Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1010: Xing Hai'an

"Black Feather Arrow Bead (Platinum Quality)

Own Star Technique:

1. Black Feather Bow: Consolidate the star power and summon a black feather bow. (Gold Quality)

2. Black Feather Arrow: Summon 1 ~ 7 black star power arrows, attack the target, add a slight blasting effect, and interfere with the enemy's sight. (Gold Quality)

3, black feather spirit: lock the target, so that the black feather arrow has the effect of automatic tracking. (Gold Quality) "

"Oh, that's it." In Xiaoshan's different-dimensional space, Jiang Xiao held the star beads of the black feather arrow spirit in his hand, and nodded secretly in the heart with the information given by the star map.

If there is no "Black Fei Ling" star skills, then there is no automatic tracking of this saying?

Between thoughts, Han Jiangxue next to Jiang Xiao suddenly held up the shield of fireworks, but the white arrow that came on the face was not close to Han Jiangxue, and was stared by the star dragon coiling around her body.


The white arrow was directly engulfed by the stars, and the sound of the explosion came out, but the bright star was unrelenting and rushed to the white feather arrow spirit in the distance.

Bai Yu arrow spirit hand holding the white feather bow, panning quickly, trying to avoid a huge star, but ...

This little broken star dragon is really too bad!

Seeing that huge star, he was about to pass by with Bai Yujian Ling, but Xinglong suddenly controlled the star and made a sharp turn, engulfing the huge body of Bai Yujian Ling directly!

You know, the white feather arrow spirit is also one meter apart, with dark brown hair and rough and bold looks, especially the six pack muscles, which are quite tempting, though, um ...

Although its two faces and four hands are a little curious, if you only look at one side, it is pretty eye-catching.

This race was thriving, and Jiang Xiao met five male Arrow Mountain clan before meeting a female Arrow Mountain clan.

And none of them look good.

Male, you have a rough face, there is absolutely no problem, it can be said to be prestigious and heroic.

But the female face also has such characteristics ... Well, in short, it is not in line with human aesthetics.

Jiang Xiao is still thinking, that the white feather arrow spirit engulfed by the stars has completely burst apart.

Attacking the strong and defending the Arrow Mountain clan has the same physical defenses as human star warriors.

You know, humans can absorb defensive star-like techniques, but the Arrow Mountain family has only its own output-type star technique.

Jiang Xiao secretly pursed his tongue, turned to look at Xinglong, and murmured inwardly: You are so vicious!

You bully people who haven't seen the Dragon family, don't know Xinglong's star skills, it's such a shame!

Obviously, you are so overcast?

Who did you learn from?

Did you learn from Erwei's Hidden Dragon?

Feeling Jiang Xiao's eyes, Xinglong turned to look at Jiang Xiao at once, the huge pair of starry dragon eyes staring at Jiang Xiao!

Although Xinglong was reprimanded by Han Jiangxue, he no longer dared to use the dragon's tail to draw and go to Jiang Xiao, but he never lost momentum!

"Oh?" I hid ~

Jiang Xiao's body suddenly crooked, but the expected kick did not come over.

Han Jiangxue just pretended, raised his legs, but didn't really come over.

The key issue is ... When Han Jiangxue lifted his long legs, Jiang Xiao's sea-sucking garment stunned, exposing Jiang Xiao's **** in military pants.

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Han Jiangxue dragged the dragon horn of Xinglong with one hand, and stiffened the beautiful dragon head aside, and said, "Focus on it."

"Oh." Jiang Xiao whispered, slap on the tail of the sea eater, and then flickered to the side of the blasted white feather arrow spirit, with the help of Yu Yu, picked it up directly White feather arrow spirit star.

Inside the star map, a message came immediately:

"White Feather Arrow Bead (Platinum Quality)

1. White Feather Bow: Consolidate star power and summon a white feather bow. (Gold Quality)

2. Incandescent Arrow: Summon a star-powered arrow burning with white flames. It has a lighting effect and lights the track of action. Its flame path will last 10 seconds. (Gold Quality)

3. White Feather Arrow: Summon a white star power arrow to attack the target with an explosion effect. (Gold Quality)

4, white feather arrow array: summon a special white star power arrows, shot into the air, the arrows hanging in the air, will sprinkle a large number of white feather arrows, bombing all targets within a certain range. (Platinum quality) "

Jiang Xiao drew the star beads of Bai Yujian Ling into this pocket. This white feather Jianling and black feather Jianling are more special among the Jianshan clan.

