Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Strange love

It's late. -Top-point-small-say-

Broken incense floating lacks the moon, the ancient Buddha keeps the lights out.

Missing Moon shot in from the broken wall.

This temple was originally in disrepair, with broken walls everywhere.

The moon is absent a lot, and the moonlight coming in from the broken wall is just as thin as the light.

The Buddha is an ancient Buddha, and the lamp is also an ancient lamp, but the lamp oil is newly added, but it is a pity that the lamp core has been burned.

In front of the lamp, a tripod furnace, incense sticks in the furnace, burning the extremely precious ambergris.

Ambergris is the most expensive of all the spices, and has always been a royal enshrinement. It is strange that it is now unexpectedly burning in the back hall of such a ruined temple.

The incense and smoke are blurred, and the moonlight light is blurred in the smoke. Even the ancient Buddha in front of the lamp is no exception. It seems faintly, as if it is really a nine-day immortal Buddha.

It ’s just that the man of ritual Buddha is not a monk or even a man, but a charming woman ...

The candlelight shone, but the woman was looking in front of the Buddha, but the jade fingers like spring onions were gently lifted in the corner of her eyes to smooth out the crow's feet that did not exist at all. The traces of years are showing, but the woman is a sad and grieving expression. It is easy to grow old when the Buddha is released, and the youth has passed away.

The woman sighed resentfully, as if the candlelight was blown slightly with the sigh, the light inside the broken temple was also turbulent ...

When the candlelight stabilized again, the woman suddenly said, "Lost for a long time? You see, the mother gave you your favorite ambergris ..."

Lengheng. It came from the woman's back. I don't know when, in the empty ruins of the temple, a man with a grey jacket and a bucket hat was standing, and his voice was extremely young.

The man sank: "Do you know that I will come?"

Woman said: "I know you have been following me, and now I deliberately create an opportunity for our mother and son to see each other again!"

The woman turned her head abruptly, but it turned out to be the "rain needle" that is one of the six major protection methods of "storm, lightning, and ice inflammation" in Hell!

The vicious rain needle that was shot was already a mother, and a son in his twenties ...

"You're not my mother. My mother died long ago ..." The face of the man's bucket was unclear. But both hands have been stunned and angry, angrily exclaimed, "Which mother in the world will kill her husband with her own hands. Abandon her son. Betray his own family? In my heart. My mother is early It ’s already dead, you, my foe who killed my father. My enemies of the Tangmen generation, the guardian of the underworld 'rain needle'! "

"Yaner ..."

"Stop, which is Yaner, I'm Tang Yan from Tangmen!"

The man suddenly looked up, and Douyi's young and slightly sad face appeared before the Buddha ...

In the young generation, among the masters who have heard the world, except for the seven brothers Ye Qingxuan who have been in the limelight recently, the rest of them have this peerless master who has never met in the middle of Tang Dynasty—

"Six reincarnation" Tang Yan!

What is even more unimaginable is that the "rain needle", one of the six major protection methods of the "underworld storm and thunderbolt" in Megatron's underworld, turned out to be Tang Yan's biological mother, who was the master of the Tang Dynasty family. Tang Shirong's wife.

The genealogy of the Tangmen family, "Majestic Lingshi, World Unparalleled" Tang Shirong died suddenly at the time of his heroic appearance, and became a strange case at that time. It was unexpected that the culprit turned out to be his wife, and it was also the "rain needle" in the next generation of Hell's law. .

Obviously, this is an unbearable period of secrets ...

Nowadays, the birth of his own son to find his own mother turned out to be revenge for his father. Such wonders and tragedies are hard to see ...

The rain needle sighed sighing, Tang Yan was not moved, Shen Shen asked with a drunk voice: "Luodu's troubled autumn, why did you come to the prison? Is there any conspiracy?"

Yu Needle looked at Tang Yan in surprise, and asked softly: "The Tang gate in Shu has always been clean and good. Why did Yan'er suddenly have the idea of ​​becoming a martial arts warrior?"

Tang Yan hummed coldly and didn't speak.

Yu Needle smiled, and suddenly woke up and said generally: "Oh, I remember, Jiang Hu rumored that my son Tang Yan once chased 'the world's first dancer Ji' Chu Die by the day and night, and Chu Die Yi is the world ’s first famous chivalrous person who likes the younger generation. Did you just care about these things in the world, right?

"Stop!" Tang Yan's fist clenched tighter.

The "Rain Needle" Fangfo did not hear the general and continued to say: "Now the good people on the rivers and lakes have newly created a top ten beauty of the rivers and lakes, and the best four beautiful women are said to be indifferent. It is also difficult for good people to judge the high and low, and also compiled a song 'one night lonely cold Mei Aoxue, half pond flying willow light as smoke. Yin Yin picturesque white leaves, beautiful butterflies fall to the sky.' This last sentence 'Pin Ping Chu Die Yi Luo Tian 'is my daughter ’s favorite Chu Die Yi. My child really has a good eye, and she has seen the most versatile women among the top ten beautiful women in the rivers and lakes. My mother is really happy for my child ... My child is not in a hurry How many young talents like you in the world can treat all the competitors by killing your mother, is n’t Chu Dieyi in my pocket? If she still refuses to submit, she is willing to take the shot herself. Help you clean up that little beauty ... "

"I told you to stop!"

