A group of strong light burst from Feng Qingyan's arms and turned into a sword and light of heaven, enshrining Dan Zengji and Bandan Tashi.

The most weird thing is that both are obviously shrouded in swordsmanship, but two people have simultaneously produced the illusion that these thousands of sword qi are attacking themselves, as if the masters beside them no longer exist. This is how it can bear for Bandanzasi, whose ambition has long been taken away.

With a roar, his hands opened like a fan, and a strong wind blasted toward the sword qi attacking in all directions, while his slightly fat body flew back like a dead leaf.

A full blow is just to escape. As for whether Deng Zaojie behind him could escape this Taoist attack alone, it was completely out of his consideration.

However, he feels that he is already ruthless, but he completely underestimates that if human nature is evil, there is no bottom line.

In the neutral position where Bandan Tashisi stepped back a bit, his vest immediately touched the palm that came across!

From the palm of your back!

From the palm of Dan Zengji!

What a vicious person ...

This idea only passed through my heart. Dan Zengji's ruthless palm was patted on his back. A soft and strong force made him involuntary, and his sword was like a sword covering Fengqingyan. Fly away.

This hand of Dan Zengji pushed him into Feng Qingyan's sharpest and most intensive attack, and immediately plunged him into a state of utter danger.

Bandanazzahi, who was a little apologetic, came from his heart ...

This is the case in the world. He wants to calculate and use others, and others will calculate and use himself. At the moment of life and death. Don't hesitate to use someone else's life to fight for a moment.

Causal loop. Retribution is upset.

Just as his thoughts flickered across his heart. His body shape has been hit by the sword-mantle turned into the "Drunk Yinyue". The breathing was not smooth for a moment, as if a pound of rock was pressed on his heart, and his whole body was cut like a knife. The chill of the sword made him immersed in the ice of thousands of years. At the moment of the sword and his body, Bandanzasi suddenly felt After a moment of silence, a passage of Scripture flowed through my mind, "Here. The world told the bhikkhus. If there is any work done, I say that he will receive it, or this world, or future generations."

There was a lament in my heart, my eyes closed, my hands closed, no sorrow or joy ...

Then, in the light of the sword into a flurry of blood!

As a Tantra master, he died until he died in a foreign land. Only then did he realize the true meaning of the Buddhist scriptures, although he repented. But I also regret it late!

Dan Zengji, who slammed Bandan Tashisi, immediately retreated violently through this rare neutral, regardless of the other, and how powerful his retreat was, he was suddenly hit by several Dami lamas. After falling upside down, the sound of a fracture sounded, and the blood was vomiting.

Regardless, Dan Zengji flew out of Otani and fled without looking back.

He can betray Bandan Tashisi, naturally he can also betray hundreds of disciples in the temple, he can also betray the temple, and betray the great priest Tibetan dragon Sutton.

The only two inborn masters died and fled, and the scene immediately fell into disintegration. Many lamas yelled, and the lamas immediately fled.

"Dog day, still want to run?"

Gui Zhengsheng yelled, and then chased it out.

"No need to chase it!" Lu Qingzheng Shi Shiran stood up and said lightly: "Dami Temple suffered heavy losses in this battle. Even killing a few lamas who have been cultivated in the past is only adding a few killings. Obstructed ... "Then sighed quietly:" God has good virtues, let them go ... "

Gui Zhengsheng sang, and immediately stood obediently. Facing Lu Qingzheng, he was as serious as Laozi Ye Qingxuan, and did not dare to make trouble.

Qi Lang said, "Drunk Yinyue" also sword into the sheath.

Feng Qingyan turned around and said slowly to Qingzheng, "Brother, I want to kill someone!"

Lu Qingzheng frowned, staring closely at Feng Qingyan's eyes, the two stared at each other silently.

Finally, Lu Qingzheng sighed, "It's just a cowardly rat, why not kill it?"

"This person, I will kill it!" Feng Qingyan's answer was firm.

Lu Qingzheng was stunned, and then advised: "Second Master, you know that the fifth master is about to break through the innate and is in need of law protection. There is insufficient manpower on Kunwu Mountain. I haven't seen Master before. Why should you be in a hurry? ? "

Feng Qingyan was cold-faced and didn't answer, but his expression could see his stubbornness at this time.

Lu Qingzheng has never seen Feng Qingyan so stubborn. He was about to say, "After seeing Master this matter, it is up to Master."

A distant and quiet voice from Chu Ling came from outside the valley: "Qingzheng, let Qingyan go ..."

The two flickered at the same time, and the color of gratitude in Feng Qingyan's eyes flashed away. At the same time as Lu Qingzheng, he made a ceremony toward Guwai and replied, "Be obedient to the teacher!"

Looking at Feng Qingyan, who was about to leave when the sword was lifted, Lu Qingzheng sighed and said, "My brother's realm is not stable, everything is done with care."

