Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 117: Fire Line Promotion

Life is like this. What you have been looking forward to is not always the way you want it. But unexpected surprises always come when you don't care ...

How to use this huge qi?

To yourself or to the doorman?

If you absorb it yourself, within two hours, the realm will rise and the combat effectiveness will increase; if you give it to the doorkeeper, it will take more than one year to release the "Lagerstroemia indica" ...

Improving your strength now and now, the immediate combat power is more realistic and useful than the combat power you will get in the future.

The infuriation of a congenital powerhouse is enough for Ye Qingxuan's own strength to climb from the third place to the sixth place. At the time of absorption, about 20% of the true energy will be lost, and after improving the realm, a large amount of true energy will be used to transform the body.

With each ascension of the realm, the human body has to undergo a baptism in order to adapt to a larger and stronger infancy and strength, so that the human body itself will not collapse because of its excessive power.

The effects of forces are mutual. At the same time that you can use huge powers, your body must have the basic qualities that can withstand these forces, otherwise you will hit a landslide and the first thing to break is your own internal organs.

This is like using a straw to pry a boulder. Even if the power is strong, the straw cannot bear this force and cannot pry the stone.

Therefore, as the realm of the human body improves, so does the basic physical fitness.

This is also why the innate master in front of him was hit by such a powerful move, and the ground was smashed into such a large pit. But the reason people haven't died yet.

"Little master. What's going on?" Among the doormen who came. Brother Lu Qingzheng asked first.

"Well? Congenital master?" Tie Qingshi squeezed over and saw the seriously injured Tan congenital master in the pit.

Lu Qingzheng and Qingyan Taoists gave each other a glance, nodded at the same time, and shouted: "Arrangement, the disciples protect the law-"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the brothers gratefully.

Lu Qingzheng looked serious and yelled at Ye Qingxuan: "Don't think about it, time is short, hurry up-"

Ye Qingxuan nodded. Grasping each other, [Bei Ming Shen Gong] madly transported, and the enthusiasm of the master mixed like a flood of floodgates, rushing into Ye Qingxuan's body.

Ye Qingxuan's ears were rumbling, and the meridians in the body were like a cable bridge over a height of 10,000 meters. Under the impact of the true qi, they kept tumbling.

Not good. The other party ’s true energy has not experienced much loss, it is too powerful, and it is even more fierce than the true energy of the ghost ghost and fragrant wood.

Ye Qingxuan probed into his arms. Take the red medicine “Chalcedony Vein Dan” just got, and cool down. The shimmering light appeared on the meridians, protecting the meridians, the severe shaking stopped, and the other's true energy quickly and steadily rushed into Ye Qingxuan's Langzhong acupoint, which was crushed by the Beiming furnace into the purest "Bei Ming Zhen Qi" returned to Ye Qingxuan's Dantian.

On the battlefield, the great strength of the Great Zen Temple [Arhat Grand Array] can even confront the innate facts, making the people of the Tan people horrified and discolored. It is no longer possible to have a direct confrontation. This is enough to make this famous The formation of the mainland has become famous outside the territory.

The remaining four congenitals immediately became cautious.

The formation method of Dazen Temple is wonderful, but compared to individuals, the response is not fast enough.

These innate masters no longer confront Zhen Qi directly, but instead turn their attention to a more ingenious direction, using speed to kill monks in battle.

Earlier fighting, five hundred monks have killed about a hundred people. These innate masters once again focused their attention on these monks, wanting to slowly kill the living forces of the battle.

[Five Hundred Arhats], there are their own ways to deal with such a small number of people, high martial arts, and sluggish masters.

Suddenly, the formation shrank into a ball, and it suddenly unfolded, and then turned and changed into eight small circles that corresponded to each other. Each ring encircled each other. Once the enemy strikes, it is easy to dive deeper into it. Once it is covered Stay, it is difficult to come out again.

At this time, when the innate masters were not enough to shake this powerful position, the Tan Commander finally made a desperate decision.

The last eight thousand-man squadrons of the Tan's army slowly pressed towards the center. The goal was not only the monk in the Great Chan Temple who was snoring at the throat, but also planned to enclose the main force of the "Nanlong Village" together.

Only then did the Tan Commander-in-Chief fail to think about it, but his life-saving act brought a turn of opportunity to the situation on the battlefield.

Under the squeeze of so many people, the powerful [500 Hundred Arhats Array] had a tendency to stagnate, and the power was greatly reduced for a while.

It turned out that [Arhat] is still just a river and lake formation, and it works exquisitely and is more important than change. But the more elaborate the thing, the more afraid the most stupid way to attack. In particular, this formation method has never encountered so many intruders, and has never been regarded as an army formation, and it has been applied to the battlefield.

