Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 23: Hu Yan's Tragedy

Perennial experience with the enemy immediately made Sha Gongfang judge the opponent's power ...

"Lao Wang dodged!"

Sha Gong yanked out the long knife at the waist, and at that moment, Wang Datong only looked back at him with a doubt, just such an instant, Ye Qingxuan, who flung forward, slammed the bamboo pole in his hand and waved out Thousands of yellow lights and shadows rolled towards Wang Datong and Sha Gong, standing back and forth. Top, Dot novel. W.om

When Sha Gong pulled out a long knife to block the incoming bamboo pole, one of the yellow mansions had "snapped" and inserted from Wang Datong's abdomen, obliquely upward, penetrated the heart, and came out through his back. .

The palm of Ye Qingxuan's left hand was chopped on Wang Datong's throat, pressing his scream back into his chest ...

Damn it!

Only then did Sha Gong's long knife organize an effective counterattack again, and fell over Ye Qingxuan's head.

In an instant of confrontation, Sha Gong's strength was already at ease.

On such an important occasion of life-and-death confrontation, under the full attack of the opponent, it is only the cultivation of the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow. No matter how fierce his sword skill is, how can I be my opponent in the first place?

Although the death of several of his subordinates made Sha Gong agitate, but a moment of judgment still made him determined to capture the opponent in person, to make up for his improper command and even the death of his subordinates. And the decision made in an instant made him end up in nowhere.

Before Sha Gongfang desperately tried, the two martial arts servants who were low in martial arts were already scared by the changes in front of them, and turned around and ran out.

Ye Qingxuan, who had been prepared, would allow anyone to escape here?

His left hand was bent with fingers, two black lights flashed. The two servants just turned around and ran out less than two steps. The throat shout has not yet been heard. The two stones shot by the fly broke through the back of the head and died on the spot ...

At this time, Sha Gongfang's full-bodied sword was picked up by Ye Qingxuan, the bamboo pole was cut off, and the smile on Sha Gongfang's face instantly opened-the opponent was astonishing assassination means, and the repair was really vulnerable.

But it was only the moment when the smile spread, that smile was frozen on his face ...

The broken bamboo pole was not cut neatly from it, but was broken into a sky of bamboo powder instantly like a fireworks burst. It suddenly affected his sight.

Human ... human?

The shield fluttered the bamboo dust in front of him, and Sha Gongfang found that the assassin who had blocked himself in front of him disappeared.


As soon as this thought arose in his heart, Sha Gongfang felt the top of his head shake, his body suffocating like a flood that broke the bank, and the defense around the entire body was instantly disintegrated, and he had not had time to exclaim. One of his opponent's right hand had passed through the guardian's breath and grasped it fiercely on his skull.

Sha Gongfang just heard a soft bang, and the whole world was completely settled. Then the light disappeared and replaced. It is an eternal darkness.

When Ye Qingxuan was not enough to fight against innate masters, she turned to the opponent with [Lingbo Microstep], and then used [Bei Ming Shen Gong] to break through the opponent ’s defense, and finally used [九阴白骨爪] hard Gongshengsheng pierced the opponent's cranium. In the case of incomplete breath, he instantly killed an innate master. This shows that his martial arts skills are superb and his application is brilliant. Various techniques in his hands are like breathing in the blink of an eye. Calm and easy, worthy of being the most outstanding peerless master in the young generation.

It's been a long time since I felt so desperate.

Ye Qingxuan smiled at first, then a heat in her chest, and the uncontrollable gas converged towards Dantian.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, and quickly used the San Gong formula in [Suck Star] to dissipate the radon in his body, but he was still sucked away by the purple electric sword in Dantian. On the verge of an explosion ...

Damn it!

Ye Qingxuan almost yelled at him, but it was a taboo against Feng Yige's martial arts.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, relying on his strong physical strength, concentrated all the corpses in the flower shed next to the garden, and threw them into a well.

With the concealment of this well, and the enthusiasm of banquets in the palace today, things here should not be easily discovered.

Ye Qingxuan swept the wind, rolled up a gust of sand on the ground, covering the blood of the stars, and then stood up, and the people made a turn in the air, and went towards the banquet hall.

Just a few moments later, another musician who came out to relieve himself was disguised, with a little disguise, and he stepped into the side entrance of the main hall and sat among the musicians.

As soon as the buttocks were firmly seated, a loud singing from the gatekeeper came from outside: "Chu Dieyi girl is here!"

The entire hall, including the musicians present here, were all beaming, looking up, looking forward to seeing this "the world's first dancing girl", but also the world's first beauty.

The manager in front of the musicians clapped his hands quickly, and couldn't help saying, "Chu everyone is here, play music!"

