Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 4 Chapter 248: Dark hours

Sudden changes caused a sudden upheaval.

The attacker's martial arts were so horrifying that a powerful lethality erupted between his hands and his feet. He was able to suddenly hurt Wei Guigui by shooting his hands. This skill is definitely one of the best masters in the sky.

Zhang Qiu Taiyan and Tong Huiying both looked at each other and showed a satisfactory smile. Although Xing Wuyou's sneak attack did not achieve the ideal result, that is, killing Wei Wugui, but the injuries between Tianju masters were not easy. Come on, look at Wei's guilty, a few tricks, even if he doesn't die, he still has half a life, and he can't do anything with people for a long time. For Feng Yige, who still has a lot of post moves, it is tantamount to cutting off a lot of resistance. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Sudden injury of Wei Guigui made Ye Qingxuan and others go crazy instantly. If it wasn't for the “King Xiaoyao” Huang Fu Yanzhao stopped them, the brothers would immediately start with Cao Sheng, Zhang Qiu Taiyan and others.

Zhīdào's current situation can not be publicly broken with Feng Yige, Ye Qingxuan simply let the brothers back down.

At this time, in the small courtyard rented by the "King Xiaoyao" Huang Fu Yanzhao, everyone looked dull and dull in the whole room.


With a loud noise, the wound recovered 60% of Ruhua's first, could not help but patted it on the coffee table, scolding: "This group of beasts who eat people's food does not pull shit. ... "

Gui Yisheng amused, muttering, "Well, isn't that my word?"

The crowd stared at the past with a killing eye, Gui Jisheng shrank his neck and hid behind Xu Lingkong.

Everyone at this time. Murder is not ordinary.

If the flowers rolled their eyes. Chan said: "This group of beasts. We have long lost our minds. Before, we covered up our faces, taking into account the face, and now we have even assassinated. If there is anything else to say, just dry it and tear them all. Forget about it! "

Ye Qingxuan looked at Huang Fu Yanzhao, the "King Xiaoyao" who was silent, and asked, "Master Wang. What do you say? Who is the character who attacked Brother Wei by hand? Such a skill, shouldn't he be an unknown person?"

"Old King" Huang Fu Yanzhao's old face is green and purple, Wei is guilty of serious injuries, and the responsibility is not on others. That is his responsibility. When he changed his place to compete, he was afraid that Cao Sheng ’s old boy was fighting. The sixty-four pillar iron spear plum array "takes Wei's guilt-free advantage, but it never occurred to me that someone was left empty.

The old man took a deep breath and sighed: "The man who attacked was the old enemy's" snake stick "Xing Wuyue. Hey, my king is guilty. I had thought that changing the venue could offset Cao Xiaozi's convenience. There is another heavenly master here secretly ... hmm. Xing Wuwei, the king will not stop with you! "

Duan Juncheng, who was in charge of security work, turned red and red at the moment, and the master humiliated him. Seeing King Xiaoyao so reproached, Duan Juncheng was so ashamed that he took a step forward and said on one knee, "It is an oversight of his subordinates, and has nothing to do with the old master. He was injured, and his subordinates were willing to be punished ... "

For the moment, Duan Juncheng's main attention was focused on Zhang Qiu Taiyan and others. He only patted his masters on the field to check, but he did not expect that there would be a master of heaven ambush there.

A master of heaven wants to ambush, by no means ordinary people can detect. Duan Juncheng's men were all innate repairs. Despite their due diligence, they could not find the ambush Hǎode "snake stick" Xing Wuyou.

"Xiaoyao Wang" Huang Fu Yanzhao had scolded him for a dog-blood sprinkler before, at this time he did not want to be exhausted in this matter, rolled him a look, and snorted: "I will punish you for your sins, but now it is not a discussion When your sins are over, Xing fearless things are entrusted to you, first let me know his whereabouts, and then ... either come to see me by his head, or see me by your own head! "

"Follow the order!" "Kaitian Axe" Duan Jun became flushed with a rosy face, and his aggressive murderousness rose up.

Ye Qingxuan and others secretly tongued out and annoyed the murderer, afraid that Xing Wuwei's life would not be better ...

"The King of Xiaoyao" continued: "People in Fengyi Pavilion have categorically denied that there is any connection with Xing Wuwei, and even if Xing Shi interrogated, we could not intervene without evidence. However, in order to avoid suspicion, the other party announced that he had temporarily abandoned the investigation of Zheng Zhantang. We were able to take Zheng Zhantang on the road, and it was a disaster. "

Ye Qingxuan and others nodded and said yes.

"Although Lao Wei's injury is serious, there is no danger of his life, but his injury cannot travel long distances and must be treated locally. The king will look after him here and you can rest assured. As for your schedule, the king will arrange Shengbei follows you to ensure safety along the way ... Shengbei! "

"Subordinates are here!" Zhu Shengbei, a tall and thin "golden bear", stood up to take orders.

Huang Fu Yanzhao ordered: "You will follow a few young brothers along the way. Remember, this younger brother Ye is not allowed to open his own hands in everything, do you understand?"

"Subordinates obey!"

Zhu Shengbei glanced at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes flashed, Ye Qingxuan was as excited by the ice as he could not help but secretly: Good guy, this kung fu is only stronger than Wei Guigui, not weaker Now ...

Huang Fu Yanzhao continued: "In order to avoid suspicion, the people on the side of Fengyi Pavilion should not ask you trouble, but you must be careful of their use of evil tricks, especially the method of the magic gate ... Yes, Zheng Zhantang How is the situation over there? "

Zhu Shengbei replied: "The gods of the Great Zen Temple sent someone to say hello before, saying that Zheng Zhantang is willing to cooperate and will continue to Zhongzhou ..."

