Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1076: Candle month wishes

When Erwei received the news, in the different ball, Jiang Xiao and the blind girl were resting against the big tree.

In the sky, there was a drizzle of rain. In such a cold environment, the conditions were hard and terrible.

The blind woman leaned against the big tree and silently felt the anomaly that happened to Jiang Xiao.

Finally, Jiang Xiao traveled all over the Beijiang land and searched for 1,000 white ghost star beads.

This is still in the situation where Jiang Xiao keeps his hands. You know, at this moment, in the world of Jiang Xiao's disaster, on the land of Beijiang, there are thousands of white ghosts.

It seems that there are a lot of them, but they are "tinders". Although the Xinglin team has left most of the area around Jiangbin City and did not go to search, but always avoid accidents, Jiang Xiaoke does not want the white ghosts to die Genocide.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Xiao's discovery that he was about to leave Beijiang, the last dozen or so white ghost witches in this area would also be thrown into the world of misfortune by Jiang Xiao.

After going out of the Beijiang River, snowy creatures existed in Zhongji and Liaodong, but they were very rare.

Jiang Xiao absorbed the last White Ghost Witch Star Bead, and there was exciting news in the star map!

"Blessing to upgrade! Candle Moon Quality!"

"Bait Upgrade! Candle Moon Quality!"

"Oh ..." Jiang Xiao exhaled a hint of white mist. He reached out and rubbed his cold and slippery face, and also looked at the introduction of Xingji.

The introduction of candle moon and blessing has not changed?

Jiang Xiao frowned slightly. He stretched out his hands, palms up, and for a while, a white light lit up on the palms.

The white beam of light straight into the sky, the bright white light directly tore the dark clouds!

Just above the head, the turbulent dark sea of ​​clouds was quickly stained by the white light. Such an amazing vision, unfortunately, the blind girl could not observe with the naked eye.

Slowly, the light rain was mixed with bright light rain, and a little bit of bright light fell like lines, contaminating people, nourishing people's hearts.

"Hmm ..." The blind girl uttered an intoxicating moan, a lazy appearance, in such a cold environment, she felt warm all over her body.

"It's amazing." The blind woman said softly, the voice was still faint, but she added a little laziness.

This flamboyant woman finally felt a touch of humanity between her words.

Jiang Xiao looked up at the Ying Baiguang pillar and said, "In the previous quality, this is already possible, after promotion ..."

Jiang Xiao's heart moved, and under the deliberate control, I saw that the pillar of white light that rushed into the sky quickly shrank!

In a blink of an eye, the sea of ​​clouds that was soaked by the pillar of light changed back to the color of dark clouds.

And the beam of light in Jiang Xiao's hands is getting shorter and shorter, and it keeps falling from the sky. Eventually, they reached a position of several tens of centimeters above the heads of the two.

Jiang Xiao is a little bit sloppy, that is, he knows that he has a beam of blessing in his hands, but if he changes to someone else, he may think that Jiang Xiao has a lightsaber in his hands!

With the beam of light in Jiang Xiao's hand being only about one meter, at the top of that beam of light, the layers of white brilliance were like a faint cloud and mist.


Jiang Xiao seems to be holding a special umbrella, and this umbrella does not cover the rain at all.

On top of his head, the white clouds spread out, pouring light rain and falling on top of his head and shoulders, warming his body and nourishing his mind.

Controllable range?

Highly controllable?

From the previous large-scale, group star technology, to the current single star technology?

From the edgeless and wild blessing cloud of cloud, has become a small cloud of blessing?

When Jiang Xiao moved in his heart, the beam of light in his hand was one meter high, and the white clouds and mist that spread out also expanded and enveloped them.

In the rain of blessings, the vitality of the two men and one clothing slowly rose.

No disease, no spit, no noise.

But it seems ... doesn't fit the temperament of the poisoned milk king?

Jiang Xiao experienced something carefully, and suddenly his face became strange.

The blind girl keenly sensed that Jiang Xiao's expression was wrong, and said, "What's wrong?"

However, Jiang Xiao was very hard-hearted. The beam of light in his hand suddenly became thick, and the length and thickness had not changed. However, the output rate of the blessing gloss was growing crazy!

The thin clouds over the two men's heads immediately swelled.

A little bit of starry rain gradually evolved into heavy rain, heavy rain, until pouring!

Seeing that something was wrong, the blind woman hurried to the rear.

In the rain of light and small blessings, like a torrent of waterfalls, among the waterfalls, no accident, a strange throat sound of Jiang Xiao came ...

The blind girl stood silently in the distance of the waterfall. When the "blessing of the small waterfall" disappeared, Jiang Xiao was already "lying dead" in front of her ...

Blind Girl: "..."

She really appreciated Jiang Xiao's experimental spirit, waiting for a while, she floated over, kicked Jiang Xiao's ankle with her foot, and said, "Wake up."

"Uh?" Jiang Xiao was drunk and confused, his face flushed, and he looked at the person in front of him with a look of confusion, as if his head was still in a crash, and his mouth sighed softly, "Wow ... .. He is still blind? "

Blind Girl :? ? ?

The blind girl is not sure whether Jiang Xiao was fainted by his own blessings or whether she was just talking on the lips.

I saw the blind woman's palms protruded from the spacious cloak, and a little bit of star power was put together to form a long whip of soul.

The blind girl didn't beat, but just stunned, and put the illusive soul whip on Jiang Xiao's chest.

