Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 34: 2 party attack

While Meng Yuanzhang was watching the sudden-looking monster in an awful cold, the monster's abdomen slammed, and then a "quack", opened a sharp beak like a bird's beak, and squirted out of it. The green slime sprayed Meng Yuanzhang with a foul smell.


Ye Qingxuan yanked open the dementia-like Meng Yuanzhang. The green slime sprayed directly on the yellow mushrooms behind him, as if poured with strong acid. In the strange noise and smoke of "嗞 嗞", that The huge mushrooms of Qiren height quickly turned into a puddle of black water like snow covered with boiling water.


Just when Meng Yuanzhang screamed in anger, the lizard-shaped monster sprayed poisonous water but returned without power came out suddenly, biting at Ye Qingxuan in front of him.

And Ye Qingxuan waved his hand, a glow of light shone, the lizard monster screamed, and the volley was cut into two halves. When the corpse landed, the general "quack" of ducks around him was endless. Rushing out, like an angry goose, sulking his neck and rushing towards the two of them, a few of them were emblazoned behind, constantly spitting poisonous water.

These weird green-skinned lizards are social creatures, can walk on two feet like chickens, and have a clear division of labor like wolves. The attack on the two of Ye Qingxuan has just used the same kind to attract their attention, but secretly Other similar sneak attacks from behind are really cunning things.

Just looking at their sticky skin and the consequences of being sprayed with venom, they know that this animal is obviously highly toxic, whether it is teeth or paws. Moreover, Ye Qingxuan found that those monsters spraying poisonous water were clearly different from the monsters who rushed to bite. Lizards that are able to spew venom are weaker, while rushing lizards are more robust. And all have blue and red corollas. It's like a chicken crown.

These monsters are fierce and brave. His own kind was killed by Ye Qingxuan, without any fear, but rushed over with anger.

The two were surrounded in an instant and were in danger.

When Meng Yuan saw the venomous water splashing over, he subconsciously wanted to rise, but he was dragged by Ye Qingxuan and shouted, "Sweep the venom with the palm wind!"

As he spoke, he attacked outward with the palms of his hands. The splashed venom and the beak lizard that rushed over swept away.

Meng Yuan suddenly realized, and also shot one after another, sweeping away the venom from the attack.

The green venom splattered like rain for a while, and the sound of "嗞 嗞" continued, and a thick smoke rose up and down, with a disgusting odor, which was extremely unbearable.

Damn, this smoke is also poisonous ...

The venom is highly toxic, but these bird lizards are obviously not afraid of their venom, and there is no discomfort under the green water. And their resistance is extremely strong, with Ye Qingxuan two people the day after tomorrow as the peak of power. Hitting these monsters couldn't kill them in one shot, instead arousing their fierceness and attacking Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang more frantically.


In a strange cry, the swept bird and lizard began to use their strong hind legs, kicked the ground, jumped into the air, and rushed towards the two.

court death!

Ye Qingxuan had been smoked with tears by poisonous smoke for a long time. When he saw the monster coming, he swiftly operated the "Seven Swords of the Lingzhu". The six rays of light flew like a rainbow, chopping the four birds and lizards that jumped into the air into pieces Before this large pile of flesh fell, he pulled Meng Yuanzhang and ran straight, commanding his sword on the way, cutting off two poisonous bird lizards.

As soon as he rushed out of the mushroom ground shrouded in poisonous smoke, Meng Yuanzhang started to pant and coughed, and said, "Don't run, let's kill them all!"

"it is good--"

A few little monsters killed themselves and fled. When they arrive at the Wulin Holy Land in the future, how can they mix?

Ye Qingxuan was also so angry that he faced a quack of ducks in the grass, and the disturbed grass became the best guide.

call out--

A yellow light rushed into the restless grass, and a strange scream sounded when he ducked the neck of the duck, which was obviously badly hit.

Ye Qingxuan took a large amount of copper coins and began the slaughter of this bird and lizard.

I have to say that the number of birds and lizards here greatly exceeds Ye Qingxuan's expectations. These monsters have tenacious vitality. If they can't break a head with a copper coin, they will never give up their attacks on Ye Qingxuan and others. . The grass in front of him was full of Ye Qingxuan's vision, which made him lower the accuracy of [Flicking Magical Power]. All the monsters rushed out of the grass and came to the two before they were shot.

Ah dah, ah dah, ah dah ...

In front of him is Meng Yuanzhang waving a Qimei stick. All the birds and lizards who are close to him are killed by the head of the brother. However, this job is not easy, and the blood and brain of the bird and lizard are also there. The smell of stinks is like a fermented smelly ditch.