Huang Fu Yanzhao laughed: "It seems that Yan Jingliu ’s nerd's influence is really not small. Even the devil can convince, but not if Zhīdào Zheng Zhantang will surrender to the court because of his words. If Zheng Zhantang is willing to take effect The imperial court, Fengyi Pavilion and the magic gate were broken, and no matter how difficult the imperial court situation is, there is also a chance to take the initiative. "

At this point, Ye Qingxuan and others just breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly that the dean of the Rulin Academy, Yan Jingliu, actually shot himself, persuaded his nominal master, Zheng Zhantang, to cooperate with the court, and Wulin's "ten major schools" ranked the fourth Rulin Academy The shot was taken, and it seemed to be in the same heart as the court. This made everyone's long-suppressed hearts have a feeling of "turning away the clouds and seeing the sky".

Any of the top ten martial arts in the world has the strength to stir the world, and any one of them is on the side of Ye Qingxuan, which gives them more confidence and strength to deal with the Momen and Fengyi Pavilion and other forces.

"Unfortunately, the top ten factions are only morally willing to help, but none of them stand firmly on our side. Our Wèilái's life has to go with step by step, careful and careful, lest the wrong thing will be used by Feng Yige to create us and the entire Taoism. Huang Fu Yanzhao sighed, "Unfortunately, Tsing Yi Building, which could have stood with us on the United Front, fell apart because of Xu Dingyi's death ..."

Hearing Huang Fu Yanzhao's mention of Tsing Yi Tower, Ye Qingxuan and Jiang Shuihan looked at each other and exchanged ideas.

The news of Xu Dingyi's death is not yet available, even if the other party is a clear-cut King ...

Xu Dingyi and Shen Jiangping were not seriously injured, and now they are fully treated on Kunwu Mountain. The day they wait for their recovery is when Baekdo fights back.

Ye Qingxuan said: "Although the landlord Xu has suffered a lot, his son Xu Xiyu is still in the world, should he inherit his father's business, shouldn't it be difficult?"

Huang Fu Yanzhao shook his head and said: "If either Xu Dingyi's right arm," Shadao "Zhu Xiong and" Sword Madness "Cui Changling, are alive, helping Xu Xiyu is enough to stabilize Tsing Yi House, but unfortunately, Xu Xi Yu is young enough to convince the public The building is torn apart and no longer has the scenery of that year. "

Worried about Xu Xiyu's condition, Ye Qingxuan quickly asked about the specific situation.

Zhu Shengbei Dailou replied: "According to the information, the current Tsing Yi building is divided into three. Among them, the deputy landlord 'One Leaf Covered Rain' Tian Zhongmou received the support of Feng Yige and established 'Tiandao League', which accounted for five of Tsing Yi House. Into the strength; while another deputy landlord 'Yunyashou' Dai Hu occupied 30% of the strength and became the 'Sky Youth Gang'; the last one was Xu Dingyi's son Xu Xiyu. Liang Zhen and other old people who supported the old feelings supported the scene of Tsing Yi Tower, but the strength was the weakest, leaving only about 20% of the original strength of Tsing Yi Tower ... "

I didn't expect Tsing Yi Building, which was so turbulent, to change into such a field in a short time. She wanted to help the relationship between Xu Xiyu of Bùcuò, but she was lack of skill and difficult to rescue.

After turning his thoughts, Ye Qingxuan suddenly proposed, "Master Wang, there is an unwelcome invitation, isn't it inconvenient for Zhīdào?"

"My little brother, please!"

Ye Qingxuan said: "The king Ye Kěnéng is not Zhīdào. The young master of the Tsing Yi House, Xu Xiyu, is the life and death of my brother and I. Now that the Tsing Yi House is torn apart, why does the Lord do not send people to support it and gather the forces of the Tsing Yi House, it will become a court in the future A boost? "

Huangfu Yanzhao immediately rejoiced and laughed: "Originally, Ye Ye still has a layer of relationship? Haha, Ben Wang is worried that no one is connected, and he will be suspected if he rushes to go. So it ’s just right, Ye Ye please send a letter and introduce it for you, King Wang will certainly help, to help that little boy Xu gather the men and revive the Tsing Yi Tower. With this banner, the strongest backbone of Tsing Yi Tower is also very beneficial to my court! "

I didn't expect Huang Fu Yanzhao to agree so easily ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Qingxuan was also very happy. He had thought that he was going to abandon some tongues, but now it ’s time to save.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan was also in the severe situation of the imperial court at this moment. The emperor Jingzong lost contact for a few days. Not only did the royal ministers in the imperial court mess up, but also the people of the foreign races also made a lot of moves. Huang Fuyan showed himself as Uncle Tai, it ’s really too late for the Jiangshan Society for the Huangfu family. At this time, any help is enough to make the old man willingly give.

"Okay, that's it for today." Huang Fu Yanzhao was in a good mood, stood up and said, "The next thing is to **** Zheng Zhantang into Zhongzhou. He will get up early in the morning. This is the most important thing. Brother Ye also asked for a lot of trouble, and the matter of contacting Xu Xiyu was imminent ... Lao Wei, you do n’t need to worry, you will give it to the king ... ”

"Thank you, Lord!" Everyone stood up and saluted.

This is the darkest hour of the day ...

At the darkest hour of the day, dawn, can it be far behind? (To be continued ...)

PS: Discharged ...

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