Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Buried Living

The clash of "Ding Dang Dang Dang" sounded like a rain hitting a banana, and for a moment, the four knife coefficients were blocked, and two of them had blood on their chests and thighs, and were shifted out of direction. His own machete hurt his body. /

The four evaded back and forth, Ye Qingxuan didn't have time to take their lives, yelled, and rushed forward.

The four knives seemed to be the last line of defense in the dense forest in front of them. The four of them lost, and Ye Qingxuan felt the pressure in front of him loose.

During the march, a steel knife on the heel fell to the ground, and the blade swayed sideways. In the scream, the sharply-steered steel knife cut off the head of an ordinary expert, and then inserted it into the chest of another expert behind him. In.

Meng Yuanzhang then followed, and Tianji Bang suddenly grew a distance of more than Zhang, smashing a fiercely good hand into his brain.

The scene was extremely tragic!

"Bear child, if you don't die, you won't die!" Meng Yuanzhang yelled.

Ye Qingxuan violently drank: "Don't pull the calf, hurry up!"

Ye Qingxuan leaped from the ground and cast out two feet away. When it landed, the sword was like rain, and the three good hands in front of the dense forest at the same time were covered in blood, and the body was thrown away from the distance.

They both knew that the enemy was powerful, and there were peerless masters behind them. It was never a way to fight hard, so they hoped to break into the dense forest. With their advantages of light work, they moved around, enough to shake off the enemy. Get rid of these enemies, relying on the duo's light work and the cover of the dense forest, the chance of escape is greatly increased.

The enemy in the dense forest in front of him was killed by Ye Qingxuan, and a backward turn was made to pass Meng Yuanyu behind him. Ye Qingxuan deferred his cover again. When landing. Two knives attacked from both sides.

Ye Qingxuan didn't look at it. When the sword body fluttered, two enemies got into the account at the glare of the sword, and a kick came out in front of him. In the middle of the sword holder's wrist, the man's phalanx was completely cracked. Fall to the ground, horrify and retreat.

Ye Qingxuan screamed. Sword light surged, rushing back and killing.

At the beginning, Jian Guang disappeared, and the four big men behind him kept up, and suddenly fell on their backs and died on the spot.

Ye Qingxuan gave a cold hum, and the blue sword protected his whole body. He retreated calmly, followed Meng Yuanzhang's footsteps, and flashed into the dense forest.

"Stop him. Don't let them run away!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, Ye Qingxuan heard it. Suddenly in their hearts, these big men who besieged themselves were not only the military soldiers of the Di ethnic group, but also the masters of the Chinese ethnic group. Although they were all uniformly dressed, the tone of the words Tian Nan Hai Bei was basically a master of all walks of life. Allied forces.

Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to stay, and instantly entered the dense forest. Seeing that he could use light work to shake off these intractable masters ...

At this moment, a dragon groaned suddenly from the side of the dense forest. The power of the gods shook the world. The large woods rushed like a flood and a wild beast, and they broke off instantly. The speed of the visitors was not affected by the woods. He rushed forward swiftly, and in the blink of an eye, came to the two of them.

"Oh my dear, my brother!"

Meng Yuanzhang took a step ahead and ducked away.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this character who came straight was definitely a master of heaven. Among the two, Meng Yuanzhang was carrying the wounded, and only he had the strength to resist it, otherwise the direction of the opponent's rush was just blocking his two. In front, as long as you stop for a moment, you can't escape.

As if facing the fiercest beasts in the wild, Ye Qingxuan charged as he charged.

Obviously the other side also aimed at Ye Qingxuan here. Although the two sides had never met, Qi Qi clearly locked the other side.

Bang, bang ...

The trees in front of the two fell like soft grass, and the two sides bumped into one place between the few breaths ...


Ye Qingxuan yelled loudly, the blue sword was already on his back, his body fell to the ground, and a deep pit was punched in the sound of the thunder, his feet firmly stood on the ground, his palms pushed forward violently ...


The whole body was astonished with a breath of flames rushing out of his palms again. As if a dragon was breaking out of the sea, it emerged fiercely and rushed into the air. The power generated when the dragon was rushing out of the air brought it to the air, and the most powerful one of the eighteen palms of the dragon dropped, and "Kanglong has regret" and struck out.

After the Shenlong rushed into the air, a meandering dragon head came down, and the trees were shattering in the sound of the opposite forest, like a dragon howl, a mighty old monk rushed out of the sky with wood chips and punched with his right hand. The fiery blazing gas formed a huge dragon head on the fist, and blasted towards Ye Qingxuan in a frenzy.

When the two sides met at the first sight, they were all surprised at the same time. They were both surprised at the identity of each other, one was an old monk and the other was a young man. They were also surprised at the similarities between the martial arts of the two sides.

Two huge faucets are colliding together!

