Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 3 Chapter 40: Misfortune

"Do you guess they saw us?" Meng Yuanzhang asked, looking up.

Their position at this time was like a target hung on a wall. On the red stone wall, in a bare place, the figures of several people were difficult to hide.

After a while, the team led by the ancestor of Dragon Dragon suddenly accelerated and ran straight towards this side, indicating that the other party had also found the tracks of several people and was coming at full speed.

"Ah, this would be even more interesting ..." Ye Qingxuan sighed softly and couldn't help laughing.

"I hope that the people of the Red Gang will fight against these little monsters first. It is best to fight for your life and let us pick up a big deal." Meng Yuanzhang has the wretched idea as always, but at this time this idea exists in everyone Heart.

"This bunch of thieves and birds that kept killing let the Jia family fight with them for hundreds of rounds?" Ruhua growled and gritted her teeth, said, and then reached out to catch Wan Guotai's blue dragon sword.

This time, Wan Guotai's eyes were swift and his hands flashed quickly, and he screamed angrily, "You save and save you, and warn you not to touch my knife, otherwise you will reach out and chop your hands and stretch your feet!"

Ruhua was frightened by the sudden fury of Wan Guotai, and stood still, this guy with thick eyebrows blinked and blinked the suddenly dumb eyes ...

The brothers laughed.

Ye Qingxuan said indifferently: "Now is not the time. We must weaken their strength, at least we can't fight against them with a knife and a gun."

At this time, the master team of the Redhead Gang, when they traveled to Xuyuan, noticed that the monster battle under the cliff was stopped, so they stopped immediately. Look and peep to this side.

The stink odor of birds and lizards under this stone wall, and the thumping and weeping sound of them when they thumped. It's hard not to be discovered. However, the quality of these masters is extremely high. Even when encountering these natural hunters in nature, they tried to hide the traces, and they were not immediately noticed by these monsters.

It also seemed to be surprised by the ferocious and disgusting appearance of these strange beasts. The ancestors of the dragon dragon did not come over, but first found a high ground, excavated the dirt, and even started to build a simple camp.

"Can we take the opportunity to sneak out and touch the broken dragon stone to escape again?" Meng Yuanzhang is not a soldier. He is a thief, so at any time, his first reaction is to run.

Looking at the group of birds, lizards and monsters under his eyes, Ye Qingxuan sighed again and said, "The dragon ancestors will not be unguarded. The exit must be enough to block our masters. At this time, It is also difficult for us to escape the siege of these strange beasts ... only waiting ... "

In this unlucky underground world, there is no difference between day and night, the light produced by the ore. At all times, Ye Qingxuan and his party were exposed to the enemy's gaze.

Nature such as Ye Qingxuan was not dark, he was waiting for the group of birds and lizards under the cliff to relax their vigilance. Or when attention is drawn to something else.

This waiting did not let Ye Qingxuan and others wait too long, because they could not attack Ye Qingxuan and others on the cliff. These blood-thirsty bird lizards would not be idle, especially with a lot of iron armor horns next to them. The bodies of dragons and pythons, and the group of birds and lizards under the cliff also joined the most primitive war in nature-snatching food.

Like sharks, these monsters have a keen sense of **** gas, and they are cruel and cold-blooded. When a bird-lizard with blood from the iron horned dragon is covered with blood, it will be taken for granted. As food was eaten by the same kind.

The sight of this group of monsters is not very good, but the sense of smell and hearing are extremely sharp. After a long observation of Ye Qingxuan, he made this interesting discovery.

Maybe there is a way.

Ye Qingxuan had the draft and immediately started implementation.

Leaning forward a little, a white mang shoots directly at a resting bird lizard under the cliff, called "Ka", the bird lizard was wrapped around the neck by the swaying devil in Ye Qingxuan's hands, and suddenly closed, half Ye Qingxuan was taken up on the stone platform by Ye Qingxuan. Before the unlucky beast stood up, Ye Qingxuan stepped down, and a crackling sound of beeping rumbling sounded. The bird The lizard's neck was stepped off by Ye Qingxuan, and his life was silently killed.

"Lao Qi, what are you doing here?" Duan Sanshi watched unexpectedly everything Ye Qingxuan did.

Ye Qingxuan took out a dagger, and opened the bird and lizard. When the abdominal cavity of this thing was opened, the smell of the smelly ditch filled the air.

Meng Yuan, who was next to him, breathed a long sigh of relief, flickered to one side, and pinched his nose and said, "Smelly, old man, don't you eat this thing when you're hungry and crazy? Nausea ..."

"Certainly not!" Ye Qingxuan found an alternate piece of clothing, which was covered with the stinky body fluid of the bird and lizard, and he was almost smoked by this smell. Fortunately, there was a rough "anti-virus" The existence of the "mask" prevented the generation of masters from being smoked to death after wearing it on the face.

