Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1074: Candle moon

The next day, at 9 am, in a stone villa.

Jiang Shou sat bored in the restaurant on the ground floor, with a jug of milk in front of him, and a few slices of cooked beef and oranges on the plate.

Jiang Shou's craftsmanship has been verified by many parties, even Yin Wei said yes!

Three hours ago, Marda took Yinwei and Chen Lingtao to gobble it up, and then she went into the training studio of Wraith.

Jiang Shou looked at Yin Wei's gobble, and suddenly, there was no worry about "Hua Pan Niu surplus" ...

In the Huahai pasture, the breeding of Huapan cattle and Qingpan cattle is particularly rapid. Without the hunt of natural enemies, the bauhinia demon, they are carefree. They make flowers by themselves, eat flowers on walks, and then make babies.

Jiang Shou was very upset, and Yin Wei ’s appetite this morning made Jiang Shou see hope!

Regularly send cows to the birch forest and the ancient pagoda, let them fall into captivity, eat meat and drink milk, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Jiang Shou had his elbows on the table, his palms resting on his chin, and he thought secretly.

He waited all morning, but still couldn't wait for Miss Blind Girl to get up.

I made an appointment yesterday and went down for dinner, but it was nine o'clock ...

Well, maybe these days are too tired? Or did she sleep late yesterday?

Before thinking, a figure floated in.

She looked for Jiang Shou's position, drifted slowly, and sat in a chair.

As the cape fluttered, a huge dragon egg emerged from under the cape and was placed on the table.


Jiang Shou quickly sobered up and saw the blind girl in front of her.

"Wake up? Wait, let me warm you up." Jiang Shou said, standing up with a milk jug.

Blind girl: "On the third floor, a room is empty."

The three rooms on the first and second floors all have traces of human habitation, as well as personal belongings.

On the third floor, one of the three rooms belongs to the second tail, the other is an exhibition room, and there is also a vacant room.

"Ah, I'll give it to you if you want. I used to let my teammates live. No one wants to live with Erwei." Jiang Shou poured the milk into the pot. "I'll go and clean it for you in a moment. pack."

"Um." The blind girl hummed softly.

Jiang Shou curiously said, "Why don't you live in the birch forest? Or the ancient pagoda? There are many people and lively there, although it is the original ecology, but there are also many functional buildings. What can the ghost monk accompany you to fight of."

Blind girl: "It's fine here, clean."

Jiang Shou froze and said nothing.

The blind girl continued, "Are you learning Korean?"

"Ah." Jiang Shou froze for a moment, then reacted. In the first floor, Jiang Tu had been staying with Cui Keli, and the trial was almost the same. Now she is learning how to pretend to be her.

Jiang Shoudao: "It is mainly to learn her idiom, speaking style, tone of voice. If you are annoying, I will go to another place with her in the future."

The blind woman took over the glass handed by Jiang Shou, and said lightly, "How can a guest drive the host away?"

Jiang Xun thought about it and said, "Once Cui Keli goes out, she will be watched."

The blind woman frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Xundao said: "It was all my previous review. In the fairy flower organization, one person's star map is very functional and can smell the star map smell of a specific person."

Blind Girl :? ? ?

Jiang Xun sneered, the so-called positioning of the other party, but far worse than his positioning of Jiuxing Eye!

If Jiang Xiao locates a person, even if the target is in another dimension space, Jiuxingmu will give the nearest route. As for the distance, which space tunnel are you stuck in and not able to get through, that is the star The issue of the warrior is not related to the star map.

However, the star code of the man named "Zhendao Dog" organized by Xianhua was only able to smell the "smell" of the target.

Speaking of odor, it is actually not the smell of the human body. The other person smells the smell of "star map".

Once the target is not in the same dimension as you, then the smell will not smell.

Moreover, you must smell this star map in advance, otherwise you will not be able to enter the "tracking" process.

But this "Zhendao Dog" star map also has better places than Jiuxing Eye.

The spatial positioning of Jiuxing Eye, positioning up to three people.

For the Zhendao dog's breath positioning, as long as you have heard someone's star map before, you can enter the "tracking" state.

However, in the last peninsula battle, the person named "Zhendao Dog" did not participate. Otherwise, it is estimated that Jiang Xiao and others will now be "sniffed" by the other party.

Star map ... It's really strange and has all functions.

Jiang Xundao said: "That is to say, once I release Cui Keli, it is likely to attract a fairy flower organization."

"Hehe." The blind girl smiled slightly. "Want to play something exciting? Last time, I didn't play well."

Last time......

Jiang Xun was shocked. What she said should be the battle on the peninsula. This is also a matter of no means. The blind girl's star power is too strong. She is afraid to open the ink in the camp of friendly forces. flower.

Jiang Xun repeatedly shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, I will learn again! I am not only learning her language, but also her various habits."

The blind woman said: "Do you want to disguise her? But can you disguise her star map?"

"No, no ..." Jiang Xun smiled and shook his head, sitting at the table, suddenly he leaned forward.

The blind girl also looked forward physically, only to hear Jiang Xun in her ear, she lowered her voice, and quietly said, "I want to possess her body."

Blind Girl: "..."

Jiang Xun also seemed to find some ambiguity in his words, and hurriedly added, saying: "Just like manipulating Baze, manipulating her to make her another me. Fan. "

Blind Girl :! !! !!

She even ignored a new vocabulary, "Sakura Organization," and instead said, "Like Bazaar."

