Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 246: Learn from the teacher

Master Huang said "Oh," he was about to get up, but a strong attack came from behind his ass, and the whole man flew up a few feet high, gave a slap, and fell a dog.

Ye Qingxuan's voice sounded coldly on the side of the crowd: "The person who cleans up your big head is me, there is a way to settle accounts with me!"

Everyone grunted and swallowed, shaking their heads together to express their revenge.

Master Huang covered his buttocks and said hippie with a smile: "It was our owner who taught you Dao. If you dare to be good and learn from others, you can always learn from you ..."

Really, things are grouped together, and people are grouped together.

This shameless species can really make up with this shameless species ...

Ye Qingxuan sighed coldly and reprimanded: "Some hippie smiley, wait for your master to wake up and tell him, in the future, less of these crooked ways, thinking about how to win, with his quality, there is still something to do Otherwise, he will be a rice bucket all his life ... If I see you pitted and hummed again, I see this tree is not ... "Ye Qingxuan touched a poplar tree with the thickness of a thigh next to one finger, and went up with two hands and a pinch. With a hard click, it broke into two parts just like the scallion, "I have no mercy, I just let him die, become extinct! Did you hear me?"

Master Huang and his team were immediately frightened, and they made a hole in the cave, knelt down, and shouted in unison: "I heard ..."

"You don't have to kneel, and you don't have to answer so much ..."

"Got it……"

Ye Qingxuan snorted, and left a five thousand and two silver ticket, saying darkly: "Just you deceiving trick. When you meet someone who understands you, it is the end of your head. It ’s better to take it. Buying a few acres of land with Yinliang, An An is living steadily ... Think about it yourself. "As soon as the words were finished, Ye Qingxuan turned and left.

This group of scammers can still cheat when they meet useless people. Once they meet a master, even if they are cheated successfully, it is a deadly end. They can live to this day, it is a miracle. Rather than lose their lives, find a place to farm and live.

"Congratulations to the grandfather—"

Master Huang scrambled to the sky and led the thieves behind to thank Shane.

When Ye Qingxuanmai walked far away, Master Huang and others sat up in a brain, and everyone looked at the poplar tree folded in front of them, and their legs and stomach turned twitching.

"Hey my mother, this little priest is a godless god? A small tree with thick thighs and a stab in both hands will give you a break. Is this something a man can do?"

"Yeah, this is the legendary master, right? Much better than the master ..."

A little tadpole came up and stunned Master Huang a bit dull. Said: "Oh, Lao Huang. Did you hear what the little priest said just now? Did you wake up to say that the master is awake? Too much, how can you feed a group of people here? Even if you do n’t plan food in the field, the products in this wild mountain forest can deal with it for three or two years, and those who sleep in the wild mountains and wild mountains are not dead. How much better is that licking blood? "

Another cricket on the side said, "Yeah, after all these years, I'm really tired of running. From Yanzhou to Yunzhou, if they were not the masters, the brothers would have been dispersed, let alone mixed rivers and lakes. If you want to eat, it is considered Alright ... Although everyone looks forward to a stable day, it depends on what the masters say ... "

Master Huang sighed. Their team seemed to be abducted everywhere and got nothing for themselves. In fact, the big guys were all desperate and ruined families. They also all dreamed of rising rivers and lakes. Like the big masters, they thought of Wulin. China can have such a number of people.

But it turns out that rivers and lakes are not so easy to mix. There is no teacher, no martial arts, no qualifications, no money, and everyone ends up mixing into this look. If it is not the master, there is a little skill, covering a few brothers, these Only a handful of people can survive.

The little priest said simply, don't go to Kengmeng and abduct, is it really for this group of people to hold a knife to slam others?

But if the rivers and lakes are not mixed, do they really go to the ground to eat, and finally they will be bullied by the capable person? Several people in the team were originally forced by the place to fight for money, power, and martial arts. They robbed the land from their hands, and the silver they gave was not enough to move the grave to their ancestors. With the thought of robbing the road to make a living, it was also good for everyone. Later, he followed the big master's journey south and north. Although there were times when he was hungry, everyone was happy together.

Now in Lost Eight counties, where the sky is high, the emperor is far away, and the land without owners is countless. Everyone has fists, and now there is silver. It is also a way to settle here.

Master Huang thought for a while, and nodded and said, "Okay, when the big boss wakes up, I ’ll discuss with the big boss. This place looks like a mess, but there are opportunities. Although you may also encounter a knife licking blood, but also More motivated than wandering everywhere ... We are not going to break up, but we are here to rebuild the mountain and change Liu Kou to Zhanshan to be king. Everyone said is it right ... "

"Well, Master Huang still has insight, and when it comes to everyone's heart."

