Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Zhounan Jingnan

Throughout September, Kunwu was recruiting disciples.

There are more than a thousand disciples who have directly worshiped the Kunwu faction, and there are nearly 2,000 students recruited by Kunwu College.

The disciples above and below the "Creation Realm" sent by Kunwu were so busy.

Kunwu Mountain and Kunwu Mountain Town, fifty miles below the mountain, became a large site at this time. Even the disciples who were new to the martial arts were also mobilized to help the workers in the afternoon and practice martial arts in the morning and evening. In the case of Bertone's project plan, under the condition of full staff and sufficient financial resources, it will take at least about eight years to complete the construction of the main buildings of Kunwu Mountain and Shancheng. Therefore, during this period, here will be Within a busy scene.

The most important building of Kunwu Mountain is the Zixiao Hall, and the main building of Kunwu Mountain is Kunwu College and the city wall.

With the restart of the Kunwu faction, relatives of the disciples who were originally members of the Qingyunguan period also moved into the Kunwu mountain city under construction. According to Ye Qingxuan's proposal, Lu Botong published the planned mountain city plan. The plots in the residential area were the first to be sold. Ma Yunyong and Zheng Yunbiao bought a large number of homesteads in the first batch. Two mansions broke ground in Kunwu Mountain City, which led to the entry of other wealthy households.

The Zheng family was originally oppressed by the Jianmen in the sky, and the family fell. However, this time, the old man Zheng Youcai made up his mind to sell all the property and farm products. The whole family moved here, buying land and building shops here. Zheng Yunbiao's two elder brothers, Zheng Long and Zheng Hu, joined Kunwu College, and their younger sister Zheng Yanyan, who just turned twelve, joined Kunwu school. Leaning on the old foundation. The Zheng family quickly established a foothold in Kunwu Mountain City. Relies on providing meals for working workers. Earned the first money from Kunwu faction.

The Zheng family came to Kunwu Mountain City, how could the Ma family that had always been facing Zheng Youcai lag behind. Especially the son Ma Yunyong's martial arts practice was outstanding. The two brothers started to work together. Even Ma Yunyong couldn't move one arm. Just aiming at this, Ma Dashan took the whole family and sold all the property and came here again. Home ownership.

After that. The restaurant in Qian Yunzhong's home, the pawnshop and money house in Hu Yun's family, the headquarters of Yuanshan Dart Bureau, the shops of Dajiang League ... In a short time, relying on the relationship between the Kunwu sentiment disciples, the basic business of Kunwu Mountain The architecture is set up.

These parents are not fools, but the influence of the Kunwu faction in that year, coupled with the relationship between the court and the famous faction at this time, the most important thing is the profound martial arts revealed when their children came home ... It is for these families to make up their minds to follow Qingyunguan to Kunwu Mountain for development, and to show the potential exposed by Kunwu School. They believe that this step is absolutely correct.

Then, with the purchase of the largest plot of land in the city of Kunwu by Sihaige, the building is almost the largest group of buildings on the ground in Kyushu. It also proves the development potential of Kunwu Mountain City.

With Lubotong's order to build the largest treasured material trading market in Kunwu Mountain City, and to build a straight road from Kunwu Mountain City to the back of Kunwu Mountain, there is a hundred-hundred-meter long mountain in Kunwu Mountain. The canyon here is directly accessible to the 100,000 Mountains, which is extremely convenient.

With the reconstruction of Kunwu Mountain, the huge natural treasure house of 100,000 Great Mountains can almost be said to have become a treasure trove of adventures of Chinese warriors.

But at this time, all of this has nothing to do with Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was walking in the picturesque world of Jingzhou with several brothers who were righteous.

In September, Xiangshui is green as blue.

Wan Guotai, Duan Sanshi, Meng Yuanzhang, Ruhua, Jiang Shuihan and Ye Qingxuan, the six brothers arrived at the Linxi Ferry on the north of Yunxia County a few days ago. A large medium-sized passenger ship from the Jiangmen Alliance was waiting here. The disciples of the League sailed, and Zhong Sunliang and Wu Hao accompanied Jiang Shuihan for about three years. At this time, the two returned to the Alliance with the young league leader.

All the way down to the east, in five days time, except Yunzhou, entered the boundary of Jingzhou.

The brothers practice their internal skills daily and drink alcohol for fun in their spare time.

This night, the brothers got drunk and went back to the room to sleep.

