Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1048: Incoming Leather

Long Cave Base, in the office of Chief Xiao Bo.

Xiao Bo looked at a kind of cloaked tail feathers team member with mixed feelings.

Fortunately, the tail feather team has completed another mission to explore the Dragon Caves. There is no doubt that this team must bring back a large number of Dragon Stars.

Worrying ... Why did it come out in three days?

Did n’t you just say that you do n’t go to prison? Did n’t you say it ’s good, after collecting some more resources, then you can go to Prison Dragon for surgery?

It's only been three days, you people have ruined the Dragon Cave?

"That, that ... hehe ..." Jiang Xiao smiled awkwardly, beckoning to her side, and Xia Yan also immediately opened the Shadow of the Blight, and flew into it to collect the star beads obtained by the team. Tongtong took it out.

As the crowd passed, Jiang Xiao handed over the star beads to Xiao Bo, and said, "This is 22 crystal dragon star beads, 7 fog dragon star beads, 10 star dragon star beads ... It was a little rushed, and before a few hidden dragon stars beads had time to absorb, I wouldn't hand in ... "

Xiao Bo hurriedly took the star beads and sorted and placed the dragon star beads one by one.

Seeing these piles of dragon stars, Xiao Bo's sorrow was less.

He is also adjusting his mind, comforting himself.

After all, before the tail feathers team entered the Dragon Cave to perform the task, Xiao Bo once said that the tail feathers team's life is the most important, so they suddenly came out, maybe they encountered a particularly serious crisis? Well, it must be like this, the safety of everyone in the tail feathers team is the most important.

What kind of thought, Jiang Xiao said again: "That ... that ... Actually we didn't plan to destroy the dragon cave, but something went wrong, because we lacked experience, which led to the dragon cave Collapse, and the process of collapse is irreversible, and we now regret it. "

Chief Xiao Bo raised his eyebrows slightly, lacking experience?

All teams in China and the Russian Federation, except your tail feathers, are not qualified to say this! You do n’t have enough experience, so don't others live?

Xiao Boping calmed down and asked, "Report, what happened?"

"Hmm ..." Jiang Xiao said a moment of groan, and said with an uncomfortable face, "I have absorbed a prisoner dragon as a star pet. You also know its status in the dragon cave, and the irony is almost full Then, it attracted countless dragon clan siege, so I played a little clever and put the prisoner dragon into the star chart.

I also imagined that without the prisoner dragon as the target, the dragon army would have civil strife and kill each other. The result was good. Once the prisoner dragon entered my star map, the dragon cave collapsed. "

"Oh, that's it. Regardless of the death of the prisoner dragon, as long as it disappears into the space of the cave, the cave will collapse." Xiao Bo nodded thoughtfully, murmuring softly in his mouth.

Suddenly, Xiao Bo froze, and he always felt a bit wrong.

Xiao Bo looked up abruptly and looked at Jiang Xiao stupidly, saying, "You absorbed the prisoner dragon as a star pet !?"

"Ah." Jiang Xiao scratched his head embarrassed, and said, "Thanks to Xiaoyinlong."

Said, Jiang Xiao patted the hidden dragon head on his shoulder and said, "When we obtained the resources, we encountered a prisoner dragon who was hunted down and fled. I was not happy at that time, I was thinking, there are I'm here, and absolutely can't let the prison dragon get into trouble! "

Xiao Bo: "..."

Jiang Xiao continued: "Then we went to rescue the prisoner dragon. During the battle, the prisoner dragon found the hidden dragon cannon on my shoulder and also found the star dragon that entangled Han Jiangxue ... ..

The prisoner's wisdom is high, and he discovered that the dragon can live in harmony with our humans. After this battle was over, Prison Dragon ran over and asked me to absorb it and become a star pet. "

Said, Jiang Xiao sighed, and said, "Hey ... this guy is so scary, I was so scared that I didn't have the courage to resist, so I had to make it difficult and absorbed it into a star pet."

Xiao Bo :? ? ?

Looking at Jiang Xiao's unassuming look, Han Jiangxue and Xia Yan lifted their legs almost at the same time, but the movements of the two were neat and uniform. It seemed to realize where this was, and what Jiang Xiao ’s identity was at this time, The two were stiff, and their long legs fell down reluctantly.

Xiao Bo's mouth twitched awkwardly, and said, "Jiang Lu joked. I'll go and contact Mr. Di Lian's team. You guys will take a short break in the Dragon Cave."

Jiang Xiao said, "The work on our tail feather brigade is also very busy. In this way, I stay here and accompany the prison dragon to complete the task of studying the star beast. My teammates, temporarily return to DJI. ? "

Xiao Bo thought about it and said, "Yes, the current situation is really very tense. The other members of the Tail Feather team here are also a waste of human resources. Except for you, everyone can go back. I communicate with Chief Luan. You guys. Let ’s go back to the Finn base first. ”

"Okay!" Jiang Xiao said, turning to look at Han Jiangxue.

Han Jiangxue grasped the consciousness, opened the black empty teleportation hood, and flew back to Huaxia Land · Fincheng Military Base, which was very close to the border with everyone.

Under the leadership of Jiang Xiao, the crowd and the base soldiers confirmed their identity. After asking for a lounge, 15 minutes later, Erwei's phone number was called to the Fencheng military base, and all players except Jiang Xiao were ordered to return to the university immediately. Xinjiang Province.

Jiang Xiao was also unambiguous. After receiving the order, he flickered directly, and took everyone back to the office in Erwei, the headquarters of the tail feather brigade in DJI.

