Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 13: Out of town

Ye Qingxuan's blue sword did not know where Zhen Fei had gone. She could only wait with a pair of hands empty while watching the road. He hesitated to move forward, thinking about how to enter the city while walking, but here At that time, the qi flowing in the body suddenly suffocated, and then disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was an irresistible electric current, which erupted from within Dantian, and instantly spread throughout the body's meridians. + Top + point + fictionww.3w.om

Ye Qing was stiff on the spot, fell suddenly to the ground, his body was paralyzed, and he kept twitching.

It is broken. It is the residual sword energy of Zihuang Sword, which was hidden in the body and not completely dissipated. At this time, the eruption caused Ye Qingxuan to spit foam, just like sheep epilepsy.

Ye Qingxuan groaned fiercely, his body twitched from time to time. He wanted to get up, but he knew that his whole body was like a needle stick, but he couldn't move a finger.

At this moment, he fell in the middle of an official road.

The mutation was so sudden that Ye Qingxuan was in a bad mood, and at the same time he was very afraid of Zhuo Huifan's excalibur.

Ye Qingxuan desperately guarded Lingtai for a little bit of clarity, but could only bite his teeth to resist.

He had a feeling that if he fainted, he would probably not be able to wake up at half past one, and here is the official way. In the event of encountering a Di master who returned to the city, his own image will be remembered for a long time. In my heart, I'm afraid I have to account for this little life on the spot.

As the water was hot, the car screamed behind, the horseshoes stepped on the ground, a team of knights, guarding a gorgeous carriage, rushed from the other end of the official road.

Ye Qingxuan thought vaguely, wondering: Under what circumstances, how could anyone rush to take advantage of the dark? It's so late that the gates have been tightly closed. How to enter the city?

The horseman behind the team snorted. The moving convoy stopped suddenly.

A majestic voice came: "What's going on? Why stop?"

Someone replied, "Butler Du. There is a man lying on the road ahead ..."

Nadu Housekeeper said: "It's so bad! Don't send someone over to see if it's a dead person? Regardless of life or death, hurry up and throw me to the side of the road. The proprietor of my family is tired from traveling. Are n’t you afraid of asking your sins? ”

The leading knight quickly accepted, and with a wave of his hand, the team rushed out for two rides. Ye Qingxuan rushed towards the center of the road, and he did not slow down for a short distance. He blinked to the front, and a slap, a whip turned in a small circle in the air, brought a terrifying wind, fell heavily, and yanked to Ye Qingxuan Behind.

Although Ye Qingxuan was a little confused, [Capricorn Cover Luo Gong] has long ceased to function, but his years of experience also allowed him to easily judge the superb equestrianism of those who whip. The method is quite strong, and it is definitely a good hand. The other's whip fell, and if it was normal, he would definitely be pumped out and rolled to the side of the road. As for his own life and death, the other party had no worries.


A whip was pulled firmly on his back, and his long-worn clothes flew into rags.

Ye Qingxuan groaned, and she was pulled out by the other whip and rolled off the road.

The hands snorted, and said, "Hum, beggar, I still have a tone ..."

Ye Qingxuan lost all his energy at this time, and there was no qi protection. If this whip goes down, if it is an ordinary person, Ye Qingxuan's protection will be perfect. Even if there is no qi protection, his quality is beyond In the category of ordinary people, although the clothes were torn at this time, even a little blue marks did not appear on the skin. Fortunately, the moon was dark at this time, otherwise it would definitely cause doubts of others.

At this point, Ye Qingxuan rolled to the side of the road and banged on the stump on the roadside. The whole person rolled over, turned to see the knights and the team.

The more than 20 knights were all gleaming, all in a special style of robes, and a red belt was tied around their waists, which seemed to be the guardian martial arts minister.

The leading carriage was gorgeous and dragged by Ba Jun, very imposing.

After the lead carriage, the team has a dozen or more, and it also has a number of gray strong guards. Obviously, these masters are not a group of people, but more like the original team members.

At this moment, the master who whipped himself gave a cold hum, and the other person who did not shot laughed: "Brother Wang, this person is still wandering outside the city at midnight, it is not a good thing to want to come, why not just send him directly Return to the West? Is it possible that you will become weaker and softer if you travel day by day? "

The person who had previously whipped Ye Qingxuan's Wang immediately groaned with dissatisfaction. He took a few steps on his horse, jumped out of Malay, and came to the front of Ye Qingxuan. A pair of triangular eyes swept Ye Qingxuan fiercely. At the back of the whiplash, Ye Qingxuan faced the other side at this time, without letting him see the wound.

However, the man with the surname Wang didn't seem to want to know how terrible he was. Dismounting was just angry and sent him back to the west. There was a flash of fierce light in his eyes, and he was about to add a foot in front of Ye Qingxuan's chest, breaking his life. Then he heard a soft and angry voice suddenly coming from the carriage behind him: "Stop!"

