Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 240: 廿 4 night ride

When Zhan Yu said this, everyone laughed.

As soon as my sister Lu Xiuqian put out her tongue, she made a grimace and said, "The second brother Zhan hates it. He bullies others and takes advantage of others ..."

Zhan Yu exclaimed: "Heaven and earth conscience, I distress Xiuqian the most, otherwise why would I pick the most beautiful jade from the Netherlands and give it to Xiuqian's sister?" While talking, she pulled it out of her body like a trick. A branch-shaped flower with a jade-like whiteness and roundness, like a reduced version of the lotus, came directly to Lu Xiuqian with a look of surprise.

"Yeah! Thank you Brother Zhan, Brother 2 is the best ..."

The crowd burst out laughing.

Lu Xiuting shook her head helplessly. Although the two were twin sisters, the younger sister had always been like a child. She was naive and romantic. She had not grown up for more than ten years and had no intention.

As I was smiling with a smile, I suddenly saw an apricot dress corner behind the crowd. On strange occasions, I walked over and couldn't help but yelled. In front of me, a beautiful little girl was described, with **** eyes, The flashing room seems to have gathered all the auras in the world ...

"Ah, who is this sister? It looks so good ..."

Earlier, she also showed Zhongli Lingqing who was a female man to Huangfu Taiming. At this time, Wenjing was like a virgin, and she greeted her with a polite gift. She said softly: "This sister is good, sister Zhongli Lingqing. I do n’t know what the two sisters call them?"

Lü's two little girls are children of the rivers and lakes. Where have you ever seen a ladylike girl with such a luxurious temperament and a courteous manner? They all seemed to have discovered the New World as they were curious and hurried around. Introvertedly introduced himself. The three girls are about the same age. It is rare to find sisters who can talk and chat among these grand masters of martial arts heroes who have opened their mouths and closed their swords. Almost between three sentences, the three went to the side like sisters who have not seen each other for a long time, and talked to themselves. The weird topic among the girls, giggling laughter came from time to time, looking at the man in the room as if there was nothing.

Ye Qingxuan asked, scratching his head, "This, this situation ... looks like we have been despised?"

"Yes. Isn't it time to be on high alert to guard against assassins attacking again? How did it turn into a tea party between little women ..." Huang Fu Taiming also couldn't understand the thinking of these female animals, and they were always inexplicable In the most incomprehensible places, laughing in the most dangerous places, trembling in the safest places ...

Just now I was a bit afraid, and suddenly became lively again. My emotions changed too quickly, which made me unable to adapt. But that's fine. Someone is talking with you. It will make her get rid of her inner fear quickly, and she won't be afraid anymore.

Which man dare to say that he fully understands women?

Everyone turned their eyes to Zhan Yu. "Little Eagle King" hurriedly waved and said, "Don't look at me, I just drank them, I didn't want to read them ..."

"What's going on? What happened just now?" Master Lu Qingzheng found out that things were not that simple and immediately asked out loud.

Ye Qingxuan didn't hide it, and briefly explained what happened just now. Everyone at the scene immediately nodded and understood the matter.

At this time, the tent was opened, and Meng Yuanzhang walked in with frustration.

Upon seeing Meng Yuanzhang coming back, Huang Fu Taiming immediately asked, "Sixth brother, what's going on? Why do you know that assassin?"

Meng Yuan nodded his head and said, "I'm sure I know that person, but I'm sure he is definitely not a killer who wants to assassinate the leaves ..."

"Then his goal is just Miss Zhong Li?"

Meng Yuan shook his head, he was also very confused ...

"His target is the assassin who wants to assassinate Miss Zhong Li ..." Ye Qingxuan uttered a thousand waves, all of them were amazed, staring curiously at Ye Qingxuan.

"Brother Seven, can you be sure?" Tie Qingshi asked in a deep voice. When he heard that someone was going against the same door, this big man was irresistibly furious.

Ye Qingxuan replied: "I can be sure. And I believe that if it wasn't for his sudden appearance, he suppressed the killer, I'm afraid that the killer has already shot, and judging by the murderous sentiment from the other side, it is difficult to predict the outcome. ... but the person Liu Liu knew, his appearance eliminated the crisis. We should thank him ... "

Zhan Yu groaned for a moment, then turned to look at Meng Yuanzhang, and said lightly, "Lao, since that person is not the enemy, can you tell everyone about the origin of that person?"

Meng Yuan nodded his head and said, "Of course, no problem. In fact, even if he is our enemy, I will tell his origin without any concealment ..."

Everyone sat down before Meng Yuanzhang explained the relationship between the two.