Tang Yan roared fiercely, and the pale blue suffocation flared like flames, and he screamed utterly: "I warn you, you must not touch the butterfly with one finger, or allow me to do anything. One word Don't mention it again! I ... "

While talking, Tang Yan suddenly felt dizzy, his body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.

"How ... what happened?"

Within sight, Tang Yan was horrified to discover that his body's suffocation gas slowly faded away like a melting candle, a strange substance gathered in the body, and it was difficult to control the suffocation in Dantian ...

In horror, Tang Yan suddenly looked at the ambergris burning in the nearby furnace, and suddenly realized: "'Hundred Day Drunk Lan' !? You put 'Hundred Day Drunk Lan' in Ambergris !?" "

After Tang Yan said this sentence, he fell to the ground instantly, and his forehead was cold and sweaty, but it was hard to move a finger.

"Rain Needle" Hahaha laughed for a while, Lianbu moved gently, and slowly walked to Tang Yan's side, stroking his son's face with his hand, said softly: "Yes, it is one of Wulin's top ten poison "Hundred Day Drunk Orchid", you can rest assured that I have very little medicine in it, and your skill has disappeared for at most three days. The "Hundred Day Drunk Orchid" prepared by your mother will only dissipate your skill, It wo n’t hurt the meridians, so there ’s no worries ... ”

The biological mother, even her own son, must calculate, and her mind is really vicious.

Tang Yan's eyes almost bleed.

"Rain Needle" slowly said: "Yaner, don't hate me, you and your sister Zi Yi are the most loved ones of your mother ... but before that, your mother needs you to help me with one thing ..."

"Wife, what do you want me to do?"

"Rain Needle" smiled coldly, and said, "I married the Tang family that year, because of your [Li Tian Hei Yu decision] of your Tang family. Unfortunately, your father left me a hand. There are even few precious exercises. Three sentences, this time, I used the most outstanding child of the Tang family to make an exchange with your grandma. What I want is these three most important recipes! ”Then the eyes suddenly turned and asked with a smile "Yan'er, your kung fu has progressed so fast. Do you know these three formulas? Tell your mother-in-law, okay, as long as you say it, your mother-in-law is willing to pass on my best skills to you. How to modulate the "Hundred Days Drunk Orchid", one of the "Top Ten Wonderful Poisons", is not bad! "

"It turned out that you intentionally led me out and calculated me ... delusional!"

"Rain Needle" flashed coldly in his eyes, and said angrily: "The ruthlessness and righteousness like your father!" The palm of his hand turned over, and a blue silver needle emerged. With a flick of his hand, the silver needle instantly fell into Tang Yan's chest. in.


With a terrible halt, Tang Yan's face turned red instantly, like a fish landing ashore, and he couldn't breathe immediately, panting desperately, his eyes were a little prominent, but he still couldn't breathe ...

"I see if your bones are as hard as your father's!" Rain Needle uttered an unbelievable remark, the palm of his hand turned, and two silver needles appeared again, stabbing into Tang Yan's knee ...


Tang Yan's entire body collapsed stiffly, like a grilled prawn, withstanding endless pain ...

"Not yet !?"

"Rain Needle" said ruthlessly: "Your dad had a private relationship with a wild woman carrying me on the back, and in the face of my silver needle interrogation, he didn't survive the five needles into the body. Today I want to see, he Tang Shirong's son can bear me a few stitches! "

In the venomous eyes of "Rain Needle", his son seemed to be united with his dead husband, his palms were bright, and a silver needle appeared. He was preparing to poison his hands again, and there was a loud noise in the distance ...


A large strong wind came along with the sound ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The temple door of the ruined temple was blasted away instantly, the strong wind extinguished the barely maintained candlelight in the temple, and the sand flew between the stones. The ruined temple suddenly fell into darkness.

"Has a high-handed man !?" "Rain Needle" was suddenly taken aback, his body suffocated, blocking all the gravel that struck towards him and Tang Yan, looked at Tang Yan with an unsure look, and then rushed Out of the ruined temple, looking towards the sky ...

Not far away is the Fulong Temple on the Purple Mountain ...

The white mist and purple light rising from the sky was not far from Fulong Temple, and a previously clearly visible hill was broken into a pile of rubble in the loud noise just now ...

The rain needle suddenly became stunned and muttered to himself: "No, one day, a master will do it! Pluto let me wait here to monitor, and this Fulong Temple really has a problem ... No, you can't stay here for long ... … Come! "(To be continued ...)

ps: start, for debt repayment, for apology, for brothers ... write desperately!

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