Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1022: War is imminent

Over time, the frequency of opening the gates of different dimensions on the border of Tashan has gradually decreased.

Both sides of the border line have entered the stage of peaceful guarding. The two sides have nothing to do with each other. Each of them has cleared the Jianshan tribe and destroyed the space of different dimensions. Everything is moving in a good direction.

On the next night, Jiang Xiao finally received Erwei's order. With the support of the follow-up troops, Jiang Xiao successfully completed the task of guarding Tashan and could return to the team.

There was no farewell ceremony, and Jiang Xiao left without letting anyone know.

He just retracted the star pet silently, riding a pegasus, wrapped in a hidden dragon, flickered away, and did not disturb anyone.

Do good things without a name!

I'm not right, it seems that when I first came out, I already reported myself.

Well don't care about these details

When Jiang Xiao returned to the defense line where the tail feather team was stationed, she felt a joy in her heart!

It seems that the Tashan area should be the area most affected by the disaster, and on the border between DJI, Longgan Province and the Damon Empire, it is relatively stable here!

Looking around, a bloodstream ran into the river, and the corpses of the Jianshan tribe were horizontal and vertical.

This kind of picture is especially tragic, but where you stand, you will look at the problem from any angle. For a soldier like Jiang Xiao who guards the border line, this picture is excellent!

The gates of the space of different dimensions are also very few. Jiang Xiao stands on the top of the mountain and looks far away.

But what's not very good is that there is a clear-cut feeling here.

There are few different-dimensional spaces on the Chinese side, but there is a lot of different-dimensional spaces on the other side of the boundary line. A large number of Arrow Mountain families still come out of it and make a mess. When anyone enters the territory of China, it is really a row The arrangement of the Xinghai Law system is straightforward.

However, those who did not enter Huaxia territory did not help.

Anything that involves two countries is not a simple matter. Sometimes, it is not a question of whether you are willing to help, but you ca n’t make an advocacy to help.

While Jiang Xiao was observing, another vigil squad came out of the gate of the space of different dimensions. No doubt they destroyed another holy market!

It seems that many things happened during the two days when Jiang Xiao was away.

Finally, is this crisis about to pass! ?

Jiang Xiao looked happy, and looked around, but he did not find his tail feather team members, nor did he see other tail feather brigades' teams.

Jiang Xiao shouted to a familiar officer: "What about my team members?"

The middle-aged officer's face was exhausted, and his eyes were covered with red blood. It seemed that, like Jiang Xiao, they had fought continuously for two days and three nights.

"Report! They are all in a different dimension, and the tail feathers are in the middle." The middle-aged officer looked at the few space gates, pointing to the door closest to the border at the foot of a distant mountain. . "

This is a real general! This is a responsible leader!

In his position, he must seek his own government! If you ask three questions, why do you eat it?

Jiang Xiaodao: "In which dimension is there no one?"

This time, the middle-aged officer did not scold Jiang Xiao as he had met for the first time. He did not hesitate to answer directly: "There are people."

"Um." Jiang Xiao nodded contentedly. "Which space is the last dimension where the soldiers entered last?"

The middle-aged man points to a different-dimensional space gate on the east side: "About two hours ago, the two vigils entered here."

"Very good!" As a light-seeking person, Jiang Xiao has the attribute of "inspection". The middle-aged officer is really answering, and he can see that he is extremely responsible!

Jiang Xiaodao: "Two days and three nights, are you tired?"

Middle-aged officers did not discriminate against age. Li Zheng stood still: "Report! Not tired!"

"Um." Jiang Xiao nodded and said, "It's delayed you for 5 seconds, Li Zheng!"

The officer was a little bit confused, but subconsciously stood up again.

Why stand upright? Isn't it pretty standard to stand by yourself?

Jiang Xiao ordered: "Sit down!"

The middle-aged officer stepped back subconsciously on his left leg, landed behind his right foot, and sat directly cross-legged.

