Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 643 Shackles of Sin (12)

When Shen Zhichu was holding the book, she was still thinking about a prisoner with blood on his hands slowly reading a book on criminal psychology written by an expert - that scene was like the ridicule of the devil. Like, there is an inexplicable cold irony.

An expert has been researching for so long and painstakingly, but can he really...be able to thoroughly study the mind of a mental patient?

Especially... psychotic criminals with all kinds of perverted habits.

Yun Si disagreed, especially since she couldn't see any criminal characteristics in Shen Zhichu.

Perhaps because he is too strong in heart and has good disguise skills, he behaves like a gentleman in everything.

It's easy for people to take off their guard and even fall in love with his funny demeanor.

It is really……

Myrla thought for a while and replied, "Absolutely. I basically know all the prisoners inside."

"Of course, there is a gentleman who came in recently. I am not very familiar with it, but I think you must know his name."


"Shen Zhichu, Mr. Shen," he said.

"He is a genius in the medical field, especially good at surgery. At a young age, he has already performed operations on many celebrities."

"Calculating the time, he has been in jail for almost a month."

Yun Si listened and frowned, "Why did he go in? Logically speaking, even if a person like him commits a crime, shouldn't there be someone to protect him?"

After all, he was a medical genius. How could those rich people who loved their lives send him in so neatly?

Myrla smiled, "This is a difficult topic to disclose, Yun Si, I think it's better for you not to know."

"However, I can tell you that he likes to dissect living bodies. Of course, he is very picky and can be considered a gentleman. So he usually only dissects living male bodies and will not attack women."

"As for why he committed such a cruel crime, I think it was probably because he was too lonely."

A genius can succeed in anything he does.

Even high-precision surgeries never fail or challenge in his hands.

In such an environment where he can't find the joy of challenge, over time, he will naturally want to find something interesting and fun.

For example, vivisection, using the pain and struggle of living bodies as his stimulant, so that his brain can be stimulated.

Although vivisection is really not a challenging matter, some people are vicious at heart and like to watch others die in pain.

It's like having a God's perspective, looking down at the defenseless white mouse, and then using increasingly cruel methods in a malicious manner.

There is no bottom line, disregard for the law, and no trace of humanity.

He is not so much a human being as a beast in human skin, extremely cold-blooded.

This is a psychological explanation for why he committed the crime.

When Myrla received this case, she analyzed it based on his past experiences.

His life experience was too smooth, without setbacks. It was because it was too perfect that he had such a twisted character.

Of course, his acting skills are also very good, and he has never shown any flaws.

The reason why the government noticed and arrested him was entirely because he came to the door and said it himself.

He was probably tired of playing, so he didn't want to play anymore.

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