Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 2 Chapter 284: Each gift of stunts (on)

The words of "Little Eagle King" Zhan Yu are too scary.

The "Eagle King" stunt is red martial arts. You can basically confirm this with a little guessing, but with these three claws, you can upgrade red martial arts to purple martial arts. Then these three martial arts The value of learning is too great.

After all, Zhan Yu is not Zhan Xiongfei. His eyesight may not be as strong as his father, but this judgment cannot be underestimated. In any case, these three famous claw skills can only improve the "Eagle King" slightly. The level of martial arts is to make great achievements. For the master of the level of "Eagle King", the martial arts he has formed, even if he can improve the front line a little, are very precious.

It is a very cost-effective deal to exchange the claw skills below the three red levels in exchange for a stronger alliance with the "Eagle King".

"Even if the second brother does not say, I will prepare the three-door claws. If it can help the 'Eagle King', that is really a meaningful thing ..." Ye Qingxuan said excitedly "Second brother, after I go back, I will transcribe the cheats of the other two claw exercises to you ..."

"So thank you Brother Seven on behalf of your father!"

"Oh, my brother, second brother is so out of place!"

Ye Qingxuan smiled with everyone, and then said to Yun Zhu kneeling in front of him: "Did you hear the kid? Practice well, get the groundwork, and some of the skills are enough for you to learn. Stand over now!"

Yun Zhu respectfully gave Ye Qingxuan three heads and stood on the side behind Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan stood behind the crowd with a little bit of his hand, and Zheng Yunbiao, who was imprinted in a footprint, shouted, "Your boy is here for me too. I learned to sell well as soon as I got a cheap one. I will give you this martial arts. Is it not for me to roll over, is there any other benefit you want? "

Zheng Yunbiao stumbled over, and there was a big footprint on his cheek. The image was ridiculous, and said miserably: "Little uncle, you don't need to say this, you can only show your old talents there, brother. Can we not know? "

Ye Qingxuan sneered, "Don't talk nonsense, your kid said I was asking for it, didn't I? I went back and packed you up, now roll me aside ..."

As soon as Zheng Yunbiao arched his hand, leaning on his waist, he moved aside.

Ye Qingxuan now looked at the disciples below and nodded his head and said, "I will give you some more advanced martial arts now to give you a chance to become famous. But then again, let ’s say [Kunwu Eight Swords] is the essence of the world's swordsmanship, and is the basis for practicing any swordsmanship. It must be constantly practiced to master the swordsmanship. "

The disciples Qi claimed to be.

Even if Ye Qingxuan had exchanged martial arts, it was not copied, so it could not be directly passed on to the disciples. So after thinking about it, a move in his heart, Ji Lang gave a shot, the blue sword shot, the sword flashed, and the mask fell beside him. A sandalwood table, this sandalwood table was deliberately rushed by guests at this banquet in Nanlong Village. The number is limited. Only some very important guests are eligible to sit on such a good table. However, the functions of the table have not been used yet. There was a splash under the sword, and it turned into a large number of palm-sized sandalwood signs.

Under Ye Qingxuan's sword, each wooden card is the same size, uniform thickness, and the surface is smooth and polished. The magic of the sword is amazing.

Ye Qingxuan didn't care that everyone admired his gaze, reached out a move, reached a wooden sign, looked at the disciples with a serious expression, and said with a deep voice: "Yun Chong came forward—"

Yun Chong heard the sound among the three generations of disciples in Qingyunguan immediately stepped forward and knelt down, congratulating, "The disciple Yun worshiped seeing the uncle!"

Ye Qingxuan was very satisfied with this big disciple, who had the most similar personality to the master, and had a good and dignified personality. He had a plan in mind for his martial art choices, and nodded, saying, "The disciple Yun Chong, Tough and upright in character, humbly and obedient, and most loyal to the teacher. You can also set an example for your brothers and sisters. Today I will give you yellow-grade top-grade martial arts, 17 roads [Da Songyang Divine Sword Law], this set of swordsmanship is rigorous, rigorous and majestic, and is known for its majesty. It comes from thousands of troops, spears and halberds. It is suitable for your fair and rigorous personality and temperament. Today I will give you Swordplay, we will continue to work hard to set an example for our siblings ... "

This set of [Great Songyang Divine Sword] is actually the seventeenth road [Songshan Sword Technique] adapted by Zuo Lengchan. Although Zuo Lengchan's personality is insidious and deceitful, he is definitely a generation-level master-level figure. In The Book of Swordsman, there is no one who can create martial arts except him. Even the East is undefeated, the wind is clear, it is free to do it, or even Shaolin Fangzheng and Wudang Chongxu. The martial arts high-strength characters are not as shy as he is. These people are just picking people's teeth. They rely on their predecessors' martial arts to achieve their supreme prestige. On the way to martial arts, they can only be regarded as masters, not masters. Only this Zuo Lengchan, who was hated by everyone, can be called a generation of masters.

Since the Sun and Moon taught ten gods to attack Huashan thinking over the cliff several decades ago, the Songshan School ’s swordsmanship has gradually lost its way. Zuo Lengchan gathered his remnants of the Songshan School with his own prestige. The 17th Road Songshan swordsmanship, which is called "perfect", was improved to create "Inner Eighth Road, Outer Nine Road", the length of the 17th Road, and the speed of each way.