Not to mention the specific power of the output star power, of the five creatures of the Arrow Mountain tribe, only these two creatures can summon the bow of the star power.

The other Arrow Mountain clan, although the arrows can be summoned, all use wooden bows, which need to be made by yourself.

For this white feather arrow spirit star, Jiang Xiao is not particularly cold.

Although the White Feather Arrow Formation is of platinum quality and extremely lethal, Jiang Xiao doesn't like this kind of star technique that passes fate to heaven.

Jiang Xiao is well aware of the effects of this star technique.

At the beginning, after Hou Mingming and Zhao Wenlong hit the barren land, and realized that no one could win, Hou Mingming used this star technique to pass the fate to God, and let the white feather arrow array win or lose.

Of course, this is only in 1v1. If this astral technology can be fired on the enemy line and spread out over the enemy line, the damage output is absolutely terrible.

Save it first!

I'll talk about it later when I pair it with Starcraft.

While thinking, Jiang Xiao took Han Jiangxue and Xinglong to blink quickly, and according to the perception of Yu Yu, he pierced into the arrow mountain clan.

At the same time, in the world of evil shadows, Jiang Shou's evil shadow training space.

Yi Qingchen was sweating heavily, panting heavily, breathing back, step by step back, eyes, staring at the tall young man in front, Yi Qingchen's little bun face, could not help showing a hint of envy.

Not far away, Gu Shi'an looked dull and looked foolishly ahead.

In front of Gu Shi'an, a huge shield full of spikes has been stretched out, and the endless star power is madly rolled into the big shield blooming on his chest. Among his rectangular shields.

Yi Qingchen worked hard to adjust her breath. She always felt that she was breathing heavily, and worried that she would disturb Gu Shi'an who broke through the realm of star power.

And Gu Shi'an looks like a bottomless pit. The strong star power is almost visible to the naked eye. A huge vortex has formed in front of his star map. After ten seconds, Gu Shi'an is stiff and falls backwards. Go on.


"Huh?" Yi Qingchen froze a moment. She has seen many people break through the Xinghai period, but this is the first time she lay down straight like this.

This is Jiang Xiao's evil shadow market, don't smash the ground of others.

If Gu Shian knew Yi Qingchen's thoughts, he could vomit blood on the spot.


In the end what happened?

Yi Qingchen carefully walked over, crooked his head, and curiously watched Gu Shi'an, whose eyes were wide and motionless.

Four big words emerged in her mind: die without staring!

"Gu Shi'an?" Yi Qingchen whispered tentatively.

"Ah?" Gu Shi'an seemed to be back, finally turning his head slightly, looking at Yi Qingchen.

Yi Qingchen was relieved and said, "Do you need treatment?"

Gu Shi'an nodded subconsciously and said, "OK."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Shi'an felt that things were wrong. This Yi Qingchen's blessing is the same as Jiang Xiao's blessing! All poisonous!

Gu Shi'an waved his hand again and again: "No, don't ......... ~~~"

Yi Qingchen's face was reddish, and his raised right hand was also placed behind his back. He glanced over his head and looked at the starry air wall in the distance.

For a long time, Gu Shi'an returned to his thoughts, rubbed his blurred eyes, sat up, looked up at Yi Qingchen, and looked a little stiff: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Yi Qingchen whispered in response and turned away.

Gu Shi'an froze at his messy, sweaty hair.

at last!

You can finally leave this ghost place!

Finally, you can perform tasks with your team members!

Finally, I can take a bath, change clothes, and go to my mother to report the good news!

Gu Shi'an thought, while standing up, ran to the corner of rest.

The so-called resting corner is nothing more than two bunk beds and a pair of tables and chairs.

Gu Shi'an came to his bed, opened the bedside table, and took out a small square box.

"咚 ~ 咚 ~"

As Gu Shian placed the small square box on the bedside table, the sound of the star beating came, which was quite pleasant.

"Are you going to absorb the astrology?" Behind him, again came Yi Qingchen's timid words.

Gu Shi'an had perceptual star skills, and he had known that Yi Qingchen had come together again, so he was not scared.

He turned his head, grinned, and said sulkingly, "Yeah, absorbing star skills, your Pippi has left me a star bead for a long time."

Yi Qingchen's little bun blushed again and took a sip from Gu Shi'an: "Go, he is my master."