Ye Qingxuan stayed still, manipulating the impact of the dragon, and the ancestor of the fairy dragon who turned into a master of Wolong, came like a cannonball ...


First, there was a light sound, and the position where the two faucets collided flashed ...



Like the explosive power of an atomic bomb, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air on the spot ...

The powerful shock wave centered on the position where the two played against, and swept to the side in an instant. Numerous trees were directly shaken into dust, and the earth was set off by astronomical waves, like ripples on a lake, spreading quickly to the surrounding ...

All the way upside down, the master chased from the edge of the dense forest was instantly caught in the waves of three or four floors high, and screamed twice, and was buried in the earth and stones, slightly exposed twice, then Instantly disappeared, and what was more, was directly turned into mud by the mammoth air pressure in the earth and stones, mixed with earth and stones into a piece, it is difficult to find the slightest trace.

The impact range of the explosion wave instantly spread to several miles, and within a mile, there was no other object except a huge deep pit.

Carrying the wounded, Meng Yuanzhang desperately avoided the attack of the shock wave, but only vacated for a moment, and escaped two waves of shock, but was still swept up by the strong shock wave, and even the people with the wounded behind were entangled in the earth and stones.

When everything was silent, a person buried in the high earth and stones suddenly slammed a human head, covered with blood and dirt on his face, coughed a few times, and quickly climbed out of the earth and stones, and then one Slap the head, drilled back again, carefully plan out a figure again.

This man was Meng Yuanzhang, who was almost buried alive, and a mysterious real man who was severely injured by his back.

When I went around, I couldn't find Ye Qingxuan. Meng Yuan yelled a few times and looked for it. A wolf howling rushed into the distance. When Meng Yuan was anxious, he stomped and walked into the dense forest with a mysterious real person on his back. Among them, they fled without a trace.

In the woods not far away, Ye Qingxuan collapsed to the ground softly, vomiting blood constantly in his mouth, serious injuries and difficult to move. Hearing howling wolf near his ear, it was difficult to move a finger.

There was a flash of shadow in the woods next to him, and a 27-year-old youth suddenly came out. When he saw Ye Qingxuan gave a light sigh, he asked, "What did you do?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't answer for a moment, the wolf howling approached again, the young man looked anxious, and turned to run away immediately.

"help me……!"

Ye Qingxuan shouted reluctantly, but the other side was obviously hesitant, but then he stepped on his feet, and a large pit suddenly appeared on the floating earth piled up by the shock wave. He then seriously injured Ye Qingxuan and whispered: "I can only help You're here, big and small, look at your creation ... "

After finishing the sweep, a large amount of soil buried Ye Qingxuan immediately, and he stroked with the wind, sweeping away the dirt on the surface, covering the hiding place, and then he stood up and hurried away to the distance.

Seeing that the other party was going to bury himself, Ye Qingxuan hurriedly ran the Turtle's latent power to cover the breath. When the soil struck, his nose and mouth were stagnant, and the outside air was blocked out. Ye Qingxuan was accidentally escaped by Tang Yan. Buried under the ground.

Who is this kid?

If it weren't for Dao Dao who happened to do this wonderful work, he would have to be buried alive ...


This relationship is owed.

Ye Qingxuan secretly remembered each other's looks, and calculated that he would not die in the future, and then repay him.

"People are here! Chase!"

With a roar, several figures flew past Ye Qingxuan's head, but he was unaware of him buried in the ground.

tmd, I have encountered stubble this time!

Under the ground, Ye Qingxuan was unlucky, and at the same time he was fully operating Changchun's longevity. At this time, he could not move even his fingers except the true energy in his body, and his body was sore. He just hit the old monk with a hard blow. It is simply the most violent one in my life. If it were not for the toughness of physical exercise over the years, even if the master of another day encounters such a severe blow ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I am afraid that the bones and meridians of the whole body will be broken into powder.

Although Ye Qingxuan was buried in the ground at this time, because his qi had already entered the congenital level, he did not feel suffocated at all. He was doing his best to treat his injuries, and suddenly felt the sound of a rumbling vibration on the ground. A giant beast came slowly, Ye Qingxuan's mind suddenly appeared the old monk who punched himself with a punch, and quickly stopped the operation of the skill. The opponent is definitely a top-level character in the sky master level, even if He possesses the latent tortoise, and dares not to take the slightest care.

The other party came to the deep pit, stopped, and seemed to look around with amazement.

"Who is blocking you?"

Suddenly, a fairy-like woman voice appeared suddenly out of thin air, scaring Ye Qingxuan secretly. He was so unconscious that he did not notice the approach of the other person, only to show that the other person ’s skill was far above himself. Level of peerless master.

In the face of such a master, Ye Qingxuan has suffered such a big loss under the hard fight, and facing two at the same time, he has absolutely no vitality. (To be continued please search, novels are better updated faster!

ps: The second one is ...

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