Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1034: Fairy and Star Pro

"Law law ~"

Above, the Black Ridge Fire Feather fanned its wings and landed.

Jiang Tu looked at He Lao, who was shaking Zhong Ling, and said, "The crisis is over."

He Yun looked at the soldiers who came from the dense forest and quickly returned to the team, and said, "What's the situation now?"

On the side, the blind girl's figure flashed quietly, saying: "It should be the King Kong Beast Army led by the four-man squad."

"Um." Jiang Tu nodded. "After the first shock of the Vajra Beast Legion was stopped by our souls and book souls, this team was in chaos.

That man had a very good idea and a keen sense, and found the key figure of the stable military mind, the dancer. "

"Oh." Jiang Tu said with a sneer, "I think it's good. I came to assassinate the dancers. I guess it's the habit of dominating the peninsula on the peninsula. I really think I can do everything and dare to enter the army Come from the center. "

He Yun, who is in the army, has long paid attention to all this.

To be honest, this is also the existence of small poisoned milk! Otherwise, the consequences are disastrous!

It was because of the Bazaar he controlled, and the extinct Black Mist Doll stopped the other side, otherwise, the Kimchi death row prisoner had really succeeded in assassination.

Once the assassination is successful, then there is another story.

The sound of crackling flames, accompanied by the sound of crisp slaps, became background music.

He Yun glanced at the man who "cannot be assassinated" and said, "What about his teammates?"

The blind woman frowned slightly, and said, "Run fast, I want to chase, Jiang Tu persuaded me to come back."

In the rear, the King Kong group of beasts lost their leader, and in the attack of the fire storm and the rain of paper and ink, they were also scattered and fled.

Xiao Chongyang, who was riding on the horse, said seriously: "Jiang Xiao said, every forest did not enter. Jiang Xiao also said, poor Kou Mo chase."

Looking at Xiao Chongyang's serious and cute appearance, He Yun's mood was a lot better. He laughed and quipped, "Xiao Jiang isn't right, every forest doesn't enter, but we have been running into the forest all the time? "

"Nonsense, we are burning the forest, it's all right." Xiao Chongyang patted Hei Ling Huo Yu, saying, "When we burn all the peninsula, without the forest, the enemy will have nowhere. Hide! "

The little girl coincided with He Lao's thoughts. He Yun looked up and gave a thumbs up to Xiao Chongyang: "High! Really high!"

"Hey." Xiao Chongyang's cheeky smile appeared.

Jiang Tu shouted to the soldiers: "Clean up the battlefield quickly, and in 3 minutes, dig out all the beads."

In the team, Yin Yingzhen's face was stained with a little blood, and the man who had passed out of the kimchi was thrown into the gate of the ruins of the evil shadow, and turned to look for Jiang Xun.

In fact, the Kimchi death rower already believed that "this world has changed", but Yin Yingzhen didn't mean to stop at all.

Jiang Xun did not stop, he thought that such a painful blow was an important part of the interrogation. It would be better if he could get some useful information from the man.

"Who is he?" Jiang Xun closed the space door and asked.

Yin Yingzhen wiped the blood on her face, relieved deeply, and there was still some trembling in her body. She replied softly: "His name, Cai Xingyue, is one of the generals of the Fairy Organization.

After entering the different ball, he was also the first to take the lead in rebellion, seize the opportunity, and kill all the soldiers with the death row. "

Yin Yingzhen ’s emotions have stabilized a lot, and he bowed his head slightly. He continued: "His prestige in the Xianhua organization was very high. When he entered the different world, he was the top of the Galaxy, and was among the top prisoners in the team. Those few people.

But he is just a general, one of the leaders, not the highest general.

After the death of the soldiers, the death row formed a phenomenon of gang gangs. A pair of children and men brought Cai Xingyue together to form a core team. They used various methods to suppress everyone and established the leader of the trio.

However, in the following days, people with good eyes could see that although Cai Xingyue was a core member, it was not the most core one. "

"Um." Jiang Xun nodded and said, "What now?"

Yin Yingzhen shook her head and said, "Sorry, sir, I don't know. I just shipped Star Beads here every few months in accordance with regulations. I haven't known about the internal situation of the Xianhua organization for a long time."

"You don't understand, but he understands, is he confident to pry open his mouth?" Jiang Xun asked with a smile.

Yin Yingzhen was pleased, and her body, which had stabilized, trembled again, and said, "Sir, please give me this task."

Jiang Xun looked at her eagerness to try, and could not help asking: "How, under his hands, has suffered a lot of humiliation?"

Yin Yingzhen's head was lowered and she said nothing.

Jiang Xun said with a smile: "It seems that I have to be careful in the future, 30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi, everyone has a down time."

"You are different from him, sir." Yin Yingzhen's voice came. "I saw how you treat your companions. Before that, I was your enemy. Everything you did to me was normal."

Jiang Xun :? ? ?

Lying down?

Give me ** soup?

I use you to praise me? I use you to give me relief?

Jiang Xun looked weird and said, "Follow the army first. When the night comes, we will find a place to rest and then interrogate him."

Said, Jiang Xun tilted his head to the deep forest on the side: "Go and search for the stars."

"Yes." Yin Yingzhen's figure vanished.

Jiang Xun grinned and said muttering: "Xingyue, wipe, but unfortunately this magnificent name, it turned out to be such a good."


A week later, the different team played and fought, gaining no stars, and Jiang Tu's star map also added all the skills of Vajra Tiger.