This feeling, Ye Qingxuan slept until 10 o'clock the next day.

The gentle sunlight was shining through the window of the ship, shining on his face, both warm and itchy. Ye Qingxuan moaned comfortably, stretched her waist, and got up.

Opening the curtains, a fresh water rushed towards the face, refreshing the spirit.

When I got to the boat, I held the stopper and looked around. I saw the river flowing, clear waves, green mountains on both sides of the river, beautiful colors, and mountains and water mapping on the boat, reflecting the greenness of the eyebrows. The beautiful scenery is very pleasing to the eye.

After sleeping this night, Jingqi could not speak enough.

Going to the stern, several Baxian tables were set up here. Seeing that Wan Guotai had been getting up for a long time, he sat alone at the table, looked around, and stood by his hand toward the blue dragon who could not leave.

In order to practice this sword to the extreme, he must have vigorous and long-term strength, so in recent time, besides practicing the knife, this big brother has begun to practice madly practice [Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong]. The talented person has a short term It can be done, but the elder brother has only practiced for the first time, and he has been practicing for months. Ye Qingxuan spent a lot of elixir before he successfully completed the first exercise. But just because he worked hard enough, Wan Guotai got the perfect strength of 5,000 pounds, which is better than Yun Zhu and Ma Yunyong at that time. In addition to his body being more solid, his head is still out. A section, but under 22 years of age, has grown a few centimeters tall, and has become a big one with a height of eight meters. Among the people, it only takes about two meters to have a height difference of half a head and lower jaw. Short hair was also added, and the temperament of the entire person began to be restrained, becoming like a rock that has been beaten by wind and rain for thousands of years, silent and heavy.

Among the brothers, only IWC has the most ordinary origin, the weakest skills, and the most common martial arts, but after the initial panic and anxiety, IWC did not become inferior because of this, on the contrary. His open-minded mind made him more calm and majestic. After many years of martial arts. With the deepening of the internal force. His eyes also became sharper, just like the unsharp blue dragon moon moon knife in his hand. It was heavy, heavy, and dainty, but he could cut mountains and cut stones with unmatched power.

"Haha, big brother got up early."

Wan Guotai turned back and laughed: "Hehe, brother seven, your elder brother and I are croppers, watching the sky rise and fall asleep. At dawn, I can't sleep, I'm idle, come out and breathe ..."

Ye Qingxuan sat next to Wang Guotai, and some disciples of Dajiang League have long brewed a cup of local specialty tea with river water, and put two saucers of dried melon seeds and delicate confectionery under the stern of the boat.

At this moment, a calf hangs down from the awning, swaying in the air wantonly, Meng Yuan's lazy voice said, "It's not only the older brother who wakes up early. I saw Duan San didn't know what to stir in the cabin. Lao Ba is fishing on the side of the boat, and now I am afraid that only Ruhua's tamped cargo is still dormant ... "

Wan Guotai and Ye Qingxuan chuckled. Ye Qingxuan asked: "If Brother Liu doesn't come down for a cup of tea, why is it affected by wind?"

Meng Yuanzhang said comfortably: "You don't understand, you don't understand. The sun is warming the boat canopy and lying on it is very comfortable. I urge you to come up and bask in the sun together. It is serious ..."

"No, no, you can't bear your elder brother and my blue dragon and the moon knife ..." Wan Guotai laughed.

The breeze is blown by wind, the fragrance of tea is fragrant, and the leaf of the canoe is full of capacity and mid-stream.

Hearing Jiang Taotaotao, soft and swaying, especially leisurely. On both sides of the river, if there is a gentle place, through the branches of tamarisk, there are often people hiding in it, the sound of the barking of chickens, from time to time over the trees, falling out of the clouds, if the corresponding, Yu Fa is distant and happy. .

In the past life, Ye Qingxuan often traveled a lot. He traveled several times, but the places where he went were often crowded and hurried. Everywhere he went, he was crowded and miserable. If you could find an empty place, quickly take a picture, and then fled immediately, why have you been so relaxed and comfortable?

Another two days passed, and after arriving at the Jingzhong Plain, the passenger ship went south along the canal and entered the Tuanlong River, and soon entered the sphere of influence of the Dajiang League.

The main altar of the Dajiang League is located under the Tonglong River Cuitong Mountain, less than a hundred miles from Tonglu City.

