Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Choose a hidden weapon

Ye Qingxuan spent half a night, even stepping on the belt, to barely get rid of Zheng Yunbiao's entanglement with the dog skin plaster.

Now rubbing his temples in the garden.

There have been too many annoyances recently. Ye Qingxuan thinks that he is not a good young man with a plan and discipline. One or two things are still known in front of him. A lot of things smashed over. Ye Qingxuan immediately caught the blind. I do n’t know what to do first.

The crisis was severe, and the brothers were desperately practicing. Even Zhan Yu, who was seriously injured in his hands and feet, was sitting beside him. He didn't know what book he was flipping.

"How to learn hidden weapon technique? Hehe, this is not easy, find me!" At this time, it was Meng Yuanyu who was resting with a bamboo pole beside him.

"Looking for you !?" Ye Qingxuan asked with a look of disdain: "When will you be hidden?"

Meng Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "I can't, but you seem to forget who my master is ..."

"Senior Pirates of the Saints will be hidden !?" even Zhan Yu, who was reading a book, looked up curiously.

Meng Yuanquan fluttered his head, "No!"

"Then what the **** do you pull this egg ..." Zhan Yu and Ye Qingxuan rolled their eyes at the same time.

"Well? You can't look down on an old craftsman so much!" Meng Yuan said with a smile: "My master was mixing rivers and lakes in the past. In order not to lose face, to gather some confidence, he dug more than 200 ancient tombs over 800 years old, fun. The one I collected was called an unprecedented ... "

"Ye--" Ye Qingxuan spit in the air, "Master, you are not afraid of retribution for such a wicked thing as grave ancestors' graves."

"So my master is dead. Why don't I just accept an apprentice? It's cheaper for me?" Meng Yuan sneered and smiled endlessly.

"Less nonsense, talk about business!" Zhan Yu put down the book. Asked directly: "What fun is there?"

"It's useless to say that, because most people bury gold and silver jewellery, copper and porcelain wares ... But my master is not just for these things, he also specially discovered a few dissipated martial arts The ruins, where a deeper underground palace was found in the underground palace of 'Xianfeng Xiyumen', and the core martial art of the gate was found-[Eight Methods of Controlling Rain] ... "

"Xianfeng drizzle door !?"

Ye Qingxuan has never heard of this martial art, but Zhan Yu aside asked in amazement: "Isn't that one of the ten martial arts thousands of years ago? It was dominated by a hidden weapon. This martial art stepped into the top ten martial arts Its method is said to be bright and upright, but it is severe and abnormal. One does not use organs, the other does not use poison. Three is not allowed to attack behind the scenes, purely by means of victory, it is the most dignified hidden weapon door.

The hidden weapon was not vilified by the martial arts people, because this martial art justified the hidden weapon. Later, the gate was also robbed several times by martial arts, resulting in serious lack of martial arts. The sect gradually disappeared until it disappeared completely. Unexpectedly, this martial art secretly hides the core hidden weapon technique. The most surprising thing is. It did not fall into the hands of its own martial arts, but it fell into the hands of the robbers, which was unexpected. It seems that God is destined to completely destroy this martial art ... "

"It is also destined that this set of martial arts will see the sun again, and it will flourish in the hands of my Kunwu faction!" Ye Qingxuanmo fisted, excited.

Ye Qingxuan reached out with a smile, and Meng Yuanqi asked: "Why?"

"Of course it is!"

Meng Yuan chuckled. Said: "Not with me ..."

"Senior Pirates?"

"Not here ..."

"Ah?" Ye Qingxuan asked a question mark in his head.

Zhan Yu sighed and said, "What are you playing, Meng Lao? When the seventh brother gave you the dog stick method, he didn't tease you. What are you talking about?"

Meng Yuanzhang quickly apologized. Laughing: "Second Brother, Seven Brother, it's really not my fault. My master doesn't like hidden kung fu ... Well, my master doesn't like anything other than gold and silver jewelry and all kinds of antiques, and he's not even good at martial arts Mind, you see that he has entered the "36 days of smashing", and that's just the light work that he only practiced for stealing things and not being caught. He usually doesn't like this stuff at all. So my master found that After the eight methods of rain], I didn't copy it at all, and I was so angry that I drew a **** there, and then came back. As for the martial arts, it is still engraved on the wall of the underground palace. "

"Then why did n’t your master record the martial arts and sell it to the Four Seas Pavilion? You can make a fortune?" Ye Qingxuan asked inexplicably.

"My master has taboos. He dares not sell the heritage of others. He is afraid that the ancestor of the" Fine Wind and Rain Door "will not entangle him!"

"Then he still planing his grave?"

"My master is even more afraid of poverty ... and he is not afraid of people asking for trouble with his money. My master often said that gold and silver are moving things, and ghosts and gods are inconspicuous, but this school of martial arts has been inherited by others. If you can't carry forward your prosperity, you will be hated by ghosts and gods ... Of course, if you can carry forward your prosperity, you will have a good reputation and ghosts and gods will have a good reputation, and you will be happier ... "

"Really serve your master!" Ye Qingxuan sighed and sat weakly on the ground.

