Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 8: To the birthday party

Ye Qingxuan smiled lightly: "It's okay, the more chaotic, the better for us ..."

Then frowning, Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "The Chihu Gang set up a sub-rudder in Nanjiang City. Obviously, it wants to share a cup of beer on the Tuanlong River. Doesn't the local gang have any opinions?"

Wu Hao said: "This villain is really unclear. After all, he has been in Yunzhou with the young master in the past few years. Because the Chihu Gang has no intersection and no special intelligence collection, it is really a bit blind now!"

Jiang Shuihan looked up and looked around and said, "Is there our chamber of commerce here?"

Wu Hao nodded and said, "Da Jiangmeng's firm is on the street not far ..."

Ye Qingxuan quickly shook his head and said, "No, I can't go to the Dajiang League's firm. It is estimated that now is where the Chihu Gang is focusing on ..." Then he thought again and said, "It seems that I can't touch the relationship. ... "

The crowd was unknown, so watching Ye Qingxuan took out a small silver card with a red knot from the "thousand box" hidden in the basket, the "sun to the sea" on the back, and three silver fish on the front. Imprint.

Ye Qingxuan made a gesture to everyone, smiled, and said, "This is something that was given to the court at that time. Xue Gongwang specially gave me something, which is equivalent to the court's" three-level silverfish guard ". It is a court official. "It is impossible to mobilize the power of the court's" three divisions ", but collecting intelligence is still possible."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but get excited.

"Silverfish Guard !? Oh, that's the emperor's guardian ... Xue Gongwang is really worthy of justice." Meng Yuanzhang saw his eyes glow, and said enviously: "Take it for me. If you can make a few Face-off. Looking back, our brothers will go into the palace to play ... "

"Go away. You are a thief who does not change his thief!" Ye Qingxuan scolded and said, "Find a place first and change clothes!"

This time, the followers of the Dajiang League came from Wu Hao and a disciple who is familiar with the situation of Nanjiang City. Counting Ye Qingxuan and six others, eight people found a shady, uninhabited corner, changed clothes neatly, and reappeared in the lively Several people on the street have become swordsmen rushing through the rivers and lakes. It looks no different from those martial arts who came to serve the Red Gang.

A few people first looked for an inn and set up a separate courtyard. After they settled in, they came out to check the news.

The crowd's appearance was too noticeable, and Wan Guotai was extremely reluctant to put down his blue dragon moon moon knife. As the process progressed, it was easy to say that he hid the knife under a bought horse-drawn carriage.

These two assassinations are okay, and they are completely disinterested in such conspiracy and scheming, so Duan Sanshi and Wu Hao accompanied Wan Guotai and Ruhua monk. Four people stayed at the inn, while Ye Qingxuan took Jiang Shuihan and Meng Yuanzhang. Guided by the leading disciple of Dajiang League, he came to a restaurant that looked good on Nanjiangcheng Street.

After Ye Qingxuan left a mark on the wall outside the door, Ye Qingxuan and others did not enter the restaurant together, but pretended not to know each other, went upstairs and occupied two tables, so that they could take care of them in the event of an accident. Instead of being wiped out.

Ye Qingxuan and Jiang Shuihan sat down next to the window on the second floor, placed a secret sign on the table, and quietly waited for the "three divisions" detective to come in.

Meng Yuanzhang and the disciple of Dajiang League were sitting diagonally, near the stairs.

Ye Qingxuan looked out of the window and looked around. Generally, more than half of the people on the street were martial arts people carrying swords and swords.

Like most cities on both sides of the Dajiang River, Nanjiang City is dominated by river traffic inside and outside. The main layout is a cross-shaped four-door, stone-paved street that is spacious enough to accommodate eight horses, and the alleys are a grid. It leads to the street, everything is in order.

Not far ahead is the sub-rudder of the Chihkan Gang. The sub-rudder is located in the Fumin District. The houses along the way, the gates are ground with bricks and tiles, the courtyard is planted with trees and flowers, and the atmosphere is peaceful. .

There are rivers interspersed between them, the trees beside the shore are sparse, the willows brush the water, and there is another beautiful scenery.

A group of about twenty disciples of the Red Scorpion assisted the students, lining up in a row, passing underneath the restaurant, heading straight for the Red Spurs helping the rudder.

"It seems that the two fish that have leaked the net have not yet reached Nanjiang City ..." Ye Qingxuan went on to cover the tea and said softly.

Jiang Shuihan nodded his head and said, "We are on a fast boat. Even if they are on a boat, it takes half a day to get here, and when he escapes, he is very hasty. He should not dare to take a boat. If he came to Nanjiang City by road, I'm afraid it will take another day! "

Enough time!

