Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1078: Candlemoon, battle, bell!

Facts have proven that Jiang Xiao thinks again.

After throwing the lava ghosts found by the Buzz Whale team into the world of evil, Jiang Xiao was also in the process, and finally improved the bell and the printing to the quality of the candle moon.

Lava ghost witch is a platinum creature, a level higher than white ghost witch, so Jiang Xiao can easily upgrade to star quality.

There is still a huge gap between the demand for 100 pieces and the demand for 1,000 pieces.

Jiang Xiao already knows the effectiveness of the Star Bell, so he is afraid to open the Bell in the crowd.

Jiang Xiao turned into a lava ghost witch, after receiving the army of lava ghosts, he also walked into the world of evil, and then ... he secretly picked up the two lava ghosts and left!

Thieves thrill!

Both lava ghosts are stunned!

The little demon's face was full of great doubts.

Boss, what are you doing?

"Yeah?" Lava ghost struggled twice, but couldn't break away from Jiang Guiwu's huge claw, and it gave up resistance.

In fact, lava ghosts are not too afraid to really struggle, what if they annoy the big brother?

Jiang Guiwu struck the tiny head of Lava Ghost, flickered into the forest, and threw them to the ground.

"Yeah?" One of the lava ghosts made a weird cry, leaning his head up hard and looking curiously at the giant in front of him ...

Although lava ghosts are expensive creatures in the golden segment, they are only 1.2 meters tall.

Ugly and ugly ~

In the case of racial suppression, the two lava ghosts shivered. I don't know why the boss called himself to the grove alone. They stood uneasily and shivered.

One of the lava ghosts looked like he wanted to run but did not dare to run, while the other one chose to step forward. The dark red devil's face showed a charming color, but was Jiang Guiwu stumbled to the ground.

"Well ..." Jiang Guiwu's weird smile was indeed the ghost and witch.

The lava ghost sat in the snow, got up, rubbed his buttocks, and the next moment, his tiny eyes stared at the boss!

"Bell ~" only one bell rang, and the white medical light wave hung on the lava ghost. Under the guidance of Jiang Guiwu's "print", the medical light wave quickly connected to the other lava ghost.

The medical light that was supposed to ring, just rang twice.

The picture at this time was a bit weird. On the huge claw of Jiang Guiwu, a bell was released and connected to one of the lava ghosts, and the line of the bell on the lava ghost was also connected to the body of another companion.

But at this point, due to Jiang Guiwu's printing guidelines, the bell didn't turn around and rushed to Jiang Xiao.

"Candle Moon · Bell Bell: Continuously releases medical light, heals targets, and can connect multiple targets. When using astral technology, a lot of star power is continuously consumed, and the body cannot move."

There was a curious look in Jiang Guiwu's eyes.

There is no change in the introduction of Xingji, and there seems to be no change in the expression of Xingji?

"His ... His ..."

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Jiang Guiwu was thinking, and saw two lava ghosts pacing up and down restlessly, jumping up and down, waving his arms excitedly, the little devil's face was full of battle **!

Jiang Guiwu was startled, what happened?

Star · Requiem · Bell ... have evolved into Candle Moon · Battle · Bell?

The two little guys seemed to be okay. Jiang Guiwu thought about it and stamped himself with a "Cheng" mark.

Within a short time, the medical light on the lava ghost rushed towards Jiang Guiwu.

And Jiang Guiwu quickly put away the bell, to ensure that he was minimized by the influence of the bell's lines.

"Bell ~"

The crisp and melodious bell rang again, and Jiang Guiwu felt only a burst of blood!

That's an exciting voice!

Even the thrilling Charge!

"Heh ... heh ..." Jiang Guiwu's heart beating fiercely, gasping in his mouth, and under the influence of Zhong Ling, the fighting spirit sprang up, and the huge body was so excited. And shivering.

With such exhilarating and exhilarating emotions, Jiang Ghost Witch seems to have fully integrated into the biological habit of Lava Ghost Witch, even surprisingly dancing a strange dance.

The two lava ghosts reacted very quickly, both of them are golden-level creatures. Those qualities are above the standard line. They cater to the big guys and start to jump left to jump right ...


"Hey! Ah!" Two lava ghosts danced around Jiang Guiwu, jumping up and down, shouting while jumping.

They seem to be saying a word repeatedly: Big brother, say! Who are we going to chop?

Oh demon!

No, this is the demon bell!

Obviously it is a star technique for healing the body. As the effect of interfering with emotions continues to increase, it has turned into an emotional star technique!

Gu Shi'an's roaring star technique can make people clear eyes!

Wu Haoyang's trenches star skills can make people furious!

And Jiang Xiao's bell at this time has the same magic!

The star bell can make people calm and calm to the extreme, but the candle moon bell can be inspiring, exciting and full of blood!

A good cure for star skills, Jiang Xiaosheng was played into auxiliary roaring skills by Jiang Xiao ...

Oh, a bell can fight both fights, what do they want?

Sure enough, my poisoned milk king is to have the effect of supporting the whole department and let all other professions be laid off!

The only drawback is that whether it is a star bell or a candle moon bell, there is only one line, and it cannot be forked, so it takes a long time to connect a large number of targets.