In the central area, the Tan fighters in [Arhat Array] fill every corner of the battlefield, suppressing the operation of [Arhat Array] with dense numbers of people, even if [Arhat Array] is more powerful, it will work again. Magically, once the moving space is missing, the speed of operation will be greatly reduced, and the power will be greatly reduced immediately. So many Tan fighters crowded together, even if they stand to let the monk kill, it will have to kill for a while and form a battle The great monks became more and more dangerous.

Therefore, where the shadows are frequent, the innate strong of the Chinese nationality finally shot, and rushed to the innate masters of the Tan nationality.

The horn sounded ...

The Tan soldiers who were defeated all around began to gather in the middle ...

The 5,000 disciples of "Nanlong Villa", after annihilating the former army of the Tan clan, also moved forward and joined the battle.

On the battlefield side of Ye Qingxuan, the stagnation of Qingyunguan did not have any impact on the overall attack. Under the leadership of the "King Eagle King", the Chinese warriors on this side began to rush towards the position of the handsome flag of the Central Tanzanian.

The Chinese warrior on both wings is like a pair of pliers. Towards the central area. Severely clamped in the past.

The time for a decisive battle has arrived.

An innate master of the Tan clan. Two four or five meters long leather whip in his hand, dazzling with gold, like two yellow dragons, tumbling up and down beside him, the power is extraordinary.

The double whip was slammed out, like a pair of scissors, and the leather whip was snapped together, bringing together six or seven Chinese warriors within four or five meters. The waist was cut into two sections.

The double whip snapped back, and continued to coil in a distance of two meters in front of it. At the same time, the double whip was like a spirit snake, which struck from time to time, and the crackling sound was endless. The golden flower flashed within the reach of its long whip. It is often a fall of life.

Five meters distance. No one dares to cross this circle of death, because all Chinese martial arts who dare to exceed this range. Eventually they fell to the ground, and even the person who rushed the farthest was two meters away from that person's feet.

Around him, there were densely packed Chinese warriors, but no one dared to step forward.

Lingxue adjusted his placket, walked through the crowd in a leisurely manner, stepped forward, and patted the young Chinese warrior who blocked the road in front of him, and walked into the circle of death under the horror of everyone.

The eyes of the Tan strong were suddenly converged, and that was the innate strong's response to the innate strong. For an instant, he knew that he had met the masters who were also innate in the early days. An opponent of this level, he has full confidence to gain an advantage and victory.

For decades, I have fully demonstrated this.

The powerful Tan people are soaring, and the form of entanglement on the two long whip in their hands suddenly changes. The original mild yellow light suddenly becomes violent, like a golden thunderbolt entangled on it, crackling, And its owner is like a gold armor thunder god, the guardian breath in front of him has turned into a golden thunderbolt, and the momentum suddenly rises several steps.

His biggest reliance is the two "thunder whips" in his hand. The two long whip are made by extracting the two gluten tendons on both sides of the fierce crocodile dragon's spine. It contains special properties that transform the true nature of the human body. Qi is converted into a thunderbolt ability to get the Qi of the Thunder attribute.

It was on the basis of thunder and lightning that he was able to win easily among the many resistances of the same level.

To this day, he still thinks like this, without worrying about his victory.

At this time, the real soul has entered the attack range of the opponent, but his steps are still the same, calm and calm, as if walking in his own courtyard.

The linguistic real person stared softly at his opponent, stepped forward again, and accurately stepped on the pointed tip of a long sword. The long sword suddenly bounced into the air, and fell lightly on the linguistic real person. The palm of the right hand, as if all this had been arranged properly.

When the long sword fell into the hands of the real ghost, his sloppy momentum suddenly changed, like a summer blossom, and Yurun's petals fluttered ...

The real spirit came with a sword, flowing lightly, like a floating cloud flying across the sky ...

The powerful Tan tribe laughed and laughed. The double whip in his hand rolled like two golden dragons toward Baiyun. According to his conjecture, it must be a dragon and a cloud ending. Even if the opponent can take the blow, then the convenience will be entangled by his own "thunder whips", the burst of the "Thunder" attribute can incinerate everything into ashes.

But the changes that followed made his confident expression instantly startled.

The opponent's sword changed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fuyun became Haoyue.

The two dragons that were supposed to break into the cloud suddenly seemed to hit the moon. That was no longer a floating cloud, but a bright moon.

Wen Wenyurun's bright moon not only bumped into two dragons, but also separated out two rays of light. He pressed the dragon's seven inches and crashed to the ground, letting him use the whip method to entangle the opponent's plan.

He had never seen such a gentle, soothing Jianguang. Shu Shu San San, Yu Run light, and suddenly, he was covered in jade sword spirit, a kind of jade sword with a slight warmth.

The sword comes out like a flower, the sword falls like a flower, and life is withered.

A sword passed, a blood flower on the chest of the Tan strong gradually grew, and life, with the bloom of the blood flower, died-(to be continued ...)

ps: add more.

Yesterday's Canada.

Acura was too undervalued yesterday. The nap became a big sleep ...

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