Jin Yong Martial Arts Otherworld Rampage

Vol 5 Chapter 27: Peerless Wuchi

Ye Qingxuan's horrified expression fell into Nalan Chengji's eyes, which even made him feel a little excited about the killing of fun. How long has it not been felt? It's like an old cat admiring the whimper of a mouse under his claws, with a ridiculous expression on his face, saying: "If you can survive, I will tell you ..."

Si Kong sighed sadly and said solemnly to Ye Qingxuan and Chu Die behind him: "You can rest assured that the old man is fighting hard today, and he must protect you both."

Nalan Chengji sneered, and the "literature" on the side shouted loudly and said, "Old man is arrogant, don't say that you are seriously injured, even if you are in his heyday, it is definitely not the opponent of my great country teacher! "

"Shut up!" Ye Qingxuan yelled, "What is the great master of my family? When was the imperial dynasty of my imperial dynasty? Your traitor who is a traitor, is a master of the Di tribe. You call it my master The dog is a spy of the Di people? "

"You ..." Wan Ming was so angry that he would reprimand, but was startled by the dissatisfied eyes of the second prince next to him, and swallowed it back to his mouth.

Someone has long been accused of treason against his country. Although the second prince Huang Futaixin fiercely fights with the Di people, he is extremely suspicious and will never allow anyone around him to rebel. If that sentence was taken seriously by the second prince, he would ensure that he would lose his trust in his heart, and beware of the killer who does not know when it will occur.

Si Kong saw his eyes cold and radiant, bowing down like a wolf, blocking Ye Qingxuan's body, and yelling, "Nalan Chengji, come on!"

"A lame old dog is also worthy to challenge the Wolf King !?" Nalan Chengji snorted coldly. Raise your hand and wave at will. The slightest wave in space has not risen.

When everyone was surprised. Si Kong was worried but his body was shocked. The dry cigarette bag in front of his hand slammed forward and drank. The space within the distance in front of him was frozen like water, and the space pressure suddenly increased more than ten times. For a time, the light in this range was much dimmer than the surroundings. As if the light was too heavy to collapse, such a move is really hard to see on earth.

No wonder Sikong is worried that he can live the reputation of "ten-step lore". In this range, due to the huge space pressure, everyone's movements are much slower than before. To achieve the usual speed, at least they must pay. Ten times more effort than before. At the moment of a sudden contact, it is guaranteed that no one will adapt to it.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed. At this moment, seeing such marvelous martial arts skills really opened his eyes.

Si Kong Jianyou is an unparalleled internal skill. If it is matched with exquisite swordsmanship, it can indeed kill every enemy. The distance of ten steps should also be the best distance for him to perform this method in his heyday.

Over the years, Si Kong, who was severely injured, saw a great decline in his worries. The ten-step distance of that year now has only the range of these three steps, and the pressure of space should not be as great as before.

Even Sikong Jianyou, who is in the heyday, will not be Nalan Chengji's opponent, not to mention he is now ...

Tear it!

A white horse race appeared in the air, and was cut into the bleak space in an instant ...

Creak ...

The bright daomang, the dim space, the light and the dark competed against each other for only half a time, that daomang cut the dim space into two like a stone cut!

Dao Mang swept across the space in an instant, and Si Kong Jianyou's stunt was instantly broken. The stunned Si Kong Jianyou had no time to respond. Seeing that Dao Mangan would attack the body, the world famous Si Kong Jianyou would be Nalan Chengji. One shot was beheaded, and one was drunk behind him. Ye Qingxuan rushed in, with a blue-violet light dust in his bun, as if the starry sky was broken. He quickly picked the sword in front of Si Kongjian's sorrow. Sikong is worried ...

A cold hum came.

The knife mang that slashed face to face suddenly in the air, then turned aside, chopped down towards Ye Qingxuan!

not good!

Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed with panic. It turned out that the other party's goal wasn't to worry about Sikong. From the beginning to the end, he was aiming at himself, but he stepped forward to solve the problem, but he didn't think the most dangerous thing was Yourself.

Ye Qingxuan's serious injury was difficult to heal, and his strength was greatly reduced. His opponent encountered the peerless master Nalan Chengji again. In the face of the opponent's random beheading, I am afraid that he has no strength to parry.

This desperate thought Ye Qingxuan didn't dare to think about it. In the face of the sudden attack of Dao Mang, Ye Qingxuan had only enough time to return to the block. [Doo Zhuan Xing Xia] turned to the extreme, and he wanted to rebound to open the opponent's knife. Qing Xuan was just a lucky one, and the suffocating gas in the body instantly filled the purple electric sword hidden in Dantian. With a "hum", the purple sword-shaped electric mang was excited from Dantian and instantly turned toward the limbs. Shoot away.

And at this moment, Ye Qingxuan's bun in a hand with a brilliant light picked the white stalk that slashed in front of him.

With a muffled sound, the purple and blue star-breaking bright mangs and the sword-man battered and scattered, and the strongest state of [Dow Turn Star Shift] merely shifted the flying knife-mane to a few inches and did not leave the danger zone.