All-gold quality perception, sharpness, quickness, and trenches.

At this point, Jiang Tu's nine-star map has also been filled, and it has become a star battle!

At the same time, Xiao Chongyang also absorbed the perception of gold quality and quick star skills.

She lit up the 22nd star trough. Since it is the Xinghai period, she still has two star troughs to use, but after the team's discussion, they did not let Xiao Chongyang continue to absorb King Kong Tiger star skills.

Xiao Chongyang had his fangs, claws and star skills because of his background, and it was useless to absorb the sharp star skills of King Kong Tiger.

As for the trenches ...

Jiang Tu believes that Xiao Chongyang does not need trench fighting star skills, and her infectious wild voice is already like star skills ...

Little savage comes with roaring skills, are you afraid?

The remaining two available star troughs, He Lao thinks, may be able to let Xiao Chongyang absorb the film star technology in Jinmen area.

In this way, Xiao Chongyang integrates Beijiang-Zhongyuan-Yanzhao-Ludong-Jinmen fighting star skills into one, and the output will indeed explode.

However, Jiang Tu is skeptical. After all, with Yan Zhaoxing as the core, there is more time and space to grab the show. In this way, Jinmen's shadow star skills do not seem to be suitable for Xiao Chongyang.

Jiang Tu believes that there should be some functional star skills for Xiao Chongyang. For example, purification!

However, He Yun's thinking is obviously more teamwork-oriented. This is also no way out. He Yun's growing environment and the education he received at the time determined his thinking.

For He Yun, what kind of job is necessary to do, and to the fullest extent.


That's a medical aid thing, don't take the star slot of the output profession because of this astrology.

Jinmen film, 咋 may be replaced by Yan Zhao's fate? Are the functions different at all?

One old and one young, there was a disagreement on the combination of Xiao Chongyang's star skills. What made Lao He uncomfortable was that Xiao Chongyang listened to Jiang Tu more ...

"Xinglin" went eastward across the peninsula, and was also arson, burning down deep forests and flowers, bringing a natural disaster to this southern peninsula.

Yes, within a week of this battle, the team's name was finally determined: Star Pro.

I don't know why, Jiang Tu just thinks that the name of the "Xinglin" organization is very cool. Although there is no grounding of the "Nine Star Poison Milk" organization, it is very suitable for promotion.

Forced full ~

My big star is coming, I want to be famous in the first battle, on this peninsula, make my own name! Start with Fairy Tissue!

Here comes the star! Destroying flowers!

Hey, me? Really getting more and more secondary ...

He Yun said that it doesn't matter what it is called, anyway, I can't say you.

Xiao Chongyang said he liked it!

As for the blind girl ...

Regardless of the name of the team or the organization, the blind woman ignored Jiang Tu and Jiang Xun from beginning to end. The chief of the brigade loved the land, anyway, when you called me, you all called "Yu girl".

Whenever I get really annoying, I will send you a few ink flowers and send you all away, less noise in my ears ...

In the past seven days, Jiang Xun also witnessed the "birth of the devil" and the "fall of the **** of war" with his own eyes.

The location of the interrogation was transferred from Jiang Xun's ruined shadow market to the seaside shelter of Baze. After all, as a medical assistant, Jiang Xun had to "protect" Cai Xingyue's life at all times, so he would fall behind in his own space.

In Baze's space, this would not be the case. Baze marched with the team and opened the door to the space, all on his side.

Jiang Xun looked at Yin Yingzhen, tortured Cai Xingyue again and again, and pry open the mouth of the fairy head.

If Jiang Xun knew anything else in the past week, it was ... he was pretty sure that Yin Yingzhen was a pervert.

Yin Yingzhen, as an interrogator, doesn't play any psychological warfare with you, but she is tortured and tortured at the purest level.

Seeing Jiang Xun's teeth hurt, this woman is really hot, is he really bad?

It turns out that tough guys are not tough.

Cai Xingyue turned from a high-level, majestic fairy general into a solo, humble and boneless prisoner.

Even later, Cai Xingyue had already explained everything, but Yin Yingzhen was in it, she was happy, and she didn't want to stop ...

Jiang Xun couldn't stand it anymore. After solving the deadly prisoner full of evil, he took Yin Yingzhen and left the space.

He possessed the information of almost all the Xianhua organizations. Above this peninsula, there were only 5 teams with a total of 20 members.

The Xianhua organization made every effort and paid a huge price. After nearly two years, it finally formed its own Vajra team.

This is also thanks to the continuous delivery of death row prisoners by the country of kimchi, otherwise, the fairy flower organization would have collapsed long ago.

Kimchi Country sent a group of people, and the members of this group of fairy flowers killed a group of soldiers and released the death row.

Join the fairy flower, raw.

Those who do not join the fairy flower, die.

Simply neat and overbearing.

The fairy flower organization has become a climate, and even wants to open up new territories overseas. There are 3 teams of 12 people who went to Neon Island. Cai Xingyue, who has already been awarded the title, comes from the neon island country.

Fairyland is building its own kingdom here.

However, for some reason, the area developed by Xianhua Organization is more in favor of neon, not Huaxia.

On the Chinese land, they only sent two teams, one of which was Yin Yingzhen's team, and the other one should go north from the peninsula to Liaodong, but ... there has been no news for a long time.

In this way, Jiang Xun and Jiang Tu's Xinglin organization became even more motivated.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to ruin the peninsula and, by the way, kill the deadly prisoners who are full of evil?

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