Ye Qingxuan is holding a Hu Yan and playing the welcome. Through the silk cloth on the sliding door, everything in the outside is in the hazy field of vision. A finger was secretly secreted, and the wind broke a small hole in the silk cloth. Ye Qingxuan finally got through the small gap and finally got See Chu Die, who is called "the first beauty" in this world.

Among the gentle music, a peerless woman who is only two decades old and exquisite, appears in front of everyone like a fairy from the fairyland. Everyone's breathing is stopped for a while, even Ye The tone of Hu Yan in the hands of Qing Xuan also suddenly increased to a high degree, but this change was placed in more and more messy tones, but it was inconspicuous.

Within the entire hall, both men and women, their eyes cannot leave the prostitutes who upset all sentient beings a little.

She reminded Ye Qingxuan involuntarily of her beloved Mei Yinxue, the same peerless face, and the same without any modification is enough to reverse the noble temperament of sentient beings, but Mei Yinxue is like a rare cold plum on the iceberg, cold and proud , Only in front of herself will show a unique tenderness; but Chu Dieyi is with a breathtaking temperament, her slender and well-proportioned posture, the manners and manners of expression, what is more touching is her pair The pupils of Lushui who can capture the soul, even with frowns and a little sadness at this time, are like the beautiful Shih Tzu, very graceful and touching.

In particular, Ye Qingxuan found that this butterfly butterfly walked in a beautiful way. With her graceful figure, she formed a very ordinary and graceful style, and came out in abundance. No man could resist it.

Deserves to be the world's first dance Ji, deserves to be the world's first beauty.

Ye Qingxuan almost looked at the purpose of this trip.

Second brother is so blessed!

These beauties must help the second brother win ...

Qiu Rong, a servant, walked in front, holding Chu Dieyi's right hand lightly, and holding on to the intimidating Chu Dieyi, stepped into the main hall, followed by two other beautiful ladies, one from Yuxiao, one from Holding the lyre seems to be noble. In fact, the two beautiful ladies are masters of Fengyi Pavilion, and they are all aimed at Chu Dieyi's monitors.

The men in the main hall stopped breathing.

At this moment, the music suddenly changed, and Chu Dieyi, a yellow-pink tulle robe, sang and danced so unexpectedly after two steps.

Chu Dieyi's position was directly in front of Ye Qingxuan. Through the small hole in the silk cloth, he immediately saw the other party's jade face, which was broken by the bomb and did not apply a little bit of fat powder. It was white and red, which was more than any heavy makeup. It looks a thousand times better, and it is pure and beautiful.

Musicians around have long been prepared to cooperate with each other's dancing postures and play a gorgeous and fairy-tale movement ...

The dancing posture is graceful, and the singing is vocal.

"Autumn wind rises from the sky, the gentleman Huai is unforgettable, and I am so generous!

The sky meteorite frantically rises, and wants to go to Xifeiyun Township, and Weiyu leaves Yuzhang. "

I didn't expect that "The First Dance Dancer in the World" not only danced wonderfully, but even the singing voice was so addictive. Although the lyrics have common sorrows and complaints, they are never kitsch. The songs and dances seem to be Jiangnan Wanyue style, but they have The northern daughter's sharp rate is really exciting, don't have a taste that no one can match, and the vocal skills are not half faulty, and with the moving dance, who can not be moved.

The singing and dancing poses introduced the people into a strange music world. The eerie seductive voice, through different singing tunes, showed a rich and elusive deep taste. At the low point, it is secretly hurting, at the high point, it is full of blood, and it covers all the hearts of everyone like the surging tide.

Ye Qingxuan held Hu Yan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ People danced with the sound of the song, and even forgot to play a fascinating sound, and the whole music was covered up.

Hu Yan was originally a musical instrument on the northern grassland and was recruited into the band. It was meant to entertain the courtesy of the northern grassland masters. No one had ever thought that there would be a master figure playing Hu Yan in the Chinese.

Ye Qingxuan is well versed in the rhythm, and Hu Zhizhi's voice is euphemistically sad, tearing the liver and intestines. All Di masters in the venue, and the dance songs of Chu Dieyi before, are just exhilarating, but at this time they can hear Hu Yanjiayin, at the same time, all moved at the same time, showing their radiance.

It was Chu Dieyi, who danced in the field, suddenly felt the feeling of revenge at home. Suddenly the lyrics changed, the tone changed from graceful and violent, and pain was mixed with stubborn resistance.

"At the beginning of my life, there was nothing to do. After I was born, the Han was in decline. The sky was benign and the land was deserted, and the land was indifferent. This made me meet this time. Gan Geri was looking for a dangerous road, and the people were exiled. Lu Sheng, good intentions, loss of justice. Who should be accused of being unworthy of being vulgar? Who will be accused of humiliation for a while?

This song together was full of surprises. (To be continued ...)

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