Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 4 Chapter 15: Inside and outside

Ye Qingxuan didn't return to the courtyard for a long time. He was repairing the few tables in the courtyard. The sound of footsteps outside, Ye Qingxuan knew that three people had come here without looking up.

With sharp eyes, Ye Qingxuan immediately recognized that one of the three people who came was Huang Kui, a "race monkey", and the other two. One of them was the Xianlongdong Lizi of the current song Liyuan, and the other was Huang Kui's men, the "eight eyes" Cui Jin, who is responsible for the work of the guard.

After the three entered the courtyard, they walked towards Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan got up in a hurry and greeted some of them.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling a little uneasy ...

The three of them came to the blink of an eye, and Qu Liyuan's eyes lightly scanned Ye Qingxuan's face. No abnormalities were found, which made Ye Qingxuan a little more confident in his appearance.

Li Xunzi did not know his identity, but that list was provided by Li Xunzi, so if something happened, Li Xunzi would not have difficulty guessing it was Ye Qingxuan, but he could not contact the Lord at this time Child, with a frowning look, it's true.

Huang Sai, the "race monkey", also looked heavy at this time, and sighed vaguely at Ye Qingxuanyin, saying exhaustedly, "Bohu, don't fix these things first, you must hurry up and build a pair Lingtai and tablets. Tmd, the shops in the city are all useless goods, which can not reflect the status of the dead. You have good skills, remember to use the best materials to build a Lingyun Kowloon Taiwan for me , The tablets should also be more sophisticated ... Get them out within two days. Time is tight and the task is heavy, but rest assured. I will send someone to you. If you need anything, just tell Cui Jin directly ... "

It turned out to be this thing.

I didn't expect to be responsible for sending the souls of Shi Tianbao and Tong Lincheng to Xitian. Even the rest of the corpse should be arranged by himself? Really a full service!

"I know Lord Huang, the little guarantee is proper ... What else do you always ask?"

Huang Kui nodded and said, "Other things are gone. Your kid should remember that you don't run around without my orders in normal times. At this very time, it's no use for your kid who can't work hard to go out, if it is misunderstood You have to lose your life if you can't make it! It's in this yard and you are not allowed to go out easily! "

"Little understand!" Ye Qingxuan replied.

Huang Kui seemed a little anxious.

no way. Who made him the highest officer responsible for the safety of Beisen's sub-rudder? When such a big thing happened, it was obvious that there was a leak in the defense work. He was not responsible, and who was responsible.

And the assassination scene, the enemy did not leave any useful traces, clean, neat, is definitely the most outstanding killer in this industry ...

At this time, the in-house supervisor Sun Luting also hurried in from the outside. When he saw Huang Kui here, he hurried two steps and asked in a hurry: "Master Huang, two brothers, what happened to Jingshe?"

The government guard intervened in security affairs. Traffic was blocked everywhere, and officials such as Sun Luting could not pass through, let alone the subordinates. Sun Luting was in charge of various chores. If he wanted to get in and out easily, he must first find Huang Kui, who is in charge of the guards.

Several people spoke only a few steps to the outside, without carrying Ye Qingxuan in particular. After all, Ye Qingxuan at this time was only a subordinate who would not martial arts. At this distance, ordinary people could not hear the content of the speech. , But did not know that Ye Qingxuan's thief's ears had already heard what they said extremely clearly.

The body looked back and forth for tools and materials. It seemed to be preparing for the creation of the Lingtai, but the ears didn't relax for a moment, and listened to the content of the words of several people.

Huang Kui wiped his sweat and said with a dumb voice, "It's not a leak, Shi Tianbao, the leader of the Pai Gang, was just leveled in the garden just now! The most surprising thing was that Pang Song succeeded beside him, watching Shi Tianbao's heart break with a palm, and he was chuckling happily ... This year, there are so many strange things in tmd! "

After hearing this, Ye Qingxuan understood that the other party had not found the body of Tong Lincheng, the iron gall, and said, "Come on, baby. It will be enough for you to have a headache when you find another body ..."

The general manager Sun Luting was shocked, and he was busy: "Oh my dear, Shi Tianbao, 'empty palm' Shi Tianbao, isn't that one of the best masters in the world? This is a killer? Can you guess the hands? Who is it? "

Huang Kui snorted angrily, and said, "Who is it? I still want to know ..."

Huang Kui shook her hand and walked to the side, leaning directly on a newly repaired mahogany chair, closed her eyes, rubbed her temples, and looked like a headache.

Sun Luting was stunned and smiled a little awkwardly.

"Bafang Eye" Cui Jin, who had a stubborn nose and a narrow face, said in a round field: "Oh, Sun steward, don't you know who this hands-on person really is, but the method is fast and ruthless. In person, Shi Da is also a rare master in the world, and he hit a hand ... the whole heart is broken into powder! "

Sun Luting stopped for a moment, showing his horror: "This is really incredible. There are not many people with this skill in the locality. Wouldn't it have been broken by the sea or by Xun Aotian?"