After a few seconds, the faint Jiang Xiao finally had a slight movement. He woke up suddenly, one rolled over, stood up, looked at the blind girl with an uncomfortable look, and said, "What are you doing?"

The blind girl frowned slightly, which was enough to make people tremble with "spirit of the soul". The fourth-level star from Dameng finally gave Jiang Xiao some normal reactions.

It can be seen that, just now, he was not deliberately talking, but in a confused way, he unconsciously said what he thought.

Otherwise, he would not have had such a reaction after being eroded by the whip for a few seconds.

The "side effect" of this blessing is indeed very strong. It takes a few seconds for the soul to slap this high-quality star-stunning star technique, and it will be able to break the blessed power.

It is particularly worth noting that the soul lashes out at the star technique and breaks down the blessed "Yu Wei".

If Jiang Xiao has been holding this "umbrella" that blesses the light rain, is it even immune to soul damage! ?

"You put my whip away, Ang! My sister hasn't smoked it ... um ..." Jiang Xiao got stuck, Xiaojiang Xue seems to have really drawn it, she has the torch and whip star technique, and was also in Before Jiang Xiao had the teleport, he used the torch and fire whip more than once to help Jiang Xiao escape.

The blind girl's hands were loose, and the soul's whip fell on the wet ice and snow ground, shattered into a few stars, and dissipated in the air.

If, he is not a flower in his mouth, but a sigh from his heart ...

So is he such an image in his heart?

Well, I can accept it ...

The blind woman thought secretly, drifted a few meters backward, shifted the topic, and said, "What about bait?"

Jiang Xiao did understand, she should be awakening him in this way.

But in this form, Jiang Xiao was unwilling to accept it, and muttered in his mouth, "Just this time, Ang! Not an example! I don't want to lose face?

I fell asleep when I fell asleep, and you stayed beside me. Don't you know how tired the Captain is? "

"OK." The blind girl nodded slightly.

Suddenly well-behaved, Jiang Xiao was very puzzled. The girl's conscience found out?

Jiang Xiao shook his head, discarded the messy thoughts, and looked into the star map again.

Although the introduction of Candle Moon and Blessing has not changed, the change of Candle Moon and Bait is clearly visible, and it makes Jiang Xiaoxin bloom!

"Candle Moon · Bait: Make a bait. (3/6)"

I drip mom yeah ~

Really three extra baits! ?

The previous candle moon and ground light gave Jiang Xiao three more star maps that can be made!

Six bait with six star map! ?

Jiang Xiao's heart is excited!

For the time being, let's not talk about the star combination that these three baits finally match, but the least. With one more bait, Jiang Xiao can have another person who can manipulate the "Mecha"!

This is a profitable business, Jiang Xiao only needs to summon the decoy of the soul eater star map!

The bait has only 9 star slots, the probability of success in absorbing star skills is very low, and the quality of star skills cannot be upgraded.

Nine-star bait, of course, is not as strong as 28, 9-star trough Baze, Marda, fairy flower leader Cui Keli.

Just a bait to control a mech, it's worth it!

What's more, at this time Jiang Xiao had already grasped the knack for controlling mechs.

The bait is no longer the same as before, it must lie down, sit down, and control the mech with all its heart.

Just like Jiang Shou now, while controlling Baze, Jiang Shou can also act normally.

Living examples are right in front of him. Jiang Shou builds tree houses for white birch forests, cleans stone villas every day, and makes dishes for everyone. This is a piece of cake.

Except for being unable to support a very "hard-core" two-line battle, Jiang Shou is in a state of "freedom of movement".

Of course, the so-called "unsupportable" is technically unsupportable. If you really want two-line operation and two-line combat, you can fight if you break out.

Jiang Shou and Baze can also participate in the war at the same time, but the result ... well, it will not be very good, and one party may "hang up" at any time.

The relationship between the ontology and the bait is that it has multiple bodies and multi-core brains, which have the same senses but are relatively independent. They have the ability to think and fight independently.

The relationship between the bait star map and the puppet mech is a pure manipulation relationship, which is much more difficult than "left and right".

Moreover, it is more difficult to control the living human mechs than it is to control other astral avatars, such as Marda's three water bodies.

When Jiang Shou was fighting with Marda's body, he could easily control his three hydration bodies and let four Mardas fight together, seamlessly connecting.

Although the external form behaves the same and controls the body, the essence is different.

Marda's water body is her own astral skill, and she controls her water body.

While Jiang Shou controlled Baze, he turned the stars into military forces, and controlled the body of others. This technique is more advanced, more complex, and more difficult to distract users.

There are qualitative gaps between the two identical external manifestations.

This time, the extra bait can be regarded as liberating Jiang Shou.

In this way, one person and one mech are ensured, increasing the chance of survival, liberating the stronger Star Warriors and joining the Star Pro team.

The bait can also defend one side in the world of misfortune. Among the more and more star and beast forces such as the white birch forest, the ancient pagoda, the ice praying forest, etc., as Jiang Xiao, start a class or manage the tribe to increase their Prestige.

Do it in one fell swoop!

"Yeah ~" Jiang Xiao gets happier the more he thinks about it, one day, if he has the bodies of the six starred members ...

Then Jiang Tu, Jiang Xun, and so on, have been staying in the world of woe, to be the six city masters and maintain stability.

Jiang Xiao took six destroying mechs, all around the world.

Playing on a rainy day: Is n’t it idle to be idle?

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