Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 4 Chapter 31: Voltage regulator

Beisen City was closed at night. Only the people on Motianling's side could travel freely. Ye Qingxuan went round to find a loophole in the defense of the city in order not to expose his possessions and ran out of the city.

Ye Qingxuan did not wait for his body shape to fall to the ground, then turned around in the air, and shot out like a shell, leaving only a trace of shadow in the air.

Thinking of those defenseless innocent family members, he was anxious now.

Fully unfolding the body, in the dark night, it is like a faint cloud shadow under the moonlight. At first glance, it still appears, like a ghost. Utilizing speed faster than anyone would imagine, Bai Lianjun and his team were quickly tracked.

Ye Qingxuan stepped down, his body flew out more than 20 meters like Dapeng, his arms twitched, and the speed that had reached the peak suddenly increased by 20%. From time to time, he tapped on the trees to maintain the current speed. The speed of flapping with his arms was constantly superimposed. After Ye Qingxuan accelerated with the vibrating arm nine times, his speed on the straight line was more than five times faster than the original speed. The distance between the vertical jumps is already 100 meters, the speed is so fast that it is hard to see with the naked eye, and the body disappears into the air, especially Ye Qingxuan's physique changed by the stone pith. There is usually no sound of breaking air at this time. Only then was a slight breeze blowing ...

Between the treetops, only the leaves are slightly floating, Ye Qingxuan has passed by, and the body is light and ghostly. Even the perching owl is just surprised by the sudden breeze, which makes its feathers move. I looked around strangely, and after finding nothing, continued to find my prey ...

Ye Qingxuan speeded along the official road for hundreds of miles. There are already corpses on both sides of the official road. Most of the dead were old women and children. Without exception, they have been slaughtered by Bailian cultists. Ye Qingxuan's heart was full of anger, only he gritted his teeth and ran for more than twenty miles. The sound of yelling and screaming in front of him spread with the wind, and became more and more intense.

Ye Qingxuan didn't have the slightest affection for the Bai Lianjun who had been implemented by the cult with inhuman beliefs. They killed and set fire everywhere, spreading their lives. At this time, regardless of the old, weak, women and children, it is simply not as good as a beast, and can't help filling in indignation, and rush to the shouting place at full speed.

Ye Qingxuan walked through the sparse forest, and saw the flames of the fire outside the flat wild forest, and a group of more than 100 Bailian military educators in black clothes were killing a group of 70 or 80 people. This group was besieged. There are only more than twenty soldiers on the periphery of the horse, and almost all the soldiers' families are protected at the center. There were also seven or eight seriously wounded samurai.

Ye Qingxuan only glanced at and recognized several familiar faces among the warriors. In particular, "Fengfeng Legs" Jia Feng, "Perak Lion" Shi Zhan, and "Bornhorn Knife" Fang Dagang are here, and in the face of the good Bailian Army, all of them except Jia Feng have injuries on their bodies. Bloody, describe the wolverine.

On the hillside at a distance of a hundred meters from the battlefield, there were still more than a dozen big men. Except for one person who seemed to be the leader, the others were wrapped in black scarves, which was very easy to recognize.

This group of warriors, led by Jia Feng and others, formed a round array at this time, struggling to resist. There were more than fifty family members in the array. Everyone was in a miserable color. There were still seven or eight warriors lying or serving. It is obvious that he has lost the ability to fight because of injuries.

This group of people, Jia Feng, were used to the underworld, and they were extremely fierce. The two sides fought for a lot of time, and the Bai Lian Army had a lot of casualties, and the battle was fierce.

And like "Xunfeng Legs" Jia Feng, there is also a number on the "Earth End List", the means is quite good, the legs are like soft whip, serial kicks, countless leg shadows will be the opposite seven or eight The name Bai Lianjun was too tired to cope. One person could not avoid it. His chest and abdomen were kicked in the middle. After a bite of blood, the body flew out for four or five meters and smashed into the crowd.

As a result of this attack, the Bailian Army educators next to him also caught the gap, and made a sharp bone mark on his side, his body receding, and several swords were immediately chopped down, so that the " Shili Zhan, a roar, yelled and double-hooked, saving Jia Feng's life.

Shi Zhan is indeed his name. Every time he makes a shot, he is roaring like a angry lion. On the one side, Fang Dagang, who is shaped like a giant horned sword, is blood-stained with a beard. His right arm can no longer be used. Assistance.

Although the group of warriors chased and killed by the old team, despite their resistance, they finally showed fatigue. At the end of the crossbow, they will be wiped out ...


A woman's scream came, but a woman was pierced by a short spear thrown ...


In a still lamenting voice, a seven- or eight-year-old boy swooped over ...

Just now, the mother faced a sudden spear and pushed her son away, but she was killed under the spear.

"Baby fuck!"