Everyone heard them laughing and excited.

At this time, Gui Yansheng over there said "um" and sat up.

The crowd was startled and hurried to help Gui Shengsheng help, "How are you, master, how are you doing? Quickly, give the master a drink of water ..."

Someone took a water pouch and gave Gu Huisheng a moisturizing mouth. Gui Huisheng looked anxious. "Did a little priest bring it back to me just now?"

"Yeah, the master, yes ..."

"You are the big master, aren't you looking for revenge? The little priest is so powerful, please don't go. Look at the little tree, the thickness of your thighs, and you will be stabbed with a click. It's no worse than the onions ... They have treated us well, and they have thrown another five thousand dollars, which is enough for us to spend years ... "

The group talked enthusiastically to Gui Guisheng to let go. Gui Guisheng's tongue was a bit big, and he couldn't speak in a hurry. Master Huang winked and said, "Don't make noise, listen to what the big master says ..." Not to mention, after all, Lao Huang was a little prestigious among the crowd, and everyone immediately stopped arguing.

Gui Yansheng drank another saliva before he slowly said, "Revenge, we are not the only one in our hands. When did you die when you saw me? This is a good thing, this It's a superior, the one I told you a few days ago, who praises me in the back ... They don't look at us, but at least it's a Bole, I beg someone, if I'm kneeling, I beg him , Also ask everyone to come out ... "

"Big masters ..." These people are so excited. I can't think of big bosses thinking about their future at this time.

"Don't stop talking nonsense, help me up ..." Several people quickly lifted Gui Huisheng from the ground, hissing-Gui Huisheng took a breath of air, felt the egg in the middle of his legs swelled into a goose egg, and walked a little bit Egg, then spread your legs apart, and move forward like a crab.

"The Supreme Master went there just now? Hurry me up and let the Supreme Master go again ..."

Ye Qingxuan hummed along the way and walked back to the tents.

As soon as the curtain was lifted, a giggle inside was heard.

Yeah, this girl Zhong Lilingqing is still mingling with Sister Lu's. Every day I come here to cheer for them, it seems quite in tune.

When I entered the tent, almost everyone came back, but my brothers didn't show up yet. I guess they met some experts ...

"How about the results?" Ye Qingxuan asked with a laugh.

"Ah, Lao Qi, our brothers have basically passed, but a few disciples in Guiguan have failed ..."

"Oh? Who's so unlucky?"

"Uncle Xiao, it's me ..." Qiu Yunzhen said with a sad look: "I lost to my opponent, I'm useless, but I tried my best ..."

"Yeah? How are you?" In Ye Qingxuan's impression, Qiu Yun really couldn't make it to the top 32, but he would have to get out after five rounds. Why did he get out so soon?

"Because he met me!" Lu Xiuting suddenly stood up after a pleasurable drink, proudly showing off her brilliant image, and Lu Xiuqian and Zhong Li Lingqing applauded immediately.

Oh, that's it ...

Everyone laughed, Qiu Yuan really couldn't lift it.

He really didn't want to lose, but he was not his opponent. The Sisters of the Luxian Valley also have amazing skills. Although there are still some gaps compared with Zhan Yu and Huangfu Taiming, they are still very easy to deal with the disciples who have just passed the foundation of Qingyunguan.

"Haha ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yun Zhen, it doesn't matter if you lose, remember the lessons learned, go back and work hard, don't you have a make-up match? Seize the opportunity, and hope to go further ..."

In addition to Qiu Yuanzhen, there are six people in the team who failed to win. This is also a normal phenomenon. After all, the main players in the competition are all characters before and after the naive realm. The disciples of Qingyunguan in front of them are all eighteen years old. After the foundation period has been exceeded, he has just entered the acquired period. Many people have won the competition by relying on the exquisite swordsmanship. They really compete in the realm, and I am afraid that these people have already been eliminated by half.

Everyone was waiting for the disciples who had not returned to the competition, and they heard a roaring noise outside the door, banging the gongs and drums, and shouting slogans. What was the slogan "The No. 1 Wizard in the World, Going to Qingyun Xueyi", and "No. First, shouts like "Wonai Wizards" ...

The crowd was confused, and they wanted to go out and see, as if a disciple of Qingyunguan rushed in from outside, but was a chubby pierced Yunfeng who was one of the five brothers ’apprentices," Seven Little Fortunes ", and the wealth of Shoufengxiang. He yelled, "Uncle Xiao, Uncle Xiao, it's not good. A team of madmen banged on the gongs and came to the door. They said that they were looking for some expert. They wanted to see you by name, and said they were looking for you. Come to learn from the teacher! "(To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

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