Meng Yuanzhang quickly said, "Hey, hey, so give up? That ’s why Master Wuxue did n’t bring it back. Let ’s go find it for myself. My Master ’s map of the palace was still in my hand. I ’ll take it I came back in half a month. And according to my master, there are still a third of places in the palace that have not been detected, maybe there are more exotic treasures waiting for us ... "

"Just your master's fortune, can you not explore?" Ye Qingxuan asked urgently.

"Who said that my master didn't think of a way? But there was a huge broken dragon stone at the entrance of the unexplored underground palace, which was completely sealed off, and the broken dragon stone was extremely hard. It can be destroyed. My master only has a nine-grade dagger, which is also an antiquities of the previous dynasty. After a great deal of effort, I knocked down a piece of broken dragon stone, and there is still a very deep distance to dig. My master estimates that even if this The dagger dug the puppet, and it was not possible to dig through it, so I gave up decisively and did not go deep ... My master later told me that the defense was so tight, after all, it was one of the top ten martial arts of the year, and it must be extremely precious. Treasures are buried in it. Our brothers went and happened to take a look.

The book in Zhan Yu's hand was rolled into a roll, and he went up to Meng Yuan and said, "I think you want to get rich is crazy! The weapons of Jiupin can't be broken. We used to have an egg. It ’s estimated that the magic soldier can be opened. Do you have a magic soldier? If you can go to Fengyi Pavilion to borrow the magic soldier back, I will go with you to find out immediately ... ”

Meng Yuan hugged his head, and Zhan Yu chased after him. Although the meridians in one hand and one foot were damaged, the flesh and blood has been slightly restored, and normal movements are not affected.

"Don't we get Yun Biao's hidden weapon technique! That thing can be said to be the highest peak of the hidden weapon technique in the world. At present, the Tang gate of Shuzhong is not its opponent, but if you just pick up a stone, you can hit the high depth of the shock wave. what……"

"Fart, I think you're immortal, thinking about making a fortune from a grave robber, you have a bad idea ..."

"Misunderstanding, that's the underground palace, not the tomb!"


Two people were chasing me while you were fighting, and the brothers who practiced in the surrounding area immediately joined the containment of Meng Yuanzhang and made a mess.

However, the subject's Ye Qingxuan silently rubbed his chin, his eyes twitched, apparently the secret underground palace that Meng Yuanzhang said had aroused enough interest in Ye Qingxuan.

Inheritance of one of the top ten schools of the year!

This is good.

The broken dragon stone, which is difficult to break for the nine-pin weapon, can not suffice itself, because he has a legendary world-famous soldier in his hand.

Wei Tuochu-World is Magic!

However, this is a long-term thing after all, it seems that some other basic things need to be passed to Zheng Yunbiao.

After much deliberation, all the well-known hidden weapons in Jin Yong's martial arts are all well-known for poison, similar to the "birth of life and death", "silver needles" or "jade bee needles". This was also the martial arts that Ye Qingxuan was optimistic about preparing to pass to Zheng Yunbiao. However, the boy felt too insidious, imposing, and damn, so he didn't teach it successfully. Looking at all Jin Yong's martial arts, there is no such dignified and almost as secret weapon like "Little Li Fei Dao".

After exhausting his thoughts, Ye Qingxuan finally found something that could meet the requirements and thoughts of Zheng Yunbiao.

Martial arts of Jin Xielang and Xia Xueyi.

Xia Xueyi's [Golden Snake Cone Method] in "The Golden Snake Langjun" in "The Blood Sword" is quite good, and she wins purely by throwing, does not rely on clever techniques, and does not need to be poisoned. It is also because of the characteristics of the Golden Snake Cone that it makes the hidden weapon Extremely changeable and weird. Even if released in person, it still knows its way. It is a rare hidden weapon that is both bright and strange.

Yes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is it.

In the future, we will find the eight methods of controlling the rain, and then use it to strengthen Zheng Yunbiao's hidden weapon foundation.

Not only is this [Golden Snake Cone] hidden weapon can be taught, it is even possible to directly pass Xia Xueyi's "Snake of the Golden Snake" to Zheng Yunbiao.

The [Golden Snake Sword Technique], [Golden Snake Cone Technique], and [Golden Snake Crawling] are all martial arts of top-grade quality, which can be regarded as advanced martial arts. In addition, Zheng Yunbiao ’s [Zixia Divine Gong] is definitely better than Yuan Chengzhi. [Mixed Yuan Gong], this martial arts achievement not only surpasses Yuan Chengzhi, but also far exceeds the creator of this martial arts-Xia Xueyi.

Now the difference is the same-"Golden Snake Sword".

After thinking about it, Ye Qingxuan immediately called Zheng Yunbiao. In front of him, the pen, ink and paper were ready, and a lot of strokes were made, while he wrote and explained to Zheng Yunbiao.

The brothers looked at the excitement, and from time to time someone came to see the excitement, while listening, they were amazed.

Zheng Yunbiao even heard his eyes bright, and he was restless. (To be continued ...)

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