Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1014: Oba trip / Kyuo

"50 kilometers north, almost." Erwei's voice came again.

Jiang Xiao flickered quickly, and after two more transient adjustments, he reached a messy battlefield and stood on top of a tower.

The picture below makes Jiang Xiao's face change.

It is no exaggeration to call it "blood flowing into the river". The bodies of the Arrow Mountain tribe are everywhere. From the perspective of the chaos on the battlefield, Bai Yujian Spirit should be the culprit.

It's okay to say that the messy battlefield is that the key to the problem is that the green mist is already underneath. Obviously, this is the arrow of plague of the Arrow Mountain tribe.

From the perspective of the spread of poisonous mist, the soldiers of the Guardian Legion have been resisting in such a battlefield environment for a long time.

Stepping on the aura of purification, walking through the mists of purification, one after another struggled, and various output star techniques bombarded the north wildly, but still could not stop the momentum of thousands of horses rushing .

In the Xingwu world, compared with the purification technology, the polluted system technology is inherently at a disadvantage.

Not only most of the low-quality purification star technology, can purify the high-quality pollution star technology, but also the purification effect is very good, and the time required is also very short.

But under the purification of such fog and halo, the green poisonous mist of the Plague Arrow still spread throughout the court, which is enough to see how many Arrow Mountain clan launched an attack and impact on this camp.

The battle of thousands of people still has something in common with the 1v1 battle. Once the momentum of one side rises, the rhythm will rise, and it is very difficult to stop the opponent's momentum.

This situation is even more pronounced for wars of large numbers.

Under such inertia, the continuous arrow mountain clan, without mentioning how high the rank and how strong the attack power, relying only on the human sea tactics, can completely disperse the guard legion camp.

In terms of services only, the soldiers' star power and physical strength, the Guardian Legion is indeed weaker than the wasteland, vigil, and broken mountain army.

The fire, the tornado, the pillar of fire, and the wind of the sky are unable to resist the continuous blow of arrows!

White feather arrow spirit's bombing arrow, poison feather arrow spirit's plague arrow, blue feather arrow spirit's huge arrow, black feather arrow spirit's seven-star renju, plus the strong damage penetrating arrow of the arrow spirit With armor-piercing arrows ...

Soldiers are sacrificed at all times on the tragic battlefield.

"Stop! All the **** gave me a firm stand!"

"Back down! Don't get poisoned! Medic !? Where is my purification aura?"

"No step can be withdrawn! How many brothers are still in Arrow Mountain space! Once we withdraw, once they come out, it will be a death!"

"Ask for fire support! Commander! The scene is out of control!"

"The firepower supports a fart, and the brothers who go in don't want it anymore?"

"Then we ..."

Wow ...

The light rain of Zelili fell, and the light rain turned into moderate rain immediately.

Similar to the concerns of the Guardian's medical assistant, Jiang Xiao did not dare to drive the net tears too much, nor did he dare to drive to the level of heavy rain.

If the degree of purification fog is widened, it will interfere with the sight. Similarly, Jiang Xiao ’s tears opened to the level of heavy rain will also interfere with sight.

For the Arrow Mountain tribe that is always dominant, human soldiers need more vision.

For Jiang Xiao, the life of his comrade-in-arms is his life.

On the chaotic battlefield, no one found the man standing on the tower, and the heavy rain made everyone notice his existence.

The clear tears and rain fell quickly, struggling to "extinguish" the thick green poisonous mist. Those soldiers who were paralyzed physically had symptoms quickly.

"Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~"

"Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~"

A series of bells and ringtones are endless, and a jumping medical light wave is so dazzling under the cloudy sky, divided into three and three into nine!

The bell rang, and quickly weaved a dense net of treatments. Nearly a thousand people guarded the army. Everyone did not fall, everyone took care of it!

Even more frightening is that the ubiquitous Arrow Mountain clan has not been favored by Zhong Ling.

not a single one!

What kind of bell is this? What quality substrate?

What level of reinforcements is this?

In fact, when the soldiers of the Guardian Legion found that there was only one reinforcement, they had already guessed the strength level of the opponent in their hearts.

And this heavy rain of tears, this magic bell, this dense, covering the entire scene, at this moment the bell ringing treatment net, has informed all soldiers on the side, the person who came is What strength of the medical department Star Warrior!

The soldier dragging his residual leg pulled out the star power arrows on his thigh and watched the wound heal quickly.

The soldier who could not afford to fall to the ground and spit blood, quickly lost his focus, climbed hard, walked sloppily, and moved more and more freely.

Even more frightening is that after the bell bell, a half-length guardian army buried in the mud was already angry, and life came to an end, but ...

However, the soldier who stepped into the dead door suddenly opened his eyes, took a breath, took the wet soil with a strong hand, and slowly crawled out.

And this kind of picture, played in every corner of the battlefield, one after another, the soldiers who could not stand on the ground staggered and stood up.

They looked around in confusion, and found that they were still on the battlefield.

