Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 280: Come from Jianzhuang

At this time it was July, the southern sky, and it was sultry.

It's pretty old trees here, covering the sky, but the temperature is a bit unbearable.

Following the official road from the north, one jumped over several hillsides in succession, and there was a large forest, and the official road passed through the forest.

The creeping branches are scattered, and thousands of green claw old dragons are set up; the strange shadows are uneven, and tens of thousands of green scale pythons stand.

This is an old and fierce old forest.

Less than ten miles into the forest, in the woods next to the official road, more than 20 big men sat under the shade of trees, one by one dressed in red willows and greens, as if they were a singer, everyone took off their shirts, naked The big man with swords on his hands, manicured one by one, and the black mud on his feet.

One of the big men was lying on top of a large group of leaves with his legs tilted. One side was holding a fan and the other side was holding an unknown mountain fruit into his mouth.

The big lush green crotch pants of the big man, the brocade of a large colorful peony on a white background is open, showing a chest chilling chest hair, and the earthy hair is also braided, wrapped around the neck, like a gong. Face, horns also rubbed a small, gorgeous flower ...

This unforgettable uncle is Ye Qingxuan's long-cherished son, Gui Yansheng.

The fan next to him is his master who is like a ghost-student, Lao Huang, and the other side keeps delivering fruit to the uncle Gui Guisheng, but it is Huangfu Taiming's attendant, Xiaodouzi.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one another is not a problem.

It turned out that Brother Ye Qingxuan Yigan and Qing Yunguan were unable to leave Nanlong Mountain Villa, in order to find out the falseness and reality of the "Ijian Villa". No way. Just use the unidentified Gui Shengsheng and others. At the same time, Xiaodou, who has not shown much face recently, was also sent to help.

It was just that a group of people came here as if they were enjoying the mountains and rivers. They stopped and raised an uncle. This made them wholeheartedly do a good job for the master and got praised little beans. Now, Finally couldn't help urging.

At this moment, Xiaodou looked at the expression of humiliation, and looked helplessly at Guigui, helplessly complaining, "I said, Brother Gui, the order of my master and several leaders is to let us wait until one sword People in the villa. Listen to the truth, and then make an obituary ... What do you say we are not doing business, what are we doing in the woods? It's all morning, what if people don't go this way? "

"Relax, brother," Gui Yisheng yawned and said lazily: "This official way is the only way to reach Nanlong Mountain Villa after coming from Yunzhou in the direction of Zhongzhou. Unless' yijianshanzhuang 'The people are not in a hurry, otherwise they will surely pass by here, and I have arranged brothers at several commanding points twenty miles away. As soon as they are found, they will be notified immediately. Let us not worry, wait patiently Yes……"

Xiaodou sighed helplessly: "How many uncles above let us listen to the news and didn't let you stop here to rob?"

As soon as Gui Yansheng reached out, he picked a mountain fruit from Xiaodou, thrown it into his mouth, and said, "Oh, brother Dou, this scribbles a rabbit. Don't delay, and this is also an identity cover!"

Use a bandit as a cover, and you are not afraid of being strangled.

Xiaodou sighed helplessly.

Gui Yansheng laughed, hummed the tune, and was about to sing a few words, a sudden mess of footsteps came around, a thin man ran over, and shouted: "Big master, the idea came ... ... "

Gui Xie Sheng Teng Yan sat up and shouted with excitement in his eyes: "Skinny monkey, are you sure you are the master?"

The kid named Skinny Monkey nodded affirmatively and said, "Yeah, the big master, the one we robbed from Zhongzhou at that time ... No, once in Zhongzhou mixed rivers and lakes, I once encountered someone who worked at Yijianshanzhuang. Li Yanlong, who had seen 'Yijianshanzhuang' with a big eye, saw that Li Yanlong was so sure just now ... "

"Hey, this guy with big eyes has a good memory, look back at the guys and give him a good treat ..." Gui Zhesheng stood up sharply, patted his butt, and drew a Pudao, and shouted at the people around him. Quickly clean up, give me a little bit of energy, give Lao Tzu a good stage show ... "

The crowd responded quickly.

Gui Yansheng turned around, looking at the little beans that were just a little excited, and quipped, "Brother Dou Zi hasn't had this robbery experience in this life? Or should you call this name?"

Li Yanlong is the old name of "Yi Jian Shan Zhuang", it is time for the young master to keep working with the old master until he is in a saddle, until Li Mu Chan enters the innate, the old master retreats and hands "Yi Jian Shan Zhuang" to Li Mu Chan As a trustworthy old man of the old generation of the villa, Li Yanlong also followed the rising tide of the ship and took a step up, becoming one of the stewards of the "one sword villa". A cold iron sword in his hand has a great reputation on the rivers and lakes.

