Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Wind and rain

The people of the Di ethnic group are nomads on horsebacks. They have a great deal of research on the art of Xiangma. The BMW was held by Zhan Yu, with a long and healthy body, and no white hair. The value is more than a million dollars. At first sight, the eyes of these Di samurai warriors were brightened and surrounded. —Top—Point—Fiction ww. {2} {3} {w} {x}

Zhan Yu still led the horse indifferently, and when he walked out more than ten steps, the group of Di warriors had just caught up and surrounded Zhan Yu. The first Di warrior in anger was angry. He came forward and grabbed Zhan Yu's shirt, cursing: "tmd, I told you to stand still, didn't you hear?"

After speaking, he lifted his whip, and pulled down towards Zhan Yu's face.

But the sound of the whip breaking just sounded, and before the half-way, the warrior of the Di tribe felt that the world was upside down, and the whole burrow passed through the ground.

This is why Zhan Yu didn't want to make things big, so he stopped. Otherwise, such an opponent would be able to kill him on the spot.

"Asshole, dare you do it !?"

With a shout, the surrounding Di ethnic warriors slammed out their unique machete and immediately started.

Zhan Yu kept walking, and the seven or eight Di warriors rushed to the edge of the blade and body, at the same time, stood still, as if the acupuncture point was clocked, and they were motionless. Zhan Yu took the horse and walked past ... ...

The crowd around them looked at all this in amazement, and watched the horse that Zhan Ma had passed, and they all talked about it, but no one dared to take a step forward.

When Zhan Yu stepped out of the surrounded circle, a Di warrior appeared again in front of him, standing in front of Zhan Yu like a mountain. Hold the scabbard in one hand. Hold the handle in one hand. Eyes were like the wolf on the grassland, staring tightly at Zhan Yu's throat.

Zhan Yu sighed and said lightly, "Good dogs don't stand in the way, keep off!"

The comer was the Di master who sat on the city captain and reprimanded the Chinese military officer. At this time, he was still motionless in the face of Zhan Yu's irony, but he spoke in a stiff Chinese language and said, "Good hand. ... You are the fastest person I have ever met in my life, except for my father and his Anda ... You are not an unknown person. I killed a hero like you, my tower Muto can become famous like his father. "

Zhan Yu helped Fuzhuyu and said coldly: "I do n’t know if I can kill the world if I kill him, but what I do know is that if you do n’t let it go, you will not be a road dog, but you will become a dog. Dead dog! "

The eyes under the tarmatian wolf's hat suddenly became sharp like a blade, and with a squeak, the scimitar came out of the sheath. At the same time, Zhan Yu felt a knife coming on his face. He split his forehead straight in the middle, so aggressive that he could solidify human blood.

In an instant, Zhan Yu knew clearly that the master of the Di family and nobles was a swordsman, and he also knew the origin of the swordsmanship of the other party.

The first master of the Di tribe and one of the three great masters from outside the world, Nalan Chengji's swordsmanship, known for his fierce and fierce stance, is a straight-forward knife, but the endless sword power Like the snowy mountains in the northern region, it is both cold and endless. Each knife has a peak, which makes people discourage and fear.

It ’s a pity that the man in front of him, although the sword is a biography of Nalan Chengji, it is clear that the flames have not yet arrived. There is no continuous gap between the knife and the knife, with its own loopholes. At the same time, the momentum is not as good as Nalan Chengji ’s [Snow Field Excalibur] How sloppy.

Zhan Yu has been playing against masters for a long time, and naturally he is very familiar with the hottest knives outside this area. At this moment, the other side splits, and he doesn't see. He stretches out his right hand and wears a pair of gold-shimmering gloves. , Flicked his fingers, in the middle of the knife slashed above.

The sound of a "ding" sounded, and the knife's air shattered as if it were substantive, shocking the people and the city guards who were amazed by the crowd on and around the ship.

The Di Master, who was on the opposite side, shook his body slightly, and then took a step backward. Then the blade rose again, preparing to make another attack, but he suddenly changed his face, made a suspicion, and stepped back unsteadily. Then, he shook his upper body and took a step back, but even after retreating, the scimitar in his hand was a good gesture, and he couldn't stop all the forward routes of Zhan Yu, in case the opponent took the opportunity to attack, and his combat literacy was extremely high.

Zhan Yu just struck the opponent's attacking sword, and even the opponent's entity did not touch it. The fierce momentum forced the other party to retreat. This moment's scene made everyone around me stunned and thought that they saw something strange. .

Only the goalkeeper who had been reprimanded before was a little insightful, and could not help but swallowed and murmured, "Good work!"

The Di ethnic warrior named Tamutuo stepped back three times, and Zhan Yu took three steps forward, and at the same time his tone was still cold, with the pace slowly said: "Give you another chance, get out!"

At the end of the speech, Zhan Yu had already taken four steps out of the ground, and the opposite Tamutuo finally stood still after taking three steps. When Zhan Yu took the fourth step, he yelled again and took the previous step. , The scimitar waved in his hand again, it seems that the trajectory is clearly a straight line, but in the eyes of Zhan Yu, the opponent's blade constantly trembled, in a very small range, constantly changing the trajectory, he knew that this Yidao will only stabilize at the last moment, and only then will it really not change ...