Feng Qingyan turned his head and looked at Lu Qingzheng with a slight smile. The apology in his eyes was seen by Lu Qingzheng. There was no reply. The two just nodded to each other, everything was silent.

After two hardships, the brotherhood is self-evident ...

Feng Qingyan resolutely left, but it was just a knot.

When it came to seeing Bandanzasi's death, only Feng Qingyan was alone. He was stunned, then relieved. He understood what he thought of before Bandanzasi was dying, but the sword in his hands He couldn't take it back anyway, and he didn't want to take it back like this.

Everyone has regretted it before, but if you do n’t know how to regret, you know how to change it!

He was just poor Bandan Tashisi, even betrayed by his colleagues ...

Betrayal, no matter what his reasons, is repulsive.

Feng Qingyan was angry for the first time after leaving the customs.

He hates betrayal, and even the betrayal between enemies makes him irresistibly sick ...

This was the only original sin in his heart, the original sin from his biological father!

It is the original sin from Qinglong's betrayal of Kunwu!


Others can tolerate it, and he can't tolerate it!

When Jia Junfu and his monk Xiaozhi broke through the obstacles of the masters of the Tan clan with a scar, rushed to the mid-mountain, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them. I do n’t know when it started. The protagonist of the battlefield is full of scenes of several Chinese martial arts chasing and killing the Tan and the Dami Lama.

In the same way, the four Tanzanian congenital masters chasing and killing the two behind them are also a dumb expression.

Before the two sides fought, Shang Xiaozhi suddenly used a few tricks in the original situation of being beaten behind, and he vigorously applied hard and unrestrained efforts to pull the arrogant Tan enemies. Fighting it back, the mighty palm force also wounded him. Seeing the opportunity to hit him on the spot, he was rescued by several other Tan masters.

However, in this way, there was a gap in their siege circle, so that Shang Xiaozhi and Jia Junfu were forced to escape.

How did the Tan masters swallow this breath, and let the two innate masters pass, I do n’t know what effect it will have on the war situation, and fearing that they will be punished, the four Tan masters also tried to catch up and promise The two were killed on the mountainside. But how could the situation encountered at this time be completely different from what he originally expected?

Wei Xiaotian punched his opponent into a half body with one punch, kicked another thinly, turned around to see the dull look, rushed over with a chuckle, and asked, "Dog day, old brother, Who made you look like this? "

Shang Xiao straightly awakened, then laughed with joy and laughed twice, pointing his fingers behind him, pointing at the enemy of the four Tanzanians, and asked, "Does Brother Wei remember this bastard?"

Wei Xiaotian gazed at his eyes, and the killing in his eyes suddenly rose, yelling loudly: "Virrigado !? Your beast dared to appear in front of me? I killed you ..."

The words didn't fall, Wei Xiaotian's body was violent, and the big bird generally rushed to the somewhat stagnant Tanzanian master Villigado ...

Shang Xiao laughed violently, and unexpectedly the situation reversed dramatically at this instant. His shape followed Wei Xiaotian, and he yelled, "Brother Wei, let the younger brother kill him!"

The same thing is happening up and down Kunwu Mountain.

On the way up the mountain, several brothers Ma Yunyong met several monks who were unwilling to fall in love with each other. When they met a terrible one, they hid, so that they would not be killed off by themselves. Was going up for a while.

Fighting around not only met Qian Yunzhong, a fat man who attacked the Lama monks by makeup, but also met Lu Yunming and Lu Yunxuan who kept chasing after the lama's buttocks.

Encountering a thief, Qian Yunzhong, there was a burst of joy between the brothers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Not only happy that his brother was not in distress, but also that his team was strong and strong.

But when they met two siblings Lu Yunxuan who were snoring, the faces of the brothers became extremely ugly.

"I rely, how did the two of you come out? The two of you didn't bother to come out and die? Uncle Qinglan?" Ma Yunyong landed and stared at the brother and sister Yunming.

The two are also fourteen years old this year.

Lu Yunming apologized, flushed and didn't know how to answer, but the little witch Lu Yunxuan jumped three feet high, according to Ma Yunyong's brain, it was a trembling, and cursed: "You are going to die, such a loud voice The grandma's martial arts were born, and these important moments are a good time for her grandma to break through the rivers and lakes and gain the chivalry name ... "Then she fanned her with her little hand in front of her to blow away the sweat that did not exist, and sighed helplessly: "Unfortunately, this big secret temple doesn't matter. There isn't even an opponent who can enter the aunt's eyes ..."

When Lu Yunming saw that she was bragging too much, she quickly pulled Lu Yunxuan's clothing corner and whispered, "Sister, didn't we hide for a long time and didn't find an opponent who was seriously injured? Did n’t it hurt? Lama, they are very fierce. How can we fight? "(To be continued ...)

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