Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 22: 10th largest group

In a fairly tidy farmhouse, the owner warmly poured water for Ye Qingxuan and others, and after a busy time, they all quit the door and walked away, not afraid to disturb.

Heng Wantong's men just seized the sword, but they didn't do anything bad. The village's men, women, and children, as well as the owner, buddies, etc. of the restaurant were all tied to the ancestral hall at the west end of the village.

After the incident, Ye Qingxuan and other people easily found the villagers over there. After the rescue, these simple folks were grateful to Ye Qingxuan and others. They did n’t know it was because of the people in front of them. They will encounter this accident.

Except for the four warriors who were implicated and died unexpectedly during the master duel, none of them died. Shang Kejun, whose "gold abacus" was pale, suffered internal injuries, and humanely compensated the villagers.

Heng Wantong is not bad money, so the compensation is still generous, but unfortunately the beautiful scenery of the wine shop has become flat.

The owner of the restaurant received a compensation of thirty thousand dollars, which was more than his income for several years. Although it is relatively easy to build a bamboo pavilion, it is a pity that the surrounding flowers and plants will not return to the original scenery for a few years.

However, looking at the excited look of the boss, it is estimated that with the money, he will not nest in here to open a shop, which is enough for him to open a very decent restaurant in the county.

Shang Kejun, the "gold abacus," dealt with the aftermath and left.

Everyone was happy.

Ye Qingxuan is Xu Shibo who fell from the sky, and is a powerful master who is strong and can absolutely shake the sky.

Ye Qingxuan did not doubt the authenticity of the self-proclaimed Xu Lingkong's master, because first of all his martial arts. It is authentic [Tai Yi Xuan Yuan Ning Yu Gong]. But the same as the original Chu Lingxu. Only the method of Kunwu Ningyu Gong, and the second method is Xu Lingkong's wild waves for many years. He accidentally found a mausoleum of an ancient Chinese warrior. ], Pure [wind system] exercises.

The tornado that can almost swept the world just now is the proud effect of the arrogant howling wind, which makes Ye Qingxuan and other martial arts who are still wandering outside of the innate. Even more envious.

"At that time, the Shimen Gate was in great difficulty. I and some of my brothers and sisters were training in the 100,000 mountains. By chance, I found a place like a tiankeng covered by trees and mountains. Before I could notify the same door, I went privately. I took a look around and found a 'Red Yuan Zhuguo' that was about to mature in the pit that was nearly 100 meters deep, and a thousand-year-old purple scale python guarding the treasure ... "

Everyone heard an exclamation.

"Red Yuan Zhu Guo" is a rare treasure in the world. It blossoms every 20 years, and results in 20 years. Promoting longevity is more about practicing the internal strength of the Fire Department or strengthening yang in the body. They all have strong auxiliary effects. Although they are not regarded as treasures of heaven and earth, the fruits are extremely versatile. After adding this flavoring ingredient to many elixir, the quality can be greatly improved.

And that purple scale python is a fierce beast among other beasts. The millennium purple scale python is even more amazing. Although it is not poisonous, it is extremely dangerous to bind tigers.

Unexpectedly, Shi Shibo found these two things in the tiankeng.

Xu Lingkong revealed the look of memories and continued: "The old Taoist priest abandoned the power of nine cows and two tigers and killed the purple scale python, and immediately managed to return to the teacher's gathering place, preparing to report my findings ... I just didn't expect When I returned to the main camp, the seven fellow students and one of the team leader's uncles were all poisoned. The scene was extremely blood-stained and extremely chaotic. I wanted to come through a fierce fight. "

Xu Lingkong said here, showing a hint of shame, and continued: "At that time, your master and I were one of the middle class in this group of disciples. Chasing the enemy's whereabouts to avenge his colleagues, the first time he hurried back to the skypit and hid, relying on the fungus and water in the skypit, he lived like a savage for two years, hey ... ... "

Xu Lingkong sighed, showing a lot of helplessness at the time and feelings of grief and ignorance in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan felt the same. Although he did not experience the catastrophe a hundred years ago, he could understand Xu Lingkong's feelings. In his case, the best situation at the time was to find a place to hide first instead of touching the stone with the egg. Go hard.

Xu Lingkong eased his emotions and continued to recall: "After more than two years, after I felt that [Kunwu Ningyu Jue] had become a big deal, and it was meaningless to stay, I left there and prepared to go back to the teacher's gate to see. No I think that things are different from people. The eight counties and counties in Yunzhou around Shimen have become a paradise for foreigners. Originally, it was Shilin County, which is all Chinese warriors. Only Tan people can be seen. Save one, even if alive, they are no different from slaves, their heads are so cautious that they can't be added. Originally, I wanted to revive the gates like your master, but I still want to find out the difficulties of the gates first. True, find out who the enemy is behind ...