The scene before his death seemed to be imprinted in his mind, but ... his broken body seemed to have been completely cured.

"Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~"

"Bell ~ bell ~ bell ~"

The crisp and melodious bell ringing, along with the weaving healing net, still jumped wildly on the battlefield, attracting these confused soldiers.

And where Zhong Ling passed, the human hissing and roaring disappeared. All that was left was the roaring sound of the Arrow Mountain clan, and the impact of weapons, arrows, and star skills.

What level of medical assistance can completely cure the "body" and "heart" of an army in just a few seconds! ?

The chaotic battlefield seemed to be quiet, all that was left was the silent battle action, and only the faces looking for opportunities and looking up secretly were left.

For some reason, the sprinting Arrow Mountain clan in the north seemed to be in chaos in the camp. For some reason, the momentum of the enemy's sprint has rapidly slowed down.

But when I heard the cloak and the standing figure in the sky, he said, "Bright light, tail feather brigade, nine tail!"

In a short sentence, all information is clear and clear.

People who travel by light and tail feather brigade! ?

The hand-picked team that borders Xinjiang, the army with the highest combat power in DJI?

Jiang Xiao looked somber and continued: "Everyone listens! Back!"

At this moment, no one questioned the identity of the man in black cloak, and no one questioned his decision.

One by one the soldiers looked up at the silhouettes in the air. Occasionally, the soldiers also saw Jiang Xiao's face and recognized the youth who appeared on the world stage many times.

Under the bell, the soldiers had an extremely calm heart. They willingly followed orders and stepped back involuntarily.

And those soldiers still fighting with the Arrow Mountain clan quickly disengaged from the war circle, kicked with their shoulders, shoved their shoulders, and toppled the star beast with various pillars of fire. All kinds of means emerged endlessly, and they quickly got rid of their opponents and also backed down.

Jiang Xiao stood in the sky and looked into the distance.

Looking at the Arrow Mountain tribe far away,

I also saw the crisscrossing and dense space gates. The Arrow Mountain tribe that fell from the gates and the holy market, but couldn't figure out what happened, followed the waves and followed a large number of people coming from behind. Chong came.

Eyes glanced over this layer after layer of chaotic battlefield. Through the bows and arrows of various colors, Jiang Xiao saw the distant high mountains, and there were another team of chaotic soldiers.

Even though Jiang Xiao's naked eyes were blocked, the scope of Yu's tears was to encompass the opposite camp.

They are using special astrology skills to "evacuate the masses", to be precise, to drive out the Arrow Mountain tribe.

And this momentum should come from there.

Jiang Xiao's tears fell on the relatively flat area between the two high mountains. Numerous Arrow Mountain tribe either fell to the ground, wept on the knees, or wept madly and attacked indiscriminately.

Such a scene obviously also attracted the attention of the opposite.

A man in a warrior suit, holding a long bow, and a beard full of faces, riding a flaming warhorse, flew up quickly, and stood in the distant sky.

His sharp eyes, like eagles, seemed to be able to face Jiang Xiao through layers of rain.

However, he saw him shooting a bow and arrow, a series of white feather arrows, quickly fixed in the air, pouring down the bombing arrows.

That arrow's pouring range was especially ingenious. Until this time, he was still not destroying the living force of the Arrow Mountain clan, but letting the arrows be blown on the left and right sides of the Arrow Mountain army and diagonally behind.

Such behavior is undoubtedly driving the Arrow Mountain tribe to continue southbound.

But ... surprisingly, the group of Arrow Mountain wailing and crying on the plain did not panic, did not get up and fled, a life-stricken them ... At this moment, it seems Nothing cares anymore.

The bearded man looked up at the cloudy sky and lowered his head, looking at the distant sky, to the person who was also floating in the sky and willing to be a "target".

Yes, in front of the Arrow Mountain clan, if you dare to fly in the air, you have to be a little capable!

Anyone, even if you are the Great Shield of Xinghai, will definitely go back and forth in front of thousands of Arrow Mountain clan. Bearded men now dare to fly in the air like this, because the momentum of the group of stars and beasts under their feet has risen, and the arrows and beasts follow the waves, following the crowds, and continue to gush to the south.

But when he saw the little black spot, he was surprised, and the bearded man looked startled, and seemed to realize who the other party was from!

"Om ..." A giant creature appeared quietly, swimming slowly in the air, the ethereal whale groan was so melodious, as if it came from the sky, indistinct, floating in this dark cloud Under the sky.

Once this creature appeared, and in conjunction with the sudden heavy rain, the man with beards understood that the so-called "Huaxia Poisonous Milk" and "Legendary Aid" were supporting him.

The bearded man, like everyone else, watched this "little poisonous milk" on TV and on the World Cup stage, but he never expected to see a real person on the battlefield!

"Huh", the bearded man snorted coldly, but I don't know if this kid is the master of more fame than strength. Stepping out of the ring with the sword and the gun, and entering the battlefield, is this kid still "destroying the world" like that?

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