After entering the Gunlong River, the river was turbulent, the sails were full, and the boat sailed down the river. The boat was very fast for a while, and it came to Tonglu City. Looking up from the canopy, Cuitong Mountain has been crossing the south bank, and the river is towering, and the purple is green. Beneath the foothills is the bank of the river and the deep river. In sunny daylight, looking to the front, the sails a little, straight to the sky. When I saw the crab house in the fishing village, it was in twos and threes.

Three or five fishermen, according to the shore pull cum, fishing near the river.

Looking at the riverside, there are about ten fishing boats lined up. They are all tied under the poplar trees on the shore.

The fishermen on the boat, a rare day of leisure, all scattered slowly chatting against the roots of the tree, slanting pillows to sleep on the top of the boat, netting on the bow, bathing in the water, and a few fishermen around Sitting together or playing chess, or grabbing a stone to guess single and double gambling ...

Passing the Tonglu City Wharf, the river is wide, there are no less than a hundred merchant ships of all types, and the flags of various companies are hung. After careful examination, there are those in Zhongzhou, Jingzhou, Yangzhou and even Yanzhou in the north. Thousands of workers carrying goods at the docks were extremely lively.

Meng Yuan watched this lively scene with a sneer, whistled, and said jokingly: "Hey, my dear, old man, this water area should be the property of your Dajiang League, right? I remember when I came here last time But there is no such spectacular scene, the development in the past few years is really amazing ... "

Jiang Shuihan smiled faintly and said to several brothers, "The Dajiang League has really developed a lot in the past few years, mainly because of the seventh brother ..."

"Because of me?" Ye Qingxuan said a little confused.

Jiang Shuihan laughed, "Yeah, Brother Seven. Have you forgotten the familiarity of southern Jingnan?"

"Mu Zhe !? Brother Mu?" Ye Qingxuan immediately thought of the barbarian leader who had left his left hand in order to make an effort for himself.

"It's him—" Jiang Shuihan nodded and said, "When Brother Mu returned to the cottage, he handed over all the cooked specialties to my Dajiang League for sales. Everyone also knows that Chinese businessmen dealt with these cooked people on weekdays. The price of the goods was extremely low. When it arrived in the Central Plains, it sold astronomical figures. Besides, it is a transaction of some valuable wood. It costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year. That is two million silver. And the mature tribes are actually even one of them. One-tenth is not available.

And since Shuman cooperated with our Dajiang League, this money has indeed been obtained in its original form. Our Dajiang League just sold these goods here and sold it for nothing, and it was a huge gain for Dajiang League and the cooked tribes. Why not do it?

Not only that, these years. The power of the Dajiang League has skyrocketed and Tonglu City has been included in the sphere of influence. The Dajiang League has not only undertaken transportation, but the city ’s shops, inns, restaurants, pawnshops, and other commercial facilities have about 80% of our industry. Already. "

The crowd was shocked and congratulated Jiang Shuihan.

Ye Qingxuan nodded with a smile, applauding the development of Dajiang League, and at the same time he comforted him: "My uncle is indeed a great man. Seeing that he has developed Dajiang League to such a degree in just a few years, he knows that he has a shot in his heart. Ruler ... But the eighth brother still has to remind Lingzun at all times. Beware of someone's misunderstanding of Da Jiangmeng's wealth, and what tricks are used to do so ... "

"Seven brothers rest assured. My father used to be cautious and cautious. In his first few letters, he also said that he was worried that some people would be bad for Dajiang League. Fortunately, after the five hundred disciples who stayed in Kunwu Mountain, he retrained a few years ago. The disciples who approved 2,000 people also have a foundation. Among the high-level masters, Meng Dahai is now the general protector of the Dajiang League. Several of his brothers are also the backbone of the Dajiang League. His father has also been online for a few years. Although some experts on the rivers and lakes have no congenital powers, they can still do it at home care and nursing homes ... "

Ha ha ha ...

In the hearty laughter of everyone, Tonglu City has flowed ...

After another half an hour, we will arrive at Cuitong Mountain, where the main altar of Dajiang League is located.

The mountains and water outside the window are full of beauty, and it looks like a long picture of the Fuchun River, with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery.

At this time around noon, everyone drank and laughed together behind the boat, and laughed aloud that such a mountainous fruit is a worthwhile trip.