Fang Dagang, who was already seriously injured, yelled loudly, his eyes flashed with grief, his face flashed, "I killed you--"

With a big knife in both hands, he rushed out and plunged into the crowd!

"Old man, don't be impulsive ..."

Jia Feng suddenly changed, but his advice could no longer control the angry Fang Dagang ...

Fang Dagang was furious, and his sword was cut continuously. Immediately, two Bailian army members who were less able to dodge themselves had their first differences. However, Fang Dagang also shot a shot and penetrated his right thigh directly, nailing him firmly. On the ground ...

The Bai Lianjun who threw his spear immediately rushed up with a smirk, the spear in his hand shook, and went straight to Fang Dagang's throat!

Fang Dagang's eyes were flushed, and he yelled, throwing the sword out with his hands, in the middle of the enemy's chest and abdomen, the blade passed through, turning the pride of the other's face into the agony of death.

Armed around, Fang Dagang was sure to die, but before his death he could avenge his wife, Fang Dagang faced a smile.

"Dagong!" Faced with the upcoming tragedy, the brothers cried in unison ...

Fang Dagang rushed out only a few meters away, but it was this distance that everyone could not help.


The little boy who had just lost his mother faced his loss of his father, and in sorrow, he could no longer bear the pain!

At this moment, Fang Dagang slightly regretted, but he could only sigh slightly ...

Close your eyes,

Waiting for death!

Right now ...

The gale suddenly started!


An extremely horrible suction suddenly formed in mid-air, and this force all acted on the weapon in the hands of every Bailian army cultist, as if an elephant had caught the weapon in its hands, and suddenly, hundreds of All types of weapons flew into the air ...


Everyone's attention was thrown into the air!

Hundreds of pairs of horrified eyes stared overhead ...

A group of dark holes, like the mouth of a behemoth that can devour the world, hundreds of bright swords floated on the edge of the black hole, covering the scene, but everyone could clearly see that there was a person ...

The exclaiming voice had not yet fallen, and a powerful ripple visible to the naked eye in the black hole was suddenly released. The bright swords smashed into numerous steel fragments, and then came back like a heavy rain, each piece of steel shattered With amazing vigor, unparalleled domineering, terrifying cry burst out ...

The next was the "snoring" sound as dense as a rain hitting a banana, the pieces of steel tore up the body of every Bailian army sect, the screams came to an abrupt end!

The steel storm came and went ...

Only in an instant, nearly a hundred Bailian soldiers were killed by their own weapon fragments on the spot, the blood on the ground, converging into a river, and the scene turned into Shura Hell ...

Jia Feng and others described the sluggishness, and they followed the figure in the air like a demon and couldn't speak for a moment.

Fang Dagang was mixed and deterred and shivered. He stood alone outside his team, with dozens of crowded white lotus masters in front and behind him, all killed, and his former body was now a bunch of broken pieces. Flesh, and he was able to survive the violent rain of weapons, the character like a demon, the power of his control of the power, supernatural.

This person, of course, is Ye Qingxuan ...

He was filled with resentment and made him unsympathetic. Even in the face of underworld characters, Ye Qingxuan asked himself to be "forgiving and forgiving", but for his cults and demons with completely demonized ideas, his men A moment of mercy.

These people think differently than normal people, and it is basically impossible to teach them to be human again, just like asking mosquitoes not to **** blood. Rivers and mountains are easy to change, and their nature is difficult to change.

Jia Feng and others were in a daze, and among the family members behind them, someone was finally screamed and scared by this Shura-like scene, and the scene was restored to vitality, but several women were still frightened and passed out ...

With the exception of Fang Dagang's son's bright eyes and brilliant colors, almost everyone has an inexplicable expression, including masters like Jia Feng.

Because Ye Qingxuan's approach is too terrifying ...

Ye Qingxuan then had no time to think about Jia Feng's emotions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ refracted in the air, and rushed to the white lotus army on another hill.

This team of Bailian Army has the leader of this team. Ye Qingxuan wants to ask the enemy's action layout so that his rescue can be more effective.

Facing the sudden attack of Ye Qingxuan, the team's initial idea was to attack, but just after Ye Qingxuan shot and more than a hundred people died together, the leader screamed, and more than ten subordinates Ye Qingxuan rushed in desperately, and the little boss turned back and frantically, regardless of his care.

Ye Qingxuan snorted coldly, beckoned in midair, and several pine towers fell into his hands, and then rubbed and flung ...

Wow ...

There is no need to aim at all. With the help of sharp innate innocence, the broken pine tower is densely packed into a small dark cloud, and it suddenly falls into the crowd. A dozen white lotus soldiers rushing in front of them, burst into countless blood spots, and suddenly Smashed by Ye Qingxuan into a sieve ...

Before the corpse fell to the ground, a plume of blue smoke passed over, and the leader who was fleeing frightened felt that someone was holding his back neck and flew backwards ... (to be continued).

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