Jiang Xun: "I have a magical star map that I stole from members of the Huaxing organization. It can invade a person's body, deprive a person's soul, and take a living person as his own. Eat, breathe, Sleep, act, use astrology ... the same as the body's former master, except that the soul in the body has changed. "

The blind girl turned her head silently, covering her eyes with cloth strips, so she looked at Jiang Xun's face, and her sight seemed to be able to see Jiang Xun through the cloth strips.

Jiang Xun couldn't stand this kind of posture. The two talked with ears just now. At this moment, the blind girl turned her head, so ...

If Jiang Xun accidentally "turns his head", the ending ... should end in death, right?

"Okay, let's eat." Jiang Xun sat still straightly, reached out and patted the blind girl's head, and said, "Relax, I won't do this to you. I love and hate my friend, friend Here comes good wine, and enemies come with star maps ... "

The blind woman didn't say a word. In the end, she lowered her head silently, as if digesting the news.

Although she already knew the operation mode of "Bazer Mech", when Jiang Xun made it clear, such ability still made the blind girl secretly.

This also makes the blind woman have a little doubt about her choice.

Is Earth really so colorful?


After Meimei had a breakfast, Jiang Shou cleaned the table, and the blind girl quickly left and arrived at the agreed place.

There, doors have long opened.

The blind girl walked out quickly, but she felt Jiang Xiao's excitement.

Blind girl: "What?"

Jiang Xiao kicked the white ghost's body under his kick, and said, "My greenness and patience have been upgraded!"

Hu Wei and Cang Lan had a few boxes of gold-quality white ghost stars, but as a reserve resource, Jiang Xiao did not move.

There are many white ghosts on this land, and you don't need to dig into the old base of your comrades. Although Jiang Xiao doesn't like it, but it is a real gold-quality star bead.

In addition, the most important point is that Jiang Xiao can infuse platinum-quality white ghost star beads, one top ten. With so many white ghosts, Jiang Xiao didn't need to do that.

The blind girl frowned slightly, and her surroundings were completely different from when she entered the Ruins of Wraith yesterday. Obviously, when she was resting, Jiang Xiao had already performed the task by herself!

Talking, Jiang Xiao leaned down and sat up holding the white ghost's body.

Jiang Xiao folded his fingers and put it in front of Bai Gui's broken head ... "Oh!"

Dude, this one's brain falling!


Bai Gui's huge body flew backwards, smashing several trees along the way, sloshing layers of snowflakes, and disappeared into Jiang Xiao's vision.

Normal brass green awns, just a slight knockback effect.

Golden green, the knockback effect is about 8 meters.

The blind girl is pretty sure that the white ghost that disappeared in the dense forest is definitely not the effect that the golden green awn can produce.

Of course, although the white ghost seemed to "disappear", it did not leave the scope of the blind woman's perception.

After all, there were trees blocking and blocking, and the white ghost was bombarded by this one for more than a hundred meters.

Candle Moon · Green Mansions!

Candlemoon · Patience!

Jiang Xiao looked at the star map of excitement excitedly. The text introduction of the two astrology has not changed, but there is no doubt that the effect has been enhanced.

This green mang is afraid that it can hit flying creatures 150 meters away!

Jiang Xiao also had a speculation, but he didn't dare to experiment.

Can the tolerance of the quality of the candle moon be able to carry the "space cutting"?

Would you like to experiment?

I do n’t go to hell, who goes to hell?

I'm afraid the only person in the world who has the patience of candle moon quality?

As he thought about it, Jiang Xiao dropped his shirt and touched himself. At the end, his left hand rubbed his right arm-elbow joint, and stabbed the meat there.

Blind Girl :? ? ?

Due to perennial training, Jiang Xiao's body is very strong and is a very qualified warrior body. I am afraid that the fat can not be found.

Where I can pinch, I am afraid that there is only the piece of meat at the junction of the forearm and forearm. The meat in that part is very magical, and it doesn't hurt to hold it.

Jiang Xiaodao: "Go in, hold me here, I will try how strong my defense is."

Blind Girl: "..."

She hesitated for a moment, silently, or obediently entered the world of evil shadows again, the long fingers pinched the flesh of Jiang Xiao's elbow joint, and squeezed slightly back.

Jiang Xiao carefully closed the portal, but this was a very delicate job, and by accident, Jiang Xiao's half of his arms were lost.

The practical finger experiment is also OK. Jiang Xiao's current quality bell can connect the broken finger, even if it is not connected, it can even grow out of the broken finger, but ... that doesn't hurt ... ...


The door to the space was closed, and Jiang Xiao's elbow was bloody.

"Ha ~" Jiang Xiao issued a weird nasal sound, and the bell that was adjusted to gold in one hand was pressed against his chest, and the **** elbow joint was quickly repaired and cured.

It seems that the quality of the candle moon cannot compete with the "dimensional cutting edge"?

Jiang Xiao opened the door to the world of evil, but saw that the blind woman was holding a piece of flesh and blood and put it in the cuff of the cloak.

Apparently, she was feeding on Haiyi ...

Jiang Xiao said angrily: "You don't waste it?"

The blind girl's blood-stained fingers were wiped from her cuffs, and when she was taken out again, the blood soaked on her fingers was completely melted by the sea eater.

There is a feeling of "finger sucking".

The blind girl's mood didn't fluctuate, and she whispered, "It likes you more than you think."

Speaking, the blind girl shook her empty finger, as if to prove something: You see, it ’s been wiped away ~

"Let's go! It's the fastest time to walk through this land of Beijiang!" During the talk, Jiang Xiao's eyes turned red, but he turned into a tall savage male witch. In front of him, he entered the area of ​​Qicheng, still a weapon Terrain of the library.

The blind woman whispered, "Go."

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