In addition, during the use of star technology, Jiang Xiao could not move yet and needed to continuously transmit the bell light in his hand, otherwise the star technology would be broken.

Two lava ghosts are thinking about cutting people with "Big Brother", but Jiang Xiao is thinking about tearing down the two lava ghosts singing and dancing beside him ...

Jiang Guiwu resisted the impulse, left with a flash, opened the door to space, and quickly walked out of the world of evil.

As soon as he came out, Jiang Guiwu heard the huge whale moan of the buzzing whale!

"Om !!!"

Even the prison dragon, which has always been very good with the buzzing whale, does not entangle its body, but looks at the buzzing whale that suddenly goes mad ...

what's going on?

Why is such a gentle big fish suddenly mad, this voice is obviously "looking for something"!

It's like provoking all the creatures on this land!

Seeing this scene, the prisoner's heart was a little tangled.

Although ... well, we are strong, but ...

The prisoner always felt that the shamans were more comfortable. Taking the initiative to fight the war and fight for thousands of troops was not in line with its "Dragon Creed", let alone its fighting style!

Jiang Guiwu looked up, and saw the buzzing whale floating slowly in the night sky, constantly rolling his body and making a sound of a penetrating whale!

Spiritually connected, it seems ... Jiang Xiao's mood is also infected by the buzzing whale?

In this case, did the Buzzing Whale suddenly feel astonished when experimenting with the star bell?

But it has always been gentle and gentle, so it was not found by Jiang Xiao's bait?

Jiang Guiwu's big hand stretched out, and a platinum bell with lowered quality was pressed against his chest.

He looked up and looked up, and sure enough ... the humming whale's provocative voice came to an abrupt end, and the huge body that was constantly tumbling gradually gradually stabilized.

Prison Dragon opened his huge eyes and looked at the buzzing whale curiously, before swimming.

From the heart-shaped whale tail to the giant whale's head, coiled round and round, in the end, the giant dragon eye and giant whale eye met together, and the sight of a dragon and a whale was intertwined.

"嗷 ~" Prison Dragon made a weak voice, with a hint of concern, and seemed to be asking: Are you 咋?

"Om ..." The humming whale responded with a voice, the voice was empty, the tone from high to low, it seemed to be comforting the prison dragon.

Jiang Guiwu also smiled, a starry prisoner, treated the diamond fish so carefully!

Long Cave's face has made you lose everything!

Hmm ... but this aspect proves that the relationship between the dragon and the humming whale is very good.

This thing is like a husband and wife, why ca n’t you be afraid? It ’s all because of love ...

Thinking of this, Jiang Guiwu's demon face becomes a little weird. If the dragon and the whale are together for a long time, will it give birth ...

New Species · Whalefish?

Well, no, the dragon and buzzing whale are both male ...

Forget it, hey ...

Jiang Guiwu sighed, this matchmaker was used to it, and saw the dragon and the whale trying to make a match.

"Om!" A dissatisfied whale moan came from the humming whale in the night sky.

Jiang Guiwu was startled, and then he remembered that he was connected with the spirit of the humming whale! His thoughts just passed to the Humming Whale.

"Well! I'm wrong! Obediently ~ not angry ~" Jiang Guiwu flickered and disappeared in a hurry. The gesture, which is called a rattle rat, can't be overstated.

But ... he ran to the ends of the earth, and the spirit of one person and one whale was also connected, so ...

So the blind girl found Jiang Guiwu who suddenly appeared beside him, and heard the muttering whispering in his mouth: "Sorry, sorry, it was my fault, misunderstanding, hey, misunderstanding ..."

For more than ten days, the blind girl has got antibodies, and Jiang Xiao will not be surprised by any weird events.

But at this time, Jiang Xiao actually apologized to the air, which really made the blind girl a little confused.

Is this kid in trouble again?

Is this a mess? In a white forest and snowy field, all creatures have been thrown into the world of evil, who does he apologize to?

It took a while for Jiang Guiwu to complete his apology and he transformed into a human form.

He turned his head and looked at the blind girl, and said, "Move into Fuyu! Within five days, we cleared Zhongji! How about it? Are you confident?"

The blind girl nodded, and said, "Don't go to bed these days, but shorten your time to three days."

Unexpectedly, Biting Haiyi was unhappy, and the two collars clasped her hands and quickly covered the blind woman's mouth.

Nima! You are at ease, wrapped around me and moving forward! The wind can't blow, the rain can't catch, and I don't even have to move, what about me?

You are going to "fly" to death me!

Who's not a baby yet?

I am indeed a big diamond, but you can't hurt me like this?

No matter how indifferent the blind girl is, she cannot afford to be covered.

She stretched out her finger and pulled down slightly on the collar of the sea-biting coat, and said to Jiang Xiao, "Jiang Xiao, if you dare to cover my mouth again, I will ... 唔唔..... "

The voice did not fall, not only did she cover her mouth again, but she could see that she was very powerful and even took her body back a mile away ...

Jiang Xiao was startled, and hurried forward: "Stop my little ancestor, this kind of person can't mess with me, let go of my hand ..."

During the conversation, a message came from the star map:

"Black and White Candle Soul Upgrade! Diamond Rank lv.4!"

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

This action ... has such an effect? Should I also cover it ...


Three more 12, 17, 20

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