Looking at the officer's extremely tired appearance and his bloodshot eyes, Jiang Xiao raised his hand as a blessing.

The officer gritted his teeth: "Hmm"

When he returned to God, he found that Jiang Xiao had disappeared, and the soldier next to him said that Chief Jiuwei had rushed into the space gate on the east side.

The officer rubbed his head. Although it was a bit unbearable, the slowly increasing physical strength and endless vitality were quickly healing his body.

But this is only a cure for the symptoms and not the root cause. The light of blessing can greatly increase his vitality, but he cannot restore his energy. His mental exhaustion cannot be relieved.

Jiang Xiao on the earth is making a final effort to resolve this crisis.

The team on the different ball, at this time has also assembled.

After two days of walking, the army finally entered the Gugu tower. Due to the early arrival of Jiang Tu and He Chongyang, and the two brothers Yingying arranged the reception, saying that things went smoothly.

Under the supervision of He Chongyang, the ghost monk family, the soul princes, the dancers, and the rather naughty two ink and paper book souls all settled in the ancient tower.

The original paper ink book soul was 72, but on the way, 4 were lost

Zhang Songfu took the initiative and drove the remaining six ink and paper book spirits into his seaside shelter to avoid non-combat reduction. Later, on the way, Zhang Songfu had a meeting with Jiang Xun, the blind girl, and He Yun to express their inner thoughts.

The creatures of paper ink and book spirit are naughty by nature, and most of them can even be called "negative". Coupled with their special way of existence, they exist in the world like a ghost, it is difficult to stop them, so they should run run.

These little guys are not materials for being soldiers!

After deliberations, two of them remained relatively stable and good at management. Most of the remaining ink and paper spirits were released by Zhang Songfu and others.

Kimchi three death row prisoners, why can you control 72 paper ink book souls? Because they are cruel! In particular, Yin Yingzhen was fierce!

Of course, Tzu doesn't control the army. Of course, any general who treats His Majesty must be harsh.

However, Yin Yingzhen's "ruthlessness" is not strictly harsh, but a vicious and fierce "ruthlessness".

She completely relied on the vicious punishment measures to make this group of stubborn ink and paper book souls dare not act lightly and could not release her nature.

Zhang Songfu and others can achieve this level, but under the discussion of the public, especially the proposal of the blind woman, the team still released most of the ink and paper, leaving only two relatives. More obedient.

It is worth mentioning that among them is the "little traitor" who has airy reports.

That little book soul was not included in Zhang Songfu's space, but always accompanied Jiang Xun's march. From time to time, it suddenly popped up to scare Jiang Xun.

At night, in the ancient city hall area in the south gate of the ancient tower.

A group of people were sitting at the huge stone conference table, and they were discussing fiercely.

In particular, Ying Hao Li Haoge and Zhang Songfu exchanged intensely.

Li Haoge is not only a hawk, but also the city owner of the ancient pagoda. Of course, the perspective of thinking is different from others.

Seeing the words of both sides becoming more and more fierce, Jiang Xun suddenly said: "Buddha, I think you should stay here."

"Ah !?" Zhang Songfu suddenly became cyanotic. "Me? Stay here?"

"Yes." Jiang Xun nodded and said, "I didn't plan to lead a large number of soldiers on this peninsula trip. Several of us have a vicious shadow market. Hiding one hundred elite soldiers is enough. On the one hand, I The two medical assistants, Father Hehe, were able to take care of them. On the other hand, the creatures on the peninsula did not have high combat effectiveness.

Maybe their rank is not low, but they follow a deceptive way. In my opinion, what I need is not a large army, but a highly mobile elite. "

"Yes," He Yun said suddenly. "If we hide a soldier in space, we can land on the peninsula by sea, without having to make a circle on land and enter the peninsula from Liaodong Province."

Zhang Songfu frowned slightly. In terms of time cost, it really should be.

If you use a large army to suppress the situation, this army will go from Sanjin Province and enter Liaodong via Dameng. I don't know how much time is wasted on the way.