"Ah." Gu Shi'an shrugged his shoulders indifferently, opened the small box, and said, "This team didn't say, not only Jiang Xiao gave me the star beads of Little Red Riding Hood and Little Blue Riding Hood, even Xia Yan, gave me her five Little Red Riding Hood stars. "

Yi Qingchen nodded his head and said, "Huh, this is the auxiliary magic skill of the war system. If it can absorb the speed increase, weight gain, or purification star skill, it's worth it."

"Well? Do you know the little Red Riding Hood star beads?" Gu Shi'an looked curiously at Yi Qingchen, and between the words, the star beads in his hands had broken apart, turned into a little star power, and merged into his body.

Yi Qingchen muttered in a whisper: "The will of the country of national will-the national treasure level star, every time the World Cup opponents, there will be the figure of the country of the national will, as an imaginary enemy that is likely to be encountered, of course, I must understand the other side of all possible Owned astrology. "

Gu Shian: "..."

It's as if no one has participated in the World Cup!

Aren't you the runner-up of the World Cup Individual?

I'm still a World Cup team champion! Look who's sorry?

Yi Qingchen clearly understood Gu Shi'an's expression and muttered quietly, "Because you have Pippi, you are the champion. Because I have Pippi, I am the runner-up."

Gu Shi'an :? ? ?

"Hehe." Yi Qingchen covered his mouth and chuckled, and seemed to be in a good mood. "You are going to absorb the star beads, and I will be promoted to the Xinghai period immediately. I have n’t absorbed the new star skills for a long time. Let me share my joy with you soon. . "

Gu Shian's face was uncomfortable, but he was not good at spraying with the girl. He muttered two words in his mouth, and then continued to absorb the star beads.

Yi Qingchen sat on the ground without disturbing Gu Shi'an. He quietly watched Gu Shi'an absorbed the stars, but found that Gu Shi'an's face became increasingly ugly.

Yi Qingchen also knew that something was wrong.

Although this little Red Riding Hood star is known as the auxiliary star of the war system, after all, its star technology is of the auxiliary type, so the war system absorbs it, and the success rate is a bit low.

Until Gu Shi'an had absorbed all 6 Little Red Riding Hood Stars, Yi Qingchen dared to ask.

She looked at Gu Shi'an's uncertain face, and asked carefully: "How?"

Gu Shi'an reluctantly squeezed a smile, and at his will, a reddish star fell down, continuously spinning around his magnificent body.

Gu Shi'an reluctantly squeezed a smile, saying: "It should be a gold-quality light white star that purifies the negative state."

I'm so mad, but also pretend to be indifferent ...

Yi Qingchen nodded, 6 star beads, only absorbed 1 star technique, in fact, the probability of absorption is already very high.

She smiled and comforted: "Single purification and continuous purification star technology is already very good!

The probability of you absorbing star skills is already high. Don't compare yourself with Pippi and Han Jiangxue, they are all perverts. "

Gu Shian nodded his head severely, and said, "That's true. When Jiang Shou comes to deliver breakfast tomorrow morning, I'll tell him."

Yi Qingchen froze for a moment, Xing Muyuan opened his eyes: "Dare you! I wish you well!"

"Hey." Gu Shi'an smiled and trained together for a long time. He also knew that this girl was gentle and even a little soft under non-combat situations.

Gu Shi'an didn't care about Yi Qingchen's threat either. He looked at the remaining star beads in the small square box and said, "I have absorbed the little red hood's purification star technique, so the star technique of the white robe can't absorb it. After all, the long white robe has a purification mist.

There are not many star slots that can be used. If the star effects are overlapped, it will be bad. "

Yi Qingchen shook his lips and said, "Is that a few blue hat stars?"

"Well, yes, seven little blue hat stars." Gu Shi'an nodded.

"What is the star-shaped bead of gray stone?" Yi Qingchen asked curiously.

Gu Shi'an said, "There is only one star hat with big stone hat. I don't plan to absorb it.

The big stone hat has a good star technique, and the platinum-quality brutal charge is very strong, but it needs a pre-star technique. I do n’t have the skill of your Pippi, one star and three techniques. "

Yi Qingchen snorted, and didn't make any difference, shifting the topic: "The little blue hat star beads are good, the virtual hammer, the gods fall, the gods dusk. There are 7 star beads in total, see if you can absorb a few Astrology. "

Gu Shi'an nodded, took a deep breath, and his countenance was dignified.

This is the housekeeping star skill of the shield war. From the perspective of fit, how can this success rate be higher?


Continue four thousand words, I hope everyone has a good time.

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