Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Kill 1 sword

This is a sacred ruined temple without knowing where to worship ...

Li Daozong sat alone in the middle corner of a ruined temple, and he couldn't remember how he came here.

He leaned his head against the wall, and the three scars on his right cheek had already condensed into blood. His clenched hands were shaking constantly. He didn't think he was scared. He just thought he was emotional ... but just now When the attendant Li Donglai was split in half by that great monk's Zen stick, why did he run?

Even if you die, you should stand there and die, but I ran away, so I lost all my name ...

Li Daozong punched the wall, and the temple's earthen wall was immediately penetrated through a hole.

I wiped the sweat flowing to the corner of my mouth, but found the bitter taste. When I looked down, there was blood on the back of the hand. The blood was originally on his face. It was splashed when Li Donglai's head was crushed ...

Now that these blood stains flowed into the mouth with sweat, Li Daozong suddenly felt a cramp in his stomach, and then a severe nausea struck. Wow, he vomited loudly. When he even vomited bitterly, he walked for a while. The voice came and stopped behind him ...

Li Daozong calmed down a bit, and restored a little style in the past, but the scars on his cheeks destroyed this high-handed arrogance, and he turned his head slightly, Li Daozong said coldly, "What are you doing?"

A clear and elegant voice sounded softly: "I'll see you ..." Xianxiansu handed a pure Jinpa in his hand.

Li Daozong stared at each other and asked sharply, "Sympathy !?"

The person shook his head.

Li Daozong's voice was stronger, and he asked, "Pity !?"

The man sighed and said softly, "It's concerned!"

Li Daozong stubbornly turned around. "I don't need others to be pathetic! ... I don't need you to worry about it ..."

Li Daozong is like a child. Wanton vented his grievances.

The visitor was motionless. The plain hand holding the Jinpa was held on the side of Li Daozong's face. It was neither embarrassing, nor meant to shrink back. The owner of this pair of slim hands has a much stronger temper than this pair. Not inferior to Li Daozong.

After stalemate for more than ten minutes, Li Daozong finally snorted and snatched the white Jinpa from the woman's hand. Wiping his cheeks, sweat and blood on his cheeks, was quickly absorbed by the handkerchief, and the original beautiful handkerchief immediately became a blood stain, but neither the user nor the owner of the handkerchief paid attention to it.

"I don't understand why your temper has been so stingy!" Li Daozong said coldly, then turned his head and asked, "is it because your mountain is too high and the temperature is too cold?"

In front of Li Daozong, a gentle woman in a palace costume squatted in front of herself. Gauze covered his face, although his face was invisible. But the glorious glory is still addictive.

Gauze's palace dress revealed her graceful figure, and she was extremely **** and imaginatively curved, but she did not give anyone any sense of playfulness, but because the lightness and gentleness of the yarn made the whole person stand out. It has the temperament born of Zhong Tiandi's aura and the beautiful contours of undulating like Chuanyue.

This woman who integrates heaven and earth is not Su Suya ...

She is Jiang Feiran!

Jiang Feiran from Lingyun Palace!

They are all peerless disciples, they are all beautiful women, they are all covered in light gauze, but Jiang Fei has a totally different temperament from Wu Suya.

Jiang Fei was laughing. Although he was wearing a veil, the smile was still clearly felt.

"What's so happy?" Li Daozong asked.

"Failure is sometimes not a bad thing ... At least this time you are willing to take over my handkerchief, which means that you can also take over other things ... This was a few years ago, I dare not imagine. If I were Appear when you fail, lest you growl and let me get away? "

Li Daozong froze and smiled bitterly: "You said that I was seven years old? You women really hold revenge!"

"Come on, it's your temper that you can't forget, OK?"

Li Daozong could not help but smile.

Jiang Feiran said softly, "Look, it's so good to smile, so handsome ..."

Li Daozong had a cheek injury, and his smile became painful. Thinking of his encounter, Li Daozong was in a bad mood again, and his expression became cold again: "My uncle has been fighting for 100 years, he has won a great reputation, and he has a star on his body There are no scars. I never imagined that today I was engraved with such a shame on my face ... This revenge will not be reported, and I will not swear! "

Jiang Fei frowned, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Blood debt is bound to pay for blood! This is my principle of Yijianshanzhuang!" Li Daozong said viciously: "Even those who killed me 'Yijianshanzhuang' are covered by the" Eagle King ", it is a rare escape. 'Yijianshanzhuang' will revenge! "

"Do you have to do this?"

"You know ... I've been warned like this since childhood."

Jiang Feiran suddenly sank, saying, "Li Muchen is Li Muchan, Li Daozong is Li Daozong, why do you want to go down the old path of" Sword God "?"