As a result, after the first exact person I found and the forces behind it, I decisively terminated the visit, and because the clues were revealed, I was chased and killed by the other party, so I had to flee all the way to the southern barren land, Only then got rid of these people! At this point, I also know that with my strength, there is no hope of revenge, so I struggled to find ways to improve my strength. Until I found the set of exercises that I am practicing now, I have the courage to return to the Central Plains. Haha, I heard that Chu Lingxu was also dead, and the masters of the arts boldly reinvigorated the teacher's door. For a moment, they were happy, and naturally hurried to return to the door of the teacher ... "

Ye Qingxuan and other people heard that Xu Lingkong said lightly and concisely, but in the light of the other party's description, various inspections and unannounced visits and being hunted down by thousands of miles ... the hardship is definitely not that easy, and it is definitely not humane.

And Ye Qingxuan was one of the most amazing things in the discourse. This is that Master Chu Lingxu also said several times in unknown words, that is, who is the enemy behind the teacher who is hiding behind him? ...

"Xu Shibo, may I ask, which one of the enemies you found is the one?" Ye Qingxuan asked in a voice.

Xu Lingkong glanced at him, thought for a while, and finally said with certainty: "Originally I wanted to confirm this with your master and listen to his opinions before informing you these second generation disciples. But I knew you on the river Deeds, knowing that you are a disciple of your brother ’s trust, this will not be hidden from you in the future, and I will not have to hide it ... but you must remember that you must not make any hostility to this martial art without the consent of the teacher Because the enemy ’s power is strong, the current Kunwu faction is definitely not its opponent. Once the opponent finds out that we know the truth, the opponent will definitely act in the fastest action to destroy the Kunwu faction that has not recovered its vitality and destroy it again. of."

Ye Qingxuan nodded affirmatively, and when several other brothers saw the secret event involving the Kunwu faction, they all resigned and let their uncle and nephew talk in secret.

Looking at the young people who exited the house, Xu Lingkong nodded silently, and Xu Xu smiled: "These friends of Ye Shi's nephew are all clever people, and they have good martial arts, and their potential is not low. Ye Shi's nephew has As a friend, Fuze is not shallow. "

Ye Qingxuan hastily humbled a few words, not entangled in these polite words.

Xu Lingkong's face sank, and he approached Ye Qingxuan, and said slowly: "The enemies identified by Shi Bo are the last of the ten martial arts alliances, and its leader Zhao Fengchan was directly involved in strangling divisions in Zhongzhou that year. The battle of the masters, and the "Yueruyu" in the hands of the real man in charge of the door fell into his hands. "

There are several theories of "preemptive strike" alone.

One of them requires the swordsman to be fast, so fast that the opponent can't react. One move to restrain the enemy, or make the opponent tired of parry, without the power to fight back, forcing them to show their flaws, and then to win, to quickly defeat the enemy. ...... This kind of swordsmanship can be called "rapid swordsmanship". [Believe evil swordsmanship] is such a theory, it is a model of "preemption of the enemy".

Another is that the sword method does not control the enemy fast, but rather requires that every time you make a sword, you attack the key to the enemy and attack it. The opponent must defend you against the sword in order not to be defeated. , Follow your rhythm, or take the lead in killing the opponent's back one step at a time, so that the opponent loses his chance to win. A clever person can make this situation what he wants. Whatever you want the opponent to do, he has to do it. Even if the opponent has a foreseeable fate, it is helpless.

This is like two people playing five pieces of chess. Each time you charge four, the five are in a row. If you do n’t want to lose, there is nothing you can do to block it. You have to fill four and he blocks again. ... the opponent follows your rhythm, and each opponent's position is expected, and he can even force the opponent to fall where he wants it, until his situation is completed, the opponent is busy and confused. Win easily. This kind of high-tech way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to force the other party to make a sword according to their own ideas, known as "Yi Jianshu", its theory and the most sophisticated users, is in "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" Fu Cailin, one of the three great masters.

However, compared to the tricks that are so aggressive, Fu Cailin is more adept at anticipating the enemy's aircraft and blocking the opponent's strongest attack first. This point is exactly the same as some of the swords of [Dugu Nine Swords].

Why did you go just now?

Oh, it's okay, little uncle, just now I was idle and went to find the old Liu head outside the door and it's a divination ...

Crackling, a big shudder.

Whoops, uncle, why are you hitting me?

And asked me why I beat you? I ask you, is this Qingyun Temple a Taoist Temple?

This is, of course.

Is this a Taoist priest? (To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

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