Zhuo Huifan failed to defeat the enemy, and a look of surprise appeared on his face, screaming: "It turns out that you are the **** of Hell, your master is the rain needle of that year? I ca n’t think of your" Manhuahuayu "technique. Entered the [Li Tian Hei Yu Jue] in the middle gate of Shu in Sichuan. The power is even stronger than your master ... Today, I am unlucky to meet you, go to **** and ask your master to complain! "

The purple sword in Zhuo Huifan's hand was about to shoot again, and suddenly a screaming wolf howl came again ...

Anxiety suddenly appeared in Zhuo Huifan's eyes, and he said angrily, "It's your life!"

With a whisper, a white line appeared in the air, and Zhuo Huifan disappeared without a trace ...

At this point, Yu Needle picked up a life, and dared not think about the other, covering her chest and escaping.

As far away as a mountain ditch dozens of miles away, two shouts with broken hats suddenly squeezed out from the grass. Two pairs of round eyes watched the shock wave erupting dozens of miles away, all stunned. .

One of them murmured: "Hey, I go, my heaven, this fight is going to kill the mountains? The scene is too big, at least it is also a master of heaven!"

The other sighed, "What did I say, this time I'm right, let you see such a big scene."

"You're about to rest!" The other person narrowed his neck and complained, "How dangerous, I say nothing. Ah, you said you, good errands are about to make a difference, you have to run like this What the **** is coming all the way? What is it called death? "He said, spreading his hands forward," This is called death! "

"Lao Meng. You walked with me all the way, can you stop the meeting? Our errand has both the help of King Xiaoyao and the help of Xue Laogui, and it is a safe thing to reach Zhengzhou. We The next step is necessarily to Luodu and his party. It ’s not good to come to explore the truth one day earlier. Besides, everyone thinks that our brother should have arrived in Kaifeng. No one would think that our brother has secretly arrived in Luodu. You know what this trick is? "

"Nothing to do!" Muttered another.

"Fart. This is a slap in the air. Hiding the sky and crossing the sea ... Your boy is so unwilling, tmd believe it or not, I tell Situ Yilan, saying that your boy has a crush on her, and has you messed with Huang Huang?"

"Too bad, aren't you?"

The other frowned. A thin face showing the sour face of Meng Yuan's chicken skin. Angrily: "My buddy is so secretive in my life. I was told to see you as a brother, did you threaten me with this?"

The other person looked up with a smile, in the moonlight. It was Ye Qingxuan Qingxiu's face, but with a smirk at this time, he said, "This time, the brothers know what the rivers and lakes are ..."

Meng Yuanzhang and Ye Qingxuan escorted Zheng Zhantang to Zhengzhou Mansion all the way and met half a dozen masters sent by Xue Gongwang, including the ram drinking, and there was Zhu Shengbei, who was able to shake the heavenly list. Under the protection of experts, their strength has been destined to no one dare to twist.

After Ye Qingxuan and others secretly discussed it, Ye Qingxuan and Jiang Shuihan worked out a plan, that is, the brothers marched on the road with great fanfare, and sent two people to go one step ahead, and come to Luodu to inquire about the news, especially to listen to False and Real in Dragon Temple.

There was no need to draw lots, and Meng Yuanzhang and Ye Qingxuan, the best performers, became the main candidates for this operation.

At first sight, Meng Yuanzhang, who was about to relax and relax, was naturally very dissatisfied, but under the strong demands of everyone, he had to follow Ye Qingxuan to secretly march to Zijin Mountain outside Luodu.

Unexpectedly, I wanted to take a look at the "Fulong Temple" while it was night, but I did not expect that at the foot of the mountain, I met a peerless master on the mountain to fight. The two knew that this must be related to the Fulong Temple and immediately lurked Come down and quietly approach.

The two had just hid their bodies this time, and suddenly there was a howling wolf in the woods in front of them, and then the sound of an empty air approached instantly. At the same time, the two were lurking enough to hide the Tibetans who return to the master of the virtual reality. [Spirit Turtle Latent Breathing] unfolded with all their strength, the whole body's pores were closed, and the whole body's heat and breathing breath converged, like two stubborn stones, one at every turn.

Meng Yuanzhang couldn't help complaining, "Bastard, don't come good, come bad!"

With a loud yell, Ye Qingxuan trembled in the past, Meng Yuanxuan covered his head, and the world finally fell silent.

This is the effort. A light smoke flashed in the woods in the distance, and then the sound of screaming and drinking came, and two figures appeared immediately behind the light smoke. It turned out that they were two masters of Di clan, with a machete in their hands, counting Ten swords flew out like lightning, and went straight to the light smoke ahead.

"Beep" sounds continued along the way, and sharp daomang swept through more than ten trees with the thickness of a waist, but daomang did not weaken the momentum at all, and still split into the light smoke as fast as possible.

Meng Yuan shuddered in fright, shouting bad luck, and unexpectedly appeared to the two Di ethnic masters who had the power to return to the realm. This action really fell into the pit ...