Li Daozong's voice turned cold: "If I follow the old path and make me the first person in the world, then why do I not do it?"

Jiang Feiran said coldly: "If you go your own way, you will not even have a friend in your life. Do you think your uncle" Sword God "lives happily?"

"How lonely heroes have been since ancient times!"

"Whoever said that heroes should be lonely !? There are two types of heroes from ancient times to the present. One is narrow-minded and ca n’t hold anything other than martial arts; The former is lonely, the latter is happy! Whether it is a lonely hero or a happy hero, in fact ... you have a choice! "

Li Daozong suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry, and his tone was never stiff. He said, "I choose the one closest to me. The easiest to succeed ..."

Jiang Fei sighed silently, and slowly put a box of ointment on the side of Li Daozong, saying, "This is 'Bingji Yuchan Cream', which is good for your injury. You know how to use ..."

Gently placed on the broken platform, Jiang Fei stood up. Resolutely turned and walked away.

"Actually ... you should laugh more!"

The lady has gone. There is a fragrance like this in the air. Still with soft fragrance honey words.

Li Daozong did not stay. From childhood to age, the two people mentioned Li Muchan as the result.

Jiang Fei has already gone.

Li Daozong still has a sense of injustice in his heart. He can't figure out the woman who just left. Why don't he want to make a man into Xeon? In order to become stronger, shouldn't men make a choice? Shouldn't she let go of the woman and become mentally strong?


A smart woman can't understand the only way to a successful man!

Maybe. It's time for me to return to Yijianshanzhuang!

Uh ...

There was a knock outside the dilapidated temple.

Li Daozong was so frightened that with his own skill, it was only when the other party knocked on the door that he noticed it.


Li Daozong's body and mind suddenly tightened, and he immediately adjusted his body to the best state, ready to deal with the sudden attack.

Squeaked. The fallen temple door opened, a man in a blue robe, a sword in his hand and a dust brush in his hand. The young Taoist prince who appeared like a fairy like a fairy appeared in front of Li Daozong with a smile.

"It's you!?"

Li Daozong was so disappointed that he came to be the younger brother of the "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu. The Qingyun Taoist priest with outstanding sword skill, Ye Qingxuan——

"Yes, it's me!"

"What is it?" Li Daozong asked in a deep voice.

The other party was here late at night, and he was holding a sharp blade, and there was absolutely no good intention.

Unfortunately, his "platinous sword" was forgotten on the contest platform. At this time, he had to clenched his hands and slowly gathered his energy, but a stagnation in his chest and a mouthful of blood almost came out ...

The big monk's blow made him suffer minor internal injuries!

That monk is also their brother! Li Daozong looked at Ye Qingxuan with a look of shame and indignation.

Ye Qingxuan smiled slightly and walked towards Li Daozong slowly. Yun Danfeng said gently, "I'll say a word for my second brother ..."

Li Daozong looked somber and slowly said, "There is nothing to say. Today's thing, I will definitely pay it back!"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes lit up and he said, "Really? Huh, it's best to ..."

Li Daozong frowned, what did he mean?

"What's your second brother to say?" Li Daozong finally couldn't help asking.

"My second brother said ..." Ye Qingxuan slowly pulled out his sword. "I won't kill you, he's upset--"

Li Daozong's eyes were startled, the opponent's sword had become a practice, stabbing to his chest ...

Li Daozong turned around suddenly, trying to avoid the sword, and suddenly he was so angry that he couldn't operate the slightest internal force!

The other party actually used poison! !! ?

So insidious!

Under the horrifying gaze of Li Daozong, the icy sword stabbed into his heart, fast, absolutely, and amazing ...

It's like an aurora, it's like a flowing cloud!

A flash of sword light, like a shooting star in the night, quietly escaped ...

The blood in the chest rushed out like a fountain, the sound was loud and loud!

It turns out that listening to the sound of blood spurting from others is so different from listening to the sound of blood spurting from oneself--

When blood spurted out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Daozong felt that the strength and heat of his mixed body also spewed out like wood, stiffened to the ground stiffly, and the vibration and sound of blood spurting was too loud Now, Li Daozong did not feel the pain when he fell ...

The other side also entered the sheath with a sneer, and walked away, throwing the dying Li Daozong into the ruined temple and letting him die quietly ...

Looking at the other person's departure, Li Daozong couldn't even rise to the unwillingness of mind. It seemed that any emotion and thought would consume calories and strength, and he was so weak that he could not even have the strength of this star point ...


No pain,

But it's so cold-(to be continued ...)

ps: Basic three and two.

I apologize to everyone today, because the train will return home early in the morning early tomorrow, so I went out to buy New Year's goods today, and the update was a bit late.

I will be back home tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow ’s update will not be delayed!

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