"Fart!" Huang Kui furiously got up on the armrest, took out a sign from her arms and threw it to Sun Luting, "You know an eggplant, like a girl, know how to chew your tongue, and get out of my way ..."

Sun Luting hesitated and laughed, while taking the sign, he said, "I'm not curious, don't say it, I don't say it ..."

Huang Kui glared at Cui Jin angrily, scaring Cui Jin quickly to bow her head.

Seeing Sun Luting stepping out of the courtyard, Huang Kuifang sat back in his chair again, cursing and grinning, "It's so tmd unlucky that you can't stop anywhere you go. Everyone comes up and asks it again, one by one Lord, no one can offend, it's really annoying ... These big guys had better get me off early, and die for me, so I don't have to worry about them! "

The people next to me were only Qu Lieyuan who could say a few words. At this time, he walked over with a serious expression and said, "Brother Huang must not be too angry. After all, dead people are just like them, they are all foreigners. The master of the action, the enemy can kill Shi Tianbao, they can kill them, do you say they are not afraid? This action has not yet begun, and some people will be miserable. Would you say that our actions have been known in advance? Before they prepared to deal with us hard? "

Huang Kuiwei's eyes suddenly lighted, and she thought for a moment, then said, "This operation was prepared under the most secretive circumstances, and everyone who participated in the project was also a trustworthy person. Before this plan was implemented, you I do n’t know of this action, and this plan was only put forward by Jiang Muhan after being convened here. It should not be leaked out in advance unless ... ”

"Unless what?"

"Unless it is the spy who has the other side nearby, when he comes here, he accidentally leaked his whereabouts ... or ..." Huang Kui's eyes flickered, and then a sneer sneered with sarcasm, without speaking. .

Ye Qingxuan secretly said: Or the news was leaked from Jiang Muhan himself ...

This Huang Kui has a holiday with Jiang Muhan in his heart, otherwise he would not show such a sarcastic smile in front of such a big accident.

Jiang Muhan is the host of the conference, and Huang Kui is the security guarantee of the conference. Now that there is a safety problem, Jiang Muhan will blame Huang Kui naturally, and if eventually Huang Kui finds the skeptical sight and responsibility for the accident to Jiang Muhan ... hehe, It's a bit interesting between the two.

Huang Kui's ridiculous and slightly proud smile was probably because of the thought of it ...

Ye Qingxuan's heart brightened, and she couldn't help but have a second thought.

"Let's stop this rare moment, our brothers will go out and see if there is any new discovery ..."

Huang Kui stood up, walked outside with two people, walked to the gate of the courtyard, suddenly patted his head, turned back, threw something at Ye Qingxuan, and drank: "This pass is for you to hold and do well When you have the Lingtai and the tablets, remember to send them to Jingshe, put them away, and do n’t lose them, otherwise people will be unavoidable to catch some hardships ... ”

Ye Qingxuan then quickly nodded again and again to understand.

By noon, the ups and downs of the general shock shook the entire North Mori sub-rudder.

They have not calmed down in Shi Tianbao's mischief, but they found out that the "iron gallbladder" Tong Lincheng died in his house ...

As a result, this martial arts giant in the south was completely caught in that kind of wind and rain, and was frightened and restless.

That's not all!

Xiao Jin, the head coach of the "Xingwu Teaching Field" who left yesterday, and the three chief coaches under his command, went out standing, and now he was brought back down while lying down ...

The four stretchers were covered with white cloth. The blood soaked the white cloth, became red, and scattered sparsely.

After leaving Beisen City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this group of people were intercepted in the middle of the road, and half of the body of the "white customer" Xiao Jin was smashed, if not for the whiteness in the flesh Hair, he can't discern his identity at all ...

The heads and sternums of the three faculty members were all broken. According to the situation of the venue at that time, they were flying by one stroke.

"Bai Yanke" Xiao Jin is the third-heavy level in the early days of the congenital, not the highest. The three great coaches are only the peak of the day after tomorrow, but four people took their lives within a few strokes. The power of the attackers can be imagined.

Ye Qingxuan didn't even have to think about it, and knew that this was a group of people who were intercepted halfway by a flower monk. From the position of the interception, it was the direction of the main road from Beisen City to Yizhou. At a glance, it was known that this guy Ruhua had come down the road.

In the face of new casualties, the people and horses of Motianling immediately launched a rigorous and thorough investigation, but the result was also empty and confused, without any clue. (To be continued ...)

ps: The second change today.

There is not much entertainment on the weekend, writing is my only hobby, it should be no less than 12,000 words updated ...

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