But the situation in the next one was even more shocking. I saw that the figure in the light smoke made a sharp spin, the dragon in the air turned around in general, and the sound of the sound broke, the figure vacated, and it was faster than two. The sword mang split by the master of the realm immediately rushed to the two of Ye Qingxuan.

I was about to jump over the bushes above the heads of the two, but suddenly the other side was not alert, and his eyes swept away, just hitting Ye Qingxuan in the grass.


The other party exclaimed, unexpectedly, there were no ambush enemies found here, and the single palm split immediately, and at the same time, the body suddenly slammed, and it was necessary to stop ...

However, during this movement, the injury on the body was immediately implicated, and the blood on his body sprayed out a few feet high and low. A person came across with a mighty force. The pressure of the tiger howl made Ye Qingxuan and Meng Yuanzhang difficult to move. Meng Yuanzhang With a scream, "Trmd really kills me", Ye Qingxuan sobbed up and was about to block off. The two eyes rolled over, and a whisper came. The sudden movement of Qi had affected the injury on his body, and suddenly passed out ...

The powerful palm force of the sky suddenly burst, and the two sweated suddenly, and they secretly escaped.


Not far away, the two Di ethnic masters who returned to the virtual realm were also surprised, but immediately rushed to kill them regardless.

Meng Yuan sang "Mom", jumped up and ran, and yelled, "Brother, the wind is shouting!"

"Crap your uncle!"

Meng Yuanzhang, who had just jumped up, was torn by Ye Qingxuan, who had troubled his eyes, and rushed forward, while shouting at Meng Yuanzhang: "I stand in the way of the enemy, you can save people!"

When Meng Yuanxuan landed, Ye Qingxuan had rushed out of the distance, and rushed directly to the two masters of Di ethnic group. Meng Lao Liu sighed and yelled: "Bear child, you don't feel uncomfortable!"

Although Meng Yuan's mouth was not forgiving, his body rushed forward very quickly, pulling up the figure that fainted in front of the two, taking a look at each other's injuries, he suddenly took a breath of air ...

It turned out that a middle-aged Taoist wearing a purple robe was bathed in blood, his right arm had been cut off shoulder to shoulder, and a scar on his right chest had almost cut off the sternum. The sword gas penetrated the body, followed the wound, and the inside The internal organs are clearly visible, and even the speculative, the lungs inside may be cut in half by the sword gas.

The left rib was even punched in a boxing. The entire body was sunken. The ribs didn't know how much it was broken. Looking at this fierce blow, I'm afraid the internal organs were not much better. .

His face was stained with blood, a sword mark cut through his left eye, and the broken eyeballs flowed out. The blood on his face stained his beard and hair, and the appearance of protecting his body from blood was unknown.

This kind of injury, Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to save it, but he still has the strength to send out the fierce hand just now. This guy is really a personal character, an amazing character ...

The thought of such a character being chased to death by this point, Meng Yuanzhang was so scared that his calf was almost turned, and he reached out and touched the blood on his face. He just glanced at it, and Meng Yuanzhang almost glared out. "Ah," pulling the other side up in a desperate way, crying like a ghost and crying, "Hurry and run!"

After speaking, pull up the other person's body and carry it on his back. The light work is performed to the extreme.

Not far away, Ye Qingxuan just started working with the two Di clan masters. Before he did his best, he heard Meng Yuanzhang screaming like a human voice, and was shocked.

He knew that although his six brothers were usually timid and afraid of things, their brothers would never run away when fighting, but this time they fled into the wild and it was absolutely a big problem.

The reason must be in the seriously injured Taoist. Ye Qingxuan knew immediately that something must have happened here, and he didn't dare to stay, and fled immediately ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the two Di masters in front of them are both "Cang The wolf "Nalan Chengji's eight masters, bald named" vulture "Ge Shihan, with a seal-like two-bearded beard called" mountain leopard "Duozhe, is the most aggressive of the eight swordsmen At the same time, the relationship between the two is not inverse, and the power of the joint is better than that of the three brothers.

The two originally ambushed well, and suddenly heard the wolf howling from the direction of "White Tiger" Chaganbar and "Eagle Eagle" Adanghan. They thought that direction blocked the target of this operation. , So he stood up and went to support.

Unexpectedly, this two people exposed their possessions easily, just to let the metaphysical real people who fled into the desert look real. Xuanhua real people didn't expect that there were still masters ambushing here, and a whistle and wolf howled, but Xuanhua real people found the ambush here, and immediately circled around and ran away to the mountain.

The "vulture" Ge Shihan and the "mountain leopard" Duo Zhe did not even think of a frivolous act of their own, so that Xuanhua real people discovered that the two immediately ignored the howling in the other direction, and at the same time they issued a howling and told Brothers of the Sifang Division, Zheng Zhuer met here, and then the two tried hard to chase before they encountered the accident that just happened. (To be continued

ps: Fourth more, that's about it for today, and we will charge all tomorrow!

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