Zuo Lengchan is cold and cold, but the seventeen-way swordsmanship is upright and magnificent, which is suitable for Yun Chong's strict and just character. This powerful set of swordsmanship has been hailed as the best swordsmanship by Zuo Lengchan. In this life, let my great disciple Yun Chong come to fame.

Yun Chong is grateful, and scratches his head.

Ye Qingxuan was holding the sandalwood card on his left, and his index finger on his right hand swiped on it for a while, then he was thrown lightly, and Yun Chong took it in his hand. Ye Qingxuan said faintly: "The secret book is not here, first use this card as proof, etc. After that, I will go to your six uncles to get the exercises! "

"Disciple obey!" Yun Chong respectfully saluted, stood up and stood beside Zheng Yunbiao.

Ye Qingxuan then shouted: "Lu Yundong stepped forward—"

"The disciple is--"

Lu Yundong stepped forward, kneeling to the ground in excitement.

Ye Qingxuan said: "You have a loyal character and a good understanding. The rare thing is that your left-handed swordsmanship is more flexible than your right-handed swordsmanship. The" same swordsmanship "previously given to you is a rare swordsmanship, and the holes in the swordsmanship are just right. You have your other hand to make it up, so that you can show the true power of this sword, it is very good ... "

Lu Yundong was praised by his uncle and flushed with excitement.

Ye Qingxuan continued: "Now you have practiced [Kunwu Eight Swords] well, and you can transfer to other advanced swordsmanship. Now you are bestowed with orange-grade inferior martial arts [Xunleijian]. This swordsmanship is fast and extremely powerful. With two swords in your hands, you can double the power of the secondary swordsmanship. I hope you study hard and live up to your expectations. "Ye Qingxuan stroked his fingers in a row, and sawdust spattered like smoke, and he wrote the wood in a moment. The card was lost, and it went into Lu Yundong's arms.

Lu Yundong took the wooden sign, almost a flower bloomed on his face, and immediately hoeed Shane.

[Xun Thunder Sword] is the unique skill of "Kunlun Three Saints" in "Eternal Dragon Slaying". The sword is extremely fast. It can attack the enemy with 16 strokes in an instant, which is extremely fast.

"Xie Yunan stepped forward—"

Seeing that it was finally his turn, Xie Yunan, who had been waiting anxiously for the first time, immediately stepped forward and fell to his knees, "The disciples are--"

While engraving a wooden sign, Ye Qingxuan said, "Xie Yun'an, you have a lively personality, flexible thinking, and smart people, but remember that this advantage can only be used in martial arts moves, and you must focus on stability in daily practice. Don't worry. Do n’t be aggressive, let alone slack. Today, I ’ll give you an orange-grade inferior sword technique, 72 styles. This sword technique changes a lot, but it requires users to have deep internal force as the foundation, which is suitable for you. Temperament can also force you to practice your internal strength, and when you get it, you will not be slack. I will spot check with you from time to time! "

[Fingering soft sword], Zhang Sanfeng's seventy-two swordsmanship, when Mo Shenggu and Yin Tian crossed hands, they used this sword to win a small victory over Yin Tianzheng, and made Yin Tianzheng to Zhang Sanfeng's creative martial arts. Great admiration. [Wangzhirou Sword] When the sword is launched, the blade is forced to bend with thick internal force, the sword moves are fickle, making the enemy unable to stand.

Xie Yun'an is extremely intelligent, but he likes to use small cleverness. It seems that his person is not stable enough and very frivolous. He has given him this martial art. If he wants to become stronger, he must calm down and practice step by step, and his moves are strange. The changeability, when confronted with the enemy, is in line with his flexible and changeable temperament, which can be described as a sword technique completely designed to change him.

Xie Yunan's sudden defeat was a moment of shame and bravery. Ye Qingxuan hit the iron while he was hot, and gave him this sword technique, which was a good time for him to serve his weaknesses and develop his advantages.

Xie Yun'an moved Shane.

Ye Qingxuan drank again: "Qiu Yun really came forward-"

"The disciple is--"

Qiu Yunzhen stepped forward and kneeled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yunzhen's various qualities are average but not mediocre, but he is a rare good disciple. Other disciples have their own characteristics, but your characteristics are not distinct, and they do not seem to stand out. , But in fact the average advantage is no shortcomings, no disadvantages. Yun Zhen remembers, do n’t be discouraged, do n’t be slack, [Kunwu Eight Swords] as your basic swordsmanship, make your foundation extremely strong, better than others, but you must have confidence and persevere, not because of a moment of winning or losing Give up, do you understand? "

Qiu Yun really understood immediately, the compliment should be.

Ye Qingxuan nodded, took a wooden sign in his hand, and said, "With your characteristics, any swordsmanship can be played normally. This time, I will give you a set of yellow top-grade martial arts." If you practice well, it will definitely make you famous. "

"Disciple Shane!"

[Soul Hunting Sword] is the stunt of Honghuahui 2 in the Book of Swords and Enemies. It has no left arm, but the sword skill is very high. His stunt in his life is seventy-two. "Soul-hunting sword", coupled with "serial lost legs", martial arts can be said to be the best in the Red Flower Society, ordinary people stab a sword, he has stabbed four or five swords. rs


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