Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 38: Fighting monster

Dragon Beast! ?

Everyone was taken aback, and unexpectedly they would encounter such strange beasts in this underground world.

"Is it useful?" Ye Qingxuan asked anxiously.

The reason why I asked this is because in the previous paragraph, Sanshi once said that to save his already a vegetative Tibetan flower master, he must use "dragon marrow, Phoenix brain" and other natural treasures. An iron horned dragon is not just a dragon beast, killing it can get the "dragon marrow" of life-saving.

Duan Sanshi hesitated for a moment, slowly shook his head, and said, "It's hard to say, this is only a unicorn dragon, with a thin bloodline. According to the master's discussion, I am afraid that the dragon dragon's marrow of the dragon can guarantee the highest. Success rate. "

"That being said, this one-horned armored dragon is of no use to us ... shall we hurry off!" Meng Yuanzhang looked at the monster's huge mouth, and said with fear in his heart.

My brothers, no matter who they are, even the most powerful defensive flower, under this huge mouth, will be easily bitten through ...

"Back down, stay away, and this guy will leave when he is full! We will replenish the water and leave here immediately ..." Jiang Shuihan suggested.

Everyone naturally supports this sound opinion, and it's even more sigh of relief that you don't have to use force with this horrible big guy.

The crowd backed together, backing away quietly and lightly.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt the grass shaking behind them, and the sound of lingering noise appeared on the side of them. Looking at the busy side, he looked back and saw an iron horned dragon secretly hiding from the grass. Just a few feet away. The body is slightly smaller than the previous iron horned dragon. But an iron armored faucet is also the size of a petrol barrel, two cavities are three feet long, except for a hacksaw, which generally bleeds the bleeding lips, and half-longer than the fan, the ears are strangely dim in the ground. Going more and more powerful and horrible.

Between human beings and strange beasts, they were dull for this sudden encounter.

"I rely! Run away—"

The human brain always reacts faster than the animal brain. Meng Yuanxi shouted, the brothers almost agreed, and ran towards the waterfall side.

This side is the edge of the underground world, and the side walls of the earth and stone structure stand like cliffs here. Everyone wants to jump to a high place and avoid the attack of the armored dragon.

The six men ran wild, immediately attracting the attack of a strange beast, and with a roar, the iron armored horn paused swiftly and stunned back. With a roar again, the four claws kicked to the ground. Lian Chong will flee.

On the other side, the iron horned dragon saw the situation here. Of course, the roar continued to dangle behind the small iron horned dragon, ran down, and pointed towards the vests of everyone.

The crowd fled.

Although this area is large, the helpless thorny grass is luxuriant, and strange stone shrubs are densely packed in it, which hinders the foot pullover everywhere. If you want to run away, it is impossible. In order to get the maximum running speed, everyone did their utmost to make a great effort, flying to the top of the bushes, but the flowers and IWC are not strong, IWC is slightly better, but the big knife in their hands was a serious obstacle, and soon fell to the ground. The people fell to the rear, and the two iron armored dragons rolled over like two tanks. There was no need to avoid any bushes. It was only a moment before they caught up with the two.

Seeing that they were unable to escape, the two immediately gave up and fled. They settled and returned to fight.

When the brothers who ran away saw the two of them, how could they give up the brothers to escape by themselves, all angered and returned to save.

As Ye Qingxuan ran back, he shouted, "Don't stand still! Shang Gaoshi!"

It turned out that the two were not far from each other. There was a pile of boulder several meters high, almost just enough for two people to stand.

The iron armored horned dragons are no more than ten meters away from each other. The two felt that the entire ground was violently shaken by the two wild beasts running wild. Where can they hesitate, they rushed towards the boulder not far away. The man rose up, avoiding the impact of the iron armored dragon.

With a bang, the headed Iron Armored Dragon hit the huge rock, and the stones flew for a while. This rock crashed a little to the side, but at the same time the Iron Armored Dragon was also hit by his own. He was dizzy, his head shook constantly in the roar, and his footsteps were a little shivering.

The two fell from the air at this time. The place where they landed was the protruding boulder. The boulder is six or seven meters high. It is a solid piece of granite. The black rock seems to have a hole. I didn't pay attention to watching the rushing tendency of the Iron Horned Dragon.

At this time, the larger iron armored horned dragon in the back also chased, but with the similar front car lesson, this strange beast did not bow down and ran into the two, but roared under the boulder.

For example, the flower monk was hot-tempered, and for the first time against fierce beasts, he was still a little frightened. At this time, he was surrounded by the opponent in a Jedi. Seeing that the other person's ability was just that, his fear receded a little.