In fact, it is easy. It turned out that Meng Yuanzhang was not adopted by the "pirate saint" at birth. When he was very young, he also wandered for a while. Both were orphans. They were about the same age. They both wandered in Zhongzhou. His name is A Yuan, and his name is tweezers, who are obviously people who know their name and their own life.

The two had been wandering together for almost six years, and the relationship was very good, but one day later, Meng Yuan had a severe fever, and the tweezers went out to help find medicine. As a result, he did not return. However, after being comatose for a night, Meng Yuanzhang was discovered by the "pirate saint" who happened to pass by the ruined temple, and was eventually rescued and collected as a disciple.

At this point, the two never met again. It was unexpected that they met unexpectedly here and now. Although more than ten years have passed, the changes between the two have not been ordinary, but the feeling of being familiar with the bones made Meng Yuan stunned. I instantly recognized the brother who was in distress as a kid, but just didn't understand why he didn't want to see himself, and why he avoided himself.

"Maybe, he has no reason to see you, or it may be compelled, otherwise why would he ignore his childhood brother ..." Ye Qingxuan said comfortingly to Meng Yuanzhang.

"Maybe, but I'm more like knowing what the reason is, maybe I can help him or maybe ..." Meng Yuanzhang said lonely.

"After I was rescued by Master that year, I had begged Master to take him back to find it several times, but all returned without success. It was really anxious. Even for a while, I guessed whether it was for him that day. Looking for medicine, what happened ... for this I feel guilty until now, every time I think of it, it hurts heartily ... Today I saw that the tweezers are still alive, in fact, my heart is really beyond words ... "

"Knowing that the brother is alive is certainly worth the joy. So what are you doing frowning about?" Wan Guotai came up and patted Meng Yuanzhang's shoulder, saying excitedly.

Huangfu Taiming also said with consolation: "Ye Sixth Brother, haha, you just can't talk to him now, but you can't know what he thinks now, but since it is confirmed that he is still alive, then you still have time to understand, why? So anxious, so distressed? "

Everyone nodded and said yes, and Meng Yuanzhang figured this out, and smiled.

"Hey, there are still some brothers who have insight, I do have some haste ..." Meng Yuan turned his face with a grinning smile, wondering: "Now you know about me, eh? Our beauty? Hurry up and ask her what is going on ... "

The attention of the crowd finally returned to the right track, and the group of people shouted and surrounded Zhong Li Lingqing, who was chatting happily, and Meng Yuan leaned on his hips and asked, "Hey, girl, how about your family? You lost it, do you remember where you live? Are you married? Would you like to make friends with your uncle? "

Meng Yuanzhang turned back from the rare decadent mood, and immediately restored his true character, and two or three sentences began to stir the anger of a female man.

Huangfu Taiming suddenly changed color, and Ye Qingxuan also secretly said that it was not good. This girl is not harmless on the surface ...

Zhong Li Lingqing's original quiet poetic beauty remained unchanged. A small fist in her right hand suddenly blasted into the sky, right in the middle of Meng Yuanzhang's nose, Meng Yuanzhang screamed, fell on her back, and the figure flickered. Meng Yuanzhang, who fell to the ground, was a blast, and he scolded and scolded: "Where the little hooligan, the aunt also dares to provoke it, do you know that the whole Luodu flower is too old to be planted by the aunt? You dare to provoke, tired, tired, tired ... "

The expressions of everyone were dull. I didn't expect this girl to have such a violent side, all of her face turned blue, and she silently mourned for the unlucky child of Meng Yuanzhang.

The two sisters, Lu Xiuting and Lu Xiuqian, covered their mouths in surprise, and immediately cheered and laughed. They laughed back and forth, and finally someone taught Meng Yuan, who had a poor mouth.

At this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A heartbreaking male voice came from outside the tent: "Excuse me, are the heroes and heroes inside, but the benefactor who saved my lady? In the next few people, Zhong will leave the house and greet my house. Miss ... "

Oh? It's Zhongli's.

Just now Ye Qingxuan rescued Zhong Li Lingqing and left a message to Xu Dingwei, a disciple from Nanlong Village, who came. After that, if someone from Zhong came home, let them go to some tents to find them. It is too dangerous to dare For a long time, the bodies of several assassins and the scene where they became chaotic were handed over to Xu Longwei of Nanlong Mountain Villa.

I didn't expect the other party to come so quickly, Ye Qingxuan said in a loud voice, "Some brothers are invited to come in quickly. Miss Zhong Li is here, safe and sound ..."

Huangfu Taiming also said with a smile: "From the outside, it's the big brother of the twenty-four night ride of Yanzhou, Bai Shidao, and under Shifu of Huangfu, I wonder if Brother Bai has any impression?"

The tightly closed door curtain was lifted up, and six big men were stepping forward, all dressed in white, gray, black, yellow, blue, and blue. (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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