"I want to prepare a 'Invisible Cloth' ..."

"'Invisible clothes'?" Everyone looked at Ye Qingxuan suspiciously, and only Jiang Shuihan showed a sense of understanding.

"My plan looks like this ..."

Putting the clothes full of bird lizard's body fluids aside to dry, Ye Qingxuan talked to everyone about his thoughts.

After Ye Qingxuan explained, the brothers were lost in thought.

"Will it be too dangerous to do this, in case this strange beast's eyesight is not as Lao Qi said, aren't we going to throw ourselves into the net?" Duan Sanshi was as cautious as ever.

"That's why I have to act on my own, and you stay here to answer me. If anything is wrong, with my light work and swordsmanship, I can easily escape ..." Ye Qingxuan insisted.

Everyone thinks about it, and there is nothing special about it.

"Then do as Lao Qi said, and we will do a good job. You should be careful with Lao Qi. If something is wrong, come back immediately ..."

"I know!"

After a moment of effort, Ye Qingxuan covered the body with the smell of the bird lizard. The rich smell is no different from that of a bird lizard. Put on a mask to cover the body's stench. Ye Qingxuan Lifting a large piece of cut python flew off the cliff.

Like a chicken falling into a wolf's nest, Ye Qingxuan's python flesh immediately made these wolves, fleshy, and bloody-eyed birds and lizards crazy.

In order to attract the attention of more monsters, Ye Qingxuan also grabbed a large number of small stones, with a strong force, and threw them into the dense beasts of birds and lizards. The crackling crackle and the huge Force, seduce the fire of countless birds and lizards ...

Quack, quack ...

A giant bird lizard with red back and black skin screamed and roared. The huge figure was almost the image of a flock of chickens. It should be the king of the bird lizard. At the same time, the unlucky king suffered Ye Qingxuan took the most care and flickered provocatively in front of her eyes. The python flew past its nose, and a few drops of blood fell on the other side's face.

This provocation and seduce immediately made the bird and lizard king mad, screaming desperately, and led thousands of birds and lizards toward Ye Qingxuan.

Turned over and jumped over a few monsters blocking the road, [Tiyun Yunzong] used it, and then rose up three meters to avoid the two giant bird lizards that suddenly jumped up. Ye Qingxuan attracted the birds to the greatest extent. The Lizard group chased and got rid of the siege of the other side, and led the Lizard group towards the temporary camp of the Chihkan Gang.

Ye Qingxuan was in front of him, and the turquoise turquoise birds and lizards chased after him. The rattling sound was deafening, and immediately attracted the attention of the red-headed helpers.

"Attention, beware, someone has attracted the herd!"

The red-haired helper on duty shouted desperately.

In just a few hours, these masters of the Redhead Gang dug a deep and wide trench on this hillside, and piled the soil into a camp wall. They were also prepared for a long-term struggle and at the same time prepared for Strike by a strange beast. It was just that they did not expect that the large-scale beast attack came so fast, and that they were still led by a human. For a moment, these masters of the Red Gang gang filled with indignation, all wanting to defuse the current character by breaking up the corpse.

"The little beast is looking for death, ancestor, I'll stop him!"

Ye Qingxuan's approach immediately annoyed a big man in the crowd.

"Well, be careful with blood pythons!"

After Paolong's ancestors stopped drinking, the big man took three red cymbals to help the masters, soaring into the sky, like a meteor, rushed towards Ye Qingxuan.

This man is a blood python from one of the eight disciples brought by the ancestor of the Dragon Dragon, and is also an orphan adopted by the ancestor of the Dragon Dragon. He is the same as the dragon of the dragon, but he did not worship at the door of any disciple. The best disciples who have no master's guidance under the gate of Dragon Cave but have become talented ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Without Master's guidance and promotion, naturally there will be a lot of resources, and there will be some places in the martial arts that cannot be mastered so easily, but The benefits of not having a master are also obvious. It is simple to live, and instead of wasting time on unnecessary actions to maintain relationships, you can concentrate on studying martial arts, and at the same time have a deeper understanding of martial arts difficulties than someone else has pointed out.

The blood python is an outstanding member of the hundreds of disciples of the same generation in Xianlong Cave. It is very important to the ancestors of Xianlong. The resources obtained in the later period are no worse than those of the disciples of the ancestors of the dragon, so they have never been convinced. Disciples of the old ancestors of Helong and other dragons, when they heard that the dragon was defeated, they were ridiculed and run. Today, when Ye Qingxuan came alone, he naturally thought of killing him and showing his hands in front of everyone. At the same time, you can step under the dragon forever.

The blood python jumped out of his way, and three of his acquaintance helpers followed him. Naturally, they could not use them with the enemy, but intercepted the escape route of the attacker and blocked the work of the herd. I still want them to do it. (To be continued ...)

ps: three more basic three.

Third night last night. There are fixed three changes today, please wait ...

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