At this time, the two strange beasts were shaking under the stone. One of them was still dizzy, while the other was wrapped around the other side of the boulder. It was at the time of attack. It was abolished when the broken dragon stone was pried before the flower-like scepter. At this time, there was no weapon in his hand, and when he saw a roar, he seized the green dragon and the moon knife in the hands of IWC and jumped down from the boulder, facing the slightly confused iron horned dragon, according to his head. If the Thunder slashes.

For example, the flower monk Teng Teng attacked the slightly smaller iron horned dragon in front of him. He was not purely reckless. He had already aligned the right and left terrain. At the same time, he knew that with the large size of the iron horned dragon, he jumped low and wanted to take a head shot , And then make great efforts to leap forward, before jumping back to another megalithic dragon, before jumping back to the boulder.

Wan Guotai was nervously facing the strange beast. He was unprepared for a monk like a flower, but was rushed out by his sword. He was so frightened that the obstruction was too late. He had to pinch a stone and throw it at another iron-horned dragon. Going, although it will not anger the strange beast, but attracting its attention is the key, lest it assist another iron horned dragon and bring greater danger to Ruhua.

But when I was so expectant, I couldn't help but nervously pay attention to whether the violent blow of Ruhua would cause enough damage to the Iron Horned Dragon, such as the back of the flower, it was in the cave under the feet of the two, a master The long shadow popped up and went straight to the flower.

At a glance, Wan Guotai could see the true colors of the attackers, and could not help but immediately screamed in horror and warned Ruhua.

At this time, the monk Ruhua was attacking fiercely, and when he saw it, he would pounce on the Iron Horned Dragon, and heard that Guo Guotai screamed loudly behind him, and at the same time, there was something windy in his head.

In a critical moment, it was too late to think about it. For example, the flower monk changed his straight flutter to fall downwards. He held the knife and rolled his head down to the ground. At the moment of the attack, somebody wiped his spine and rushed forward. The iron armored horn in front of him sounded Furious, apparently attacking it by what he avoided.

When the monk Ruhua turned up and looked up, he looked like Wang Guotai, and his body was cold and sweaty.

The one who attacked himself from behind was a giant python that was more than 20 meters long and had a waist several times thicker than a bucket. At this time, the python's sneak attack was impossible, but it was directly wrapped around the body of the iron armored horned dragon.

Things like pythons, once entangled with living things, will not easily loosen, especially iron beak dragons that can completely put themselves to death. So this python wrapped around the iron horned dragon's body, and immediately wrapped it around for a few times, entangled the iron horned dragon, especially entangled the opponent's blood basin, to avoid the biggest threat.

The body of the python that almost required two people to entangle, half of it was wrapped around the iron armored horned dragon, and the other half was hidden under the megalith, entangled with the megalith. At this time, the thick body shook straight, with the help of the pull, the iron armor The horned dragon dragged toward the boulder, trying to rely on the narrow space below the boulder to oppress the opponent's constantly struggling body.

The iron armored horned dragon was so powerful that the force of the collision could crook the boulder aside, but at this time it was still dragged by the python, and it was unwilling to drag toward the boulder.

The armored horned dragon's attack power is concentrated on the mouth and unicorn. At this time, it lost the impact and bite force, and was successfully ambushed by a python, completely losing its resistance.

However, the armored horned dragon is too large, and the bones and outer armor are thick. The strangulation of the python has been weakened to a certain extent. It cannot suffocate the iron horned dragon in a short time. The angry python opened its mouth and bite. On the **** of the armored horned dragon, but the sharp fangs like a sword, but not to break the skin of the armored horned dragon, just keep tightening the body and want to strangle it.

"What do you want? Not yet ..." Wan Guotai shouted violently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, the flower-like monk woke up immediately, and the flower-riding flower-flower did not obey IWC's words and jumped back to the boulder, but He rushed towards the two giant monsters without any worries. In the roar, he lifted the green dragon and the moon knife, and hit the bounded body of the iron horned dragon again.

With a bang, in the middle of the sturdy forefoot of the iron armored horned dragon, the sound of broken bones suddenly sounded, and a terrible hissing sound burst out. Suddenly a sudden pain caused the iron armored horned dragon to burst into an instant and lift its head from the giant The python's entanglement broke free, without saying a word, taking a sip, biting the python's waist.

At the same time, this scream also attracted the attention of the other iron armored horned dragon. In the sound of stomping footsteps, the beast approached.

In the laughter of the monk Ruhua, not to be indifferent, he flew up and swayed up, and landed on the boulder in the grass again, smiling at the strange beast fighting beneath the boulder.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan and others also flew back from the front, and the inevitable fighting between humans and beasts will begin. (To be continued ...)

ps: one of the three basic ones.

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