Shipbuilding and taking the army by sea are even more undesirable.

The creatures on the land are at least regional, and the creatures in the sea really want one or two monsters. The group of dry ducks cannot escape the fate of the entire army.

Jiang Xun continued: "You are in the army, helping the Yingying brothers to resettle the army and stabilize the order. If possible, you can try to conquer the surrounding star and beast forces, and they may not necessarily be eliminated.

Like the docile Swiss beasts and the double night owls, bring them all back and keep them. As for the Star Caves, kill and kill, and try to expand the turret's sphere of influence as much as possible to prepare for subsequent battles. "

Jiang Xun paused and continued: "Once our experiments on the peninsula are successful, then our task will be more onerous. If the three of you can make a good start, lay a solid foundation for us to fight everywhere. It's excellent. "

Li Haoge suddenly said, "Long commander Jiang, we have to keep up with logistics supplies. It is a method to support the war, but it has not been an issue in the long run. Can I apply for these more than 700 jade-faced dancers to stay for logistics?"

Jiang Xun: ""

Grimace monk, no matter how obedient, it is not the material for farming.

Yin and Yang souls can also cultivate, but as soldiers, they can better reflect their value on the battlefield.

The white-faced dancers are gentle and kind, so they are not willing to fight.

They can blow a few notes casually, and they can smash the yin and yang souls!

But the souls still exist! And there are so many because the white-faced dancers don't like fighting.

Especially in the different ball, the IQ of these white-faced dancers is higher.

For the dancing girls, as long as the soul family is honest, don't be idle, and owe them to provoke them, they will not kill the soul.

The special jade structure of the yin and yang souls led them to be unable to stand up in front of the dancers, but in other battlefields, the yin and yang souls were a big killer!

Switching back and forth between the ghost and the yang soul, plus the impact of the yin and the defense of the yang, who are the souls afraid of?

It is no exaggeration to say that soul souls in Ludong Province are not afraid of anyone as long as they leave the house!

Jiang Xun pondered for a while, and said, "It's okay, we don't have to go against the sky. Since the characteristics of the dancers are so, letting them live a stable life can also be regarded as a kind thing."

I brought a lot of seeds, but they are all in the white birch forest. I will pick up the seeds when the spring starts next year. As of now, you can only fight for war, and suddenly you have increased so many people to eat.

By the way, the stars and beasts in the Central Plains are cleaned up. On the earth, the heterodimensional space is now open extremely frequently. No matter whether the cleanup is useful or not, the alien ball and the earth will eventually merge. It is good for human society to clean up now. "

"Okay!" Li Haoge nodded, and asked, "Mr. Jiang Brigade, how many people are you going to carry out on the Peninsula?"

Jiang Xun thought for a while, and said, "100 people are enough. A group of ghost monks: 10 each of gold, silver, grass, and clothing, 50 yin and yang souls, paper and ink book soul names, I choose two or three white-faced dancers. They The flute sound is very functional, so take a few. "

Speaking, Jiang Xun looked at the people on the table and said, "Haoge. Zhang Songfu and Yue Yuchen stay here to assist you. I took He Lao, San Wei, and Xiao Chongyang to the peninsula. Once! "

Said to be a four-member squad, in fact, not four.

Because there are two Jiang Xiao in the team, one is medical Jiang Xun, and the other is Min Zhan Jiang Tu.

The most important thing is that there is a big killer in the team: Star Bazaar!

Father He was very excited. Obviously, he mixed more personal emotions for this task: "Yes! Come on! When will we start? Xiaojiang, I am old, and I am one day less. . "

He Yun found Jiang Xiao, took him into the different ball, and accompany him to the north and south. He wanted to use his residual heat in the twilight years and bring a disciple or something, but he did not expect that there would still be such an opportunity.

If this is the case, it's worth it!

The battle is coming! New January! Add at 0 o'clock and hope to make a good start!

I ask you to issue a guaranteed monthly pass to support the small poisoned milk!


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