Zhan Yu finally stopped, and the opponent's knife finally made him feel a little tricky. At the moment of the blade and the body, Zhan Yu stretched out his right hand and gently held it-


The earth-shattering buzzer came to an end, and the opponent's slash was firmly held in his right hand, just like the other hand passed it, and it was easily grasped in his hand.

All the characters present, including Tamutuo who was out of the sword, were shocked ...

What kind of strength is this amazing?

Zhan Yu looked up, and a pair of hawks under the bamboo quilt stared at the opponent with ease, saying gently: "Again, what's your name?"

Tamutuo's body was stiff for a moment, like a rabbit stared at by an eagle, shaking with trembling, said mutteringly, "Tower. Tower. Mumtuo ..."

The incompetence of the opponent instantly made Zhan Yu's burning heart disappear. The opponent is still a fledgling young eagle. Two years ago, such an opponent was enough to excite him, but today, two years later, facing such an opponent, it is so boring and has not driven him out at all. The thrill of the prisoner was like bullying a foreign child. Boring and boring!

Tamutuo only felt the amazing murderousness that the person in front of him had just radiated, and suddenly disappeared. The pressure was suddenly reduced. When he was inquiring again, Zhan Yu shook his hands suddenly, and Tamutuo felt like himself. The tiles that were lifted up were generally hula-laid for several laps, and they couldn't control sitting on the ground not far away.

In the tinkling horse bell, the other's voice came slowly, and said, "Get out. You are not worthy of my shot, if you want to be ashamed. Let your father Adamang come ..."

Tamutuo was emaciated and frightened, but the honor of the prairie warrior made him desperately control his emotions, his hoarse voice sounded and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhan Yu's pace of holding the horse kept on, but he took out a jug from the horse's back neatly, raised his hand to drink half a bottle of wine, and the voice of Langlang then said: "Let you speak , Pass on my words, and tell you the masters of the Di tribe, the show feathers of the '12 Flying Eagle Forts' in the northwest have arrived! "

Tamutuo was dull for a moment, and the crowd around him seemed to be in a riot, and all of a sudden hesitated, and his voice shook the world.

The son of the world's largest anti-thief "Eagle King" Zhan Xiongfei has arrived in Luodu!

And in the eyes of those Di people, it was even more inexplicable.

In the eyes of the Chinese, Zhan Yu is just the son of Zhan Xiongfei of the "Eagle King", but in the eyes of the men in the prairie, the reputation of the "Little Eagle King" is no less than that of his father, or even better than that of his father. His father came even more terrible ...

"Takapurgood, Takapurgood, it's Takapurgood ..."

The nightmare of a few Di people around, who were not yet in a coma, murmured in general.

Di people claim to be descendants of the wolf, and "Takapurgood" in Di language means-

"Wolf eater"!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The melodious bells came from the temple on the top of the mountain.

This is a vast temple surrounded by primitive old forests. It is not a deserted land. On the contrary, it is the most prosperous Purple Mountain next to Luodu.

But because this is a royal temple, not many people usually come here. Only during the royal rituals will they open to the outside, and it seems a little lively.

It is rumored that the son of the dragon **** Ao Lie, the second emperor of the "Tianlong Dynasty", lay down on this mountain, so since then, the mountain has been covered with a millennium ancient temple, and its name is "Fulong" Temple. "

This temple has been expanded by successive emperors, so it already exists like a small city. There are seven front and back temples alone, the Wenshu Temple, the Noble Palace, the Wuliang Temple and the like. There are many monks in the temple and enjoy the royal worship ...

Looking across the mountains to the south is Luodu. To the north is Yunmeng Daze. To the west ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Looking across the mountains is the Yijian Mountain Villa. The only way to the east is the endless primitiveness. Mountain forest.

Recently, in Luodu City, the wind and rain are swaying, all parties are fighting, and everyone knows that it is going to turn over ...

At present, the emperor Jingzong passed on the decree and wanted to be clear of heart and worship the Buddha. He had pleaded guilty, and had ignored the government for half a year. On the court, today, the "literature" Wan Ming alone led the six officials to pick the beam.

But Wan Didumingyuan was originally a descendant of the Di ethnic group. After he came to power, Daxing and the Di ethnic group's easing strategy invited the Di ethnic masters to enter Luodu. He even blocked the Di ethnic masters as officials. Di people stepped in.

Luodu is in chaos.

And even at such a time of chaos, outside the imperial monastery that was forbidden to enter, a priest of the imperial wind, a purple robe of the middle of the year, came slowly.

I looked up at the three big characters of "Fulong Temple", and then looked back at the distant hills and valleys of Luodu under the distant mountains. The man shook his robe and stopped and sighed, "This time, the world has changed a lot. How do you choose? Further, the abyss, take a step back, it will be gone! "(To be continued.)

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