This time, I heard that the young owner Li Daozong encountered great trouble in Nanlong Mountain Villa. The three owner immediately sent himself to bring the younger generations to help the young owner.

"Uncle Long, how long is Nanlong Villa?"

The questioner was a swordsman in his early forties, with a steel knife and Qi Yuxuanang. He was the only congenital member of the team besides Li Yanlong, named Pang Chengyuan, and a master trained by "One Sword Villa", loyal to the Villa.

Li Yanlong looked up and looked at it from a distance. He said, "It should only be less than a day away. If we walk fast enough, we should be able to get to Muan City tonight."

A total of ten people came to the Yijianshanzhuang this time. In addition to the two innate masters Li Yanlong and Pang Chengyuan, they were followed by eight magnificent swordsmen, all in white clothes and white trousers, long swords around their waists, and two eyes shining. Shooting is a rare master at first sight.

Pang Chengyuan glanced at the eight sword guards behind him and sighed, saying, "In the past few decades, the village has cultivated a large number of outstanding disciples, and they can obviously compete with other martial arts on the rivers and lakes. I really do n’t understand why. However, the second master ordered the peace of mind. The little master suffered great grievances and justified my reputation as a “Yi Jian Shan Zhuang” on the rivers and lakes with many people. Originally, our grandfathers took this “Ba Jun” to fight in Nan Long Shan Zhuang. It ’s been a while, but I received the “Iron Sword Order” overnight, and I ’m not allowed to act violently.

"This makes you wonder?" Li Yanlong smiled and said, "The second master always admires Confucianism, pays attention to the mean, and pursues benevolence." Sword Master "Li Muru, this title is in the shadow of the grandfather. Few people know that ... now that the second master is in charge, it is natural to carry forward his ideals. I don't think of this little thing we have to deal with now, but other things ... "

"Other things? Oh, by the way, Uncle Long must have thought again," Why did the villa suddenly be hosted by the second master? ""

Li Yanlong smiled and said, "The direction is right, but I don't think deeply enough ..."

Pang Chengyuan was thinking again. Is there any change in the villa? He felt that he was thinking a little bit, so he didn't speak, but just shook his head, expressing puzzlement.

Li Yanlong sighed and said, "Your boy also understands that there is some jealousy in words, and it is considered savvy. But this matter is not as biased as you think, not why the second master replaced the old master, but why the old master gave the villa Take care of the second master ... "

"Why?" Pang Chengyuan really didn't understand this time.

"In this world, there is only one thing that the grand master can put down the villa, and that is duel. And there is no news of this duel on the rivers and lakes, it shows that the grand master is going to retreat now." Li Yanlong Changshu breathed a sigh of relief: "The warriors in the world can allow the grand master to compete with those who closed the retreat before, and can count them with one hand ... and no matter which one is a world-fighting battle ..."

Someone dare to challenge Li Muchan, the "first sword in the world"? Moreover, he also asked Li Muchan to make a retreat. Where is this person sacred? ?

Pang Chengyuan thought for a moment, but what happened next made him even more dumb ...

When the "Yijianshanzhuang" and other people had just entered the forest for a short time, a gong sounded suddenly in front of them, startled Pang Chengyuan, looked up, and jumped out from the grass, on the tree top, and behind the stone rafters. There were more than twenty people, www.wuxiaspot.com, each holding a sword and gun stick in their hands, blocking the way of the "One Sword Villa".

The head is a big-eyed one-eyed man, with a blindfold and a sloppy face, holding a Pudao in his hand, and a skinny ghost ghost scholar next to him. When these people came forward, they did not speak, and a fifteen or six came out. The one-year-old boy took a step ahead and slammed the long sword in his hand and shouted, "Hey, let's take a break-"

A few people in "Yijianshanzhuang" froze, saying that I didn't move ...

The boy shook his sword, thought about it, and then yelled, "Uh ... this mountain was opened by me, and this tree was planted by me. I want to pass by and leave the road for a while. One sword at a time.

Aha, this is the encounter of robberies, it is truly a world of great wonders, there are really daring thieves in this world who dare to rob "Yijianshanzhuang".

These people haven't encountered such a thing since their debut. Now I have seen it with my own eyes. I don't think it's irritating, but I think it's ridiculous, and there are more than twenty people rushing out with cold faces.

As soon as Xiaodou finished drinking, the people at "Yijianshanzhuang" did not respond, but almost turned over the group of people who belonged to Guizheng. (To be continued ...)

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