The complexion of the two tails faintly carried a hint of pride, a pair of narrow eyes lighted up slightly, and looked at Jiang Xiao with a burning gaze, saying, "I only applied for the prisoner Xingzhu, but did not apply for you. Prison Dragon. "

"Look at what you said, I must not overdo the task?" Jiang Xiao grinned, scratching his head habitually.

"Um." Erwei stretched out her hand and saw Jiang Xiaolong, who was on Jiang Xiao's shoulder, reluctantly left Jiang Xiao, flew towards Erwei, and wrapped her body.

"Come on," Erwei said, stroking Yinlong's scales with one hand.

"Yes." Jiang Xiaoying said, turning his head and glancing at the team members, "These days I was away, Han Jiangxue was the captain and commander, and Wuwei Yi Qingchen automatically entered the team."

Said, Jiang Xiao looked at Han Jiangxue, and said, "Everyone listens to Erwei, be careful."

Han Jiangxue nodded silently, and said, "Go early and return early."

"Ah." Jiang Xiao began to comfort and said, "I guess that is to leave the physical data of the prisoner dragon, test the specific effects of the astrology, and soon come back."

Said, Jiang Xiao and the others nodded and flickered away, and returned to the military base in Fencheng.

In fact, Jiang Xiao could go directly to the place where Mr. Di Lian's research team is located, but the dragon creatures are special. The above requirements require research at the Fencheng base, and real-time news must be shared with the Fencheng base and the Longku base.

Jiang Xiao doesn't have any opinion on this. Anyway, he is a soldier, so it is enough to obey orders.

However, in the one or two days waiting for the arrival of Mr. Di Lian's team, Jiang Xiao could do one thing, and it was still one hundred thousand urgent things.

That's ... catch white ghosts!

Around the base of Fencheng, there is a snowfield heterogeneous space specially prepared for the soldiers exploring Dragon Caves, which aims to let the soldiers line up and exercise.

Jiang Xiao has been here many times and is certainly no stranger to this place.

After confirming that the Dilian research team arrived at the Fencheng base at noon the next day, Jiang Xiao and the soldiers of the base greeted him and flickered directly to the Fencheng-Xuyuan dimensional space.

"I'll go in for a while, and I'll be out tomorrow." Jiang Xiaoliang issued his officer's card, showed the guard soldiers, and entered the snowy field.

Good year,

Start by catching white ghosts!

Jiang Xiao, who is very familiar with this place, smashed Huanglong, flickered to the periphery of Shengxu, in the camp of the vigil, and explained the situation with several guards, and all the vigils were dumb.

It wasn't until Jiang Xiao summoned the owls, awakened the sleeping owls, and left with the pets of the stars, and the vigil army personnel reacted.

"Mr. Jiang ... what did you just say?"

"He said ... Let's get ready for astral healing of the soul." Then, a vigil warrior held an illusive scepter and stuck it in the ground. "He also said that in the next day, we can relax Relax, there will be fewer white ghosts and white ghost witches going out of the holy market. "

The soldiers there hurriedly notified the vigil camp and demanded that they be ready to soothe their minds.

Here, a group of soldiers said with a rush of words: "The commander Jiang Brigade is here to slaughter the white ghosts! Hey, a great **** of the sea, why can't the white ghosts who are in the brass rank pass?"

"Jiang Lu's double-knife skills were created by killing white ghosts! I suppose he went to practice swords again?"

"Hey, have you heard that the snowfield heterogeneous space in Jiannan Village is almost killed by the brigade commander? In the New Year, Jiang Lu will definitely visit the white ghosts in Jiannan village."

"I'll understand when you say that! What day is it today? Today is New Year's Day!"

While talking, a group of soldiers heard the faint bear roaring voice!

However, because the distance is too far, this roar is not a problem at all, even if the star skills are not used to resist, the soldiers will not mess up. What's more, the soldiers are still under the shelter of the faint light of the scepter.

At the same time, in the valley, just below the holy market, after the bears roared, a group of white ghosts fled, and there was a stampede accident, and they fled wildly around.

However, Jiang Xiao directly opened the door to the world of evil and shadow, and placed the door horizontally directly below the Holy Ruin. The white ghosts and white witches jumping out of it fell into Jiang Xiao one after another. In the shadow world.

And among the gates of this evil world, it is the Antarctica continent!

Of course, Jiang Xiao kept his eyes open. The Antarctica continent is very large. He did not place the white ghost directly at the location of the crystal dragon group, but instead placed it in the southernmost region, the so-called continental center.

Jiang Xiao arched his legs slightly, keeping the space door open, and beckoned to the bears beside him.

"Huh?" The bear lay on all fours, and the bear's paw crawled over the snow, making a "creak" sound, and his furry head came together.

"Hey ~" Jiang Xiao jumped forward with a smile, hugged the bear, and hugged him!


"Haha ~" One person and one bear, even under the gate of the terrible holy market, started to roll in the snow ...

At this time, the night watchmen in the snowfield in Fencheng did not know the seriousness of the matter!

And when a wave of white ghosts, white ghost witches escaped from here, everything changed!

The Brigadier Jiang did say that soldiers could relax and rest for a day, because in the future one day, there will be very few white ghosts falling from the holy market. The vigils don't need to keep an eye on them all the time, and they don't need to evacuate the white ghosts that may appear.

But ... how special is this small number?

This is completely gone!

what's going on?

Brigadier Jiang bombed the Holy Ruins?

No? This snowy field exists well, and there are no signs of tearing or shaking?

Could it be said that the Holy Market ... is no longer available?

In fact, it is not that the holy market is no longer produced, but that the purchase of Pishen is too large ...

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