as Tarzan without leaving the place in half a step.

Nero flew back three feet away before standing firmly. He was just pecked with a palm on his back, his eyes were blooming and he stared at Ye Qingxuan and said, "What old ghost are you? doorway?"

"Are you afraid?" Ye Qingxuan smiled coldly. "[Ice silkworm poison palm] is nothing more than that. Assuming Nero, you stop here, then today, next year, is your death date."

This time, the scene was uproar again.

The crowd who had just exclaimed for Nero again was applauded by Hua Yan's high move again.

Even if the other party blocked his vision, he could clearly feel that the palm of the other party was trembling. He had practiced for decades, and the "ice silkworm venom" gathered in the palm was intercepted by him The pulse technique broke with a peck.

Now he can no longer use this hand. Even if he escapes today, he will never want to use this poison to harm others.

"it is good--"

Yu Shengtan, who has been worried for Hua Yan, finally yelled and stood up and applauded.

Nangong Changsheng didn't want Ye Qingxuan to win, but he didn't want him to lose.

Ye Qingxuan slowly inserted Dao Tao back to his head, watching Nero slowly roll up his sleeves, and said coldly: "Nero, you just shot the first two rounds. Now, it's finally my turn. ? "

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Qingxuan gave a loud sigh, struck out with a single palm, and the palm shadow greeted him. The sound of a half-way call turned into a thousand palm shadows, generally covering the Nero.

The people who watched the battle on the painting became immediately silent, the coefficient was attracted by this master showdown, and the intensity was difficult to describe. No one could see which side prevailed.

When Nero saw Ye Qingxuan punching and attacking, he couldn't help but be shocked. Although his right hand was unable to exert force for a while, his left hand swung his hand around his waist, shaking his hand, and a large amount of poisonous smoke was generated, covering him up.

At a glance, the eye-sighted person saw that Nero wanted to perform the technique of smoke and smoke again to escape Ye Qingxuan's pursuit.

However, in the face of Nero's execution of the smoke-smoke technique, Ye Qingxuan already had a response, and he saw a laugh, "Where to go!"

Thousands of hands turned empty, Ye Qingxuan's body was hanging upside down, rotating counterclockwise, and a tornado wind suddenly formed out of thin air, and stood up, sucking the poisonous smoke under Nerob suddenly.

Nero only felt that the air suddenly became helpless, and a powerful suction came from above his head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The poisonous smoke covering the body was instantly evacuated, and the smoke and smoke technique that was to be performed could not be performed. To the top of the ground, thousands of palm shadows fell on top of his head.

Nero suddenly frightened his soul, exclaimed, and had no time to escape, but had to roll down regardless of the image, and a lazy donkey rolled in an attempt to escape Ye Qingxuan's control.

Seeing that the time was ripe, where was Ye Qingxuan willing to do more useless work, his eyes were condensed, and when Nero was about to escape the palm of his hand, a sudden suction was generated at the palm of his hand, which slowed Nero's action.

That is the moment, Ye Qingxuan fell down and kicked his foot on Nero's lower abdomen.


Nero flew out, and the blood filled with visceral debris spewed out of the mouth, ears, nose, and eyes, and the man was dead before he landed.

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