The sharp sword of Nalan Chengji Sword Mange penetrated Ye Qingxuan's body like a sharp small blade, bombarding his meridians and tendons all the way ...

Ye Qingxuan spewed a spit of blood "wow", suddenly drew, and the purple electric sword Meng inspired by Dan Tian was suddenly pulled by him towards the white blade.

The sword battle was constantly collided and broken in its body. Ye Qingxuan turned it into the purest innocence by using [Bei Ming Shen Gong]. Then it was absorbed by the purple sword in Dantian and kept bursting out. He was guided by Ye Qingxuan for a while and consumed each other with the invaders.

Feng Yige's supreme sword skills and the peerless swordsmanship of the great masters in the world competed relentlessly in Ye Qingxuan's body.

First, Nalan Chengji's sword is sharp and incomparable. He breaks through the bamboo and invades the body. Ye Qingxuan also relies on [Xiao Wuxiangong] and [Bei Ming Shen Gong] to constantly differentiate and transform the radon in the body. hurt.

As Ye Qingxuan dared to resist one of the most powerful masters in the world, Nalan Chengji's sword was mainly based on Dantian's small sword. Ye Qingxuan kept transforming qi, providing nutrition to the purple sword, and the purple electric swordman seemed to be endless. He constantly excited the purple electric swordman, and slowly, he reversed the situation in his body. What's more exciting for Ye Qingxuan is that by continuously consuming the energy of the purple electric sword, the sword itself has become increasingly thinner, and in the end, it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Moreover, Ye Qingxuan also guided the purple electric Jianmang to launch a counterattack. In the eyes of everyone at the scene, he was embarrassed before death. At any time, the young man who was split into two halves by the swordman suddenly drank suddenly. The whole The purple electric mang burst out on the human body, and the magical power soared. In one hand, the purple electric mango cooperated with the star-dust clouds and stars of the night sky to fly out Nalan Chengji's peerless swordmang bomb ...

Everyone's mouth was opened to the limit, and the expression of horror was written between the looks of the stars.

This is impossible……

Someone in the world can take the fatal stab of "Canglang" Nalan Chengji. Such an attack can not be done even by the prosperous celestial master. The "first sword in the world" Shen Tu Zhenyue may be able to do that, Situ Lingfeng Maybe, but ...

Who is this person?

Why can he do it too?

Is he a new master of heaven?

The sword that flew out saw it cut on the beam, but it was a turn, and flew back to Nalan Chengji's open right hand, condensed into a small shiny meniscus-shaped radon, hovering high and low. For a while, Nalan Chengji closed his right hand, and his breath was sucked back into his body ...

Nalan Chengji's face shone with an excited expression at this moment. Ye Qingxuan looked trembling and chilled. It felt like a piece of meat stared at by the evil wolf, full of greed.

"Okay, you're fine. You're better than I thought ..."

Nalan Chengji said something that was incomprehensible to everyone, forcing himself not to let himself go. Then he said, "Good boy, even with serious injuries, you have the ability to use Zhuo Huifan's 'Purple Sword Seal' in your body to resolve it. My [Snowfield Magic Sword], I have to let me look at you again ... "

Ye Qingxuan had a cold sweat on his face, and at the same time, his eyes were extremely difficult to detect, because during the confrontation just now, through the uninterrupted stimulation of the so-called "Purple Sword Mark" in Dantian, the silent "Lang The "Lingling Pavilion" was suddenly inspired, and the sword was recorded completely and completely. After finally breaking the [Snowland Excalibur] of Nalan Chengji, not only saved his life, the sword shape in the original Dantian The mark was completely gone, and the hidden illness in Ye Qingxuan's body was cured.

"Kunwu Ye Qingxuan would like to thank the Lord Wolf for his success!"

The world's heroes are astonished.

The name Ye Qingxuan has risen in recent times, and has become a master of no less than any sky. Where he is, there must be a **** rain, and often it is this Ye Qingxuan who finally wins ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even Cao Sheng, the "spear sect", and Zhang Qiuyan, the "soldier", suffered a big loss under his hands.

"It turns out you are Ye Qingxuan. Very good, very good, no wonder ... no wonder you can calmly retreat in front of my apprentices, no wonder you can survive the powerful blow from Zhuo Huifan ..."

Nalan Chengji held up his chest and said earnestly, "Boy, you can take me a shot, I make an exception for you ..."

"Opportunity? What opportunity?"

"Opportunity to be my opponent ..." Nalan Chengji suddenly became a bit strange. The whole person seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, flushed with excitement, and whispered, "I give you enough time to make you grow enough. The peerless master who fought with me, you have this potential. At that time, we will happily kill you. If you can't do it or you don't agree, I will kill you all. "

When he said this, he was shocked.

The master of martial arts who is unparalleled in the world will challenge a young man who is less than 20 years old?

Is he crazy, or is the world crazy? To be continued. .

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