As for Wan Guotai, he is also a mountain villager. His hometown is Mapingchuan. Although there are also mountains and water, the mountains are not strange and the water is not wide. How can there be such a beautiful landscape. He sat next to the boat, and as the brothers drank and made fun, his eyes were focused on the picturesque scenery, and his mouth was fascinating from time to time.

Wan Guotai was watching it interestingly. He heard the sound of paddles on the right side of the boat, turned to the window on the right, and clicked a little boat. There were two scum baskets on the bow, and a little girl sitting in the back half of the cabin. His hands kept rising and falling, his body leaned on one another, and his paddles flew, and on the wide river, he was rushing like an arrow, rushing forward.

The boat was light and fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had sailed beside the passenger boat of the crowd. Seeing that it crashed, Wang Guotai just shouted a "唉", the little girl shoved the left paddle forward and backhanded, while right hand toward In the latter stroke, the scull became a "one". At the sea spray, the small boat immediately came across side by side lightly, clinging to the side of the boat and advancing downstream without encountering it at all.

There was a boat drift on the water ...

The little girl had more ideas, followed by the left-handed paddle, picked up a hook with a chain from the boat, and threw it to the side of the ship. A slight click sounded, and then caught, The left-handed paddle was used to support the side wall of the ship, so I took my peers and spent no effort, and stopped blinking. Then I said, "Sell crabs, sell crabs! Someone on the boat, some people buy crabs. What? Fresh and good live crabs ... "

The crowd was so surprised that when they turned around, the little girl was about sixteen or seventeen years old. She wore a short gray cloth, her legs rolled around her knees, and exposed a pair of thin and strong pink legs. She had white feet like frost and only tender fingers. The tip is slightly stained with a trace of wet mud, a blue cloth belt is tied around the waist, and the hands are slightly red. I think it is often for rough work and she is very slender. She is only one person in the boat with two baskets of crabs and a few cords. No longer.

Wan Guotai's heart was secretly surprised: this young girl was alone, dropped off the boat, and wore waves and splashed water on the river. If she lifted light weight, she was flexible, her movements were like children's play, but it was rare.

Ignoring this, I could not help thinking about it.

I was just catching up with the little girl who finished her hands and feet, raised her head, and looked at each other twice.

It turned out that although the little girl was foggy, windy, and dying of common clothes, she was born with a white and beautiful face, a pair of beautiful black and white, clear like autumn water, ears, nose, eyebrows, straight features, and a face like Qiongzhuangyuyu The hair is like a distant mountain, with a red mouth like a cherry blossom.

In the early twenties of IWC, I have been with Ye Qingxuan and others for a long time, and Mei Yinxue, Jiang Feiran, and Su Suya have seen a few brilliant things in the world, but I have never felt so enthusiastic about this. Zhongli people, however, made Wang Guotai's heart suddenly fascinated, and could not help but be fascinated.

The little girl saw him as a young man with an honest face but full of eyes, desperately looking at himself, and could not help but flushed his head and lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "Is this heroic master going to buy some live crabs? "

The jade cheeks are born in spring, and they have become charming; the spit throat style is more delicate.

The little girl asked Wan Cathay coquettishly, but she saw that it was like going into a demon. Before everyone answered, everyone looked at it and couldn't help but sneer at the same time, and laughed at the same time, but also surprised the Cathay Pacific. I woke up, flushed with a flush, flushed back inside the boat, and looked out of the boat.

Everyone laughed at Wan Guotai, but it was not easy to leave the little girl outside waiting for an answer. Ye Qingxuan was waiting for an answer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhong Sunliang on the ship's bow had come over, surprised: "咦Isn't this Li Xiaomei, your mother? Why come out alone today, how is business these days? "

I didn't expect this little girl to be Zhong Sunliang's old knowledge. This is really a chance to meet thousands of miles.

The brothers stared at each other, with a smile in their eyes. (To be continued ...)

PS: The fourth volume is now, Acura's first book has entered the stage.

I know there are many and many problems and shortcomings about this book, but Acura also summarizes and corrects his own defects and shortcomings one by one with the writing of this book. Please continue to support Acura's writing.

After all, this book is the first book of Acura. Although the selected subject matter is the most difficult to get ahead of, Acura can be regarded as the cornerstone of learning and improvement.

As for saying that Acura's book is making money ... hehe, don't make a joke, wait until the book is in the best, maybe there will be a source that can maintain a normal life!

Let's talk about becoming a **** and surpassing some great **** in the next book ...

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