The two people who were finally tactically transferred again could be said to have been defeated by this really unbearable smell, and the retreat of the two was extremely timely, because when the two had just retreated a dozen meters, there were several birds and lizards. Appeared behind that position.

"Tmd, do these beasts know how to attack the west?"

Meng Yuanzhang scolded angrily, and shortly after, he began to growl again: "tmd, how many of these monsters are there?"

After killing hundreds of these monsters, the two felt that the situation was somewhat out of control. Because they found that whenever the number of monsters was low to a certain extent, there would be birds and lizards in the grass and started to sing, and then after the sound spread far, they would have the same sound name, and then attacked the two There will be more monsters.

These beasts will also be called helpers!

Now the birds and lizards that attacked Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang are not the same group as before. Just looking at the blue pattern on the back of the newly emerged monster and the stronger body, they know that they have encountered other birds and lizards.

"We will not be able to hold on for so long!" Meng Yuanzhang started to get a little flustered, and his breath began to pant slightly. Just now he kept pounding hard, which has consumed most of his physical strength, especially the new bird lizard that appeared later Even bigger, if the attack is not entrained with vitality, it can no longer be killed.

Ye Qingxuan also took a deep breath and sighed, "It's not that I can't hold it for long, but I can't keep it up ..."

"What !?" Meng Yuanxi turned back in shock.

Ye Qingxuan let out a hand and said helplessly: "There is no copper money anymore, and it will be silver again!"

"Let's retreat!" Meng Yuanzhang was already red-eyed, "don't say silver, even gold has to play ..."

The two kept fighting back and kept backing.

Ye Qingxuan not only pays attention to the monsters that rush out, but also constantly observes whether his own back road is blocked by these little monsters. The better news is that these batches of monsters came from other places in the grassland. The two came in the same direction. There is no such bird lizard, so the two do not have to worry too much about being cut off.

After another quarter of an hour, when Ye Qingxuan flew the last silver ball rubbed out, the two immediately flew in the direction of Broken Dragon Stone without looking back.

The first time you went out, you failed!

In the distance, the directions of the disappearance of Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang, the movement of the chicken flying dog will not conceal Duan Sanshi and others, but they do n’t understand what happened, and they dare not go to the rescue, otherwise the dragon ancestors will wait. People will rush in and lose the geographical position with the same advantage as this pass. In the face of more than a hundred red-headed helpers, the chance of several people escaping is almost zero.

Wan Guotai and Jiang Shuihan still guarded the entrance of the cave, while Duan Sanshi and the reluctantly rose flower began to face the direction of the grass. As the noise grew closer, they were ready to cope with the returning Ye Qingxuan. .


Above the bushes, Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuan's wolves flew up unbearably, seeing the heavily guarded Duan Sanshi and the flower, shouting frantically: "Ready to go to war!"

Behind the two of them, there was a large area of ​​grass, and they couldn't see the general chaos. The quack of "quack quack" was louder than that of flies. If they were demented on the spot, they exclaimed: "I rely on you two Chased by so many ducks? "

Meng Yuanzhang landed from the air and yelled like crazy: "If the tmd duck grows like this, I promise you will never eat it again in this life ..."

After leaving the ground, Ye Qingxuan said nothing, hurriedly took the "thousand box" behind him, unscrewed an organ, and held it like a submachine gun in his hand, spraying white and outward along the edge of the grass and the flat ground. The yellow powder, with the broken dragon stone as the back, drew a large semicircle, surrounding everyone.

The "Thousand Machine Box" has a similar air duct built in, which blows the powder out five meters away, covering a large area of ​​grass.

Fortunately, the duo's light power is strong enough, leaving those monsters behind them far behind, only then has time for Ye Qingxuan to calmly arrange.

The brothers looked at Ye Qingxuan in amazement ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although they knew it was out of date, they were all curious to know what these yellow and white powders of Ye Qingxuan were. A breeze blew through and Duan Sanshi shrugged. Nose, then a look of sudden realization, exclaimed: "Sulfur !?"

The yellow things inside are definitely sulfides, but from time to time, sulfur and Ye Qingxuan ca n’t answer them, because these are the best combustion aids. Lu Botong arranged these in the “thousand box”, not to let Ye Qingxuan kill and set fire. But when in the wild, even if there is no suitable firewood, you can easily ignite the campfire.

A campfire is no less important to people living in the wild than food and water.

"It looks like we're going to have a big fight-" Ye Qingxuan said, looking at the monsters almost overwhelmingly, with a bit of self-deprecation.

"It does look like this!" Jiang Shuihan sighed, and threw a dagger into his cave, but there was a sound of a metal impact.

At the same time, the Red Gang outside the Broken Dragon Stone also launched a new round of attack! (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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