The guard with the surname Wang changed his face and quickly backed away, looking back respectfully.

The leader of the team was a Lentenian, but at this time he frowned and approached the window of the carriage, wondering, "Ms. Butterfly Yi, do you have any instructions?"

The soft voice implied dissatisfaction, and said lightly, "How dare your guards of the royal palace dare to kill people like this? Have you not paid any attention to the reputation of the second prince? Shatou, if I accuse the second prince of this matter, guess the second prince What will happen to you? "

Nadi Yi finished her sentence, including Sha Tau and the surname Wang's guard.

The guard Wang surrendered on one knee and begged for mercy, "Miss please spare the villain!"

The Shatou collar flashed his eyes, slammed his hands, and two feet apart, he slammed the defender of Wang surnamed and showed an amazing practice. At the same time, he said: "Xiaguan is not strict with his men, please Miss Butterfly Yi forgive me. "

The behavior of the Shatou collar immediately caused another woman's exclamation in the carriage. It seems that there are at least two women in the carriage. I don't know if it is the daughter-in-law or friend of Miss Dieyi.

That butterfly Yi sighed and asked, "Qiu Rong, go and help me see, what is the injury of the beggar?"

The door was opened, and a fragrant wind struck. A girl ringed off the car. The girl next to Miss Yi Yi didn't want to be a rare master. When she showed herself, she stepped in front of Ye Qingxuan and smelled Ye Qingxuan. The mud was sweaty and smelly, pinching his nose in a hurry.

The guard surnamed Wang covered his cheek, and quickly got up from the ground, grabbed Ye Qingxuan's dead fish-like arm, and raised it.

That Qiu Rong's playfulness endured nausea, put his hand on Ye Qingxuan's pulse, and explored the situation of Ye Qingxuan with ease.

At this point, Ye Qingxuan's body was completely qi-free, and the meridians were already extremely weak, which was a sign that an ordinary person had suffered internal injuries.

Qiu Rong tortured for a while, without carefully exploring and clearing, he quickly retracted his hands, secretly wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and turned back and confessed: "Miss, this beggar has suffered severe internal injuries, but I'm afraid I won't live long ... ... "

The head of Shatou immediately glared at the defender of Wang who had just shot, almost everyone thought that Ye Qingxuan was so seriously injured by the whip just now.

Even the guard named Wang himself felt that way and secretly bowed his head.

The sweet voice of Miss Yi Yi rang again and sighed softly, "It's all because of me. Shatou ..."

"Humble job is here."

"Save your life to build a seventh-level floating slaughter. You helped me lift him to the carriage behind me. I will cure him completely and give him a sum of money to redeem my sin."

There was a little expression on the face of Shatou Ning, but his mouth said: "I still have Miss Chen Yi's kind heart, so I'll do my lowly job!"

The Shatou collar raised his head, winking at the guard named Wang and the guard who just spoke. The two hurriedly lifted Ye Qingxuan, who could not start, and got on a carriage with luggage behind.

The two's horses had already reached the roadside, carrying Ye Qingxuan and walking backwards, the whole team moved forward again.

"Damn, it's so unlucky!"

The guard Wang surnamed and scolded.

The guard next to me advised: "Forget it, forget it, the shatou collar can be considered to protect you, otherwise you really have to go to the master. The master looks on the face of the dancing girl, I am afraid that at least half a life is lost. . "

"It's just a dance girl, not sooner or later, the master? Pretending to be pure, not a seductive set ..."

Another guard hurriedly whispered, "Shut up, kill yourself?"

The guard Wang surnamed kept silent, but stared at Ye Qingxuan's eyes.

Another guard looked in his eyes and quickly discouraged: "Your boy, please pay attention to me, don't steal the black hand, this beggar is caught by Miss Chu, if you die, you can't get involved ..."

Lengheng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then he lightened, Ye Qing Xuan Grotto made a sound, and was thrown onto the carriage.

Then the carriage moved forward, swaying forward.

Ye Qingxuan was relieved at this moment, and secretly thought: I was so kind to me, but I met a kind little lady to help me, but, Yiyi, Chudieyi ... huh? Isn't that the rumored "First Dance Girl in the World"? I didn't expect this time to meet such a beautiful woman who is famous all over the world, and was escorted by the **** of the second prince. It seems that I have no problem entering the city this time.

Ye Qingxuan's heart slackened, and then a feeling of exhaustion followed, and her eyelids closed, and she suddenly fell asleep, and completely lost consciousness for a while.

As everyone knows, he was so lethargic that it didn't take long for the carriage curtain to be lifted up, an old face politely came in, reached into his arms, checked Ye Qingxuan, and murmured, "Sure enough, I was seriously injured There was no reaction at all, it seems that this boy is really an ordinary person ... "Then he looked at Ye Qingxuan and said with a smile," Boy, meeting my lady is a blessing that you have repaired in your last life. It seems that we are Chu Family class, a lot more idle talk to eat. "(To be continued ...)

ps: The third change today.

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