Ye Qingxuan nodded, thinking about it.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the martial arts characters who were constantly entering the Chihkan Gang's recruitment office, and he frowned. "The Chihgang's forces are expanding rapidly. It is just like the Japanese side. Just after a while, 100 people went to apply. . "

Jiang Shui smiled coldly and said slowly: "Yao Dingsheng seems to be doing a great job of expanding his strength, but the internal force situation is too complicated. I hope he can control it! Da Jiangmeng is also a stage of rising strength in recent years, but it is not so To expand the team like this, I dare to absorb the children of the nearby fishermen little by little, and slowly train them. Such behaviors as red gangsters, regardless of their personal background, desperately absorb new blood, are destined to have their own gang members good and bad It's no wonder that the reputation of the Chihkan Gang would be so stinky ... "

As if verifying Jiang Shuihan's words, the street voices suddenly became noisy, and a team of welcoming relatives came along from another street.

The wind is beautiful today, but the weather is good for marrying.

The groom rode in front of the horse, followed by the sedan chair, and joyfully walked outside the town.

Many people gathered around the street to watch the excitement. Several red gangsters in black clothes and red scarves were gathered here, and they began to approach the sedan.

They stood in front of them to see the lively people being pushed away, some of which were about to start, but when they saw that it was these people, they avoided them in a hurry.

The groom didn't pay attention all the time. When he suddenly noticed that these redheads helped the crowd, his face changed immediately.

Be the first redhead to help the little bosses out. He looked up and down at the groom. Laughing loudly, "You see how ugly this groom looks."

The other men in black also laughed. One of them said: "Men look at talents, they look ugly, and there is no problem. Women are just the opposite."

The little boss laughed immediately after hearing the words: "Then you guess, is this beautiful bride?"

Many red-headed gangs immediately clamored for help ...

"If Mei would marry such a ugly man?"

"I said it must be beautiful, as the saying goes, clever women often sleep with ugly husbands."

The other said with a smile: "What's going on, it's clear at a glance."

Chihuo rushed forward. Push open the ring next to the car and lift the curtain.

The groom hurriedly stopped the horse and was beaten and kicked by the red gang to help the crowd. He immediately lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

The bride in the sedan exclaimed, and the red-gang gang members laughed, many passers-by dared to anger, but many warriors who were interested in joining the red-gang gang showed a very excited look. Seeing these people is not good.

The leading Redhead Gang leader finally lifted the bride's hijab, and laughed with the brother behind him and sarcastically said: "Still you are right, only such an ugly woman would marry that ugly groom officer. Hahaha ... "

In laughter, these redheads helped the crowd go out. The people standing there spread out, leaving only a chaotic mess with the wedding team, especially the groom and the crying bride ...

On the second floor, Ye Qingxuan and others saw these situations clearly. When they saw the team of redheads helping the people turn away, Ye Qingxuan only put down a few chopsticks tightly in his hands ...

Fortunately, this team of red-headed gangsters only disturbs the people, which is considered to be harmful, but at least it did not kill anyone, otherwise Ye Qingxuan said that even if he reveals his identity, he will leave these people behind.

"The Red Gangs are so unbridled, wouldn't the original gangs of Nanjiang City conflict with them?" Ye Qingxuan grunted.

And this question, Jiang Shuihan naturally couldn't answer, and the answer was at best guesswork.

The concrete fact was that the answer to the "three divisions" arrived shortly after.

But the visitor was a bit interesting, it turned out to be the second shop in this pub.

Not only the shop's second person is the "Three Divisions" person, but also the whole pub, a dozen people inside and out, are all secret pilgrims of the court "Xing Ting Wei".

"Returning to adults, the court paid great attention to the underworld forces, especially the underworld gangs. Nearly every big gang has hidden piles of" three divisions ", and there are a lot of them." The words offered, "The local gangs also dared to be angry and afraid to speak. When the Chihkan Gang first arrived, local gangs clashed with them. As a result, they were picked out overnight. Hundreds of people lost their lives. The little gang helped the family's young and old, for fear that there were more than forty people, all of them lost their lives ... After that, the local gangs basically died down and became low-key people! "

By ordering food, Ye Qingxuan inquired about the information of the Chihsang Gang, and Xiao Erdian replied softly: "Little understand, please adults ..."

After Xiao Erdian stepped down ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After a while, the food and wine had been on the table, and a paper ball had been stuffed into Ye Qingxuan's hands.

Ye Qingxuan remained calm. After eating and drinking, the four of them calmly returned to the inn.

After reading the information provided by the "Xing Tingwei" carefully in the small courtyard, they fully grasped the strength of Chihuo's assistance to Nanjiang.

One of them attracted everyone's attention--

No wonder the martial arts people in Nanjiang City in these days are extraordinary. It turned out that today, not only Chichi helped gather the crowds and absorb new blood, but also the 66-year-old Tong Zhongbiao, the main helm of the Nanjiang sub-rudder, "Iron Locks" Dashou, many martial arts people in the neighborhood who want to have some relationship with the Chihu Gang came to celebrate, so Nanjiang is so noisy.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It seems that we happened to be in a hurry, just to take this opportunity to give this old man Tong Zhongbiao a gift ..." (To be continued.)

ps: I rushed back to Beijing today. Acura used belated updates to request the support of all the brothers!

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